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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Planning => Topic started by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 21, 2014, 04:27:21 PM

Title: A very specific question!
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 21, 2014, 04:27:21 PM
Hi everyone,

Through a friend of a friend, me and my boyfriend have been given a one-day, two-park ticket each, for free! This has come from a Cast Member who has a stack of spares and was happy to give a couple away (how lovely)  :D

We were thinking we'd go for Halloween or Christmas, or maybe even my birthday, but then I started to look at travel costs and what-have-you and I've realised it's gonna be mega-pricey - even with the free park entry, the travel alone will set us back a LOT. I don't want it to affect our trip next year (i.e. I don't want to spend half our money for a 4-day trip next year on a 1-day trip this year) so I was thinking maybe we could use the free 1-day tickets as part of our package next year.

My question is - do you think this would work? I thought it was a good idea at the start, but now I am thinking that it's very unlikely that DLP would, for example, charge us £50 less because we've got our own park tickets for the last day.

What do you guys think? Is there any way you think we could incorporate them into our next holiday? I'm starting to think it's doubtful, as any night you're in a Disney hotel, you've paid for the park tickets that day/the next day, too. Thanks in advance for any ideas you might have  :)
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: Princessjo on June 21, 2014, 04:49:42 PM
I think as you've already said - you have park tickets for your stay next year so your current ticket would be surplus unless you haven't yet got next years tickets in which case you could use your one day pass and upgrade to an ap??
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: Princessjo on June 21, 2014, 04:50:56 PM
Sorry also meant to say you may want to check if your current ticket ever expires?
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: norhel on June 21, 2014, 05:50:17 PM
I have heard that Expedia I think it is, sell DLP rooms (not sure if it's all the time, or just now and then) as a room only, as with no tickets.

Or could you for example consider to stay at a nearby/partner hotel, and book that hotel with no tickets?
And also as Princessjo said, have the tickets any expiry date?
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: norhel on June 21, 2014, 05:51:24 PM
Anyway, I think it's nice that you got the tickets :-)
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: daddyof2 on June 21, 2014, 06:45:37 PM
I agree with norhel, It might be worth looking at the costs of a non disney hotel along with separate park tickets, if you want to use it. You could even do that as a home made "bolt on" to a package trip
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 23, 2014, 10:26:22 PM
Thanks very much to all of you for your replies  :) You've confirmed what I thought which is useful, but you've also given me some other things to think about too! Thanks again x
Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: bad-pink-tink on August 04, 2014, 07:30:07 PM

Just some things to remember

Certain cast member friends and family tickets have black out days and other conditions.

Do you actually have the park tickets? For some cast member friends and family tickets you need to actually enter the park with the cast member. They show their Disney ID at the turnstile and tell the CM how many people are their guests for the day. The CM at the turnstile issues the actual park tickets and the name of the CM who is your "host" is printed on the back of your tickets. On the back of your ticket it will say " Cast Member (name of your host) and their Disney ID number Complimentary Guest (date of your visit) Ticket 3 of 4 (how many people are in your party) Not Valid On Block Out Days.

Title: Re: A very specific question!
Post by: samuelvictor on August 05, 2014, 12:59:13 AM
As others have mentioned, if you are going to book a "package" you won't get any use out of your free park ticket, as when booking from Disney you can't buy a hotel stay without tickets with a package.

However one thing to bare in mind is that you CAN book a package and ask for the eurostar/flight/ferry to arrive a day early or leave a day late. You could then extend your trip by a day, if you can find somewhere cheap to stay nearby. As others have said, you can book Disney hotels without park tickets included via Expedia, but you would still have to change rooms for the one night.

Most tickets do have restrictions not allowing you to use them on certain peak dates like Christmas etc, so its worth checking exactly when you can and can't use your ticket.

One thing you may not have considered (it's certainly not for everyone) but if you are near London, Cardiff or some other big cities Megabus for a really cheap coach journey to Paris. If you book it early enough you could get it for £25 a head. Maybe you could book a long weekend in Paris and spend 1 day in the parks and 2 in a cheap hotel in the city? Would make a really nice getaway for cheap, IF you can stomach long coach journeys.

One last option is to sell the ticket on ebay (if its not exclusively in your name). You should get between £50 & £150... :D