Originally titled Rapunzel, after the fairy tale upon which it is based, this film was renamed Tangled in February 2010. It is due for release in the US in late 2010 and in Europe in early 2011.
Some concept art has popped up on the net from Disney's next Princess film:
http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=18154 (http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=18154%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
There's also an animated logo somewhere on that page! :!: :idea:
I'm actually really excited about this now! It's definately nicer than i expected for one of Disney's new 3D films, probably because it involves 2D aswell! I just hope Disney can get through the hideous Chicken Little intact! That film looks like a Pixar short film knock-off so far, i hope the animation is actually much better than in the trailer or we're in for a shock. :(
I love Disney Princess movies, so I'm looking forward to this one anyway: 3D or 2D :wink:
Well, I decided to bring this topic back on top...
Kristin Chenoweth will provide the voice of Rapunzel. She has previously done some work at the West Wing and Sesame Street.
More concept art:
Sick to death of storybook endings where true love conquers all, a frustrated witch brings two romantically-challenged teenagers from the real world into the classic fairytale, and transforms them into the legendary long-haired heroine and her gallant prince.
http://www.jimhillmedia.com/mb/articles ... hp?ID=1580 (http://www.jimhillmedia.com/mb/articles/showarticle.php?ID=1580)
The pictures here of that movie are looking great. And what I read now about the story seems quite good too. I really can't await this movie. I love the Disney fairytales, they are really magical. Does anyone know when this movie will come out ?
First Act of Rapunzel gets positive reception
The Animation Guild Blog writes that Walt Disney Feature Animation's Rapunzel may be coming along quite nicely. "The word around the studio is that the First Act of Rapunzel found favor at its unspooling up in Emeryville. John Lasseter, I was told, gave plenty of notes to director Glen Keane but overall liked what he saw. John's suggestions were about how to make good things better, rather than eliminating elements that didn't work." At this time, Rapunzel is readying for June 2009.
from http://www.animated-news.com (http://www.animated-news.com)
concept art
(the movie is set in the 1700's)
^I think that is so nice!
our lead^
read this on wiki today:"Originally, the film's plot revolved around two 'romantically challenged', real-world teenagers who are transformed into Rapunzel and her Prince by a disgruntled witch who can no longer stand happy fairy-tale endings. However, since production was halted in 2004 for major retooling, Glen Keane has "promised" that the film will revert back to the fairy tale's "literary origins." Thus, it is likely that the previously-mentioned plot of two 'romantically challenged, real-world teenagers' will be discarded."
disney is using 3d animation to create a "moving oil painting" look, so it sounds ok with me.
Great! :) Rapunzel looks so sweet and pretty on the pic!
Does anyone know where the fairy tale takes place? I hope somewhere in Europe *g*
Well it was written by the Brothers Grimm so it obviously was based around Germany. Afterall Rapunzel is the german word for lettuce :wink:. Though then again there is probably so many over versions of thise popular folk tale that it could be set in any number of places.
Yes it´s specialy lamb's lettuce (Valerianella locusta) (//http://www.dreschflegel-saatgut.de/info-sorten/blattgemuese/img/feldsalat-01.jpg)
The witch cultivates it in her garden and rapunzel´s dad snaffles some cause of a big hunger and because the love lamb's letture. They have even give her daugther the name of it :lol:
The witch notices the thievery and take rapunzel into an tower.
After this a hero/prince fell in love with here and visit rapunzel in the tower with a trick: Every day he shouts out "Rapunzel! Lass mir dein Haar herunter" (Rapunzel! Drop your hair for me!)
Cause Rapunzel has very long hair, the hero could scramble to her. But one day the witch get knowing about this an cuts off the hair and links it at the window. When the hero cames back and shout his clause, she drop the hair down and waits for her victim.
She blinds the hero and sends him in a desert or something like this.
After a couple of days Rapunzel could find him there and through her tears the hero can see again.
:lol: I´m realy a fine peddler of fairy tales :lol:
The american woman we bought our musical jewellery box/snow globe off was convinced that all the Disney stories were created in america, took us ages to explain that lots of the stories came from european folk tales, I still doubt she believed us.
Yay, Germany *g*! Yes, I know it's one of the many "Grimm's Märchen" that Disney produced. Fine. :)
I can't wait to see more concept arts! Is it already clear whether it will be drawn in the "aquarell" optic? Like in Lilo & Stitch or Brother Bear?
I dont even know what that is :P
What, "aquarell"? ;)
I don't know the English word for it, but it's similar to water colours... like the backgrounds of Lilo & Stitch f.e.!
Jim Hill has written an article about the problems that the project is going through!
Click here (//http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/archive/2007/03/13/toon-tuesday-can-glen-keane-straighten-out-all-of-rapunzel-s-story-snarls-by-june.aspx)!
I too love disney princess lol !!
portrait painters (//http://www.paintyourlife.com/) can do animation ?? I am going to learn online course may be i can do it as i have some thoughts about comic pictures.
Are there any news concerning the problems of the movie? Or has it really been cancelled?!
IMDB says this:
Directors:Glen Keane (co-director)
Dean Wellins (co-director)
Writers:Mark Kennedy
Josann McGibbon (screenplay)
Genre:Animation / Comedy / Family / Musical more
Plot Summary:After a retooling, the film will be based again on the literary origins of the famous fairy tale
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Character Name In Title
Production Notes/Status:
Status Updated:4 September 2007
Note:Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.
So also not a very recent imdb update...
Found this link, speaking of 2010?
so this is going to be like Enchanted in reverse? or maybe since Enchanted came out first it will be changed a little.
It's actually going to be completely "straight" now, no tricks or moving into the real world, just a classic Disney fairytale!
If the tower does turn out as below, it'll pretty neatly match the one in Le Pays des Contes de Fées, which is convenient.
http://comingsoon.net/nextraimages/rapu ... esmall.jpg (http://comingsoon.net/nextraimages/rapunzelimagesmall.jpg)
Hey, if its anything like enchanted, it'll be a great film!
I'm addicted to Enchanted right now! The animation is just fantastic! I hope they use the same style for Rapunzel!
