DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: Kristof on September 24, 2013, 10:46:14 AM

Title: What's new, what's next event | Announcements and tweets recap
Post by: Kristof on September 24, 2013, 10:46:14 AM
Disneyland Paris is hosting a special event for invited website owners and bloggers about what's new and what's next at Disneyland Paris. Magicforum is invited as well and we'll be posting live from this event throughout both days.

Although no major announcements are expected, we will be shown a look at the upcoming Holiday Seasons (Halloween and Christmas), the refurbishments of the Disney Hotels and new merchandising.

Follow our Twitter account @magicforum (http://twitter.com/magicforum) for live tweets.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next?
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on September 25, 2013, 01:12:08 AM
Looking forward to hearing all about it :)

Halloweens shaping up to be awesome, without mentioning Christmas!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next?
Post by: orangarnold on September 25, 2013, 01:47:44 AM
When is it going to be?
Title: Re: What's new, what's next?
Post by: Kristof on September 25, 2013, 08:54:39 AM
Quote from: orangarnold on September 25, 2013, 01:47:44 AM
When is it going to be?

Oops, I've added the date to the original post.  It's tomorrow and Friday!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on September 25, 2013, 09:20:00 AM
You may also get a play with the new DLP site :)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Kristof on September 25, 2013, 03:21:54 PM
We  need a hashtag for the event tomorrow and Friday. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: orangarnold on September 25, 2013, 03:37:22 PM
Quote from: Kristof on September 25, 2013, 03:21:54 PM
We  need a hashtag for the event tomorrow and Friday. Any suggestions?

I just tweeted you #wnwndlrp as an idea
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Mitchell on September 25, 2013, 04:19:14 PM
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Kristof on September 25, 2013, 04:21:40 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I've picked #eventDLP, as suggested by some of the magicforum twitter followers.

Keep an eye out on our Twitter feed tomorrow!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: BoristheSpider on September 25, 2013, 07:12:51 PM
Sounds interesting :)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on September 26, 2013, 08:30:16 AM
Kristof is live tweeting already :D

I'll try and copy over :) anyone feel free to help!

QuoteNot a good start, TGV is delayed but no announcement why. Presentation starts at 9.30 am... #eventDLP

QuoteBy the way, this is magicforum admin Kristof. On my way to DLP to cover What's New, What's Next at Disneyland Paris. #eventDLP
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: SVioletS on September 26, 2013, 09:47:55 AM
Thanks trekkie! I will follow here as i can't access twitter :) i wish they will give some insight on ! :)what's in store for 2014 :) besides ratarouille, i mean!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 10:29:35 AM

@magicforum 2h Not a good start, TGV is delayed but no announcement why. Presentation starts at 9.30 am...

@magicforum 43m Made it! Introduction now by the ambassadors

@magicforum 41m Djuan Rivers, Vice-President Hotels and Business Solutions is talking about the Disney experience and story telling in the hotels.

@magicforum 40m He's American, by the way. Talking about the extra perks guests get in the Disney Hotels. Extra magic hours, Disney Express etc.

@magicforum 39m Refurbishments now. They done soft rehabs i. The past. Now gonna dig deeper.

@magicforum 38m Djuan Rivers https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383132150041550848/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383132150041550848/photo/1)

@magicforum 38m Talking about guest surveys what guests find important in hotels. One outcome was free wifi. Soon all hotels will get it.

@magicforum 38m Relooking calender https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383132689189961728/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383132689189961728/photo/1)

@magicforum 37m Djuan was part of the Euro Disney opening team. Stayed 6 months in a Davy Crockett cabin.

@magicforum 37m Showing before and after photos of the Davy Crockett cabins. Nothing new[size=78%]. [/size]

@magicforum 37m Davy Crockett ranch guest satisfaction went up 10% after rehab.

@magicforum 36m Sylvie Massara, Art Director Resorts WDI Creative Development is now talking about the new Sequoia Lodge rooms (in French)

@magicforum 35m Sylvie Massara, Art Director Resorts WDI Creative Development. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383133732296601600/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383133732296601600/photo/1)

@magicforum By the way #eventDLP is now the official hashtag of the event... ;-)

@magicforum 34m Showing close up photos of Sequoia Lodge details. I think we'll visit these rooms later.

