I'm going to DLP again in July. I've been twice before and each time I've ridden BTM. It's now just behind pirates and phantom as one of my favourite attractions in the parks. So far it's the only rollercoaster I've been on there, because I'm a bit of a wuss! :-[ I really want to try space mountain because everyone I know that's been on it has said its amazing. I want to know which roller coasters I should do before then, so that I've built up to it properly. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Hi Meisbonkaz!
Depending on when you go in July you may not be able to ride Space Mountain as it is due to be closed for refurbishment until late July :(
I would rate the scaryness as Big Thunder Mountain, Indiana Jones (over really quickly and only 1 loop), Crush's Coaster (no loops but you're in the dark spinning around, very disorientating but fun!), Rock n Roller Coaster (the launch is thrilling and think there is 3 loops in there, if the music is working it's a fab ride) and I'd put Space Mountain at the top :)
Thanks. I knew SM was closed for refurbishment, but I didn't realise how long it would be closed for! ::)
Personally, I would probably rate them as following (scary to least scary)
1. Space Mountain (mainly because the ride itself is pretty bumpy and its completely dark)
2. Indiana Jones (again the ride is INCREDIBLY bumpy and i did not enjoy it last time at all)
3. Rock n Rollercoaster (might have a lot of loops but it is super smooth and enjoyable)
4. Crush's Coaster
5. Big Thunder Mountain
6. Casey Jr. (Obviously)
Just looked it up and space mountain reopens on the 2nd day of my visit! I sort of feel like I have to do it just so I can say I rode space mountain right after its refurb! 😄
You all forgot RC Racer.
I would rate that immediately less scary than Crush's Coaster, I think.
My rating (1 is most scary) it's:
6 Big thunder mountain
5 Crush
4 RC racer
3 Rock 'n roller coaster
2 Indiana Jones
1 Space mountain
It' s mostly the sharp turns on Indiana Jones that are scary in my opinion. But I like all roller coasters, so maybe I'm not a good guide. ;)
Quote from: meisbonkaz on April 10, 2015, 11:59:08 AM
I'm going to DLP again in July. I've been twice before and each time I've ridden BTM. It's now just behind pirates and phantom as one of my favourite attractions in the parks. So far it's the only rollercoaster I've been on there, because I'm a bit of a wuss! :-[ I really want to try space mountain because everyone I know that's been on it has said its amazing. I want to know which roller coasters I should do before then, so that I've built up to it properly. Any help would be great. Thanks!
I first went on Space Mountain when I was about 8 years old and it wasn't willingly. I had stayed away from bigger roller coasters preferring smaller, more relaxed rides. I suffered with nosebleeds a lot as a kid and was convinced that rides like Space Mountain were bad for me. My mum left my younger brother with my dad and took me to Space Mountain. I was quite scared and can still remember standing in the queue just before you get on the ride thinking of every excuse I could to get out of it. My mum wanted me to try it so in the end I did.
When the ride shoots up the "cannon", I remember wacking my head against the headrest which made me worry even more. However, all things said, I really enjoyed it; headache and all! Over the next 10 years, it became one of my favourite rides in the park and I look forward to it every time.
Initially, it can be scary. It is fast, jerky and loops etc in the dark, but after you've done it once, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner ;D
Having just returned with a VERY nervous 12 year old and a confident 10 year old... they loved everything.
(we couldnt do space mountain, twas closed)
Big Thunder - impressive looking, not very fast
RC Racer - biggest problem is its very loud, but quick
Crushs Coaster - spins, dark, longest queue known to man
Indiana Jones - looks harsher than it is, one very quick loop
Rock n Rollercoaster - 3 inversions (upside down bits) - but excellent.