So, we've all been hearing lots of rumours of Pizza Planet closing to make room for a new Star Wars themed area.
I won't miss Captain EO, but I do miss Honey I shrunk the audience. But I can live with that.
Personally, I'm a little heartbroken that Pizza Planet is going. I have so many memories of going there when I was little. Toy Story was my ultimate favourite movie when I was little. I remember I was so overcome with excitement when I saw the Jessie character come out of the door at the back of the playground.!
I was wondering what were your thoughts on pizza planet going? I can see the argument for star wars, it would definitely round up more people!
Awwww I'll be sad just because its always been closed when Ive been there, now I hope even more that its open in 2 weeks so I can atleast visit once before it goes!
We went there 2 years ago, it was stinking in there! - To be honest, something so much better could be put in its place!
Quote from: aircanman on March 17, 2014, 08:58:48 PM
We went there 2 years ago, it was stinking in there! - To be honest, something so much better could be put in its place!
I agree...we went a few year's ago and it was terrible. Very chaotic. Kid's where being pushed and shoved. Place was dirty....not a good experience. .
I always thought this was just closed all the time until last time it was open so went and had a look in.
It wasn't too bad, it was pretty cheap for a buffet restaurant and the food was ok, but It was freezing inside, plus just seemed like a big warehouse with disappointing theme. Hopefully it'll turn into the cantina from Star Wars.
Theres a lot that could have been done with it, and wasn't. It was a good idea in practice but it just wasn't finished properly. I mean what would it have taken for some arcade machines, and the guards at the doorway?
We have eaten a couple of times - when it was counter service and now it's a buffet....if I'm honest it's always been disappointing! It could be awesome - the buzz ride is tribute to how good toy story elements can be...
I love the idea of a Star Wars land but feel that pizza planet could have survived if the theming had been concentrated on more...
I will definatley miss it, and I have done for years! I last see it open in 2009 my son was only one it was his first visit. He met Jessie in there :) the food from what I can remember was ok, not great but it wasn't expensive. I do remember it being cold inside though. It's a shame because many toy story fans would love it if it was looked after better or improves upon. But hey-ho I accepted long ago it was closed and I didn't have high hopes of it re-opening because on my many visits it has been closed. And we've been lots!
I do also miss honey I shrunk the audience PrincessA :( but let's hope they put something cool in discoveryland that well all enjoy!
I would miss it as I have great memories in there and I love Toy Story but if it means we get Star Wars I won't moan :)
Pizza Planet could always move to WDS
I actually think that would be more fitting with the toy story play land but doubt it'll happen with ratatouille ride and restaurant coming soon.
Anything will be better than Pizza Planet - in my opinion this is the worst restaurant at Disneyland.
To be honest, we very rarely go into Discoveryland anyway, there's just nothing there that appeals so it won't be missed by this household
Most of the restaurants at DLP are useless, but this is by far one of the worst. The interior was great, fun and well themed, but this doesn't make up for the rubbish food they served..
Quote from: Screaming Coasters on April 02, 2014, 05:14:26 AM
The interior was great, fun and well themed
Really :o ? Have you ever been there?
For me it looks like a derty, ugly tent, some half-broken items hanging down from the ceiling. Most kids like the playground but that's all. The atmosphere in this place is really awfull.
Quote from: LotsoHugginBear on April 04, 2014, 08:03:43 PM
Quote from: Screaming Coasters on April 02, 2014, 05:14:26 AM
The interior was great, fun and well themed
Really :o ? Have you ever been there?
For me it looks like a derty, ugly tent, some half-broken items hanging down from the ceiling. Most kids like the playground but that's all. The atmosphere in this place is really awfull.
Totally agree, The theming in Pizza Planet is awful, the majority of the other restaurants are brilliantly themed in my opinion.
When did it actually open? I'll assume it was sometime after 1995, defiantly shows that it's not an original as the original have so much more detail put into them.
As I recall it opened somewhere in 1996. Until then the tent hosted a space exposition which was actually pretty good. I think it was one of the remains from the Space Mountain opening.
Anyway, don't like it, the place looks worn down, it smells and the food is disgusting.
I always liked the idea of a Pizza Planet in Disneyland, but in my opinion they really missed the chance to make it a great place true to the movie... to me it looked like an ordinary fast food place with a cheap toy story overlay. The food is ok and good value since it's all you can eat, but it definitely lacks atmosphere.
I know that there was no walt disney studios or toy story playland by the time the restaurant opened, but i think it fits much better there than it does in Discoveryland. (which is also the case with buzz lightyear laser blast)
But who knows... now when they close it, they could build a new pizza planet in WDSP... hopefully a better one!!! :)
Against all reviews we popped our heads in here to see what it looked like and ending up staying for lunch. My four year old boy was beside himself from the pizza-toting statue at the entrance to the giant alien-filled rocket in the centre. We filled up on pizza, pasta and refillable cold drinks and desserts, my little boy got to have a run around in the large play area (much needed after a morning of queuing, bless him) and my baby got a clean highchair (unlike in plaza gardens the night before where they couldn't find one for her for the entire meal!). He loved it, we were well fed and well rested at the end of lunch and let's face it, where else is there in Discoveryland to eat other than Cafe Hyperon?
Worth the money, worth the try. I say revamp it not get rid of it!
When is it closing ?
We never went to Pizza Planet. Won't miss is.
me and my wife loved it especially on a very hot day it was always very cool in there and also quite from the busy park. we will miss it.
Its a tent - freezing in winter and baking in the summer.
It was great for a sit down for us and a mad indoor play for our son.
I imagine it was nice when it first opened, but got grubby / tatty over time and had no money spent on it.
Has it been confirmed that it has closed or is closing?
As far as I'm aware this hasn't been confirmed for closing anytime soon, but looking at the speculated future plans to this whole area (adding Star Tours 2 and Jedi Academy around 2015-16) it does seem like it will be remplaced by something else.
Some friends ate at Pizza Planet's during their trip last week. They said they loved the food and the children had fun with the decorations, but that it was terribly hot. I only went on my first visit (2007), didn't go back, we fancied other restaurants better.
They should just build a new restaurant altogether - an actual building, not a tent. Then theme it as they please. I love both Star Wars and Toy Story, but following a Jules Verne theme wouldn't be bad either.
In more than 40 days spent at DLP over a 6-year period, Pizza Planet was only open on 2 days, and they were the last 2 on our most recent trip!
We wanted to eat at Pizza Planet since our very first trip. I must say, as a result of largely negative reviews, I didn't actually have much of an expectation of the food, but still wanted to be able to say we'd eaten at Pizza Planet! However, we all really enjoyed it, particularly the larger choice of dishes than was expected - the pizza was really moist and tasty (as opposed to being overcooked and tasting like cardboard). Also the atmosphere was good as well.
If it closes, I would certainly miss it ;)
On my last visit to the park the bf really wanted pizza so we went to bella notte and saw that pizza, a salad, a desert and a drink would be €15, so instead we went to Pizza Planet where it was €17 for all you can eat pizza. Really enjoyed the food, granted the location isn't the best but the food and the excellent value for money made it worth it
As a Toy Story fan I always wanted to experience Pizza Planet however when I've visited it was always closed so I just assumed it was closed permanently. I was obviously wrong.