Guys, check out these cool drawings of Rapunzel
I have more, but i don't think you guys want to see all of them :P
I like her :mrgreen:
You have to show all of them! Where are they from?
Simba, a friend gave them to me :mrgreen: , here are a few more
WOW they look stunning :shock:
Finally a real Disney drawing classic.....can't hardly wait!!!
For the record, production of the movie is pushing the release date to December of 2010 in North America.
Amazing drawings! Thx for posting them!!!
wow those drawings are amazing, i cant wait for the film!
where did you find them? :D
The director has dropped out of the movie, he is being replaced by Bolt's director :roll:
http://www.comicmix.com/news/2008/10/10 ... -makeover/ (http://www.comicmix.com/news/2008/10/10/rapunzel-gets-makeover/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Awww I hope he gets better soon!
OMG, those images are amazing. Do you think they will release a teaser trailer with Princess and the Frog?
oooooOOOOO I cant wait, it looks like a perfect addition to hte Disney classics!!!
the artworks for the movie look really great, i have my hopes up for a great disney film again :D
Looking at the concept picture of Rapunzel's tower, it nice to see that the evil witch has given her a small house to live in, rather than just one room at the top of the tower.
Wow! I´m really impressed! looks great! =D>
Thank you for posting that pete!
Wow, i love those pictures :shock:
Thanks for posting them Pete =D>
I found another still from the movie
The new logo is really nice:
Images are from the updated WDAS site: http://www.disneyanimation.com/projects ... dev01.html (http://www.disneyanimation.com/projects/rapunzel/visdev/visdev01.html)
I wonder which will be the final tower? The earlier one looked exactly like the one at Le Pays des Contes de Fées, but I love the one in the gorge.
Quote from: "Anthony"I wonder which will be the final tower? The earlier one looked exactly like the one at Le Pays des Contes de Fées, but I love the one in the gorge.
I think it all depends on how long they make her hair in the film. The other picture of the Prince climbing her hair, there's clouds below him :?
But I do like the tower in the gorge, mainly because it looks like a house, with a lot of rooms
1)Bit more believable, can't really expect her to live in a one-room tower (where's the toilet?)
2) Could lead to some nice hide and seek scenes between the witch and the prince
This looks epic.
Any info about potential musical numbers?
Lead roles (voices) have been cast!
Link to the news article HERE (//http://www.totalfilm.com/news/mandy-moore-voicing-rapunzel)
I'm confused, the article says 3D animated film, I thought this was a 2D animation? Unless they mean one where you'll need 3D glasses?
Quote from: "peep"I'm confused, the article says 3D animated film, I thought this was a 2D animation? Unless they mean one where you'll need 3D glasses?
No, oddly after Princess and the Frog heralds the "return" of traditional animation Rapunzel will be in full CGI, although they've been saying for years it'll be some of the most stylised, painterly CGI we've ever seen... I don't know why they didn't just use 2D then, but oh well. It's been in production for so long.
Great choice of Chuck for the "bandit"!
Zachery Levi is God... Chuck and Kip (Less than Perfect)
Wooo Hooo!
COme on Rapunzel! Let Down your hair and knock me into Fairytale heaven!
What do you guys think of this new picture from Rapunzel! Iam pleasantly surprised :mrgreen:
http://i46.tinypic.com/2llhfyx.jpg (http://i46.tinypic.com/2llhfyx.jpg)
I'm not sure how to react to that.
On one hand, It looks more like Pixar than Disney Animation. This could be a good or bad thing, but its most certainly an improvement from thier earlier computer-animated stuff. Hm....
Although I am disapointed Kristen Chenoweth wont be voiceing Rapunzel. I was very excited about that.
Thanks for Sharing, howtodeal. :)
Wow. If that is the style of the film then I'm very impressed. Yeah so maybe it's a little Pixarish but it looks so detailed and I can't wait to see a part of this film animated.
You're welcome Columbiad :D
I found other versions of this picture, Rapunzel with different hair colors.
They all look good, but she looks a lot like Ariel with the red hair
http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/2963/rapunzelred.jpg (http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/2963/rapunzelred.jpg)
http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6222 ... lbrown.jpg (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6222/rapunzelbrown.jpg)
I don't know why its taking them so long to release a teaser especially with the movie's release being pushed
forward to November instead of December.
Quote from: "howtodeal"I don't know why its taking them so long to release a teaser especially with the movie's release being pushed
forward to November instead of December.
I'm not sure why either, hopefully the'll release one sooner rather than later... I'd love to see a teaser before the PATF when it shows in UK cinemas.
Love the pic though, I think it's a great look!
Is THAT the plot for this? Two modern day cynical real-life people being thrust into Disney fairy tale fantasyland? Like a reversed Enchanted?
I was kind of hoping they'd stop being so Shrek-ish and postmodern after the success of Princess and the Frog. That they'd return to the more sincere type of fairy tale film.
Poor Glen Keane, though. Poor guy has been working on this since 2002.
(And I must admit I actually like that latest screenshot — yes, it's 3D, but there's a handdrawn quality about it. Clearly Glen Keane's skills are in there.)
[edit] Sorry, I'd missed Anthony's explanation on the second page. Apparently they've changed their minds about the Enchanted shtick. Good!
From the looks of that image, the prince (?) will save her and then get a bit more than he bargained for. You can see why it's computer animated with that hair, anyway!
Quotes from Wikipedia:
QuoteKeane also promises that he's going back to Rapunzel's literary origins to do a traditional, character-driven fairy tale that speaks to a modern audience. "It's a story of the need for each person to become who they are supposed to be and for a parent to set them free so they can become that. It will be a musical and a comedy and have a lot of heart and sincerity. I think that's what Disney needs to do right now. No one else can do it. We should not be embarrassed or make excuses for doing a fairy tale."
At the D23 convention in Anaheim California on September 2009, Disney Animation creative head John Lasseter explained that the film has a lot of "girl power." This new interpretation of Rapunzel will be a more independent princess, and she uses her 70-foot-long hair for a variety of purposes, such as a whip, or a ladder.
