Hi All,
Added the photo pass to our booking and I've created my online account to view the pics when we go. Just now need to allocate the reference number when we know it.
However, looking at the website, it's for ordering prints & gifts e.t.c. Where do you go to be able to download photos onto your own computer, so I can email them to family for example.
Thanks +
When I got it I downloaded the app on my phone. It then gives you the option to save to your photos/ema/social media. When I got home I saved them from the desktop site to my laptop before printing as you then get a higher resolution than you do on mobile or tablet. :D
Once you have photos on it, the download option appears.
You can also download the entire album at once.
Great thank you. Obviously there arent any pics to view yet and I need to enter the code when we get there. Hopefully once thats done the download button will appear. X