I am thinking to start writing an itinary this evening but I cant seem to find the map book I saved from last year. Is there an online copy of the schedule and park maps available please? Could somebody post a link pretty please?
Thanking you!
just take a look at their new homepage - all's very easy. Opening hours, programme (http://www.disneylandparis.fr/divertissements/spectacles-et-parades/) and an interaktive map make things very easy :)
The link I gave you leads you to the spectacle schedule (even if it is the french site, the schedule is in englisch and french).
Link to DLP's english page: http://www.disneylandparis.co.uk/ ("Parks & Tickets")
I hope this helps
Quote from: moonloo on March 14, 2015, 07:22:19 PM
I am thinking to start writing an itinary this evening but I cant seem to find the map book I saved from last year. Is there an online copy of the schedule and park maps available please? Could somebody post a link pretty please?
Thanking you!
You can find the schedule here
And the map
Thank you Norhel and DisneyFanGermany, you are superstars! ;D