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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: frostie on February 17, 2015, 08:07:32 PM

Title: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: frostie on February 17, 2015, 08:07:32 PM
I am travelling to DLP with my 6 year old in the summer and I just wondered what happens if you have queued for 90 mins and your child needs the loo? She hasn't got the strongest of bladders!
Anyone else had this problem?
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: DisneyfanGermany on February 17, 2015, 08:28:04 PM
I don't really know but take your child directly before going to the toilet, even if she says that it is not necessary!
Otherwhise ask a CastMambr but i think they can't help you with that...

Others let they childs pee in the queue but please od not so! I am sure that you won't, I am just saying  ;D
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: daddyof2 on February 17, 2015, 09:10:19 PM
Yeah, I'd take them. Also, I might think twice about a 90 minute queue, as we went in June and didn't queue much more than 10 minutes for most rides, and even Mickey/Rapunzel were only about an hour each
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: Zee79 on February 17, 2015, 09:37:05 PM
Make sure they go before the ride if possible. We were queuing for Slinky at New year and it stunk because some people let their daughter , I must say she looked about 10, wee in the bushes next to the queue. It was only 10 minute queue
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: frostie on February 17, 2015, 09:45:20 PM
Obviously I'll take her before we start queuing but 90mins is a long time for a 6 year old - especially in the summer (August)  when I would expect her to drink plenty.
I'm travelling on my own with her and worry about the little things that having another person with me would help out.
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: daddyof2 on February 17, 2015, 11:05:02 PM
I'd advise going to the loo at every opportunity - plan your routes via the various facilities and try and avoid the longer queues. I know its not necessarily quite that simple but I bet you'll actually be fine. If you're staying on site, make the most of EMH and take a break during the middle of the day and early afternoon. Go shopping and/or eat somewhere and take it easy when its hottest and you'll be recharged ready to go again when it starts cooling down.
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: sarahmumof4 on February 17, 2015, 11:32:22 PM
I take my kids at every opportunity as I know otherwise they'd need a wee right when we get to the ride !

I would love ten minute queues though . We've done feb 1/2 term twice and end of March once and most queues were an hour long ( except when we could use the fast passes ) x
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: Mrsya on February 18, 2015, 01:08:34 AM
I'm sure I've spotted a disabled toilet part way round the queue on a couple of rides... Also I think a cast member would help you out if you explained the situation. Even at the height of crowds last Halloween we only waited a max of 50 mins. There are plenty of toilets and the cast members are generally very helpful and accommodating. I'm a fretter too and think about these small issues. I really admire you taking the trip on your own with your daughter. What a lucky girl she is!
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: myburgeoning on February 18, 2015, 03:22:11 AM
In my experiences, you try to leave one person in line (friend or family member). Then you and your little exit the line at the closest point- if possible without having to unwind through the crowds. Tell the cast member at the front of the line (there will be one in the case of a long queue) that you are using the loo. When you return they will open the rope where you let out or let you return to your family member.
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: Esti on February 19, 2015, 09:30:20 PM
People always let you go up to your family member after leaving a queue. But if you're alone... I'm not sure what you could do. If you're in the middle of Crush's Coaster, and have to leave to pee, there won't be a CM. You could tell the person behind you that your daughter needs to go to the toilet, but that is no guarantee, although I doubt people would riot  ;)
Title: Re: Child needing the loo!!! Sorry for the question!
Post by: girlinleeds on February 19, 2015, 09:58:34 PM
I bet she'll surprise you, have just come back with our five year old who always waits until your at the least accessible point to start doing the i need the toilet dance.  She qued for two hours to see a princess and went before we started queing and didnt complain/ask at all as she was to excited. I just made sure to ask every time we were near a toilet if she needed to go. There are plenty of toilets about so try not to worry about it to much x