Afternoon all
This is a slightly broard question as it varies from family to family however, for a 4 night/5 day stay how much would you 'recommend' we take?It will be myself, my husband and our 2.5 yr old (at the time) daughter
We have not booked any meal options - We will probably do a counter service lunch/buffett dinner however one evening will be at Buffalo Bills.
Souvenir wise, we arent intending on going mad - Mainly it will be a few bits for my daughter and I would like a sweatshirt of some sort!.
I know it is expensive there, they are a business and wise to the fact that people will spend the money! I am however just trying to get an idea of the budget
Many thanks in advance!
Disney princess items can be dear so normally about 10euro up, the sweatshirts for adults are normally about 30euro up over, my t-shirt was 26 euro but prices vary depending upon what you want on them.
As a family of 4 we normally take about £600 for meals and souvenirs, kids take their own money with being at that age (10 & 7) which is no more than about 70 euro each but end up getting the money out of us haha. It does depend on where you eat. Your daughter should be free with being under 3 If you buy your tickets for Buffalo Bills in Disney then they are a big chunk of money, going online works out cheaper.
Thanks Zee79
It is my daughters birthday in February so I am planning on getting her Mickey outfit for then rather than pay DLP prices. I have also looked on for Buffalo Bill tickets and can get them for around £35 pp (would I have to pay for my daughter?)
It really is all about food money - I have priced out restaurants for dinner each night but think I may need to ammend my options as it totalled :o
Lunchtime will just be counter services (I am looking forward to trying Earl of Sandwich!)
If you look at the dining section of they have some prices on their menus so this will be able to help you find a rough idea of costs.
Hope this helps.
Food wise there are cheaper alternatives depending on where you are staying and if you have access to things like a microwave, kettle or hob. Are you staying on or off site? If you are definitely going to be buying food then French Macdonalds is not entirely fast food and have some pretty good things if you go down past the standard menus. Early of sandwich is next best value, I highly recommend the big round Brownie they have there :D . Remember if you have the right annual pass you can use it to get a discount in both of these and a few others in the village.
Whatever you do if you are budgeting out your spending money I highly recommend one of those prepay debit cards you can use while travelling. I personally use the multi currency cash passport from travelex as it has the most favourable terms and doesn't charge you any fees if you want to take out cash from an ATM. =) ºoº
Oh...and one more thing. If you are looking for a bargain on clothes and merchandise, try checking out the gift stores in the various hotels. They almost always have end of line/season or sale item deals you wont find anywhere else. Its fun checking out all the different hotels and you never know, you might just run into a character or two! =) ºoº
Depends on what you want to eat and do and what you want to save up on. Five days is a lot and the food is expensive in Paris. Does your stay include breakfast, because that saves up (I mean the hotel). Also, there's McDonalds and stuff, but consider paying a bit more for quality. I can recommend Annette and Rainforest, they're not cheap, but they're definitely better than McDonalds. And you can buy McDonalds everywhere, so it's not special.
Many people say they won't be going mad, but many just do because you can't really be careful with your money in DLRP. Everything has a high price and you can't really live on a budget, especially with kids. If you don't want to spend money, don't go to Paris.
Many things are free for kids under 3, so you're in luck. I'd say, take about €600 for five days.
We arent on a budget as such - I would just prefer not to spend an excessive amount out there, particularly on food
I have had a look at the menu's and priced up some of them - I think we will definitely be having some nice meals so it will just be a matter of lunches. I would certainly prefer not to be going to McDonalds everyday - I can get that here.
We are staying at Sequoia Lodge so breakfast is included.
I am sure it is easy to say you wont spend much but end up spending alot more whilst you are out there, as a previous poster said especially when you have kids!!
Really I was just after an idea, possibly some examples, of what people have taken if you know what I mean?
Yep, its not so much about being on a budget more a case of not blowing it up! That said, agree with most suggestions so far, about 100 a day should cover an average trip. Just remeber, its a guide not a target ;)
Lol - You sound like my husband. If I have it to spend, I will spend it!!
£100 sounds reasonable
Haha, believe me I am all for the spending of money when it comes to Disney and DLP! Didn't have a tongue in cheek smiley though ;D Also just want to make sure you have enough left over to start planning your next trip once you get back. Ahhh what the hey...start planning it now...oh look just saw :P (not quite but you get the idea) ºoº
Quote from: glgittens85 on November 14, 2013, 02:20:15 PM
Thanks Zee79
It is my daughters birthday in February so I am planning on getting her Mickey outfit for then rather than pay DLP prices. I have also looked on for Buffalo Bill tickets and can get them for around £35 pp (would I have to pay for my daughter?)
