im staying at the NBC however have been looking at having breakfast on our last morning at Cafe Mickey .... anyone know how much this is per adult and per child?
whats the food? hot and cold? buffet?
It's somewhere around €14 per adult and €7 per child. Hot items are included.
Quote from: sarahh83 on August 24, 2015, 12:18:22 PM
im staying at the NBC however have been looking at having breakfast on our last morning at Cafe Mickey .... anyone know how much this is per adult and per child?
whats the food? hot and cold? buffet?
Here's a link to a video tact shows all the food & charcters met during, it's not my video but it's informative :)
I phoned to add this to out booking and we were told about twenty per person! I had been tempted but couldn't justify over a hundred Euros on breakfast (3 adults, 3 kinds)
polar vixen, yes, it's a matter of personal choice. I personally won't go and pay extra for a breakfast as it is already paid in my package. And Newport Bay is a wonderful place for having breakfast.
Sarah83, why don't you visit Cafe Mickey for lunch or dinner? Just asking, no wish to critisize at all, of course, it's a personal choice, as I said.
no critism taken i was just curious to the cost of it, its quite a lot really isnt it you'd think they'd offer you a chance to upgrade from your hotel breakfast to cafe mickey but for a small amount!
is the NBC breakfast just cold do you know?
Yes, in NBC it's only cold.
We didn't have a meal plan and just paid for breakfast at cafe Mickey, it was well worth the money. A great way to meet characters and quite a few of them- my kids' faces was amazing! And the breakfast was pretty good, hit and cold buffet. Really set us up for the day. Will do it again next time.