Perhaps more Sex and the City than Shrek... The modern day conceit is gone but Rapunzel seems to have kept some of those characteristics. Maybe we'll see her sitting round for lunch with the forest critters discussing how the guy was like,
so useless at trying to climb her hair. haha
Although Glen Keane's quote "for each person to become who they are supposed to be and for a parent to set them free so they can become that" sounds rather like The Little Mermaid to me.
That's a very clean version of a dirty joke there, haha. But, well, the plot does indeed sound familiar enough. Which is good. And I'm very glad Glen Keane has articulated that thought we've all had for years; that Disney shouldn't have to make excuses for doing a fairy tale story in the shape of a Seth MacFarlane-flavored glaze.
Though Enchanted was fun... It's a gimmick. Thought: Could it have been that the reality/fantasy crossover was originally conceived for Rapunzel, but was then picked up for Enchanted in the knowledge that Rapunzel would take a different approach? Because it seems odd that Disney would have wanted to release two such similar films.
Also exciting by the way: Alan Menken.
John Lasseter wanted them to scrap the previous idea and start working on the movie again, i remember reading
an article about how John was very impressed with the first half of the movie but he didn't like what happens
after that. He also did the same with Bolt. I hated the original idea of Bolt tbh, he was supposed to be a real
super hero :roll: I personally trust John Lasseter's decisions. Bolt and "Princess and the Frog" are excellent
movies and definetly a step to the right direction for Disney and i think we should expect
great movies as long as John is the head
of Disney Animation Studios :) This guy knows what Disney is all about :mrgreen:
Quote from: "howtodeal"Pussinboots
John Lasseter wanted them to scrap the previous idea and start working on the movie again, i remember reading
an article about how John was very impressed with the first half of the movie but he didn't like what happens
after that. He also did the same with Bolt. I hated the original idea of Bolt tbh, he was supposed to be a real
super hero :roll: I personally trust John Lasseter's decisions. Bolt and "Princess and the Frog" are excellent
movies and definetly a step to the right direction for Disney and i think we should expect
great movies as long as John is the head
of Disney Animation Studios :) This guy knows what Disney is all about :mrgreen:
Well said. I couldn't agree more with what you said. John Lasseter is the best thing that Disney happened in the last years and I trust him with what he is doing to the movies.
Is Mandy Moore still doing the voice for Rapunzel or has it changed?
It seems like Rapunzel will get renamed into "Tangled" you can read it here:
Oh I really hope they don't end up changing the name.
'Tangled'...? That's so vague and boring. I can't see how changing the name of a film will have a drastic impact on how many people want to go and see it. When I go and see a film I go because I have an interest in the story, not the name.
Unfortunately, lots of young boys did not see Princess and the Frog because it is a princess movie and we all
know how this brand is heavily marketed towards young girls. So i can understand why they are thinking about
changing the movie title. :( the merchandise will do well but the movie itself will not if they started selling
Rapunzel dolls even before the movie opens :shock:
Oy, it's all about marketing nowadays, isn't it.
Well... unfortunately yes.
But ontherwise I don't think Walt Disney would still be with us these days :roll:
I know marketing has always been important, even before the word "marketing" was commonplace, but it's hard to deny we're in its golden age. They used to make a movie from their little bubble of a studio and then eventually feed it to a test audience, whose reaction to a character, plot line, scene or song was often the final word. That's quite a different scenario from the way they're shaping films entirely out of market research now. And as we all know, that actually doesn't work. (Think: Who Framed Roger Rabbit would never in a million years have gotten a "thumbs up" from marketing, and yet was a huge success. The new Tinkerbell franchise is the wet dream of any marketer, and has seen disappointing results. Possible conclusion: people respond to quality, not statistics.)
I don't want to be the eternal "when I was young everything was better" person, but well. Let's just say there's too much emphasis on marketing, and it should be less.
Quote from: "pussinboots"I don't want to be the eternal "when I was young everything was better" person, but well. Let's just say there's too much emphasis on marketing, and it should be less.
Completely agree pussinboots. There's too many executives and various other "suits" interfering with the creative process of film making, particularly when it comes to Disney. They need to stay out of it, leave it to the professionals.
so its confirmed...
Tangled :?
Thanks Clarebelle. Here we go:
Quote"Hey everyone, I'm Roy Conli, producer of Disney's next animated film. I have some exciting news to share, and it was important to me that YOU guys – the Disney fans – hear it first. I want to tell you about Walt Disney Animation Studio's 2010 release, Tangled. It's a really fresh, smart take on the Rapunzel story.
In our film, the infamous bandit Flynn Rider meets his match in the girl with the 70 feet of magical golden hair. We're having a lot of fun pairing Flynn, who's seen it all, with Rapunzel, who's been locked away in a tower for 18 years.
I'm so proud of the crew working on this film – they're doing a fantastic job creating an awesome story with great characters and a stunning world – and it's all going to look amazing in 3D. All of us
here at the studio are incredibly excited for you to see Tangled when it comes out in theaters this November."
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... 3245476854 (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3369110&id=23245476854%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
What's the thoughts on that? To be honest, if they wanted it to not sound too "Princess-y" to avoid putting off boys, they've just made it sound like even more of a girly rom-com. Or some kind of anti-Hairspray musical on Broadway, if you add an exclamation:
Tangled!Perhaps they also think it was the old fashioned qualities that put people off seeing The Princess and the Frog? Tangled sounds anything but...
It sounds to me like Disney are jumping on the anti-Fairy Tale bandwagon set in motion by the Shrek series. They had some success with Enchanted's modern take on trhe fairy tale so this could work too.
I like Flynn Rider's design - reminicent of Errol Flynn in his swashbuckling days...
What an appalling choice. I really was hoping the folks behind the film would have stood their ground and stuck to the original name, rather than caving because the marketing department are worried that one of their key demographics would be put off by the name 'Rapunzel'
Utter rubbish.
Anyone want a teaser trailer? :wink:
http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/2010/03/02/di ... r-trailer/ (http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/2010/03/02/disneys-tangled-has-a-teaser-trailer/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
First off, this is a very bad quality trailer, someone's just filmed their computer screen, but on the disneyandmore blog, there's a new version of a much longer trailer...
