Hi Folks! Once again looking for some assistance from you guys who are far more knowledgeable than me when it comes to all things Disney. We have recently booked our next trip for the DLP Half Marathon (yes we managed to negotiate the debacle of bib release!) and I am doing that pre trip planning thing to help get in the zone ;) anyhow I have been looking at the Jedi Training Academy for my 7 year old who is now of age to participate and note that the information says it is open between July and September 3rd. Will it open again in time for our trip on 21st September? If not I'll have one very disappointed boy. X
Never say never but I wouldn't bank on it - it's the sort of thing they normally only run during peak season.
Hi, does anyone know if you have to prove your child's age in order to do the Jedi training?
My son is 6 and a half but would love to take part, would he be able to do this or do they ask a lot of questions ?