@magicforum 35m The style of the Sequoia Lodge rooms are Art and Craft

@magicforum 34m Moving on to the new Golden Forest Club level

@magicforum 32m Djuan weighs in on the commercial aspect of the Golden Forest.

@magicforum 31m Sylvie designed the tree in the Golden Forest Lounge https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383135257832079360/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383135257832079360/photo/1)

@magicforum 31m Sante Fe now!

@magicforum 31m Sante Fe slide https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383135546836398080/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383135546836398080/photo/1)

@magicforum 31m "Sante Fe was a perfect opportunity to use the Cars theme. " Djuan

@magicforum 30m The new Santa Fe colors are softer and more "gaie"? Not sure how that translates[size=78%].[/size]

@magicforum 29m The strips on top of the building are security barriers for CM's. WDI decorated them with characters

@magicforum 28m Question: will Santa Fe change name? Sylvie: now, it's still Route 66. It's not a Cars hotel, there are just cars elements.

@magicforum 27m Newport Bay club next. Will be the largest project ever. They will relook at everything, parking, rooms, lobby, facade, etc

@magicforum 26m The facade will be completely stripped and replaced as well as all new rooms. New materials that are environmental friendly

@magicforum 26m Rooms will get an infrared sensor that cab arrange temperature when a guest leaves fore example a door open.

@magicforum 25m East wing will go first. Pool will be touched up too. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383137564246302720/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383137564246302720/photo/1)

@magicforum 25m Rooms before and after! https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383137724955242496/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383137724955242496/photo/1)

@magicforum 24m Rooms will get Mickey touches. Colors will be warmer. Colors look a bit like the new Disney Cruise cabins to me.

@magicforum 24m Breakfast experience gets mentioned!

@magicforum 23m Restaurants will improve. Lobby will entirely be redone

@magicforum 24m H2O+ amminities are coming to DLP, same as in WDW, DLR, DCL?

@magicforum 23m Hotel new york experience will change completely. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383138766879088640/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383138766879088640/photo/1)

@magicforum 23m Djuan wants the Disney experience from the States come to DLP

@magicforum 22m Of to visit the hotels. Will try to post on 3G

@magicforum 22m Question: will they change the HNY facade. Djuan: decision has not been made.

@magicforum 20m Disneyland Hotel and cheyenne will be treated too in the future, but no details
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 10:29:58 AM
@magicforum19mFor some kind of reason the HNY won't let me open any sites in safari or chrome, so for now only posts on Twitter.

@magicforum18mThe amount of investment in updating the hotels was big.

@magicforum18mNo Vacation Club in DLP for now

@magicforum15mSylvie answers a question that the Original designers of the hotels were not consulted on the refurbs.

@magicforum15mOff to visit some hotel rooms now

@magicforum12mDjuan And Sylvie  https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383142107185033216/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383142107185033216/photo/1)

@magicforum8mWe got badges! https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383143422531362816/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383143422531362816/photo/1)

@magicforum 29m On our way to Santa Fe

@magicforum 25m We are welcomed by Santa Fe managers Olivier and Helder

@magicforum 20m Sylvie is talking about the new colors, which were inspired by the rocks in Cars https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383151931511693312/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383151931511693312/photo/1)

@magicforum 18m Santa will remain themed to Route 66 with Cars elements

@magicforum 15m Santa Fe test zone https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383153694075662336/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383153694075662336/photo/1)

@magicforum 12m The waterfall railing will become a planter with different colors of plants. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383154601215528960/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383154601215528960/photo/1)

@magicforum 11m A look at the new Cars rooms in Santa Fe https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383158842491547649/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383158842491547649/photo/1)

@magicforum 8m The Cheyenne water tower will be reconstructed. Old one was falling apart.

@magicforum 2m Arriving at Sequoia Lodge. Area loop is playing outside. First time ever I hear this

Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 11:51:20 AM
@magicforum 15m Sequoia Lodge managers Luca and Loic welcome us https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383161845852274688/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383161845852274688/photo/1)

@magicforum  9m Monotype Cursiva? ;-) https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383163513692094464/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383163513692094464/photo/1)

@magicforum 4m Free wifi in Sequoia Lodge before Christmas

@magicforum 2m Visiting one of Sequoia Lodge suites. Looks amazing! Photo tour on magicforum.eu later!