Here's the link to the work-in-progress trailer:
http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=16892 (http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=16892%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
I didn't know how to imbed the video on here, sorry :oops:
I really hope they don't end up using the music in this trailer in the final version, it just cheapens the whole thing. What does everyone else think?
I'd be interested in seeing it, provided it'll be available in belgian theatres in English rather than dubbed.
If it comes out dubbed, I'll just wait 'till it's available to rent (I never buy a princess movie without having seen it first, I'm not that much of a princess fan).
I've found the German trailer of the new Disney movie "Tangled". In Germany, Austria and Switzerland it will be called "Rapunzel".
Here's the link:
http://www.prosieben.at/kino-dvd/video/ ... 1.1770340/ (http://www.prosieben.at/kino-dvd/video/clip/24694-trailer-rapunzel-neu-verfoehnt-1.1770340/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
And here is the US trailer:
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810121160/video/20263323 (http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810121160/video/20263323%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
http://tangled.movie-trailer.com/ (http://tangled.movie-trailer.com/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
A link for the new trailer for the movie. Wow how awful!!!!
I was so looking forward to this movie. We were promised an old school fairy tale that looked like an oil painting come to life.
The The Princess & The Frog didnt set the box office alight, so we end up with a re named film, that looks like the off cuts of Shrek that have been "focus grouped" to death so as to appeal to a larger audience.
For me the biggest concern is that John Lassiter appears to have been behind the re working, forcing Glen Keane off the project. And I always thought of John Lassiter as the man who ignored Focus Groups and made movies that were great stories, not concerned with their commercial appeal (Up) and purely on the strength of the movie enjoyed a string of box office smashes. I hope this isnt a sign of things to come.
This movie has gone from a "must See" for me to a "I'll wait for the Blu Ray" based on that trailer.....
Hmm, I have to agree... It's another one of those. Once again, a project with lots of potential has been dumbed down at the last minute. Pink! I can't believe it. And "she's been grounded, like, forever." Brrrrrrr. Glen Keane must be cringing.
Having said that, it still looks better than Shrek.
Ah, so they're trying to make it less of a princess movie (since Princess and the Frog didn't do as well as they'd hoped) and more of a boys' movie.
And the result is that we'll now get some unmemorable popcorn movie. Great. First the marketing folk screw up Princess and the Frog, which causes it to do worse than hoped, which causes them to screw up the next movie! Go Disney.
Just watched the trailer. Oh dear. At the start I was interested in seeing what they were going to do and was hoping for a more classic story but this looks complete garbage. Like said before, they're trying to steal some of the Shrek limelight that has already been dimmed so much it's now a cliche.
Quote from: "pussinboots"Ah, so they're trying to make it less of a princess movie (since Princess and the Frog didn't do as well as they'd hoped) and more of a boys' movie.
Don't have a clue how this is going to be aimed a boys at any way, shape or form after seeing the trailer. Pink as the trailer song? "Been grounded like... Forever"? "Best. Day. Ever."? All these things are your stereotypical music or sayings girls listen to/say. If I were a young kid I would be avoiding this movie like the plague.
FIY the movie will be released In Belgium and Holland (don't know about other countries) as "Rapunzel" opposed to Tangled.
Quote from: "-breeno-"Don't have a clue how this is going to be aimed a boys at any way, shape or form after seeing the trailer. Pink as the trailer song? "Been grounded like... Forever"? "Best. Day. Ever."? All these things are your stereotypical music or sayings girls listen to/say. If I were a young kid I would be avoiding this movie like the plague.
Well, it seems to be "Flynn Rider" who's the protagonist of this thing — which admittedly does make a bit of sense since Rapunzel is supposed to be hidden away in that tower for most of the story. She has only one line in the entire thing, for pete's sake.
He however has a cool goatee, witty one-liners and a Shrek-like bitchy horse. They're obviously hoping to nibble away at the How to Train Your Dragon/Kung Fu Panda demographic. In other words: Boys.
I suppose it doesn't have to be dreadful, but it is obviously going to be one of those films with a shelf life of about a week, and, sigh — those promises of oil paintings will be undelivered.
That trailer makes me sad :(
A new preview video about the "look" of Tangled:
So far the artwork and ideas look more promising than the small bits of finished animation to me, although the final Mont-st-Michel-like location looks rather stunning.
Bit weird that Disney animators are now apparently mining Fantasyland for inspiration though, no?
First poster revealed:
What do you think?
Quote from: "Anthony"A new preview video about the "look" of Tangled:
So far the artwork and ideas look more promising than the small bits of finished animation to me, although the final Mont-st-Michel-like location looks rather stunning.
Bit weird that Disney animators are now apparently mining Fantasyland for inspiration though, no?
The concept-arts look stunning, which is why I can't get my head around the fact that they decided to do this in CGI instead of handdrawn animation. That would be fatastic. Unofrtunately not all the CGI animation they show is good. The 'walking' sequence of Rapunzel is rather bad, although the surroundings and landscapes are beautiful again. I'm not too excited about this movie, mainly because the teaser trailer is soooo Dreamworks-like with all those stupid jokes. I'm not even starting to compare this to The Princess and The Frog, which was practicaly perfect in every way...
The new trailer -
The new French poster. Notice its called "Rapunzel."
Both the trailer and poster I found on Disney and More.
I think it looks very disapointing. Waaayyy to Dreamworkish. The detail and lushness in the animation IS, I admit, something I've never seen before in CGI, but still I dont understand why it isnt in traditional animation.
Nice to see thier looking for inspiration in classics though - the Sleeping Beauty concept art is beautiful.
I agree. Lovely poster, but the trailer? The only thing related to Disney is the WDP logo at the beginning.
Hopefully they've put all the bad Dreamworks jokes in this trailer...
