Before I launch in to this, I must firstly clarify the point that we have been to DLP during Feb Half Term more times than I can actually remember. It has always been busy (more so at the weekends, as they're always busy). UK schools are always off, some of the French schools are always off, and sometimes maybe German, Spanish, Dutch, etc. might also be off. I get that and it's not a problem.
It's busy. But it's not stupidly busy - queues might be 20-30 mins and, if you do it right, you can mostly catch them between 10-15 mins. Good times.
So, what is going on this week?
Twice since Sunday we have had to queue just to get to the car park entry kiosks (I've genuinely never seen this before, let alone been involved in it), and have had to queue from there all the way into the car park.
I was obviously expecting delays at the security checkpoints to the Parks, and this is as expected (and quite welcome to be honest), but the ride queues are utterly ludicrous! I know that rides such as BTM & Peter Pan are off so their queues are transferred elsewhere, but the Fastpasses have all been claimed by 11:00, and the (very) usual queuing patterns of previous years (yes, they've been the same every single year) have gone out the window. Pirates & Phantom Manor have been 30-40 mins every day, instead of the usual 5-10, and the single rider queue on Ratatouille has been 35 mins most of the week (we never wait more than 5-10 mins here if its really busy!)
There's clearly a reason why a great many more people are here this week than usual and I don't know what it is.
I suspect that it may be some form of national tabloid cheap voucher giveaway or similar, but I've got no idea!
Please somebody tell me and put me out of my misery...!!!
Its half term here in Ireland too, so add the Irish into the mix, lol There has been alot of promo for DLP here over the last few months so maybe more Irish have gone this year when the schools are off?? Im going next week, specifically to avoid the half term madness :)
Quote from: bad-pink-tink on February 16, 2016, 10:31:10 PM
Its half term here in Ireland too, so add the Irish into the mix, lol There has been alot of promo for DLP here over the last few months so maybe more Irish have gone this year when the schools are off?? Im going next week, specifically to avoid the half term madness :)
I'm going next week too, you think we'll avoid the mess? :'(
Quote from: dag1986 on February 17, 2016, 02:48:53 AM
I'm going next week too, you think we'll avoid the mess? :'(
I'm going next week too, but it is the Spanish schools half term as well as the French schools half term so not sure how much of a difference it will make, at least the UK schools will be back at school by then. Hopefully queues wont be too long as its due to rain so dont fancy standing around in the rain for ages! fingers crossed everyone ;)
Fingers crossed indeed...
Like you said, the weather condition for next week doesn't look too good (nevertheless, weather forecast are only considered reliable 24/48h before, I know from experience), but that never stopped me, as I got my super ski jacket and not one drops gets in...
What Concerns me the most is this half-term thing (we don't have anything like that here in Italy ,so that caught me by sad surprise, since usually I'm a very thoroug voyage planner)...but I trust you guys when you say it'll get better next week!
I was there last weekend and I was shocked by the queue for Phantom Manor! Hadn't seen it like that in years. But honestly I think Phantom and POTC are so busy because BTM is closed. Despite the queues we had a lovely time though and I hope you all will too! :D
What's even more strange is that UK half term was split over two weeks i.e. some had last week off and some this which would surely reduce UK visitors...
Hi all, as the one who started this thread, I felt I should relay the excellent news that the parks were back to their usual state of 5 min queues for POTC, Phantom Manor, etc. today.
That's right - normal service has resumed!
No queue into the carpark, no queue through security (that was a surprise), we could go on Buzz 4 times in a row without queuing, then SMM2, Pinocchio, Carrousel, and Tea Cups all without queuing. BLISS ;D
Also, the meet & greet queues weren't that long either.
I will have put this recent blip down to a disturbance in the Force, or something :)
That's great news sulley, I feel so relieved...thank you!