DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: andya on August 11, 2017, 07:04:45 PM

Title: Height help
Post by: andya on August 11, 2017, 07:04:45 PM
Hi all,

We travel on Thursday morning to DLP with our 2 children (4&5).

My daughter is fine at 117cm however my son is just big enough for rides like BTM and star tours at 103cm

Does anyone have any experience of people who are just big enough? Whilst he is tall enough I'm concerned he may get refused as a precaution.

Thank for any help.
Title: Re: Height help
Post by: Dolph7800 on August 11, 2017, 07:26:15 PM
I'm in a similar predicament as our 4 year old is just about tall enough for Btm. The concern I have is with him going on with me, the bar only reaching to my man size gut and leaving him a bit open to a bit too much movement.
Title: Re: Height help
Post by: NCC1701Q on August 12, 2017, 02:08:47 PM
If your son is tall enough, he can ride BTM and ST. They will not refuse him if he meets the height requirement.
Be prepared though that the measuring stick at DLP might be a bit higher than at home (I guess that is done as a precaution).

I have the same with our 5 year old son: he is tall enough for BTM but when he rides with me he has a lot room to move around (or, in his case, turn around to ride backwards, stand up, slide on his seat back and forth or jump ut at the picture-moment :)). That's inevitable with double seats using the same security bar.
On Star Tours everyone has their own seatbelt so no problem there.
Title: Re: Height help
Post by: Leosawesomedad on August 12, 2017, 02:23:05 PM
We just got back from our first trip, my son is nearly 6 and 116cm tall so BTM was no issue but couldn't do Space Mountain. Out of curiosity I did measure him on the SM height stick and he seemed much further from it than I knew him to actually be so I'm guessing their sticks are slightly on the high side.

BTM isn't a particularly intense coaster, even sat at the very back which is the most intense seat of any coaster and you barely move in your seat. The seats have high sides which is all it needs for the corners, It's fast in a straight line but you don't need much restraint for that, don't worry too much about it,  it's a great ride!

Can't comment on SM but with a loop on that one there is more need for restraints and height restrictions to make those restraints work.

Now if Star Tours didn't have seat belts there would be people all over the place! I've seen bags slide all over the place in there.
Title: Re: Height help
Post by: rocker on August 12, 2017, 05:09:39 PM
Well check all your son's shoes & have him wear those with the thickest soles.  An extra pair of thick socks worn, will also get you an extra millimetre or two.  This worked for me when my daughter was just at the height limit. 

They are super strict with height, you either reach the height bar or not...no negotiation, so worth ensuring you're not disappointed.