:shock: Big thunder mountain is shut for the duration of my visit :cry: [-(
I'm distraught! ... Lol ok - maybe I'm exaggerating a little on being distraught but still, it's a bit disappointing as its one of my families favourite rides!
Oooof Disney, it's a good job I love ya! :mickey2: :minnie:
Me too! So disappointed but just grateful that POTC is open as that's our absolute favourite and I'd be so sad if that was closed when we went. I will miss Big Thunder Mountain, I love the noise it makes, I think Frontierland will be lacking a little of its atmosphere when we go :(
Oh well, guess they've got to do these things sometime :)
Yeah I agree there - I'm grateful that POTC, Star Tours and Phantom Manor will be open as we all really love those ones too and we are still looking forward to going.
Just feel strange to think that Big Thunder is off the cards this trip. Never mind - all the more reason for a following trip next year or the year after lol
If it makes you feel any better - last Monday, the 25th March you could see the people walking back down the mountain from the tallest peak, when it broke down! :-/
We were in the queue just one train away, when we were told the ride had been closed :-( It was open again the next day when phantom manor was closed as the spooks were messing with the workings, the same day that the studio tram tour was also having problems! We think it was just too cold it was for us and the rides. :-)
Although Disneyland Hot Chocolate makes everything better! :-D
for us too! However we arrive on the 20th of May which in theory is the last day it is open. However this is also a public holiday in france so probably manic busy! Will be aour mission to ride as many times as we can - even missing Dreams and Parade our first night in the hope of it being shorter line then
Ah no LittleMermaid - you were so close! And as it happens , I have never had a cup of Disney's hot chocolate...although I have noticed it mentioned on here a fair few times now so that shall have to be remedied! :D
Hahaha I can imagine it now amanda, and I would be doing the very same thing!! Hope you get short queues so you can really fill your boots with it!
Tigerlily, I share your pain. It is closed for the duration of my trip too - 28th-31st May. I havent broken the sad news to my family yet, but i may buy them all a cup of this Disneyland hot chocolate first to soften the blow. Going to have to give that a try!!
Quite the shock to the system isn't it minnieme?! My husband and daughter were as :shocked: as I was. I keep thinking to myself though that perhaps they will change their minds and open it on a day or two lol.
We will defo be trying some of that hot choc :D
The shocked was meant to of been a :shock: face... Oops lol
I broke the news to my family as soon as i saw it on the closure list of DLRP, my youngest is gutted :cry: it is the only 'big' ride she goes on - she doesn't do fast rides, leaves that to her adrenaline junkie of a sister haha. Don't think my friend has informed her son yet though- We are there 26th-30th May.
The hot choc is amazing. I even got one in the summer (it was freezing at the time but that wouldn't have stopped me). I was not allowed to take my disney mug because it was 'summer', proved them wrong with it being cold for the first half of the hol :) It is going with me in May!
Zee, I broke the news straight away too. Aww your poor little one - sorry to hear she is so upset! Where as my husband and daughter (she's 6 and a half) are a bit disappointed that its going to be closed, my daughter is a major adrenaline junkie (like your other daughter by the sounds lol) and we will be able to replace the fast ride feeling with rides like Crush, tower of terror etc thankfully. Still - Big Thunder will be much missed!
On that note, my hubby is the only one of us that's done ToT last year so it will be a nice surprise. And none of us managed to do crush on last years visit as for some reason we spent majority of the holiday in the disney park! We go June 2nd - 7th.
And I'm sold on the idea of the hot chock for sure now lol XD
Quote from: "TigerLily"Zee, I broke the news straight away too. Aww your poor little one - sorry to hear she is so upset! Where as my husband and daughter (she's 6 and a half) are a bit disappointed that its going to be closed, my daughter is a major adrenaline junkie (like your other daughter by the sounds lol) and we will be able to replace the fast ride feeling with rides like Crush, tower of terror etc thankfully. Still - Big Thunder will be much missed!
On that note, my hubby is the only one of us that's done ToT last year so it will be a nice surprise. And none of us managed to do crush on last years visit as for some reason we spent majority of the holiday in the disney park! We go June 2nd - 7th.
When we went in Dec 2010 and it was the last time anyone from our family managed to get on Crush, there is always a 70 min wait for it :( My eldest is always on ToT, She took my dad on with her, her dad, uncle and aunt in Dec 2010 and i thought he was going to have a heart attack when he came off he was grey haha. She on the other hand said 'again' and now my nephew has been going on (6yrs old). I no longer do fast rides- loved them until i had the children so it seems. My head spins so i now go on slow rides with the youngest- BTM was a nice coaster to go on for me with being unable to do the others now. Oh well, will have to try and do POTC a lot more :)
Woah! Strategy is going to have to be used I think so we can dodge a large wait time like that :shock:
I've downloaded that phone app that let's you check the wait times for rides at both parks. Have you (or anyone else!) used it at all? Save having to trek all the way to it just to be faced with a 90 min queue or the likes. Im going to use the app instead to check at regular intervals.
Yes - POTC is always great (I'm so glad that ones already had its refurbishment!) :D
Quote from: "TigerLily"Woah! Strategy is going to have to be used I think so we can dodge a large wait time like that :shock:
I've downloaded that phone app that let's you check the wait times for rides at both parks. Have you (or anyone else!) used it at all? Save having to trek all the way to it just to be faced with a 90 min queue or the likes. Im going to use the app instead to check at regular intervals.
Yes - POTC is always great (I'm so glad that ones already had its refurbishment!) :D
My brother has downloaded the park app but not used to check queue times. Will have to get them to use it. We went to studios late on and when parades on and still couldn't get on Crush, The Parachute drop was also really busy late on.
