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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: jayney69 on March 22, 2016, 09:59:12 AM

Title: Security at the moment
Post by: jayney69 on March 22, 2016, 09:59:12 AM
With the new attacks in Brussels this morning I'm just wondering what security is like at DLP at the moment.  We go on 4 April, staying at the New York for 4 nights.  We were there last April and there was not a huge amount of security on show, just a scanner for large bags as we went from Newport Bay into Disney Village.

We will obviously be going, I worked in London in the years of the IRA bombings so very little panics me, but just wanted to get it clear in my head.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: NCC1701Q on March 22, 2016, 10:30:53 AM
As far as I'm aware (I'm sure they are also security measures in place that are not so obvious), this is what's it like now:
- cars are checked before they enter the carparks at the hotels;
- visitors are checked at the "regular" security booths, you have to open your coat and spread your arms so any bombbelts can be detected, all bags go through the scanners and then there is security personnel with handheld metal detectors that check visitors (although I have the impression they mostly check men, not women).

In the parks there is also security present, as we noticed during our last visit when we thought our babybuggy was stolen - however the backpack we left in it was causing some concern so the whole thing was moved to City Hall were we picked it up (with a lecture from the CM about security as an added bonus) - mea culpa!  :D
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: jayney69 on March 22, 2016, 10:38:40 AM
Thanks NCC1701Q, that helps a lot :)
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: moopmoop93 on March 22, 2016, 10:57:18 AM
We got back yesterday. If staying in a Disney hotel, they check baggage on arrival, we stayed at sequoia lodge and there was a security man on the main door to the reception at all times  who had a handheld scanner and checked every new arrival coming into the hotel with it. At the check point, next to cafe mickey, all bags were checked on conveyor belts, everyone had to open their coats (not just men) and on 3 out of the 6 days we were there they stopped everyone of our group and scanned us all with those handheld detectors (we were 2 male adults and 3 female adults). When coming in from the train station, they had full metal scanners like you get at airports and the Eurostar check in at London. Security is quite tight, but it certainly makes you feel a lot safer!!
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: MickeyAteMyCap on March 22, 2016, 10:59:25 AM
Quote from: NCC1701Q on March 22, 2016, 10:30:53 AM
As far as I'm aware (I'm sure they are also security measures in place that are not so obvious), this is what's it like now:
- cars are checked before they enter the carparks at the hotels;
- visitors are checked at the "regular" security booths, you have to open your coat and spread your arms so any bombbelts can be detected, all bags go through the scanners and then there is security personnel with handheld metal detectors that check visitors (although I have the impression they mostly check men, not women).

In the parks there is also security present, as we noticed during our last visit when we thought our babybuggy was stolen - however the backpack we left in it was causing some concern so the whole thing was moved to City Hall were we picked it up (with a lecture from the CM about security as an added bonus) - mea culpa!  :D
It's crazy that they have to have extra security now at a theme park that's supposed to be a magical land of fantasy. Too many sick-minded terrorists who would probably get a kick out of blowing up Disneyland and killing a load of innocent families with young children. Why can't we all just get along?
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: stifle on March 22, 2016, 01:25:13 PM
Unfortunately there are those who hate freedom, who hate those unlike them, and who hate the fact that the world keeps turning and people don't bend to their wills.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: nathalie on March 22, 2016, 01:53:57 PM
I can tell you, you probably get a better check trying to get into DLRP, then getting into Brussel Airport.

Brussels has been in fase 3 (fase 4 is highest security risk which is right now) ever since, and no decent checks at the entrance?
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Keandra on March 22, 2016, 07:04:25 PM
Pls explain to me how you would controle thousands of passengers going into an airport entrance hall.
The security starts just behind that spot.

If you go to disneyland, and stay in a Disney hotel you're car and Luggage is controlled.
You can't do the same at an airport or on a metrotrain.

I work in Brussels, and at the hospital i work, they try very hard to help everyone.
It seems you have never seen such things, or don't know what it is when things like that happen in the city you live in.

We're going to the New-York hotel to on the 5th of april.
We'll feel safe there.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: littlebitofpixiedust on March 22, 2016, 07:17:08 PM
We were there In December and February after the Paris attack and as stated above there doing all they can to protect visitors, the attack in Brussels is another extremely sad event... I only wish these people didn't exist. But they do!

I am a woman and my little lad is in a wheelchair and we both had to open our coats everyday, so I'd assume they're doing this to everyone they'd even ran a metal detector over me. DLP have in my eyes coped very well considering the circumstances. I even emailed them regarding this, and pointed out that it didn't in anyway take away the magic of the parks  :) once your inside the park the magic is still very much alive and the few minuites extra wait for the security measures is welcomed by myself and many. Of course there will be people complaining if they are waiting to long but it needs to be done. I'm sure you'll feel safe and have a brilliant time! DLP attracts thousands of visitors so of course they have to be extra careful because it's obviously a possibility there could be an attack but as long as they keep up with the security measures (I'm sure they will!) I really wouldn't worry, have a fabulous time! The hotel New York is lovely too!
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Samninetysix on March 22, 2016, 07:27:28 PM
We just got back at the end of last week, the extra security is evident and inludes sniffer dogs. First time we've been and not seen any army patrols though but the security tents have increased everywhere and as previously stated, coats have to be opened and they are using hand held body scanners.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Zee79 on March 22, 2016, 07:46:33 PM
I'm glad there is such a high level of security. I know it can be a pain but taking those extra few minutes is worth it. I'm a little nervous though at the moment as my daughter is travelling to Paris tonight so I'm on edge. I know she'll be safe in DLP but it's the other places. I'm trying not to spoil it for her because she is so excited, this trip was postponed from December because of the attacks.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: simbamad on March 22, 2016, 09:05:43 PM
Quote from: jayney69 on March 22, 2016, 09:59:12 AM
With the new attacks in Brussels this morning I'm just wondering what security is like at DLP at the moment.  We go on 4 April, staying at the New York for 4 nights.  We were there last April and there was not a huge amount of security on show, just a scanner for large bags as we went from Newport Bay into Disney Village.

