Hi all, advice please. First trip to DLP.
Looking at either of these as options, but wondered what are the differences, is CC worth the extra £200+ over the GF rooms? I like the idea of the extra perks you get for both but considering the amount of time you'd spend in your room is NBC that much better for the extra ££?? They seem about the same distance from the parks and both refurbed recently, just wondering what people's feelings are?
Thanks :)
Anyone, any advice please?
Personally I don't think it makes much difference. If you're staying in winter I think SL is much nicer, fitting the season well.
I'm sure others would have a different opinion - it's more a matter of personal preference than anything.
As above.
Love both but definitely SLGF for winter months.
Thank you both for your replies. It's early/mid March were looking at. So usually pretty chilly still