Hi guys, so I have another question... I am really sorry to bombard you. I knew I would be a nightmare!
So, I have been watching some vlogs of dlp on youtube, and a lot of people seem to have invested in a lanyard, and a small clear wallet that you can attach to the lanyard.
Have any of you ever used one of these, and do you think they are worth it/ We are buying Annual Passes, so just thought it might be a good way of storing them and easily accessible, especially if we go in and out of shops, and use the pass for discounts? :)
We always use a lanyard and a little ziplock clear pocket that hangs from it. We use it to store our park tickets, fast passes, meal vouchers etc. It certainly makes things easier because you're not having to go in and out of your bag constantly.
The ones you buy from the park are a bit pricey but they are good quality. I make my own because I have a different lanyard to match each of my different Disney ears but I'm a geek like that. Hahaa! If you don't want to pay Disney park prices then look on eBay, there's lots of Disney lanyards for sale on there for way less.
We tried using lanyards, but found they just got in the way.
We have our APs in a small card holder, that we also use for our photopass, fastpasses and shareholders cards. We all stick together, so find its easier to use than lanyards.
I have tried using lanyards too, but used to have my trading pins on it as well as the plastic pouch for my park ticket and fast passes but I stopped using it. It just used to annoy me, and with the pins it was heavy after a few hours. I now keep my trading pins in a ziplock sandwich bag in my pocket. I put the plastic pouch on one of those retractable wire thingys like the CMs have. This I attach either to my belt or to my handbag. That way its to hand and I dont have to waste time digging in my bag and I know I wont loose it.
Yeah, I forgot to mention pins. I do pin trade but all I keep in the pouch (along with my tickets etc) is the next pin I'm willing to trade. I don't wear pins on my lanyard as it makes them heavy and I'm also scared to lose my pins.
I don't find my lanyard gets in the way at all but everybody has their own experiences. Maybe just buy a cheap one or use an existing lanyard (or borrow one from someone - most people have a lanyard knocking around the house somewhere these days) and see how you get on with it first? Then if you get on with it you can purchase a Disney one while you're there.
I just use a bum-bag for all my small items. I keep the tickets, fastpasses, phone, sunglasses, cash etc in it. We are going with kids though so have the pushchair basket to store other items in. The bumbag is good because you can keep it on you on rides. I think I'll be investing in a card wallet for the tickets this year though.