I know it doesnt have a confirmed open day yet but anyone know or have a clue if this will be open in march? Ive booked up for 5 days middle of march and love ratatouille! Ive been to disney paris 5 times before but my girlfriend has never been so really hoping we manage to catch this! havent been since 2008 so anything else changed since then? :D thanks everyone!
We were told about 3 weeks ago that the scheduled date is in 2015 but they are aiming a bit earlier if they can but I would think that March 2014 is a bit premature :(
Ratatouille opens in 2014 that's what i have read, but March next year might be a bit early. I have been told that the Ratatouille shop opens in 2015. But there has been no official opening date given for the ride by Disney.
Just have to wait I guess, lets see what they can do in 6 months :) - Does look very very nice tho
I'm guessing that the ride will be up and running late spring/ summer 2014. But it does look good and i can't wait to try it, too early to book.
I moved this topic to Trip Planning. :)
I am hoping that this will be open by my trip next September :D