Ok we go to disney next monday-thursaday staying 1 night in dream castle then 2nts 3 days HNY only booked the trip last minute :D
Right as it's only me and my 11yr old this time and it will be our 1st time to see dreams(halloween oct 2011 last trip)and we are not very tall( well i'm not.lol).I'm 5ft and my 11yr old is 4ft 11inch where would be the best place to see dreams.....worried about tall people and parents putting kids on shoulders....any tips about where to stand and how long before the start should we get there :)
many thanks
Best place if you can get it is in front of the castle in the middle, however this gets busy about an hour before so long wait. If you find somewhere off to the side, and move about a bit you should be ok though. We saw it twice with friends who had a 9 year old son and he saw fine both times. It's quite easy viewing as takes up the whole castle iykwim
i was thinking the terrace by plaza gardens but maybe to far and not a good view???
No it's close enough but you may have a tree or two covering bits of it.
we have a great spot for viewing dreams as I am also a shorty :-) Just behind the control house/booth there is an open area by the fence that has a great view between the control booth and some trees. We always find this spot empty up till about 10 mins before dreams starts. It gives a great view for 2 people!
as i havnt been for over a year am i right in thinking the control both is by casey the walkway to frontierland....and in front of the castle how far forward can you get is it roped off????
sorry this is the one thing in my trip i want to get right.lol( apart from finding courage to go on TOT again.lol)
We've had terrible few months with dad's health so really want to make these few days special and having a great spot for dreams is the impotant part of this trip :D so fingers crossed :thumbs:
You can get to the front of the path that leads to the castle iykwim. Where you would step up the curb to get there the rope starts
What does iykwim mean?
if you know what i mean
We found a good spot last December, just across the road from the Dreams control building behind the railings. If you stand right up by the railings noone can get in front of you at the last minute and you get a pretty clear view of the castle. Both my 5 year old and 8 year old got a good view without me having to hold them up.
i am only 5" 2 we stood on the curb of central plaza when we where there at easter, but as others have said we where there a good hour before dreams stared, but we just sat down and made ourselves comfy for the wait then stood up just before the show started. you will have a few heads in the way but its a great view, and again the kurb comes in handy to boost your height a little, good luck in finding a good place
Quote from: "gemmasteele84"if you know what i mean
Oh, I see, thanks!
no worries, can be hard to keep track of all the abbreviations now!
QuoteDisneyManiac ยป T
What does iykwim mean?
Quotegemmasteele84 wrote:if you know what i mean
Was wondering about that too for a while. I kept seeing it on hear! Thanks for answering! I learned something new!
We are a very short family too. Where is the dreams control booth? Sorry know this has been mentioned a lot but like everyone else, cant wait to finally see Dreams :D
Thank all for the advice :thumbs:
Think having a wonder during the day and marking our spot so to speak and turning up early will help.
so fingers crossed ;)
Thanks all for your advice,in the end we managed to be just to the left of the roped off area at the front of the castle.nobody in front as we were stood by the railings.we waited for an hour though but sat on the floor so wasnt to bad of a wait........and it was out of this world,amazing :D