Hello all.
So in all the years I have been visiting Disneyland Paris (22years to be exact!) I have only managed to eat in Café des Cascadeurs ONCE!!!!!
It is always closed when I visit.
I am going again in February and I really hope it is open to have lunch there one day.
Does anyone know what the pattern is? When is is open and closed?
Thanks :)
I've managed to eat there twice!
It's open during peak season and weekends so as Feb isn't peak season I'd head here at the weekend if your stay allows it :D
There is a document that shows opening times for restaurants. I cant find it right now. I will have a look for it.
Thanks for your replies.
We go during the half term in Feb so fingers crossed we may be lucky :)
I only saw it open in August. Last March it was closed.
This was our worst dining experience when we went in May... Hoping its shut this time! ;)