Hello. We leave for our trip next Sunday and we wanted to go to cafe mickey on the Monday. Can I book a table this far in advance? If so how can I do it?
Thank you xx
hi i booked mine about a month before we travel by ringing the reservation line on 0033 160304050
when you book early do you have to pay a deposit or anything over the phone? x
No you don't which is great as i am using meal vouchers, unless you mean for breakfast? as i did have to pay for that when i booked but that was because i added it to my holiday rather than ringing the reservation line,i think you can only book breakfast at cafe mickey 2 days before by using the reservation line in which case you wouldn't need to pay for it until you arrive.Hope that makes sense
ive just phoned to book as we go to disneyland on saturday and the only time i could get was 12.15 on tuesday unless i was willing to eat at 8pm which is to late when i have a 5 year old with me, looks like its going to be really busy
Glad i booked then, i think i managed to get 6.15 on mon 16th got it written down somewhere as i have never bothered booking before but have booked a lot this time as last time i went it was just me and my daughter and we wasted loads of time finding somewhere we both liked the look of, and with 3 kids this time it would take longer to all agree on somewhere than the meal will take ::)
Thank you everyone.
Yes we go Sunday 15th to the 19th and i think it will be really busy.
Was hoping to book for Tuesday 17th dinner time but sounds like i may not be lucky :(
we've never booked before, but this is the first time we've had to go during holidays, before daughter started school we went during term time so it was lors quieter. Glad i phoned though as she'd have been heart broken if she couldnt go