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Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Reports => Topic started by: lorrig on December 01, 2012, 05:27:37 PM

Title: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: lorrig on December 01, 2012, 05:27:37 PM
just got back today and were shocked to find that someone stole my little girl's clothes.`
We were having lunch at the Auberge and changed my 4 year old daughter into her Princess dress prior to going in. We were not allowed to take my son's buggy in with us and had to leave it outside. We didn't think much about it but we left her jeans and top in a bag hooked over the buggy.
When we came out after lunch we were absolutely flabergasted that someone had stolen it. Yes, we know you shouldn't leave bags in buggys, but this was used clothes -probably with a bit of breakfast on them, and they were not in a Disney bag.
She had to stay in her dress for the rest of the day. How low can people be.
Very sad :cry:
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: jonathan on December 01, 2012, 06:30:24 PM
Thats just ridiculous and awful.  We all ahve to leave our pushchairs outside rides and stuff and we should be able to do so knowing that they will be safe.  I've always been of the opinion that everyone's in the same boat and they wouldnt want their stuff stolen so they wont steal yours.  Obviously I was wrong.  I also expect that DLP were powerless to assist you on this?
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: lorrig on December 02, 2012, 10:35:08 AM
We did go to City Hall. The CM kind of shrugged his shoulders and said we shouldn't have left our things outside, he checked to see if anyone had handed her clothes in, but to no avail. We did think that after finding 'second-hand' clothes the crook might have just dumped them.
We went back to City Hall just before we left and they gave us a phone number for us to try again today.
One lovely CM, when hearing our story, went and got a new balloon for my daughter to cheer her up as she was quite upset that someone would steal her clothes.
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: DopeyDad on December 02, 2012, 01:20:06 PM
Hi Lorrig, sorry to hear that. We had a very similar experience this Fri unfortunately. Eating in Cafe Agrabah with our pram just inside the restaurant with bags on handles (like a thousand others around the park). When we left we discovered two bags with about 80 Euro of shopping had been stolen. The CMs were very nice but ultimately couldn't do more than help us report it. We were really shocked and disappointed, not  in DLO but that someone would steal children's toys, presumably just to give to their own too. Next time we'll have to do all our shopping at the end of the day as there's no way we can watch the pram or take everything on rides/ restaurants all day. I was determined that some miserable little soul didn't spoil our last day there but my wife and children were really upset of course.
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: jonathan on December 03, 2012, 03:21:50 PM
I've never really looked but Im guessing then that DLP is not covered with CCTV cameras like most places are nowadays then?
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: Zee79 on December 03, 2012, 03:33:28 PM
Sorry to hear about your experiences, I can't believe this would happen in Disney but then again why should it be different to any where else. People who do that are just the lowest of the low and don't belong in a place like disneyland. We've been going since 1992 and never had it happen and seeing just how many pushchairs are outside places makes it even worse that it has. I know it has probably always been happening just not reported. We always leave our shopping to the end of the day (normally even to the end of the trip) so we don't have lots to move around when going on rides and in places to eat, so i would definitely recommend people do this so as not to become victims to crime. Unfortunately in today's society DLP need to think about having CCTV installed throughout the park to make visitors feel safe and secure and to cover their own backs.
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: Festival Disney on December 03, 2012, 03:52:52 PM
There are surveillance cameras everywhere in both parks and the village, they're just very well hidden!
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: rosvita on December 03, 2012, 09:33:19 PM
So sorry to hear this happened to you-we must have been lucky when we visited recently as left our buggy everywhere unlocked and with a couple of old clothes, snacks in the basket underneath and nothing ever stolen. With regards to souvenir shopping-you do know that you can shop and disney provide a service that sends your purchases back to your hotel while you enjoy the rest of your day in the park.
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: jonathan on December 04, 2012, 03:30:57 PM
Quote from: "Festival Disney"There are surveillance cameras everywhere in both parks and the village, they're just very well hidden!

If crimes are reported then I think the police should be called and CCTV inspected.  It would certainly happen if it happened at say Thorpe Park or somewhere.
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: SVioletS on December 07, 2012, 05:52:41 PM
When we were there in October, we had 2 strollers which we left unnatended every time we went on rides or restaurants. However we never left shopping bags or anything in them. I had a bagpack and took it everywhere. It's annoying but at least i know we will keep our stuff!
But it did happen that i bought a bunny (from Bamby) for my baby girl, and while we were leaving the restaurant (chalet de la marionette) she droped it. we had walked about 20 metres and it took us... 5minutes at the most until we noticed! Both me and my husband walked back to the restaurant and of course we couldnt find it... I was sad because it was her disney present! We ended up buying another one, which we kept!
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: SoundSoldier on December 12, 2012, 09:42:44 PM
What my tip is:  just buy things at the end of your trip.
at the beginning i'll go and look, thinking about what I want and should buy.
and as other visitors do, is actually lock those buggy's up and make sure you can transport everything that's on the buggy.

I find it still very extreme to lock up everything you have there,
I just dont understand why people do that!

What I always say to myself: don't do things that you don't want to be done to yourself...
Title: Re: Stealing in the Parks
Post by: _Natalie_x on December 16, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
Its horrible to think that you cant trust people in disney but maybe the thieves realise people let their guards down and this makes it easier. A good thing to remember is that almost all boutiques offer a shopping service now where before 3pm you can get your things sent back to your hotel, or they let you keep the bag of things you bought from that store, backstage in the store to be picked up on your way back to the hotel. This way you wont have to carry everything round with you, and risk leaving it places vulnerable to thieves. :)