I don't use mobiles like most people, but I am sure I read somewhere on here that the calls are expensive as if you have a UK phone it treats each call as international. Maybe someone from UK who has used can prove me wrong?
Ooof, sounds like it will be a challenge then Zee. But one I shall take on lol.
Captain rocket - I shall be sure to not use the mobile unless necessary :-) I actually just read up a bit more on the Disney app and by the looks although its advertised as a free app, a wireless Internet connection is required so it would, indeed, come at some charge from the provider by the looks. Damn! :-/
We are the same, we arrive 9th June and leave on the 14th.
Gutted :(
Capitalbarbie it's just wrong isn't it...*sigh*
Is it closed because it broke down then?
It's closed for us too, we go at the end of May. Such a shame as my autistic sister absolutely loves it - she's been looking forward to it since we booked it last year! Having to try and convince my mum that my sis will be OK on some of the other 'big' rides like Indiana to try and make up for it!
Where is the hot choc available from? I'm intrigued now...Been to DLP 9 times and never had a cup!
I've honestly got no clue about its reason for being shut, I had assumed it was due for a refurb or just a bit of general maintenance perhaps?
Sorry to hear that you will be missing out on Big Thunder too :-/ it's a shame. I'm sure you will all have a great time though none the less :-)
Hahaha, I'm going to be on the hunt for a cup too!
BTM is our favourite ride in the park, we make a beeline to it as soon as we enter the park, so imagine how disappointed we were at our last visit last year when each day we were turned away as it has broken down, the worst time was being on the platform about to board when once again the trains stopped and were told we had to leave. 5 days in the park and not once did we get to ride BTM. :cry: well there's always next time, just need to start planning another trip. :D
Ouch! Sooooo close! I feel your pain on missing out there with BTM. I would of been so disappointed and frustrated! But you are very right, it just means "having" to go back :D
I am still holding onto the impossibly optimistic thought and wish of "they may open it for some reason perhaps if we are super duper lucky on one of the days!" ... Lol.
We're going too when BTM is closed... It's the one ride that I would have considered using baby-switch with and going on alone (we're going with our 2 year old daughter, so are not planning on doing any thrill rides....) But I love BTM so much that I did think maybe we could take turns to ride it.... :(
When we went last September we had a VIP fastpass and I was hoping to use it again and again on BTM, instead it was broken down so often that we hardly got to ride it!! Hopefully a long refurb will help...
By the sounds this refurb should do it good then...it's sad that its closed for refurb but much sadder to see a ride breaking down frequently like that I think. One of the things I was looking forward to doing was big thunder in the evening/night (as it should be the longer park hours when we go), but never mind. I bet you will still have an incredible time with your daughter :D
When we went on the 26th to 29th March 2013 it was open but it broke down 3 times we know of and once at the top of the climb so that passengers in the mine trucks had to get out and walk down the side steps to get off the ride.. :shock:
I think it's an obvious reason to get in overhauled as soon as possible.. :|
But I do feel for those travellers expecting it on, it's one of our favourites aswell.. :(
Oh crikey! From the start of it being closed for refurb to the end it's 4 weeks, so I expect that should mean a good sort out of it?
Wonderful ride! Best mine train I have EVER been on. It will be missed on our trip for sure.
Quote from: "Javey74"When we went on the 26th to 29th March 2013 it was open but it broke down 3 times we know of and once at the top of the climb so that passengers in the mine trucks had to get out and walk down the side steps to get off the ride.. :shock:
I think it's an obvious reason to get in overhauled as soon as possible.. :|
But I do feel for those travellers expecting it on, it's one of our favourites aswell.. :(
This is what I'm hoping. Every trip report I've read recently has had at least one BTM breakdown. I'd be completely gutted if it was closed when we went though
Quote from: "captain rocket"I don't use mobiles like most people, but I am sure I read somewhere on here that the calls are expensive as if you have a UK phone it treats each call as international. Maybe someone from UK who has used can prove me wrong?
Not sure but with Vodafone you have Vodafone Passport where it charges you 75p per call and the talk time comes off your inclusive minutes whether you are contract or PAYG
BTM broke down just as me and DS were about to go on a few days ago - literally all that had happened was that one of the seat bars didn't open automatically (the seats we were waiting to sit on!) and that stopped the whole ride and we all had to traipse off again after waiting around for 15mins or so. We'd used a hotel fastpass to get on and were given a normal BTM fastpass as we got off and the ride never opened again that day - so a fastpass wasted.
So, although I'm sad for visitors that the ride will be shut it clearly needs some serious maintenance as they seem to need to be massively over cautious at the moment.
It'll give you an excuse to go back again though :D
PotC looks gorgeous now - no new scenes as far I could tell but it looks cleaner, less tired(!) and the lighting is awesome. Plus on a couple of the days we were there it was a walk on ride. It did breakdown on Saturday though - don't know what happened, we were planning one last ride but it was closed at that time.
Lovely news about POTC MaryBobbins :D I LOVE that ride! So much character and atmosphere to it (as with everything else there, of course lol).
Aho, I bet you were so disappointed at Big Thunder breaking down just before you were about to go on it :-/ but it will be lovely after their refurb :D and yep certainly a reason to go back haha
were going on the 20th relised it was closed about a month ago, was gutted, as are 3 year old is the right hight for it, and my husband was very exited about taking him on it, but disney very hot on making shore the right an safe so that what make me feel good and love it so much, thier lots more to go on, thanks so much for telling me about the hot choclate, while i was pregent with youngist i had craving for hc, and it not gone away, i love it, very exited now, hee, was wondring were i was going to get some from, hee sian, 4 week an 3 day, cant come quick anoth, hee,