Hi all
really not planned on going this as we are saving but cannot fight the yearning and really want to book....
we have been in october and december , for christmas day , not august , but only in term time so never experienced school holiday chaos...
i now work in a school so can only go in hols , has anyone been at these times , and out of the three which would you say was the best crowd wise ...really unsure what to do ...
Aug 25 - 27
Oct 27 - 29
Dec 28 - 30
Dec 30 -01 Jan
thanks for any opinions :)
Hi ilovemainst!
I have been roughly around all your dates and I would say the only time when the crowds really got on my wick was in August. Combination of it being really hot, the wasps being out in force and there were no special decorations on at that time to take my mind off it :)
Full disclosure, we have a Priority Pass so I don't really have an idea of queues, I just know that I really noticed the crowds in the summer much more than any other time i've been even though it might not be the busiest time. If you know what I mean! !
I work in schools so only have specific times i can go. We always went in august but I swore never again after 2012. It may have been because of the anniversary but it was a nightmare. We've been in December & last year for new year & enjoyed it, it was busy but not as busy as summer. We are booking up to go again for new year 2016/17. Can't this year due to a summer holiday. We also went during May half term once & it was lovely, only the British seem to be off at this time so not huge queues. Would def go that time again.
We went October half term last year and said never again. The queues were very long for almost everything. My 4 year old didn't understand why we were having to wait so long compared to the first time we went when u was on maternity in the middle of May.
Teacher too so restricted to school hols but going this May half term and hoping for slightly less craziness.
We're going in October half term, not looking forward to the queues so will be making the most of EMH, fastpasses and the queue boards
I can imagine all will be super busy, but August I'd avoid at all cost. I know it wasn't one of your options but we went for feb half term week recently and it wasn't that bad at all :) of course longer ques than we're used too. But honestly I'd do it again, I was so nervous having never done a half term. I went into the studio services as I have to get my son an access pass as he's in wheelchair and asked how busy it compares to other holidays. The lady smiled and said it will be busy but nowhere near as busy as Easter/summer/Christmas.
So with that firmly stuck in my head were stick to feb had term. I hope wich ever you decide you have an amazing time!
My family usually go in August and honestly in my experience it's not that bad.
Yes, queues can be longer but make use of EMH and fastpasses and the more popular rides no matter when you go the queues are usually longer.
We went last August as a party of 16 and we did absolutely loads so August is absolutely fine :)
thanks guys for all your replies ....
still really unsure what to do, have heard that the last week of aug is slightly less busy than the rest , and my little lad wants to dress as Russell again which he carnt do in the cooler months but would not look forward to the crowds...
for those that said may , we have been before then and it was lovely all round , not to busy and great weather , and i would love to go then as would love to see the spring things but just carnt afford it at this late notice ...
oh never mind , will have to have a good think....
thanks again... :D
Hope you find a good time and price that suits you, definatley consider feb half term though. It wasn't pricey and wasn't as busy as I expected although cold!
I'm a teacher too and my -now grown up-daughter and I have been roughly at all the times you quoted. For us the busiest by far was the New Year slot if that helps though crowds do help the atmosphere! I think it would seem strange to us if quiet-though I'd love to give it a go! Have a fab time whenever you choose x
thanks guys ...x
as i said meant to be saving so hope we do get to go, fingers crossed ...