It really is all about food money - I have priced out restaurants for dinner each night but think I may need to ammend my options as it totalled :o
Lunchtime will just be counter services (I am looking forward to trying Earl of Sandwich!)
We booked through ticketnetfr and we didn't pay for my nieces when we went to watch Buffalo Bills in May, they are 2. They had to eat from our plates but some of the staff came and gave them some so I think it will depend on who you get on the night. They really enjoyed the show.
We always take more than we need. This year it will be just me and my partner going for 3 nights/4 days, we eat in King Ludwigs Castle every night as we love the food and my other half loves the BIG beers!!! We are planning on taking about 1000 euros with us!!! :o
We fill up at breakfast, and then have a late lunch/early dinner at one of the buffet restaurants, so we only need 2 meals a day, with a couple of snacks. We generally take 100 euros a day but this doesn't include meals, it's amazing how the little bits add up - character photos. autograph book, a pen, toffee apples gifts etc.
The 2 meals a day sounds like a plan - We are driving over there so I was intending on stocking up on drinks, snacks etc to take with us
We are taking our first trip in feb. We are staying at HNY for 4 nights 5 days. We have breakfast included and have half board premium meal plans. I intend to take about €1400 for a family of 2 adults 2 kids,as im not sure what we might buy,if we might want to take a day trip to paris,souvenirs,and any photis,lunch we might also want. (We are using our meal plans for evening) but i do intend to buy things for my daughters and myself from the shops and hope to bring some money home!! Hope this helps you, michelle
I'm going for 6nts/7days and getting £1400 changed into euros. There is myself, partner and our son going and we will need to buy lunch and dinner everyday but we are doing some of the more expensive restaurants as a treat. I will also be buying Christmas presents, souvenirs and photos etc. I'm hoping I've over budgeted as we ran out of money on our last day there last year and had to use breakfast items for lunch as we had seriously overspent! It's so easy to do and I don't have a lot of willpower when away, it's usually if I want it I get it but hopefully I'll be coming back with some money this time! :)
We are going to do the 2 meals a day thing as well.
When you have breakfast at the Sequoia, don't be surprised if you see people stacking up on rolls, croissants and toast/sandwiches to take to the parks - everyone does it, and it is not frowned upon. Bring a freezerbag to keep the stuff in, and you will have some freebies for snacking on later.
There is always the Earl of Sandwich which is very fairly priced, and the food is delish. We will certainly be going there a few times on our next visit. :)
We will be going to counterservice/buffet places for dinner too, can't afford table service every night for a week (we are 4 nights 5 days too). So trying to keep the cost down.... :-\ I think we will only be taking about £250-£300 cash, incl. food total! That is all we spent there last time (4 nights 5 days as well). The boys had £50 each for souveniers on top of that. So it can be done "cheap"...
At the end of the day, it is what you make it. If you want to spend more, then there is every opportunity to... But it can be done very cheap...
Sorry to dive in on this! We are going next week (YAY!) and we have booked full board plus. Arriving on Monday at 2pm and leaving Thursday at 6pm. We have 330 Euros for drinks/souvenirs etc. Do you think that will be enough? 2 adults, 1 child and an infant. Thanks guys!
It all depends on how much you want to spend,where you will be eating and what you will be buying. We normally take £500 for a family of 4 to eat two meals a day plus eating in one of the more expensive places at least once. If in doubt we normally say eat at Mcdonalds, can't go wrong there haha. I would say the drinks between meals are what mounts the cost up so I would take some with you from home if you can. We used to take our thermo mugs and make hot chocolate up to last some of the morning and then it would be time for lunch so drink with meal so only a drink between then and evening meal.
Thanks Zee79. Food is covered, brekkie at hotel and full board plus booked. I plan to take some drinks from home, and then the spending money we have will literally be just drinks and whatever the children would like to buy (they also have some of their own money).
I am liking the Thermos idea Zee79 - Even though its June I still need my hot drinks in the morning! Lol
Reading the different replies I can see it can be done on a reasonable budget - Thanks for the tips everyone!