A new Tangled preview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79ia4UL2 ... r_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79ia4UL2N8o&feature=player_embedded%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Can't wait to see the whole thing :)
New photos. I prefer a 2D princess but Rapunzel looks good for a CGI character :mrgreen:
According to their Facebook feed there will be a new trailer released tomorrow. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Quote from: "peep"According to their Facebook feed there will be a new trailer released tomorrow. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Thanks Peep, I saw it and wasn't impressed at all :( It kind of lacks Disney magic.
Oh yeah, the new trailer is here!
It doesn't look that bad, actually. But it still feels too Dreamworksy - the comedic voice-over, the "magic-hair". Wheres the Disney Classic feel, people? But I love the paper lanterns. They are beautiful. They look to be the best part of this film.
Quote from: "Columbiad"It doesn't look that bad, actually. But it still feels too Dreamworksy - the comedic voice-over, the "magic-hair". Wheres the Disney Classic feel, people? But I love the paper lanterns. They are beautiful. They look to be the best part of this film.
Check the feelings online at some critics which already had a sneakpeek for Tangled, they are saying the orginal movie will be more like Beauty and the Beast and less to the Dreamwork kind of trailer style!
Quote from: "Soap"Quote from: "Columbiad"It doesn't look that bad, actually. But it still feels too Dreamworksy - the comedic voice-over, the "magic-hair". Wheres the Disney Classic feel, people? But I love the paper lanterns. They are beautiful. They look to be the best part of this film.
Check the feelings online at some critics which already had a sneakpeek for Tangled, they are saying the orginal movie will be more like Beauty and the Beast and less to the Dreamwork kind of trailer style!
I read that too, but why is Disney trying to sell a Dreamwork-isch trailer for a Disney movie? Do they think if they put all the - rather bad - jokes in the trailer, that people would run into the theaters?
The paper lanterns scene looks beautiful! Hopefully there are more scenes like those in the movie. It reminds me of the 'Kiss the Girl' scene from The Little Mermaid.
Tangled will be more like Beauty and The Beast? That's bold. In my opinion, BATB is THE best animated movie of all time, so if Tangled is only half that good, it will be a great movie. ;)
I think they should have hand-drawn this movie. It looks too much like a dreamworks movie to me.
Hey, everyone! I'm here on behalf of Disney, and it is wonderful to hear that there is excitement about our new movie Tangled. The trailer posted above is actually the international trailer for Tangled.
The new theatrical trailer can be found here: http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/ (http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Check out this version, and let me know what you think. Thanks! :D
Did anyone get a chance to watch the trailer? Also, if any of you wanted to read a bit more about the film, Collider.com did a great interview with Zachary Levi while on set. You can read it here: http://www.collider.com/2010/09/21/zach ... w-tangled/ (http://www.collider.com/2010/09/21/zachary-levi-interview-tangled/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Quote from: "DisneyPictures"Hey, everyone! I'm here on behalf of Disney, and it is wonderful to hear that there is excitement about our new movie Tangled. The trailer posted above is actually the international trailer for Tangled.
The new theatrical trailer can be found here: http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/ (http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Check out this version, and let me know what you think. Thanks! :D
I like the idea where this is going.
But there's a big but, please drop the Dreamwork style trailers and jokes and put more Disney magic in it :D
Great music, great animation, lovely storytelling and adorable characters will beat Dreamwork flicks every day of the week.
Nonetheless i think this is going to be a great 50th DISNEY Classic. :thumbs:
Quote from: "Soap"Quote from: "DisneyPictures"Hey, everyone! I'm here on behalf of Disney, and it is wonderful to hear that there is excitement about our new movie Tangled. The trailer posted above is actually the international trailer for Tangled.
The new theatrical trailer can be found here: http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/ (http://www.deadline.com/2010/09/hot-trailer-tangled/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Check out this version, and let me know what you think. Thanks! :D
I like the idea where this is going.
But there's a big but, please drop the Dreamwork style trailers and jokes and put more Disney magic in it :D
Great music, great animation, lovely storytelling and adorable characters will beat Dreamwork flicks every day of the week.
Nonetheless i think this is going to be a great 50th DISNEY Classic. :thumbs:
100% agree. :D Please make some more 'The Princess and The Frog'-style movies, please, with that movie Disney hit the Magic again... and loose the Dreamworks crappy jokes and slik visuals ;)
Hey again,
Thanks for all of the feedback. I think I have just what you guys are looking for. Check out this "Creating the Hair" feature. It has both of the directors discussing all of the work that goes into the animation behind Rapunzel's hair. It's pretty intense. What do you think?
http://www.stitchkingdom.com/disney-new ... ting-hair/ (http://www.stitchkingdom.com/disney-news/movies/disneys-tangled-video-qa-creating-hair/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
o-o; You guys are comparing it to Dreamworks stuff like it's a bad thing. Have you guys ever seen The Road to El Dorado? It's a FANTASTIC film, far better than a lot of Disney films. The music team consists of Elton John and Tim Rice, and honestly, I think their music in that film is even better than the Lion King, and the Lion King is my third fave Disney film ever.
However, The Road to El Dorado is a traditionally animated film rather than computer animated, which I think Dreamworks do very well. In regards to their computer animation style, I think it's much better than some of Disney's attempts such as Meet the Robinsons and Bolt.
:) So anyways, my point is this. Tangled looks great in my opinion, and if I did have anything negative to say about it, it wouldn't have anything to do with possible similarities to the style of Dreamworks films.
Quote from: "Masamune"o-o; You guys are comparing it to Dreamworks stuff like it's a bad thing. Have you guys ever seen The Road to El Dorado? It's a FANTASTIC film, far better than a lot of Disney films. The music team consists of Elton John and Tim Rice, and honestly, I think their music in that film is even better than the Lion King, and the Lion King is my third fave Disney film ever.
However, The Road to El Dorado is a traditionally animated film rather than computer animated, which I think Dreamworks do very well. In regards to their computer animation style, I think it's much better than some of Disney's attempts such as Meet the Robinsons and Bolt.
:) So anyways, my point is this. Tangled looks great in my opinion, and if I did have anything negative to say about it, it wouldn't have anything to do with possible similarities to the style of Dreamworks films.
