I am travelling to DLP with my 6 year old in the summer and I just wondered what happens if you have queued for 90 mins and your child needs the loo? She hasn't got the strongest of bladders!
Anyone else had this problem?
I don't really know but take your child directly before going to the toilet, even if she says that it is not necessary!
Otherwhise ask a CastMambr but i think they can't help you with that...
Others let they childs pee in the queue but please od not so! I am sure that you won't, I am just saying ;D
Yeah, I'd take them. Also, I might think twice about a 90 minute queue, as we went in June and didn't queue much more than 10 minutes for most rides, and even Mickey/Rapunzel were only about an hour each
Make sure they go before the ride if possible. We were queuing for Slinky at New year and it stunk because some people let their daughter , I must say she looked about 10, wee in the bushes next to the queue. It was only 10 minute queue
Obviously I'll take her before we start queuing but 90mins is a long time for a 6 year old - especially in the summer (August) when I would expect her to drink plenty.
I'm travelling on my own with her and worry about the little things that having another person with me would help out.
I'd advise going to the loo at every opportunity - plan your routes via the various facilities and try and avoid the longer queues. I know its not necessarily quite that simple but I bet you'll actually be fine. If you're staying on site, make the most of EMH and take a break during the middle of the day and early afternoon. Go shopping and/or eat somewhere and take it easy when its hottest and you'll be recharged ready to go again when it starts cooling down.
I take my kids at every opportunity as I know otherwise they'd need a wee right when we get to the ride !
I would love ten minute queues though . We've done feb 1/2 term twice and end of March once and most queues were an hour long ( except when we could use the fast passes ) x
I'm sure I've spotted a disabled toilet part way round the queue on a couple of rides... Also I think a cast member would help you out if you explained the situation. Even at the height of crowds last Halloween we only waited a max of 50 mins. There are plenty of toilets and the cast members are generally very helpful and accommodating. I'm a fretter too and think about these small issues. I really admire you taking the trip on your own with your daughter. What a lucky girl she is!
In my experiences, you try to leave one person in line (friend or family member). Then you and your little exit the line at the closest point- if possible without having to unwind through the crowds. Tell the cast member at the front of the line (there will be one in the case of a long queue) that you are using the loo. When you return they will open the rope where you let out or let you return to your family member.
People always let you go up to your family member after leaving a queue. But if you're alone... I'm not sure what you could do. If you're in the middle of Crush's Coaster, and have to leave to pee, there won't be a CM. You could tell the person behind you that your daughter needs to go to the toilet, but that is no guarantee, although I doubt people would riot ;)
I bet she'll surprise you, have just come back with our five year old who always waits until your at the least accessible point to start doing the i need the toilet dance. She qued for two hours to see a princess and went before we started queing and didnt complain/ask at all as she was to excited. I just made sure to ask every time we were near a toilet if she needed to go. There are plenty of toilets about so try not to worry about it to much x