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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: Ohana on September 29, 2015, 08:59:36 PM

Title: Winter Attire
Post by: Ohana on September 29, 2015, 08:59:36 PM
Hello! Well it's now less than 7 weeks until we fly to disney and I'm starting to really rack my brain over the best clothes to wear to stay warm and comfortable. I spent all afternoon trying to find a really classy pretty pea coat that I could wear, and ended up getting a windproof jacket by karrimor instead, thinking that comfort definitely came above fashion.. I just hope I don't look too casual! The jacket isn't lined with fleece so I'll layer up on tshirts, jumpers/hoodies. I may buy a plain scarf also, and some mobile phone gloves.

Now the next thing is footwear. I've been thinking about my disney vans and while I will take them, I don't think they will do me a full day of walking around the Parks. I was thinking a good pair of waterproof walking shoes/boots with some thick socks, and maybe some cushioned soles as an extra. Either that or a pair of memory foam Skechers but I don't think they're winter appropriate.

What does everyone else tend to wear during the cold months in the parks?
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 29, 2015, 09:20:06 PM
Disneyland Paris in winter is very different to going to the American parks in Florida and California :)

Disneyland Paris is all about being warm and comfortable. Dont worry about being too casual. people dont dress up that much, well except for the little girls in princess dresses lol

I was there in December 2013, it was cold and one day rained and rained and rained. The best option is to layer up, 4 or 5 layers are better than one heavy jumper. Gloves, scarf and hat are a must. I wore leggings under jeans and two pairs of socks. The best raingear is a poncho, EVERYONE wears one in the rain :) Also make sure to have comfortable waterproof shoes or boots. .
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: polar vixen on September 29, 2015, 09:43:46 PM
Karrimor boots!  Comfy and weather safe! (sticking with your karrimor theme) hehe, but seriously, I've aways found they've done me the day withut my feet aching or gettingwet
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: Puffin on September 30, 2015, 09:01:49 AM
The most annoying thing during winter time is when it rains. It's a real challenge to keep yourself dry for a whole day. If it's just cold, you can perfectly adapt to that with a good winter jacket and some extra socks. Mix outdoor rides with shows so you can warm up or do some shopping in between. I actually love DLP on winter days. I has a real nice atmosphere especially when the Halloween or Christmas decoration is out.
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: Zee79 on September 30, 2015, 10:02:43 AM
I love visiting during the winter season because I find it easier to plan what to wear because I you know its going to be chilly up to freezing haha. The most important things I pack are my comfortable boots, extra socks just in case, my warm winter jacket, scarf, gloves & my Disney hat! I then just have different layers on underneath.  Drink plenty of warm drinks. I find summer harder to pack for because the weather can be changeable.
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: rebecca20 on September 30, 2015, 09:21:50 PM
I always wear my Sketchers Memory Foam but if its super cold and ice is on the ground I wouldn't fancy my chances and I've been a figure skater for over 15 years!
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: Vicky7260 on October 01, 2015, 09:30:08 AM
I'm going at the end of November. Armed with base layers, Ski coat, walking boots, ski socks, hat, scarf and gloves. Although I've never been to DLP before I have wintered in France and know how cold it can be when your outside all day. I just hope it stays dry for us.
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: michaelj1973 on October 01, 2015, 10:19:01 AM
I've bought thermal underwear and some warm sweaters. For my mum who is in a wheelchair i've bought a plate to put over her legs.
Title: Re: Winter Attire
Post by: HildeKitten on October 04, 2015, 10:33:38 PM
Do a google for the Uniqlo website and check out their heattech clothing. All my Japanese friends swear by the stuff, and several of my friends in the UK as well. We've only just got Uniqlo in Belgium (literally last Friday) so I can't say anything about it yet, as it's very pleasant out here at the moment (definitely not weather that demands it).

I don't really get very cold during the day (unless it freezes to minus 10 °C and colder and even then I'm pretty much ok) with exception of my hands and feet. But a good pair of gloves and ski socks gets me a long way :)
Although at one point when it was minus 14 celcius I did wish I was wearing snow boots instead of my leather boots.