Hello everyone!
Hope you've all had a good weekend! I've been to Disney quite a few times but have never ever plucked up the courage to go on SM. I managed my first upside down ride last year (Indiana Jones haha). Can anyone confirm does Space Mountain go upside down? cork screws? etc...
I really want to try it this year but after youtubing lights on space mountain - I am none the wiser haha
It's really a very dark ride and I managed to not even notice that there was a looping somewhere in there. The visuals were amazing and a total distraction as to what the ride was doing, haha.
I haven't been in the Space Mountain, or whatever it is called now, after the refurbishment, so I'm not sure how I would feel about the loopings and all that now. I mean; I like loopings, but as I didn't really notice the first time, I don't know how that'd be after refurb.
It does loop and has a couple of corkscrews.
Tbh I would go on Rock n Roller before SM. They're VERY similar rides but the former is still smoother even after SM's refurbs. Try RnR first and if you're okay with that SM will be a doddle!
I actually found hyperspace mountain better than rnr. There was one moment when I thought @i'm upside down' lol but you can't see it coming and it's overso fast it barely registers. Even my 6 yr old loved it so if you can manage Indiana I think you'll be fine, and the effects are awesome
The upside-down element of (Hyper)space Mountain is very tame compared to Indy, so I reckon you'll love it!
Plus the loop happens almost directly at the beginning of the ride, so you'll have the "worst" part behind you faster than lightspeed
You're in the dark and it happens so fast it'll be over before you know it. The launch is much crazier and oh so awesome ;D
Thank you everyone! Made me feel 100x more confident about going on it - only a few months to go haha