Hi all
So I am supposed to be going on a 5 day trip to Disneyland Paris on the 23rd of September.
But my boyfriend has just rung me up in tears telling me we can no longer go. He has been having a problem with his knee for about a week, and he finally went to the hospital for the second time this morning and he has to have an emergency operation done tomorrow meaning he will be in plaster cast for weeks, and we are not sure when he will be able to walk again.
Its so ironic as the last trip with my cousin I was unable to go the night before :( starting to feel like I may never get back there. Obviously I won't say this to my other half as he's gutted and feels awful.
My question however is this I have rung the travel agent and have been told I can not simply postpone the trip or move it forward at all it needs to be cancelled. I have to do this by taking a written letter down to them declaring that I wish to cancel my trip. I will then be informed what I will lose money wise, I was even told I may lose all the money even though I have insurance. I just wondered if anyone had been in a similar situation and what happened. Did you get your money back? If so what money did you not get back and why? I am so stressed that I am now going to lose all of my money on top of losing my holiday.
Also I have booked the buffalo bills wild west show separately through ticket master and know I will not get my money back on those now. But was wondering if anyone was going on the same dates who would be interested in buying them off me, I will even be prepared to sell them to you at a reduced rate. I would just like to get some of my money back. If you interested then please let me know :)
As far as i know, if you have insurance you are covered if not for all of the money at least for a part. Meaning you may have to pay a cancellation fee. Also you will need a declaration from the doctor or hospital stating that your boyfriend is not fit to travel
Bad luck, but this should not be a disaster!!
I presume that this was a package booked through a travel agent? if so and you took out insurance then the procedure is as follows.
Initially you need to cancel the trip in writing as they said so that the cost of the cancellation can be calculated. There will be a percentage cancellation charge which gets higher the nearer you get to departure time. When this figure is calculated you will get a refund of the proportion that is not affected. Example, if you paid £100.00 for the holiday and the cancellation charge is 90 per cent you will receive 10 percent back from the holiday company i.e £10.00. The remaining 90 per cent has to be claimed from the insurance company so you should get a claim form to find out what supporting documents you require.
The documents you need are normally, the invoice for the holiday booked, a copy of the cancellation invoice to be provided by the company you booked with through the travel agent. They will also require some proof of the fact that your boyfriend, who has to be named on the original invoice, cannot travel.
Then all you need to do is wait for your refund! simple!
I have made the procedure as simple as I can, there are many reasons why there could be a delay in getting settlement you just have to stick with it!
I am a former travel agent and helped clients with many claims, some insurance companies are brilliant with claims and others will do anything to try to wriggle out of paying! If you want some private advice as the situation develops pleas feel free to private message me.
Finally look on the bright side, you WILL get to DLRP eventually and you will have some story to tell!!! everyone!
I have just seen SVioletS reply and if you have insurance you should be able to get a full refund, there should not be a cancellation fee but there may be an excess to pay
Thank you so much for your helpful replies
I have phoned Disney directly and they have told me that they have no problem with amending the holiday to a different date, and that there is no reason that the travel agents should be stopping me from doing this. So I am off to see the travel agents today hopefully all goes well and I can still go at some point in the not too distant future, good old Disneyland paris :)
Makes a change to hear of some good-ish news, fingers crossed for you
Let us know how it goes with the travel agent!!
So just thought id give a quick update for those who are interested.
In the end I had to cancel the trip as Disney wanted nearly another £700 to move the date, so we decided that wouldn't be very sensible and are going to rebook once the other half's leg has healed :)
So I guess at this very least it's something to look forward to in the future :)
Once again thanks for everyone's help
That's a shame, hopefully you will make your trip sometime soon x
Let us know when you manage to rebook :D
Hope your man heals soon!
Try booking with DLP themselves next time if they are more willing to help.
My friend booked through travel agents and unfortunetly her father died unexpectedly a few weeks before they were going and she had a fight with the agent to prove he had and they were trying to charge her £400 to take his name off the booking even though DLP said approx £50 ammendment fee when she rang them.
Gives you something to look forward to still knowing you can book once he has healed :D