@magicforum 22m The Golden Forest Lounge looks stunning! https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383169476713123841/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383169476713123841/photo/1)

@magicforum 18m We're now at Newport Bay Club. Again, facade will be stripped and replaced. Lightbulbs will be replaced by LED

@magicforum 5m Retro Mickey in the new Newport Bay Club rooms https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383174275890286593/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383174275890286593/photo/1)

Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: orangarnold on September 26, 2013, 11:55:01 AM
Ah people have beaten me to my idea, off work sick so I need something to pass the time!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 12:10:36 PM
oops sorry orangarnold  :)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: orangarnold on September 26, 2013, 12:15:18 PM
Quote from: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 12:10:36 PM
oops sorry orangarnold  :)

It's fine, I'm glad others have the same idea.

I do like the sound of how much work is being done in the hotels
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 12:17:54 PM
yes and I'm delighted that Sequoia Lodge is getting free wifi before Christmas, we were wondering about that as we usually SKYPE family on Christmas Day. I wonder will it be in the rooms or just in the lobby /bar area.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: orangarnold on September 26, 2013, 12:20:26 PM
Hopefully it will be throughout.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 12:36:26 PM

CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Afternoon session part one

@magicforum 6m DLP H20+ soap bottle https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383176127218323456/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383176127218323456/photo/1)

@magicforum 6m All 3 star hotels and above will get rid of the shower curtains and replaced by glass screens

@magicforum 7m Just finished lunch at Steakhouse with Joe Schott, chief operating officer who had a few interesting things to say

@magicforum 2m Intensive rehab of Main Street building facades, including inside and outside Main Street Station

@magicforum 1m Rehabs won't be superficial, but replacing with durable materials.

@magicforum 1m Town Square Photography will be ripped out and made into a new shop

@magicforum 1m Lots of scaffolding will go up the coming weeks on Town Square.

@magicforum 16s The Temple of Peril will completely be leveled soon and rebuild put of real stone. The entire loop will be replaced too.

@magicforum 1m He promised the park will no longer look in the condition it currently is in the coming 4-5 years.

@magicforum 1m He was very passionate about improving the quality and acknowledging things weren't done right in the past.

@magicforum 1m Stunt Show will go back to normal the coming months. There were technical challenges that should be resolved soon.

@magicforum 37s Question: I heard Mark Twain will be destroyed. Joe: NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. It's an icon

@magicforum 53s He also said that he thought it should have been Mark Twain that should have been refurbished first, not Molly Brown

@magicforum 50s Regarding the geysers, my question, he said they were no priority and they will never come back as the used to be, but

@magicforum 1m Something will eventually replace the geysers that will be equally unique.

@magicforum 1m Joe confirmed they're working on the Space Mountain seats that will make it more comfortable.

@magicforum 32s Joe wants to see a nex single riders line at least one a year. First will be Crush's Coaster which will get a new entrance

@magicforum 1m The High School Musical theme will be replaced in Blockbuster Cafe! He joked Iron Man. Not sure if that's true
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Mitchell on September 26, 2013, 03:28:17 PM
HSM theme going in blockbuster cafe
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Adam on September 26, 2013, 03:32:49 PM
For future events like this, if it is technically possible, it would be good to have tweets embeddable or have a Storify.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Mitchell on September 26, 2013, 03:34:33 PM
Armageddon will eventually be replaced :D
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 03:36:59 PM

@Pixiedust_be 12m Please ask something about the lighting of the Disneyland Hotel & parts of Main Street?

@magicforum  they're replacing it with LED in the future.

@magicforum 3m They're also gonna implant new safety systems in the native rides (like BTM) that will make it easier to restart after down time.

@magicforum 2m He didn't like Armageddon at all, it will be replaced but not now. They need to build new rides and add capacity first

@magicforum 2m I think that was the most important stuff to report, didn't take notes or tweeted because I sat right across him. Really nice guy.

@magicforum 2m Oh he name dropped Marvel and Star Wars, but no announcements. He did say that if they do Marvel, it can't just be a patched ride

@magicforum 54s Entertainment presentatipn now with Christophe Leclerq and Emmanuel Lenormand. Photos not allowed during presentation.

