So we're travelling in December, me, my husband and two young kids. Last year we relied heavily on parent swap as my children are only 2 and 4. This year my physical condition had changed, I have two chronic illnesses and the severe arthritis makes it harder to walk or stand for long periods of time. Someone suggested taking my blue badge to the office to get a Priority Pass. But this may help me with shorter queuing time, but with two young kids my husband can't accompany me on all the rides as one of us has to stay with the kids where parent swap applies. Is it a case of - on rides for the whole family we use the Priority Pass, but on rides such as Space Mountain we do normal single rider queue for my husband then I swap with him at the exit? Any advice welcome.
I have almost the same situation, although our kids are 5 and 11, which means the one wants to go on Indiana Jones and Rock 'n Roller Coaster and the other one does too but isn't allowed yet :)
What works for me and almost every cast member is using the disabled-access with my daughter and when it's our turn I aks the CM if my wife (who waits with our son) can do the baby-switch when I get out.
She then can enter through the disabled-access without waiting.
Thank you for your reply, I'll give that a go. I really want to make things better for them as I fee like such a burden and I know I'll be slowing us down a lot this year!