Hello to all,
I am a little torn, we are heading out to Disney for christmas 21st-27th and I am pondering on booking the Christmas Lunch.
Is it worth £116 a head?
It would be for two adults and two kids, but at nearly £300 total it's a lot of money.
The alternative is lunch in McD's and give the kids the £120 each to blow in the shops
Anybody done a Christmas lunch at disney?
Is there an alternative to NYH at a lower cost?
Thanks in advance.
I have had the christmas lunch and found it a complete waste of money,but that is just my opinion other people may have enjoyed it.
We've done Christmas lunch before, and we really enjoyed it. You're right it is very expensive, and it probably makes sense to blow that amount of money on something else. But personally i think it was definitely worth it.
As I recall it was five courses, bucks fizz on arrival, bottle of red and white, my daughter met Santa Goofy and was given a good size toy. There was only myself and husband drinking, so most of the wine went to waste. I remember asking for some more gravy but was refused, I assume this was because of the number of people being catered for (the convention centre was full) so individual needs could not be met.
Characters went round all the tables so children were happy. All in all I thought it was very good, and great to still have a traditional lunch in the heart of Disney.
oooo lucky you!!! i would love to do disney at christmas!! better get some lottery tickets..................
We did it at the Plaza Gardens last year and was really worth it. The food was all you can eat and beautiful. A great selection of everything! There was as much wine and champagne as you wanted, and looads of characters. Santa Goofy was there but the REAL Santa was there too. He told me and Mum to both sit on his lap XD Big kids!! I really recommend it!
Just out of interest, is the park open on christmas day then?
Quote from: "lauramumof3"Just out of interest, is the park open on christmas day then?
Yes :D The park is open every day of the year!!
i always thought that it was shut on christmas day!!
Its definitely open. EXTREMELY busy though. We were told that most of the French celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Eve, big meals, presents, etc. Then go out on Christmas Day.
my sister in law is spanish and they also do the same, to me and also my brother it seems kind of pointless i mean they open all thier presants get exited and then..........go to bed???! Do germans do the same as us though?
unless they open their presants xmas eve morning? the way my brother said it tho it seemed they wait til the evening.
Here in Belgium, or at least the area where I'm from, we also have big festivities on the night before Christmas. Usually we have family dinner and such (sort of like an American's Thanksgiving :santa: :santa: ) and then most of us go to a Christmas party for work, or someone hosts a party at their house or whatnot. (Same on NYE, but then we go party hard. Haha. :p) And usually on Christmas day we rest in the morning (sleep late and have a nice breakfast), and then it really depends on what kind of person you are... Some go out to a bigger city like Antwerp or Brussels but I (being a party-rocker) usually stay in all day and sleep off my hangover. And watch Christmas-y movies all day with a cup of hot coco or soup in my hand. :D/
But it's true; the parks are extremely busy during XMas-NYE period so beware. I've once done the Christmas lunch myself and found it to be a waste of money. The food was nice, but like Tubbyherman said, personal service was far to be found. :-| And do you really want to pay that amount of money to be stocked into a room full with other people and don't get catered to as you'd want? I'd say book a lunch somewhere else; maybe in the parks of the village? And spend the money you save on souvenirs, etc. You can always meet Santa Goofy at the parks and many other characters too... (You could do breakfast with the characters at Café Mickey? Or you could do the sunday brunch? -if it's available during Christmas week-)
Anyways, it's really up to you. But I think my kids would prefer buying a souvenir. Especially because that's gonna be the memory that lasts.
I still have all my stuffed animals and remember how much I loved taking them EVERYWHERE. But I can't recall a single time I went to Café Mickey... :?
Hi all ,
Im having the same dilema i am visiting disneyland paris with my 2 childre age 5 and 8 and want to keep the whole christmas feeling going so thought having the christmas lunch would be great but seeing all these mixed reviews i am so unsure as what to do , the cost isnt the problem ( even though it will; cost £334 ) its knowing if it will be worth it for the children .......... please help !!!!!!!
Had the same dilema here too in the end we decided to give it a miss as its a lot of money were there 8 days so going to spend a lot on food anyway. We've booked cafe mickey for breakfast on christmas day and a evening meal at Walts that way we can make the most of the day in the park and still have a nice sit down family meal on the night time. The money we would have spent on that meal will prob pay for Walts and most of the inventions character buffet which I booked for 23rd Dec. Being supper organised asI have to be rang up today and made all the reservations for our trip so getting really excited now :D
Quote from: "hudsda"Had the same dilema here too in the end we decided to give it a miss as its a lot of money were there 8 days so going to spend a lot on food anyway. We've booked cafe mickey for breakfast on christmas day and a evening meal at Walts that way we can make the most of the day in the park and still have a nice sit down family meal on the night time. The money we would have spent on that meal will prob pay for Walts and most of the inventions character buffet which I booked for 23rd Dec. Being supper organised asI have to be rang up today and made all the reservations for our trip so getting really excited now :D
We're doing Cafe Mickey christmas morning too :) I did have it booked for christmas eve but Dylan wants to eat there christmas day so just changed it. Didn't really want to as we have got the Merry Christmas lunch booked too but it's christmas!! I'm not sure the Christmas Lunch will be worth the £160 each but i just wanted something nice booked for christmas day. Still struggling to find out when i can book my table at Cafe Mickey on Christmas eve, I paid for the meal vouchers but at the moment all they can say is try at the end of November!!! I like to plan way in advance not last minute :shock:
if you're paying a £160 each for your Christmas lunch, I hope you have a wonderful meal and Christmas. Where are you having your Christmas lunch, Cafe Mickey?
Quote from: "ed-uk"if you're paying a £160 each for your Christmas lunch, I hope you have a wonderful meal and Christmas. Where are you having your Christmas lunch, Cafe Mickey?
No its the Merry Christmas Lunch in the Hotel New York, its actually £117 not £160 :oops: I hope it is too, especially as Dylan is 13 now so i had to pay the same adult price for him :shock:
I've looked at last years menu, shrimp & salmon cocktail, Christmas turkey roast dinner with the trimmings, cheese & biscuits, christmas pudding, mince pies and drink included so if its along those lines im happy with that. They also say with Santa Goofy i think so not sure if charcters are present or not? I just wanted to have a roast dinner on christmas day ;)