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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: happytobe on November 19, 2014, 10:40:21 AM

Title: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: happytobe on November 19, 2014, 10:40:21 AM
We're heading second week in December, so will have a mon-thurs possibility of getting to see the princesses. I remember last time we went that they don't open the pavilion till 11am, and while we'll be in for EMH, what I'm wondering is what time would you start queuing at? Do we start before 10am knowing it'll be at least an hour? Or do the princesses sometimes start earlier than the said time? Is the queue likely to be as long at the old Mill for Miranda and would you start queuing for that early?

Also, as I've never queued for them before .... is it possible for an adult to queue, and then get the kids to join you later rather than having them standing in the cold for over an hour?

Any advice on this is much appreciated.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: RockNRoller on November 19, 2014, 12:41:45 PM
Sorry I can't help that much, the only comment I can make is about a week ago one of the many Disneyland Paris groups on Face Book posted pictures showing a 3 hour wait time to see Elsa and Anna at the Princess pavilion.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: DLPWonders (Banned) on November 19, 2014, 12:48:26 PM
The only two princesses at the Pavillion at the moment are Anna & Elsa from Frozen.
They are extremely popular, and even on weekadays outside of schoolbreaks, the queue is still reaching up to 5 hours.
From the moment EMH starts at 08:00 people are queueing and by the time the Pavillion opens at 10:45 there's already a 2,5/3 hour queue.
If you want to see them, the best is really start queueing at 08:00.
Yes that means you still have to wait for nearly 3 hours, but at least you're one of the first in which means also one of the first out.
Otherwise you just spend half of your day queueing for them.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: happytobe on November 19, 2014, 01:16:25 PM
Thanks for the replies. I've been reading a bit more up on it - and seems like long queues - although it seems like a ticketing system might come into place, so hopefully will get to understand this before I go, if it is in place.

If you start queuing at 8am, and the pavilion doesn't open till 10.45, is it ok for one adult in the party to queue, and then the kids join closer to the opening time? I couldn't imagine my 2 queuing that long - but we could make the daddy wait :-)
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: Aurora1 on November 19, 2014, 07:31:40 PM
Of course you can start queuing up for your . especially if your still outside, it`s no problem. If inside, it means passing by everyone behind you(and back, when you come in again). But it`s done.
Have a great trip! And I hope you get to see Anna and Elsa!
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: daddyof2 on November 20, 2014, 01:37:57 PM
When we visited in June, we saw people queuing during EMH. After that, the queues never looked anything but ridiculous. Personally, I think this is one of DLP's "bad" things, as young girls want to see the princesses but get hardly any chance outside of the Pavilion and I've heard of people queing for 7 hours. Luckily for us, our daughter was happy to see Rapunzel (1 hour queue) and the princesses on the stars n' cars parade
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: Esti on November 20, 2014, 01:49:31 PM
Sometimes being the first in the queue only means you'll queue as much as everyone else (or more) but will be the first to see the princess. Which I don't think matters because if you're the tenth person to see them you'll get the same picture and time with her. Also, I've seen that the Pavilion usually has a 2-3 hour wait, yet the queue barely gets out of the Pavilion (weird). At least you won't be cold! ;)

Rapunzel and Merida do have longish queues, but nothing like the Pavillion. I wouldn't go very early. People get over excited and start queueing 1.30-2 hours early, while the rest of us queue for barely an hour to see them, so you're queueing for longer. Very stupid. If you go 30 mins early it could be "just" an hour (30 min before the princess arrives + 30 min), if you go when she's already there might be a little over an hour. That's what I queued, anyway.

And yes, you can queue and have the kids do rides nearby. Most people do that. While queueing for Rapunzel you can do Fantasyland rides, and while queueing for Merida many were watching the parade.

I'd take a book with me if I were you. It can be really boring to stand in line for such a long time ;)
Good luck!
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: PrincessKirsty on November 20, 2014, 11:12:29 PM
When I went to the Pavilion last Friday to meet Anna and Elsa I showed up at 3pm and walked right into the building and upto the first stained glass window. the CM's had told me it would be a 90 minute wait but it was more like 35. they close the doors at 4 so nobody else can come in which is good. I would go later in the day if i were you. but it is your choice and depends on how desperate you are to meet the Frozen girls!
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: happytobe on November 21, 2014, 12:44:52 PM
Cannot say thank you enough for the advice. Its given me a lot of food for thought. I've booked Auberge, so they'll see at least 1 princess, and will work out what way we'll queue.

thanks again.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: never2old on November 21, 2014, 03:32:35 PM
I've also seen in photos that Snow White is meeting people by the wishing well, and Aurora in the castle courtyard, but they don't appear in the program. Does anyone know when they're available?
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: Esti on November 21, 2014, 08:23:24 PM
I saw Aurora next to the Auberge de Cendrillion around the same time as Rapunzel and Merida were doing their M&G, but I'm not 100% sure of when she gets there.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: never2old on November 27, 2014, 12:10:02 PM
So for those of you going to DLP soon....