Not all movies from Dreamworks are bad, just 95% of them. I personally realy like The Prince of Egypt. By far, Dreamwork's finest film and, regarding the music from that film, absolutely on par with Disney's big musical hits. Their other movies are full of crap. Sure, Disney also has it's share of crap movies when they were trying to copy Dreamworks, like Chicken Little, Meet The Robinssons and The Wild. I'm not going to defend them either regarging these flops.
Tangled just looks like it could very well be made by Dreamworks, while The Princess and The Frog has a quality to it only Disney can create. I hope I will be proven wrong, because I'm going to see Tangled once it's in the cinemas, but the trailer gives me a headache.
My point is that Disney shouldn't be copying Dreamworks stuff, it's not needed.
They have their own signature and style and should innovate from that point and put back more magic in them.
Imho the only great movie from Dreamworks is indeed TPOE, just the only movia i think breaths
Disney style from it :D
But off course this is all my opinion and surething that you can see the same from a Dreamworks point of view ;)
Quote from: "Soap"My point is that Disney shouldn't be copying Dreamworks stuff, it's not needed.
They have their own signature and style and should innovate from that point and put back more magic in them.
Imho the only great movie from Dreamworks is indeed TPOE, just the only movia i think breaths
Disney style from it :D
But off course this is all my opinion and surething that you can see the same from a Dreamworks point of view ;)
I'm also not a big fan of Dreamworks. Their movies just don't have the quality of the Pixar movies. But the WDAS movies don't have it, too. The Princess and the Frog movie was a step into the right direction. I fear that Tangled will be like the Dreamworks movies.
TPOE is a great movie and definately DW's best, but I wasn't impressed by the others. Shrek 1 was also great and funny, but the rest of Shrek was bad.
Disney has actually allowed a few advanced screenings of Tangled to take place. Here is a review from one of them!
http://www.thewrap.com/awards/column-po ... gled-21321 (http://www.thewrap.com/awards/column-post/disney-unveils-animated-gem-tangled-21321%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
The first song from Tangled has been released. It's sung by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi and was composed by Alan Menken. Your thoughts?
I like it. All I can think is that if this had been in The Princess and the Frog (maybe with a little jazz thrown in) I would've actually listened to that soundtrack more than once. Just a personal thing.
It doesn't seem as "instantly memorable" as "Kiss the Girl," say, but not every song has to be. Although I kind of hope the other Tangled songs will be a bit more... Well, Menken. Bigger, as Howard Ashman would've put it. But then Disney probably hoped a slightly more pop-ish song would do better outside of the context of the film.
I like the song, but you are right it is not a memorable song like, for example, the ones from Beauty and the Beast.
Disney already did some press screenings and the movie did get some really good reviews. It will be Disney's 50th feature animation and I think it is a bit sad that it will not be in traditional 2D animation. I do like CGI movies, but a hand drawn movie has more charme to me. Unfortunately Princess and the Frog wasn't very successful. It had definately a better story than most DremWorks movies, but it seems that people don't care about that anymore.
Nevertheless I can't wait to see the movie and hopefully it will be a success. Disney's Animation Studio really needs it.
Only a few more weeks! A lot of people have been asking to hear more of the music and to learn more about the villain in the film. Well you helped give a preview of the music (thank you by the way!), so here's a quick glance at Mother Gothel's character.
http://www.stitchkingdom.com/disney-new ... er-gothel/ (http://www.stitchkingdom.com/disney-news/movies/disneys-tangled-video-wanted-loving-mother-figure-mother-gothel/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
I've listened to the song several times now and it's growing on me. At first I didn't like the 'bouncing melody'. I'ts a very complicated melody, not one that will stick in your head the first time you hear it. I don't know how to discribe it, but the parts where they sing alone has many tone variations (high/low) in every line of the lyrics. Anyone know what I mean?
Anyway, I'm beginning to like it. On a few ocasions you can here the greatness of Menken's talent and those tipical 'grande' musical scores he did before for Disney. I'd love to hear more of the soundtrack (not only the songs, also the intrumental underscore soundtrack).
What I'm missing is that typical Menken tune — he tends to create a few simple but effective melodies for each film and weave them into the entire score to maximize earworm potential, it's hard to explain without the ability to hum, haha. There's a bit of "Colors of the Wind" in "If I Never Knew You" and a bit of both in "Just Around The Riverbend," and bits of all three in every other part of the score. You don't notice it, but it's there and it's why you're hearing the score in your head as you read this.
The score to I See the Light is understated to say the least. But we haven't heard any of the other songs yet, so the above might be in there nevertheless, obviously.
But I have to say I'm actually getting a little bit excited about this film. Nothing released so far hints at anything other than a confident storyline with interesting, funny characters and and an excellent score. I've only counted one borderline Dreamworks contemporary joke and it wasn't even a pop culture reference. The story (I will admit I've briefly glanced at a spoiler) seems interesting and naturally-flowing — quite a contrast with the forced and contrived storyline of Princess and the Frog. Sure, they've failed to deliver the promised visual experience. But if the film is good otherwise, I won't complain.
Quote from: "pussinboots"What I'm missing is that typical Menken tune — he tends to create a few simple but effective melodies for each film and weave them into the entire score to maximize earworm potential, it's hard to explain without the ability to hum, haha.
Ooh I'm not sure. Listening to the song for the second time now, that first line comes back to me already. "All those days, watching from the windows" - and the notes are picked up later in the song around 1:45 as it moves over to Flynn. I can hum them now. It's
very understated like you say, but it has potential.
Do we know how many songs there will be in total? *
What's most bizarre is that Disney have barely mentioned anywhere that Alan Menken is working on the soundtrack. Alan Menken!! I'd almost forgotten myself, but surely this is the biggest selling point - especially with Beauty and the Beast just out on Blu-ray (with lots of new featurettes celebrating himself and Howard Ashman). The marketing is so scared of this seeming anything like an awful dumbed-down Alpha & Omega-type CGI comedy it's painful.