@magicforum 51s Halloween will continue to grow over the years.

@MichelvanMarrew 3m  did they mention Disney village today?

@magicforum 2m yes they have an outline, but for Joe it's the parks that's a priority.

@magicforum 3m Main street Station and town Square will be decorated. Similar to last year. Lots of orange banners etc

@magicforum 2m Goofy's Candy machine will be back with regular character appearences.

@magicforum 2m It's sponsored by Haribo.

@magicforum 2m Duffy's Halloween costume is confirmed. And orange parasols.

@magicforum 2m Lamp posts will get mickey pumpkin heads with fall leaves around it. Looks nice and classy!

@magicforum 1m Last year's halloween for kids is back. Parents can pick it up for free at city hall

@magicforum 50s Minnie's Couture Workshop will go in front of the meet 'n' greet location across Casey's. Lots of purples

@magicforum 36s The fab 5 pumpkin heads will be back on Central Plaza

@magicforum 3m Villains meet 'n' greet behind the Castle. This year a whole group of villains will come out and there will be a band playing

@magicforum 2m Talking about the cavalcade now. (Joe said it will go big the coming years)

@magicforum 2m Showing concept art for the dancers costumes. Fall leave colors. Looks nice!

@magicforum 1m Pumpkin Men characters are confirmed

@magicforum 46s An entire float for the ducks: donald, Daisy, nephews and Uncle Scrooge
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Mitchell on September 26, 2013, 03:39:00 PM
Kristof sounds like he had a blast!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 04:06:49 PM

@magicforum 4m Parade unit with Winnie the Pooh characters and pumpkin girls.

@magicforum 3m Final float will have Minnie And mickey, clarice and Chip & Dale. Very fall themed.

@magicforum 3m Cavalcade will be very 'country fun'

@magicforum 3m Pumpkin men statues have been updated with better feet and arms

@magicforum 3m Nightmare before christmas photo location will get the fountain from the movie

@magicforum 3m 7 musical bands are listed for different lands

@magicforum 2m Soundtrack for the parade will be called Vive la vie and is all new. Will entirely be in English

@magicforum 1m For the soiree, show on Castle Stage with Maleficent and show with Hook on Galley

@magicforum 1m They're looking into how to bring a better halloween for the very little ones

@magicforum 4m The old Villains float will not be reused in the cavalcade, because it didn't fit the look

@magicforum 4m The 'new' cavalcade floats are Fantillusion floats stripp down. :-(

@magicforum 4m Moving over to Christmas Season.

@magicforum 3m Christmas Season begins 10 November, ends 6 January.

@magicforum 3m Main street Station decorations from last year will be back with new logo

@magicforum 3m New christmas tree will have a lot more decorations and special lighting effects.

@magicforum 2m The new tree lighting cermony will be called Les voeux Magiques de Noel in French and wont feature characters.

@magicforum 1m It will feature the voices of pinochio and jiminy cricket. Will be in French, English and Spanish. Snow machines on town square.

@magicforum 1m All new music for the tree lighting written for this show

@magicforum 4m And why yes, duffy will get a christmas outfit too

@magicforum 3m Tree Lighting will be 360° experience around the tree to allow better viewing for everyone

@magicforum 2m Winnie the pooh in christmas outfit meet n greets

@magicforum 4m Next: Christmas cavalcade. Got bigger compared to last year. Opening float will be old snow white one (wwodp).

@magicforum 3m Toy Soldiers (face) are back with Goofy as bandleader.

@magicforum 2m Gingerbread men characters from the States are coming to DLP!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: never2old on September 26, 2013, 04:20:23 PM
Quote from: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 03:36:59 PM

@magicforum 1m Last year's halloween for kids is back. Parents can pick it up for free at city hall

What is that?
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 04:28:28 PM

@magicforum 4m Next floats will be reindeer and santa. Then Buzz and Woody. More toy Story toys on their float.

@magicforum 5m Looks like a cute parade

@magicforum 4m Santa Clause will also be part of Disney magic on Parade. Magic Everywhere song will be christmasfied.

@magicforum 3m Concept art for the Rapunzel / Frozen float! Ice mountain with ice castle on top and olaf

@magicforum 3m Disney Dreams of Christmas!