Rapunzel and Merida appear in the programme, but the others don't. Snow White was in the wishing well (comes out first at 13:15, then 14:30 and 15:45 - she basically leaves during the Christmas parade. Aurora is by the Auberge de Cendrillon (same schedules) and Tiana  in the gazebo in Town Square.

We were there during the week when it was relatively quiet, I'm sure it's different on weekends. For Rapunzel and Merida people seemed to start queuing about 1 hour before they were due to come out (queues form quickly though); for the others, since they're not in the official programme, it's a lot easier. For Aurora, I got there 15 minutes before she was due back out (at 14:30) and there were only a couple of families in front of me. They also have a CM to close the queue when it's too long, so you don't need to worry about queuing for nothing. They also tell you when the princess is coming back. I thought it worked great!!
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: DLPWonders (Banned) on November 27, 2014, 12:35:14 PM
Quote from: never2old on November 27, 2014, 12:10:02 PM
So for those of you going to DLP soon....

Rapunzel and Merida appear in the programme, but the others don't. Snow White was in the wishing well (comes out first at 13:15, then 14:30 and 15:45 - she basically leaves during the Christmas parade. Aurora is by the Auberge de Cendrillon (same schedules) and Tiana  in the gazebo in Town Square.

We were there during the week when it was relatively quiet, I'm sure it's different on weekends. For Rapunzel and Merida people seemed to start queuing about 1 hour before they were due to come out (queues form quickly though); for the others, since they're not in the official programme, it's a lot easier. For Aurora, I got there 15 minutes before she was due back out (at 14:30) and there were only a couple of families in front of me. They also have a CM to close the queue when it's too long, so you don't need to worry about queuing for nothing. They also tell you when the princess is coming back. I thought it worked great!!

Not always though, last week she appeared behind the Castle.
Aurora and Snow White are always at the same places but Tiana isn't.
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: EmmaH on December 02, 2014, 08:57:50 PM
I'm following this thread with interest as my daughter would so love to meet Anna and Elsa. Will they be staying in the Princess Pavilion long term  does anyone know or is it a Christmas thing? Also the m and g for Merida and Snow White sound amazing, again is this a Christmas special?

Emma xx
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: IntoTheWoods on December 02, 2014, 09:17:11 PM
We are currently at the Parks and can confirm, that the reservation system for Anna & Elsa at the Pavillion is back. The cues are insane and start right at 8 am with people RUNNING the moment they step foot in the park.

Snow white & Aurora are far less crowded the first time of the day they are out (around 13:20) but get more crowded as soon as people get a hang of where to meet them.

Cues for Rapunzel are a little more extreme than the ones for Merida which you actually can meet without queueing for hours and hours - provided you are here on the quiet weekdays.

The queue thats by far the most underappreciated and under-used is the one for Jack Skellington - if you go to frontierland as soon as it opens you will probably be the first in line. And even if you are a little late, the queue today never really filled up.

Did not see Tiana today (Could be we missed her) and during Extra Magic Hours you could only meet Mickey & Minnie under the big Christmas Tree (queue builds up fast) and Goofy & Pluto at Minnies normal M&G Spot infront of Duffy's Shop.

In General you can say that they are many characters around -  apart from the ones above we did see Baloo & King Louie, Timon & Rafiki, Suzy & Perla, various Goofys & Plutos throughout the day, Aladdin & Jasmin and Captain Jack Sparrow
Title: Re: What time to start queuing for Princesses
Post by: happytobe on December 14, 2014, 04:58:03 PM
Just to say we did get to see our princesses - so thank you for the info. On the Tuesday, hubbie went to the old mill at 9am. The queue was to the pavilion. They started moving at 9.30am, and he was 57th in line and got a time of 1.20pm and was finished by 10am. He did say it was cold though, as was queuing in the shade. Queue in the pavilion with the girls was no more than 15 minutes, and we loved Anna and Elsa. Had enough time I felt, and got some great pictures.

As has been said - queue for Rapsunzel was the longest. Merida would have been about an hour I'd say max (we didn't do it.) Saw Tiana on last day, but my girls said she wasn't real as she didn't look like the movie :-( So although we did loads of princesses, I think our time is done. Didn't see any others around, but am sure they were there. All meet and greets appeared to be organised, so while you would have to queue, it was orderly and at least not pushy.