* Edit: 5 (possibly 6?), with several reprises. Soundtrack listing:
[spoiler:d92jwd7l]1. When Will My Life Begin? Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel"
2. When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 1) Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel"
3. Mother Knows Best Performed by Donna Murphy as "Mother Gothel"
4. When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 2) Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel"
5. I've Got a Dream Performed by Brad Garrett as "Hook-Hand Thug," Jeffrey Tambor as "Big Nose Thug," Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel," Zachary Levi as "Flynn Rider" and Ensemble
6. Mother Knows Best (Reprise) Performed by Donna Murphy as "Mother Gothel"
7. I See the Light Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel" and Zachary Levi as "Flynn Rider"
8. Healing Incantation Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel"
9. Flynn Wanted Score
10. Prologue Songs and Score Performed by Donna Murphy as "Mother Gothel" and Delaney Stein as "Young Rapunzel"
11. Horse with No Rider Score
12. Escape Route Score
13. Campfire Score
14. Kingdom Dance Score
15. Waiting for the Lights Score
16. Return to Mother Score
17. Realization and Escape Score
18. The Tear Heals Score and Song Performed by Mandy Moore as "Rapunzel"
19. Kingdom Celebration Score
20. Something That I Want Performed by Grace Potter[/spoiler:d92jwd7l]
I've posted this video also in the christmas topic, but it's suitable here too. The first few minutes of the video features a small Tangled-show on Central Plaza Stage from this weekend where both Rapunzel and Flynn are singing 'I See The Light'. It ends with the illumination of the castle. Fantastic! If only they could add this 'show' to Disney Showtime Spectacular...
Click here (//http://vimeo.com/16586177) to see the video of the press event of Disney's Enchanted Christmas 2010.
I like Mandy Moore's voice. Very differant to the other Princesses - she has a slight vibrato that just gives it a lovely fresh feel.
Hey Tuvok, thanks for posting that link! The video was pretty awesome. By the way, there were a couple of more photos recently released, if any of you are interested in checking them out you can see them here: http://media.movies.ign.com/media/180/1 ... mgs_1.html (http://media.movies.ign.com/media/180/1807290/imgs_1.html%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Soundtrack previews: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004B4LC3K (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004B4LC3K%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;) (Amazon giving it away for $3.99?!)
And the first couple of reviews: http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117943999?refcatid=31 (http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117943999?refcatid=31%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review ... gled-42752 (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/todd-mccarthys-film-review-tangled-42752%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Somewhat predictable criticisms but quite promising.
Those reviews are the grouchiest I've encountered so far, although Variety has a policy to dedicate at least half of each review to nitpicking. Rotten Tomatoes gives a rosier picture.
I'd say it's looking very good. Let's hope the world agrees and gives Disney back some confidence in fairy tale-based films.
I fear for this film regarding it's American release. Potter got released the weekend just gone, it did mental amounts of money at the box office. It'll keep getting mass audiences for weeks to come. Next weekend's big release...Tangled. Oh, Disney wave goodbye to having a successful animation this Winter.
It's almost like Disney plan their animation release dates around the biggest film releases of the year meaning the films get so over-shadowed it's silly. Why?
Disney fans, keep your head up! The film has also received some really positive reviews, like the one below. The premiere date is finally here! Go and give it your own review. I would love to hear it!
http://www.examiner.com/movie-in-los-an ... ies-review (http://www.examiner.com/movie-in-los-angeles/movie-review-tangled-offers-an-energitic-new-spin-on-disney-princess-stories-review%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Wow, yes, now the reviews are really rolling in and they do sound great. A collection of quotes here: http://blueskydisney.blogspot.com/2010/ ... views.html (http://blueskydisney.blogspot.com/2010/11/tangled-reviews.html%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
At least two saying "best since The Lion King"/"best in the last 15 years" for Disney. So now it becomes all the more painful that some of us (no doubt due to a certain tired wizard) have to wait until the end of January.
I can't wait to see the movie. The UK release is in January? Why do you have to wait until January while it was already released in the US? In Europe, at least in Austria and Germany, the movie starts in two weeks.
It's good to read so many great reviews. Hopefully the movie will be a financial success as well.
Quote from: "dagobert"The UK release is in January? Why do you have to wait until January while it was already released in the US? In Europe, at least in Austria and Germany, the movie starts in two weeks.
Over here Disney only ever seem to release animations a week or so before school holidays, in this case it'll be February half term. The same happened with Princess and the Frog last year (or
this year). It makes sense, Tangled would unfortunately get very lost here between the hype for Harry Potter and Tron. I guess even the possibility of Christmas merchandise sales doesn't convince them.
What's striking to me is the slack the Princess and the Frog is getting a year later. I thought it had generally been favorably received and that I was one of the few nitpickers who didn't think it was very good.
But we all agree then, Princess and the Frog was ultimately a narrative chaos with a nonsensical ending and mediocre musical numbers, a film that collapsed under the pressure to be The Little Mermaid. Bygones, water under the bridge, moving on.
Also apparent in the majority of reviews: The musical numbers are too restrained. Because Disney restrained Alan Menken, of course. Let that be a lesson.
Anyway, quite excited to see Tangled now!
Tangled is performing very well in the US. It's making more money than expected. Over the Thanksgiving Weekend the movie made $69 Mio. That's impressive. I wonder if the movie would be more successful without competing against HP7.
http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=rapunzel.htm (http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=rapunzel.htm%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Has anyone seen the film yet? I can't wait to hear what you all think, especially of Mother Gothel!
Here's an interview with Donna Murphy if you are interested!
Such great news that Tangled has been a success in the US.
Now: Go here (//http://adisney.go.com/disneypictures/tangled/#/videos/) and select "Something that I want" from the videos list. You won't be disappointed.
That is amazing! What a find. That must have taken them aggges to set up, unless it was all done with special editing.
God, I wish I worked there.
tatsächlich, die Person zu spielen Rapunzel ist Mandy Moore!!! :D
Oh, sorry :oops: for the German i have German on the brain!!
i mean mandy moore plays rapunzel :mrgreen:
That was so amazing, I am now looking forward to Tangled, ah shame we have to wait until January 28th argh. This film is not getting anywhere near as bad pres as I expected, maybe for once Disney have hit all the right notes.
