Just back from a very enjoyable trip to dlp but two things rearly annoyed me,first thing i was on crutches this trip which i found very tirering,every where i stood to watch a parade a cast member would ask if i had a diabled pass which i didn,t and they were almost insistant that i should get one as there were special spots for parades and you more or less get straight onto rides,this i, thought ment disney cared about disabled guests .That was until we left the where the walking disabled or carers having pushed wheelchairs all round the disneyland park were now forced to walk about four hundred metres further ,walking past a staff exit and the original entrance just so that everyone exits past the world of disney store.On a couple of nights a very nice castmember on staff gate called for me to come through the staff exit and it was suprising how much walking it it saved me.The second thing that annoyed me is disney trying to force guests into the more expensive buffet restaurants.We decided to eat before the dreams show and the only restaurant open was the plaza garden ,we stayed at the sl hotel and the beaver creak tavern was closed just to force people into the more expensive hunters lodge,another buffet.don,t think i am having a moan just for the sake of it because the food i had in both restaurants was very good,but i ate nowhere near 27euros worth of food and i don,t like being forced to eat or shop where disney want me to.One more thing that puzzled me is why disney is trying to force duffy the bear on people,nearly everyone i asked about him didn,t know where he came from,but one peson did say that if i went in the book shop there was the story of where he come from,i went in and read it but was still none the wiser.I dont know about busier times but the queue for meeting him was non existant.
The choice is still your own where you decide on eating.
But some restaurants do tend to be closed for odd reasons sometimes.
(odd to us maybe)
I don't quite understand Duffy eather, some people seem to adore him, I don't, whatever floats your boat I guess, hehe.
Glenn, please use paragraphs. Your text is almost impossible to read.
Tnx :)
I totally agree with you Glenn, I find it really annoying that the old exit is closed and you have to do a loop so that you pass the Disney Store. After getting into the park for EMH and not leaving until after Dreams I find it really exasperating that I have to walk the long way around to get back to the Station/car park.
It's another example of the way Disney treat their customers as cash cows and very little seems to be done for our benefit, but many things are done for their benefit!
I am a shareholder and have twice used the suggestion forms in Salon Mickey to put forward the idea that they use their noddy trains to transport people from the park exit to the station/car park, charging of course! It would help customers who are tired at the end of a long day and make money for Disney. I would gladly pay for this service.
Yes we have to walk a bit further, but it means we no longer have to walk through a hoard of people trying to offload cheap tat such as light up Eiffel Towers and barking dog toys. I understand for those not able bodied it's a pain, and maybe a disabled exit should be made available (though probably difficult to man), but to decrease the presence of street traders is very well worth it in my eyes.
Using the trains would be completely unmanageable when you have '000s of guests all leaving the park at the same time and walking through that same area. It would cause huge levels of guest congestion right near the park entrance where everyone is trying to exit and walk through.