Hi guys,
Can anybody tell me if they've got the popcorn carts out this year? I remember one being just to the right of the castle last time we went. And do they still sell the plastic novelty popcorn holders that you can then get refilled?
Thanks. x
They were out when we dent in July. They do have popcorn holders but seem smaller than previous ones.
Ooh, good, thanks, the popcorn is so nice! My kids still have the ones they got in 2011 and they are quite big. For anybody that remembers them, one is a red tub with a Mickey ears lid and the other is a blue tub with a blue wizard style hat on for the lid. I if they'll be allowed to get refills in them?
Is the popcorn still a sweet one? I can't eat the salted kind!
I hope so! I don't like salted either.
They did both when we went, I only like sweet.
Thank you.....that's awesome. Hated it in WDW when you can smell the popcorn but can only get salted!
I was in DLP 2 weeks ago and saw a fair few popcorn carts open around the place :)