I've just read on trip advisor that they are no longer doing a chocolate birthday cake anywhere in DLP only the vacherin cake. Does anybody know if there is any truth in this. It's my sons birthday while we're there but I know he won't like this kind of cake and chocolate is his favourite. Will have to bring one from home and have it back at the cabin instead.
Hope someone can tell me this is wrong!
Last November at the Sunday brunch, there were at least 4 in 30 minutes (once they saw 1 happening, everyone else wanted one), and they all seemed to be icecream cakes?
(someone said they didn't want a piece as they didn't like cake, and the CM said it was icecream)
Last March, we were at Café Mickey's, saw 1 birthday, and it was chocolate.
It used to vary by restaurant between vacherin and chocolate cake – with all the cakes served by a given restaurant being of the one type.
are you able to order a birthday cake when you arrive at DLP??
we are going 23-27 december and wanting a cake for the 25th
i cant really put the cake on the existing booking you see as my friend will see what ive planned for her haha
Book the cake at the day of your arriving or call the hotline a few days in advance.