@magicforum 3m Olaf will be the main character, similar to shadow.

@magicforum 3m Sandy claus meet 'n' greets outside phantom manor!

@magicforum 2m Jingle Bell Boys will come back to Videopolis as well as other bands throughout the lands

@magicforum 2m It's a small world celebration will be back too

@magicforum 1m Nothing new at WDS for Christmas, that's for next year.

@magicforum 4m Castle Lighting will similar to last year

@MitchellDisney 15m  any info on Shellie-May

@magicforum  'she will not be with us this Christmas.'

@magicforum 1m she will be out during the Halloween Party though.

@MitchellDisney 10m is Olaf a character or statue like Simba?

@magicforum 6m statue.

@magicforum 3m Christmas in WDS is not done by Entertainment... :-s

@magicforum 4m Ghost statues concept art https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238201113985024/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238201113985024/photo/1)

@magicforum 4m Minnie's Couture Workshop https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238323650568194/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238323650568194/photo/1)

@magicforum 4m Jack Skellington photo op. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238442395504640/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238442395504640/photo/1)

@Cafe_Mickey 6m are they staying with christmas?

@magicforum 3m Yes, But Jack will be dressed as Sandy Claws for the first time in DLP

@magicforum 3m Christophe and Emmanuel https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238818624598018/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383238818624598018/photo/1)

@SVioletS 6m what's in store for 2014, besides Ratatouille, can you ask?

‏@magicforum 5m @SVioletS For now, 'just' Ratatouille.

@magicforum 1m Presentation is over. Next one in 45 minutes about cm recrutement.

Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 04:37:47 PM
Quote from: never2old on September 26, 2013, 04:20:23 PM
Quote from: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 03:36:59 PM

@magicforum 1m Last year's halloween for kids is back. Parents can pick it up for free at city hall

What is that?

I don't know, best ask Kristof, I am copying and pasting directing from his twitter feed
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: orangarnold on September 26, 2013, 04:41:58 PM
I think this event has really made people think 'oh Disney have listened look at all this work they have planned'

The hints at new rides and attractions for studios is intriguing
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on September 26, 2013, 04:55:13 PM
Looking good so far, all very interesting :)

Lots obviously going on behind the scenes, great to have live coverage here!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: BoristheSpider on September 26, 2013, 05:24:03 PM
Quote from: bad-pink-tink link=topic=16101.msg243090#msg243090
@magicforum 46s An entire float for the ducks: donald, Daisy, nephews and Uncle Scrooge

Aww :-)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Kristof on September 26, 2013, 05:27:28 PM
The HNY wifi did not let me open websites in Safari, so there have been updates on Twitter only. Will post a recap on the forum, including photo tours of the new Sequoia Lodge, Santa Fe and Newport Bay club rooms.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: BoristheSpider on September 26, 2013, 05:28:43 PM
@magicforum 3m Nightmare before christmas photo location will get the fountain from the movie

Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 05:29:18 PM
Kristof, I have been posting all your tweets all day, here on the forum, check pages one and two. As soon as you tweet again, I will keep copying and pasting your twitter timeline

Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 26, 2013, 05:33:53 PM

@magicforum 55s Short session about CM recruitment is now on

@magicforum 1m It's brought by manager Sébastien https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383253009351720960/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383253009351720960/photo/1)

@magicforum 1m Talking about how they brand their job openings

@magicforum 40s Marketing visuals, you can find these on the Facebook page of DLP recruitment https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383253797792792576/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383253797792792576/photo/1)

@magicforum 56s Forgot to mention something before what Joe Schott said. They're looking at bringing some elements from WDW's Magic Bands to DLP!

@magicforum 33s The recruitment campaign is targeted at all of Europe. There are different language versions.

@magicforum 1m They're launching a DLP recruitment app! Uses augmented reality. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383255175659397120/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383255175659397120/photo/1)

@magicforum 46s Follow @Disney_Emploi for more information about DLP recruitment.
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: BoristheSpider on September 26, 2013, 05:38:08 PM
Regarding the hotel wifi..

