So luckily while we are at Disney this May one of the days emh is at studios. Does anyone know what will rides be open?
it should be all rides - they basically open the studios earlier on the rare studios emh days at DLP.
I had no idea studios did the EMH! Awesome - fingers crossed they do that when we are there [-o<
Thanks Elaine that's grate news
i didnt know they did that either, but last wednesday may 15th we went over to studios to que at about 9.20 so we could be one of the first to the nemo ride and within about 5mins of waiting and only about 40-50 people there they opened the gets.This meant we were 5th in the que to get on nemo and managed to get off the ride walk back round and only wait a minute or two to go on again which was great........never known this to happen before :D/
Quote from: "lynny"i didnt know they did that either, but last wednesday may 15th we went over to studios to que at about 9.20 so we could be one of the first to the nemo ride and within about 5mins of waiting and only about 40-50 people there they opened the gets.This meant we were 5th in the que to get on nemo and managed to get off the ride walk back round and only wait a minute or two to go on again which was great........never known this to happen before :D/
thats what usually happens when we go over to the Studios just before 9.30am - the turnstiles open at that time every morning, and they do usually open at least Crush before 10am, often a couple of the other rides too.
Quotethats what usually happens when we go over to the Studios just before 9.30am - the turnstiles open at that time every morning, and they do usually open at least Crush before 10am, often a couple of the other rides too.
Usually we are @ disney halloween half term and always go to the studio's @ 9.20ish but they have never opened the gates @ 9.30 before while we 've been there always been 10.....so it was great and hopefully whenever we go again it will happen then too :D
Just checked disneylandparis.co.uk & studios have ehm 1 day while we are there yeah!
Hi, where does it tell you if studios has emh??
www.disneylandparis.co.uk (http://www.disneylandparis.co.uk"%20target="_blank"%20rel="nofollow) then click 'park hours' it's highlighted in a different colours.
I've not taken much notice before because i only thought it was the park itself until i really looked at it today and yes the week we are going monday is studios, the rest of the week its for the park.