We will obviously be going, I worked in London in the years of the IRA bombings so very little panics me, but just wanted to get it clear in my head.

I go on 4th April too, up until today I was really looking forward to getting away but now Im feeling really anxious. We are flying and then getting the TGV train from the airport. I know that security its going to be very tight but it still makes me nervous.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Slimy yet satisfying on March 23, 2016, 12:25:48 AM
Throw in some french strikes over Easter and it just makes even more to worry about.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: seraphelle on March 23, 2016, 12:38:39 PM
Please do not worry.

I know this is easier said than done, but I was there at the time of the attacks last November, and honestly, I felt safe. The Cast Members were completely on the ball, the security was amazing (even the stuff you don't notice unless you look for it like plain clothes security in reception areas).

It felt completely safe. xx
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: jayney69 on March 23, 2016, 02:10:45 PM
Thanks everyone, it sounds like they're completely on top of everything.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: NHDisneylover on March 23, 2016, 07:08:49 PM
We ahve been here since Sunday:  generally what NCC1701Q (no bloody A, B, C, or D????) said is correct.

We did notice, and comment to ourselves today, that there is more uniformed security personnel out and about today and that there were several with dogs both in the parks (we saw one in each park) and in the "between" area (saw 2 in the area between parks and top of Disney Village).  We are staying onsite and walking so do not know how much might have been added near the RER station.

It really is not slowing anythign down--but I do get the impression they are keeping a close eye out -- especially with all the dogs.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Sugaroo_ on July 19, 2016, 10:34:33 AM
Hello all. I'm bringing this topic back up as I am just sick with all that is going on at the moment. First the bombing in Ataturk Airport and now the attack in Nice. What is the world coming to? I had heard that France was preparing to lower its security risk status, but after the Nice attack it's a no go. For all that have been to the parks recently, are the security measures still tight with the metal detectors, dogs and what not?
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: MattR on July 19, 2016, 11:16:03 AM
We also had an axe attack in Germany today with some 17 year old trying to kill people in a train.

I think they risk of an attack in France (and Belgium) is defintley much higher than in every other european country but I donĀ“t think this will change if you wait a year or two.

The safest Disneylands can probably be found in Asia at the moment.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: msRavenswood on July 19, 2016, 11:58:48 AM
Security is very tight at DLP and they are actually hiring more security staff at the moment.
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: daddyof2 on July 19, 2016, 07:35:22 PM
As there was a shooting within an hours drive from my house today, I still believe DLP is as safe as anywhere
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Sugaroo_ on July 20, 2016, 12:32:32 PM
I too feel Disneyland is safe. As it is an organised area with security I find it less risky than any other public area where anything & everything can happen. But on this trip it won't be just the 2 of us. We will be travelling with our daughter for the first time which makes me more concerned. The security measures described in the previous responses sound very thorough, I hope they're still in place!
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: stormflm595 on July 20, 2016, 02:39:28 PM
Quote from: Sugaroo_ on July 20, 2016, 12:32:32 PM
I too feel Disneyland is safe. As it is an organised area with security I find it less risky than any other public area where anything & everything can happen. But on this trip it won't be just the 2 of us. We will be travelling with our daughter for the first time which makes me more concerned. The security measures described in the previous responses sound very thorough, I hope they're still in place!

I reckon they will be, perhaps even more thorough after the Bastille Day attack :)
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: loupenny on July 20, 2016, 07:01:27 PM
I'm so glad to have read this thread, we've been planning on getting APs for the 25th and already have a hotel booked for feb. 2017 with the aim to do many more trips.

However now I just don't know, with Nice this week and that family getting stabbed in France yesterday I feel like France is not somewhere that I want to be! We've already had a chat about putting the money into the WDW pot and bringing that forward. I know that Orlando and America has certainly had it's problems but France just seems to be going through Hell and with French officials saying that we'll just have to get used to terror attacks in France for a while... who knows?!

Part of me wants to go **** 'em, they don't scare me etc. but if I'm honest I feel like Disney is a shining beacon of Western ideals and consumerism. I really just don't know what to do  :(
Title: Re: Security at the moment
Post by: Sugaroo_ on July 21, 2016, 01:57:12 PM
Quote from: loupenny on July 20, 2016, 07:01:27 PM
Part of me wants to go **** 'em, they don't scare me etc. but if I'm honest I feel like Disney is a shining beacon of Western ideals and consumerism. I really just don't know what to do  :(

I agree. After 9/11 I expected terrorist attacks to be very elaborate and targeted towards locations that represented consumerism, democracy, freedom etc. Now the attacks are not at all elaborate and the locations seem completely random. Night clubs, concert halls, airports, public streets...they symbolise nothing. I feel they are simply targeting large crowds for maximum damage & panic. That's what worries me about DLP, the sheer volume of people there. Not the actual parks, but the public areas outside the parks (RER, Disney Village, the hotels). But as I said before the resort is a controlled area with many check points and I would like to think difficult to infiltrate unnoticed. In my heart of hearts I feel it's safe. But you worry none the less, especially for your children.