I don't mean to sound thick, but I am a bit where mobile phone roaming is concerned.
Does your phone have to be set to roaming still to pick up wifi overseas? And even if it is free wifi, do you still incur a charge with your network for using it abroad or is roaming & wifi two completely separate things?
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: nathalie on September 26, 2013, 06:00:36 PM
no roaming needed, pure wifi like you would use it from your own router/modem   ;)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: SVioletS on September 26, 2013, 06:10:41 PM
Super happy to know about all the effort they are putting towards general improvement! Looking forward to our visit... Hoping to see some changes by then. Just wish we could go during Christmas because it looks like it's going to be truly magical!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: BoristheSpider on September 26, 2013, 06:25:34 PM
Quote from: nathalie on September 26, 2013, 06:00:36 PM
no roaming needed, pure wifi like you would use it from your own router/modem   ;)

Thanks, just checking :)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 27, 2013, 10:36:24 AM

@magicforum 12m Good morning! Biggest event today will be a look at new merchandising and a backstage visit of Buffalo Bill

@magicforum 2m Joe Schott said yesterday he's a fan of the Tarzan Encounter and that it will come back, could not say when though

@magicforum 8m Lunch at Annette's Diner with Régis Alart, responsible for collectors items and last year's ambassador

‏@magicforum 2m Régis says the Phantom Manor line is selling very well. New items coming soon

@magicforum 2m New Vinylmatiosd coming soon as well, including The Little Mermaid.

@magicforum 34s Régis would love to do a Sleeping Beauty Castle model some day.

@magicforum 7m Pins are still going strong at DLP. It has been a good year according to Régis.

@magicforum 1m The smaller room in the Disney store has become a candy shop.

@magicforum 44s The Disney Gallery in DV now has art on demand! You can now order DLP attraction poster!!!

@magicforum 1m Phantom Manor Disney on Demand example printed on canvas. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383570798482440194/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383570798482440194/photo/1)

@magicforum 9s All the posters that can be ordered. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383572132296273921/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383572132296273921/photo/1)

@dlptownsquare 7m If these are on demand, how long do they take to print? Are they suitable for day trip guests

@magicforum 1m Up to 3 weeks to deliver

@magicforum 1m Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast and both Space Mountains are missing.

@magicforum 1m System is limitless according to Régis. More art can be added any time without having to build up a stock

@magicforum 1m Euro Disney expansion map was hinted by us fans

@magicforum 24s Pricing example: Phantom Manor poster on paper 70x100cm without frame: 52,99 euro including shipping.

@dedicatedtodlp 6m Do they have delivery costs outside of France, especially UK? Thanks :)

@magicforum 52s in fact they are printed in the UK. I think shipping is the same for most Europe

@magicforum 28s Lots of other Disney art and photos can be ordered as well.

@dedicatedtodlp 10m Is this an in park thing or will we will be able to order online?

@magicforum 34s park only!

@magicforum 18s Phantom Manor merchandising is well present and more on the way!
https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383577636905041920/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383577636905041920/photo/1)
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: bad-pink-tink on September 27, 2013, 03:13:38 PM

@magicforum 1m Régis explaining the Disneyland Paris logo on the poster https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383579535389642753/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383579535389642753/photo/1)

@dedicatedtodlp 51m The attraction pins are fantastic - is that series continuing?

@magicforum 2m just asked Régis, the attraction pins series will continue!

@magicforum 1m Régis hopes to do a Discoveryland art series some day. He found a Nine-Eye drawing in Da Vinci style he hopes to use.

@magicforum 48s We're currently at Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show for a backstage tour!

@magicforum 3m Buffalo Bill WWS will get a new signage soon.

@magicforum 2m Jean-Michel from senior VP operations entertainment Disney Village. https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383605740604108800/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/magicforum/status/383605740604108800/photo/1)

@magicforum 1m BBWWS is the highest rated show in DLP behind Dreams

@magicforum 2m Jean-Michel confirmed the return of the BBWWS Halloween version.

@magicforum 1m Just finished a very interesting backstage tour at BBWWS! Details on magicforum.eu soon

@magicforum 39s Watching the show now. I LOVE this soundtrack!!

@magicforum 40s Hope you enjoyed the live tweets during what's new, what's next!
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: Mitchell on September 27, 2013, 10:17:24 PM
Thanks Kristof and Tink  :D
Title: Re: What's new, what's next event | 26-27 September 2013
Post by: SVioletS on September 28, 2013, 12:26:16 AM
Thank you!