YAY, we have a trip planned in September! However since it will be our last for a couple of years and possibly our last as a complete family, I'm seeking some advice. My daughter is 15, almost 16, and as she puts up/helps allot with hre younger brothers, 2 of whom have asd and can be hmmm... high maintenance, I'd like to do something special for her. She's very good, she appreciates why we only go on hols certain places , do the same things again and again as her brothers can't cope with too much change but I was thinking she might enjoy the auberge de cendrillon, (yes, I would completely embarrass her, especially if flyn rider is there, but that's the whole point. My question is this. 2 of my boys are gluten and cows milk free. Will they accommodate do you think? I know there are special meals, but these cost 10 euros, and I really don't want to just get one of those when I'm paying approx. 35. Will they be able to offer some fruit salad or something for dessert?
2nd question - planning on doing breakfast at café mickey so as to meet characters - last time you could only use the eac at arranged meet and greets, and allot of the more informal ones, including stars and cars wouldn't let you use the card, now we don't mind waiting for a character, but boys can't deal with crowds and being pushed and shoved, has this situation changed, can you use the eac to meet characters? or would I be best, booking café mickey? We've done it before, but again, I paid full prioce, and my sons hate the g.f bread (cant blame them), so 1 had a kiwi for breakfast and the other ate nothing, do you think its still worth paying for just to meet characters?
Polar vixen, I cannot help you in answering the questions, but I want express how sweet is what you plan about your daughter, your sons and the family as a whole. Wishing you this won't be the last trip of you together.
Can I offer a slightly different option (not saying this suits you, just an alternative).
If you want to make it special for your daughter without any complications - could you do Auberge or something else that's just you and her? I know its your family holiday but I think some older children like a bit of parent time without the younger ones about. I'm assuming there's not just you going as an adult of course
My daughter is cows milk free and also allergic to pineapple, orange.
I was told they couldn't cater the meal around her needs and the dessert plate was lovely but she couldn't eat a thing on it, including the Cinderella lolly :(
If you mention it they panic and insist you have those awful microwave meals.
Mileto -Thank you. Im wishing too, my DD has been so good, I know she'd like to do some more grown up things, and would love to go to Italy, , but as we're a family of 7, with the littlest under 2 this is the last time we'll be able to afford davy crockett, after that, it's 2 rooms in a hotel which more than doubles the price. Last time, we planned a day in france so she could do some grown up stuff, visit sites etc. She said after though that she didn't mind not doing it again because her brothers were stressed out after, which stops it being enjoyable, so if they're happy then she is cos we're not having to deal with the side effects that come from their stress. It sounded slightly martyr like, but she really is that good. So, hence, me wanting to do something that would be special specifically for her too. When meeting characters in the parks attention usually goes towards her little brothers, and I've read that the princesses at ADC interact with everyone, and we wouldn't need to use the boys cards there in order to see characters.
Daddy of 2 - thank you, I had considered that. My DH has been struggling with depression for a few years now, and given my boys....enthusiasm, he struggles to cope with them by himself, would give me and daughter nice time for a couple of hours, but we'd probably be solo for the rest of the trip as he'd just want to stay in the cabin. , plus with 3 under the age of 6, he'd be really restricted as to what he can do with them. I could send him in with her, which would reduce costs...... but I wanna see the princesses too ;) :D
The only thing I struggled with on our last trip was that he kept wanting to go for a lie down, which he'd go do on the grass or something, but I couldn't take all the kids on rides by myself as each child with an EAC had to have one person over 18 with them, I couldn't even leave my daughter with one of them at the entrance while I took the other on, and then swop them over, because she 'wasn't allowed to be responsible for them whilst in the parks' I hugely appreciate the eac, but we had no other option than to wander until my hubby was feeling up to joining us again. Last time we ended up the last three hours in the parks by ourselves, we coped but my stress levels weren't great by the end of it! I do get fed up of people saying oooh Disney again?! But my kids love it, They can all enjoy it regardless of their age and abilities, and for me to not have to cook, clean up, and to just enjoy 'being', and to be able to just enjoy them is something I really appreciate.
sarah-jayne - oh no, those meals are awful! One of my sons will eat the sausages, but the desserts are fruit puree with sugar, nasty!
There's nothing at all wrong with going to Disney a lot if you enjoy it. I hope you work out a plan for your September visit
You can also meet the characters in the EMH: Minnie & Mickey, Pluto, Donald, Goofy, Chip & Dale. During our stay in March there were 4 or 5 of them each morning. You should to be in the park around 8, because after 9 the queues to meet them grow up a lot.
A family with a member in wheel chair was put in front of the rest, but I don't know if this is the rule or it was cast member's decision on the spor.
Have a nice time!