So, I just booked our next trip yesterday. We are going from Monday 17th March to the Friday 21st. We are staying at Santa Fe again (we went once before, in March 2012, and stayed at the Santa Fe then too).
Not much was going on back then, as it was just before the 20th started. We didn't even see many characters - only about 4-5 roaming the park in a whole week!! :( Hope there are more about this time!!
Now I know it's St. Patricks Day on the day we arrive, but as we are a mixed family (Danish-English) we aren't too fussed about this.... But are there any special celebrations going on that we should be aware of? Or will there just be "clovers and leprechauns everywhere and Guinnes on tap"...? :D
Does anyone know if Dreams will still be running by then? I know they have already extended and extended it..... but will it all be over after christmas?? I hope not, as I would love to see it in real life... (And cry my eyes out as I have no doubt will happen...!) :'(
And what about parades - does anyone know what they have planned for 2014? Will Stars in Cars still be running in the Studios?
I know I am 4 months away and pre-maturely planning, but that's me all over... I will be making list upon list for the next 4 months until it is actually time to go...!!
Hope someone can help, and give me an idea of what to look forward to... (Apart from the obvious!! ;D )
We are also going in March, from the 10th-13th for 3 nights and have many of the same questions!
We'd like to know if there's any special St Patricks celebrations to be aware of?
We went in February and saw loads of characters. The best place to catch them is about half an hour before the 'Stars in their Cars' parade in the Production courtyard! That is where we got most of our pictures! So I would definitely recommend planning that in to your trip! :)
X x
I'm there march 31 to 3 April so in really hoping you get some replys as is love to know too. As far as I know Dreams! Is on for the next year and I wonder if they'll update it like xmas or revert back to the original one. Louise x
Quote from: jennimonday on November 23, 2013, 11:30:17 AM
We are also going in March, from the 10th-13th for 3 nights and have many of the same questions!
We'd like to know if there's any special St Patricks celebrations to be aware of?
We went in February and saw loads of characters. The best place to catch them is about half an hour before the 'Stars in their Cars' parade in the Production courtyard! That is where we got most of our pictures! So I would definitely recommend planning that in to your trip! :)
X x
Hi Jenni,
Oh fantastic! You'll have to let me know when you get back, what it's been like (I'll be glued to this page day in and out by then...!! :D )
Yes I will definitely be spending a lot more time in the studios this time - esp. in connection with the parade! We weren't aware that they were out so often in the Studios last time we went, so were quite disappointed really... :( But am much more clued up now as to where to look, so will be sure to fill up the autograph-book this time...!
Kind regards, Pia.
Quote from: loulou169 on November 23, 2013, 01:14:46 PM
I'm there march 31 to 3 April so in really hoping you get some replys as is love to know too. As far as I know Dreams! Is on for the next year and I wonder if they'll update it like xmas or revert back to the original one. Louise x
Hi Louise,
I'm so pleased that dreams is still on. I couldn't imagine them cancelling it so quick either. But you never know...
You'll have to look out for my trip-report when I get back, so you can see what it's been like. ;D
Kind regards, Pia.
Hi Pia, i will definitely be keeping an eye out for your trip report. I'm really interested to find out whats going to be happening next yearns they have had the New Generations and 20th anniversary and this will be my first time going where they ain't celebrating anything! I've done Halloween twice too so march is a first! I'm so excited! Lol x
Thanks for this post we will be in Santa Fe same dates as yourself and has many of same questions.
Im visiting april 2-8. 6 nights this is our 11th trip. I have everything crossed that it doesnt snow. But looking forward to seeing dreams again.
Jackie :D
We will be going in April 9/10-14. I also have the same doubt about dreams: will it be updated or return to the previous one? We should know soon enough, anyway, whatever they show is fine with me!! :) Just happy to be there!
Jackie, you mentioned snow... wow, what are the odds of snowing around the second week of April? We don't have snow here, EVER... It's way too early to predict, but you guys think i should get some extra warm clothes/shoes during sales season? Thanks for all info regarding April weather!!
In the uk in this year it was snowing at the end of march, no idea if it did in Paris but wouldn't think it would be much warmer. Its just as the last few years we have had snow in November and December and as we haven't I just worry it will come late,, therefore possibly being really cold or even snow in early April. Its just a theory of mine really and I hope I'm wrong and its a heat wave.
Quote from: jackieann on December 28, 2013, 02:21:18 PM
In the uk in this year it was snowing at the end of march, no idea if it did in Paris but wouldn't think it would be much warmer. Its just as the last few years we have had snow in November and December and as we haven't I just worry it will come late,, therefore possibly being really cold or even snow in early April. Its just a theory of mine really and I hope I'm wrong and its a heat wave.
I am having the exact same thoughts! As we haven't had any snow here in Denmark yet either, I am a bit worried, that we will have a late winter - we have had snow here in March and April before, but I shouldn't think it would snow in France at that time... But it might be cold...
When we went in March 2011, it was a bit nippy in the morning, but about 18-20 C in the afternoon... I just had a thin mac with me, no rainclothes etc. for the boys. Guess we were lucky with the weather then - it could have just as easily have been raining all week....
I for one am thinking about getting some extra warm clothes in the sales for us all, just in case... But as was said, it is way too early to predict now.....
Dreams is likely to revert to v2, with Lion King and Brave sections :)
March has 7th-9th Welsh Festival which has its own fireworks show, and has Dreams-esque projections/water, but is short and not as grand. Still great to see.
St Patricks on the 17th, which again will have its own fireworks show, with projections etc - same as above really.
Usually on those dates you get a few extra things/photostops round the park, nothing huge but a bonus none the less :)