Hi all first post here. We are driving to DlP for our second trip this October mon-Friday . My question is does anyone know what rush hour traffic is like in France ? We are hoping to catch the euro tunnel at about 8pm so we are unsure as to what time to leave Disney . Driving there isn't a problem as we will just get there when we get there but my oh is stressing about our return journey . Cheers
It can be very bad. Last time we drove we left about 4pm and arrived at 10.30pm missing our 8.30pm train, got put on the next one though.
If I were you I would leave about 3pm to avoid the parisian traffic.
Hi, we drive to disneyland paris all the time, and we always leave at least 4 hours before just incase there are problems and so far on over the years we have never missed our Eurotunnel train yet. :D
The journey takes 3 and a half hours approx. add an hour for safety.
It's a while since i drove back, but I used to drive via Meaux. You eventually join the autorute at the pay booths just the other side of CDG airport and you miss all the Parisian traffic and drive through some nice countryside.
Cheers for the info everyone . I think we shall leave at 3ish and just see what happens !! No stress (hopefully)
Some of it depends on how fast you drive :D
We left on a Saturday in early December at 3pm. Made it to Calais for 5:50pm. I basically stuck to 120-130km/h throughout.
Got straight onto our 6:20pm Train but I was getting worried because Passport Checking took ages as only 1 lane open with a lot of cars queuing.
This was basically the perfect journey, can't do a 200 mile journey in the UK and make it dead on time like that.
From DLP drive direction Charles de Gaulle Airport, then reach A16 (Cergy-Pontoise, Beauvais, Calais).
http://www.viamichelin.fr/web/Itineraires?strStartLocid=31NDJ3ajAxMGNORGd1T0RjNU5UST1jTWk0M05qUTRPQT09&strDestLocid=31NDJxdzgxMGNOVEF1T1RVNE1ERT1jTVM0NE5USTBOQT09&intItineraryType=undefined&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=22%2F02%2F2014&distance=km&devise=1.0|EUR&indemnite=&carbCost=1.6&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6 (http://www.viamichelin.fr/web/Itineraires?strStartLocid=31NDJ3ajAxMGNORGd1T0RjNU5UST1jTWk0M05qUTRPQT09&strDestLocid=31NDJxdzgxMGNOVEF1T1RVNE1ERT1jTVM0NE5USTBOQT09&intItineraryType=undefined&caravaneHidden=false&vh=CAR&strVehicle=0&itineraryCarType=0&itineraryFuelType=0&isFavoriseAutoroute=false&isAvoidPeage=false&isAvoidVignette=false&isAvoidLNR=false&isAvoidFrontiers=false&dtmDeparture=22%2F02%2F2014&distance=km&devise=1.0%7CEUR&indemnite=&carbCost=1.6&autoConso=6.8&villeConso=6&routeConso=5.6)
My missus hates the A104 bit as it's always hectic but usually fairly free flowing as everyone is driving like a lunatic. Personally, if I were worried about driving back just follow the signs to Lille/Calais A4/A104/A1/A26. We just had our 51st trip to DLRP and apart from the last trip where we used Eurostar for the 1st time we have driven every time.
We got back from Disney today ( well very early this morning).
We left the Santa Fe at 6.30 and were booked on the 11.30 ferry .
We arrived in Calais at 10.30 ( although our ferry was also delayed !!) .
We had a couple of toilet stops and to also allowed time in case of traffic / accidents etc .
It did take a bit of time at the toll booth paying as there were only a couple of lanes open .