What does everyone tend to do? I'm visiting in high season so I want to try and make sure I make the most of my days. My plan at the moment is to hit frontierland and Adventureland first, then over to discoveryland and leave fantasyland til later when the younger guests might have left...does anyone have a tried and tested way around the parks to beat the queues?
Are you staying in one of the park hotels? If you are, make sure you take advantage of Extra Magic Hours during which you can enjoy most attractions in Fantasyland and Discoveryland. Also, don't forget to grab as many fastpasses as you can, they are real life savers!
Staying in the Santa Fe hotel, we've got 6 days worth of tickets so I'm pretty confident we can get round everything.
Completely forgot about the magic hours :)
So excited now, only 2 weeks til we go!
Don't worry, you have plenty of days to explore the park and with EMH available you will be able to make the most of your visit! :D
Remember that almost all Fantasyland closes earlier because of Dreams.
My tips: take advantage of extra magic hours and fastpasses, and don't miss Dreams. It's simply amazing!
I agree with the others, use EMH then get as near to your priority attractions as you can before official opening. Do as much as you can before it gets busy. Eat early or late for lunch (not between 1200 and 1400) and maybe use that time for shopping instead if the attractions are busy. The parks will get a bit quieter after the evening parade, as many day trippers will leave. Also, weekdays will still probably be quieter than the weekends so don't try to do too much on a Saturday
As you have 6 days, split the attractions up. that way you have time to stroll around, enjoy the atmosphere...
Have a great trip!
I was given the advice from Laura, an ex-castmember, to tackle the park from the back to the front as people always tend to start from front and make their way back. She also give me the advice to always choose left when a queue divides especially in Big Thunder Mountain, which I obviously did and we bypassed a large chunk of the queue as people usually automatically go right.
I would also preach what the other member of the forum are saying, take advantage of Extra Magic Hours, and get as many Fast Passes as you can, and avoid eating lunch at the usual times as you will waste so much time waiting for dinner and lose valuable ride time.
If you want to read any other advice or tips from Laura or ask her a question you can find her here http://disneyland-paris-tips.tumblr.com/ (http://disneyland-paris-tips.tumblr.com/)
I've found Laura's post which lists her time saving tips, you can find them over here http://disneyland-paris-tips.tumblr.com/post/87989332795/do-you-want-to-make-the-most-of-your-time-at (http://disneyland-paris-tips.tumblr.com/post/87989332795/do-you-want-to-make-the-most-of-your-time-at)
Thanks for the advice :D
We usually do EMH first and then go back to the hotel for breakfast. I know not everyone will agree, but for us it's a nice break. Also, breakfast is a lot quieter at ten.
As you are going for 6 days, I would also take some breaks: have lunch at the village, take some time to relax at your hotel. It's up to you of course, but 6 days of walking amongst loads of people can be very tiring.