What are dark rides in disneyland Paris.
Ones that are totally indoors, like POTC or Ratatouille
Quote from: Lily on October 10, 2014, 11:27:30 PM
What are dark rides in disneyland Paris.
Also, Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, Pinocchio's Adventure, Peter Pan's Flight all count as "Dark Rides", they're all quite dark inside, with UV fluorescent paints and small LEDs all over the scenes you're flying through.
Quote from: Lily on October 10, 2014, 11:27:30 PM
What are dark rides in disneyland Paris.
Not exactly sure what you mean by "dark".
Darkish rides include Space Mountain, Rock n Roller Coaster, Crush's Coaster, Phantom Manor, Snow White, Pinnochio, Peter Pan, Pirates of the Carribean.
Plus a lot of the outdoor rides when it gets dark at nght.
Big Thunder Mountain is a dark ride if you take my wife's approach and close your eyes for the whole ride ;D.
I believe the definition is an indoor ride that takes place in the dark so Pirates is but Its a small world isn't even though its indoors
off the top of my head: phantom manor, pirates of the caribbean, tower of terror, space mountain, rock 'n' roller coaster, crushes coaster, ratatouille, snow white, pinocchio, peter pans flight, some parts of big thunder mountain though these don't last too long, buzz lightyear's laser blast, it's a small world...i think that might be it but i've probably missed one or two
I would say:
Potc, Phantom Manor, Snow white, pinocchio, peter pan, (maybe ratatouille - but i wouldnt really count that to darkrides). These are Darkrides on which you are simply riding trough (passive)
Buzz Lightyear is special because you are shooting (active).
and the others, like Space Mountain, are Rollercoasters or freefall towers.
For It's a small world...is it really dark in there?