we always havE disney movie nights before we go away but we always add a movie that links to tge hotel we're staying at- davy Crockett if staying at dcr , cowboy movies at Cheyenne, cars for Santa fe etc. but which movie goes with Newport bay? we've watched 20000 leagues under the sea but I don't think it linked very well. any other ideas?
I'm trying to think of the top of my head & I can only think of Atlantis or Treasure Planet lol!
I guess there's Finding Nemo too.
I'm just thinking of ones that go with water lol :)
hehe. I hadn't thought of purely a water angle ir send like such a period hotel I wad trying to think off movies set around the 1920s. I think it's supposed to be like a 1920s New England mansion ? the water angle of finding nemo is af good one!
Glad i kinda helped :)
I gad no idea the hotel was set in the 20's, i thought the Disneyland Hotel was.
The little mermaid too :) x
Pete's dragon :)