Just loved it! :thumbs:
Finally some oldskool animation Disney magic in a real Disney classic.
Not a new Beauty and the Beast, but surely the best thing happend at WDA
for the last couple of years!
Keep up the great job and Disney will be back at the top again :D
(Alright, minor spoiler alert. I won't give away the ending, but I'm not going to dance around everything.)
Let me start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed the film, probably the most fun I've had watching an animated film since Ratatouille. It's fun, it's exciting, it's touching, it's completely worthwhile. Where The Princess and the Frog (more comparisons ahead, ye be warned) came across as an overly contrived attempt at an old-fashioned Disney film, Tangled unexpectedly manages to achieve that goal while trying only half as hard.
Where the film really succeeds is the plot. Disney films more than rarely suffer from having too many cooks, too many motives and ambitions and special interest groups, resulting in beautifully animated, wonderfully-scored but ultimately misguided films such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hercules or Pocahontas. They desperately seek to be Beauty and the Beast on top of catering to the little girls of yet another uncharted minority, luring in the Academy, introducing a new record of technological splendor, etcetera. It's too much to bear and all of a sudden the film stops making much sense or forgets to be fun. It then collapses somewhere between the third act and the finale and ends in a big mess. Tangled is not one of these. They really tied this thing together well.
The problem was of course that the original story involves a rather textbook version of a damsel-in-distress story, and this obviously had to go in favor of something better suited to the sensibilities 2010. Which essentially means that while the film begins and ends like the fairy tale, everything in between is different. Enter awkward feisty girl power, Dreamworks repartee and possibly even a gratuitous "Matrix"-style action scene, you fear. Disney has been there before, with varying degrees of success. But Tangled goes nowhere it shouldn't. Rapunzel gets an adventure outside her tower, Flynn learns to care about another person and the two meet a whole bunch of friends and foes along the way. In between, there's psychological mother-daughter tension (giving the film its unique element and distancing it from the long list of campy Disney villains full of puns,) romance, comedy and even a dash of "Romancing the Stone." The ending, while ultimately expected and familiar, is cleverly played and invokes an emotional payoff I personally haven't experienced in a Disney film since, well, The Lion King. This isn't Jane deciding to live in the jungle or John Smith heading back to England for 17th Century NHS treatment, this is old-fashioned sobbing material.
Here, incidentally, is why I think Tangled's ending works and Princess and the Frog's did not. "Magic" endings of the Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, Pinocchio sort work because they are a payoff deserved through a character's evolution. A character might have finally learned to care about another person or sacrificed their own happiness for a greater good, and as a consequence they receive a magical reward, healing their wounds or releasing them from some sort of physical prison. It's a tale as old as time deeply rooted in our Western sense of morality, and we instinctively feel that this is how it should be in the universe, so we accept the fantasy and relate to the humanity. In Princess and the Frog, Tiana and Naveen were de-frogged because of some silly bit of magical mechanics they had failed to recognize up until that point. Sure, they too had learned their valuable lessons along the way, but it didn't relate to the climax at all. But in Tangled, the sacrifice is there and the reward is hard-earned.
(Although it was a little shocking to see one of Rapunzel's cute animal friends murder a person in cold blood. It seems no one else is bothered by this, haha.)
As for the animation, it includes possibly the best CGI animation of human characters I've ever seen, and that includes Pixar's. I'm forever that curmudgeon who can't look beyond the plasticky nature of a human in CG, but somehow they finally got it right. The humans in Shrek look like third-rate animatronics, but Rapunzel and Flynn are as expressive as they would have been if drawn by a competent old-school animator. And Maximus the palace horse! What a treat to watch. Of course, I still would have preferred it in 2D. One doesn't have to stare too long at a film like Sleeping Beauty to see that no amount of high-definition rendering could ever compete with an artist's hand.
And that's the one real tragedy of Tangled — its success might be the nail in the coffin of handdrawn animation for a long time.
The music feels a little restrained, with Alan Menken's hands seemingly tied behind his back, but it's good enough. "Mother Knows Best" is hilariously mean, even if the animation in that scene emphasizes that not everything that works in handdrawn works in CG. "I See The Light" (the romantic-boat-ride song) feels genuine and not shoehorned in because they needed "one of those Tale as Old as Time-type numbers," even if it probably was. The bar brawl song however, "I Have a Dream," was in desperate need of Howard Ashman and slightly mediocre, I thought. It pales in comparison to "Gaston" or any of Ashman's other "big songs," but then Howard Ashman is dead and so Disney can hardly be blamed for not getting him on board again. A real highlight is the second "When Will My Life Begin" reprise, as reprises are something Alan Menken is just very good at.
Ultimately, Tangled will go down in history as a very good chapter in the Disney fairy tale canon. Not as a particularly daring or innovative one, not as this generation's Snow White or The Little Mermaid, but that won't stop anyone from enjoying it.
Great review pussinboots, beautifully said!!
I saw Tangled yesterday and I'm already hoping to see it again soon. Loved it! I had quite enjoyed Princess and the Frog, but I found it was lacking some believable emotion (except when Ray sings to Evangeline). Tangled doesn't. I had to get my tissues out a couple of times...
It's a gorgeous movie, the animation is beautiful (though I too would have liked to see this in 2D animation). And the story is great! It's got everything, brilliant characters (Mother Gothel is the best Disney villain we've seen in ages! As much as I liked Dr Facilier, I never quite understood his motivation), lots of humour (even my husband was laughing out loud quite a few times), and as I said, plenty of emotion as well.
What I liked the least was the music, but still, as soon as I got home I bought the album from iTunes and now after listening to it a few times, all the songs are growing on me... Even "I have a dream"! Though "Mother Knows Best" and "I See the Light" are still my favourites....
We saw it in 2D, maybe I'll go next week with my brother (another Disney fan) and see it in 3D... But I'm definitely seeing this movie again during the Christmas holidays :D
Yesterday we have seen Tangled and we liked it a lot. It's definately one of the best Disney Animation movies in recent years. Hopefully it makes a lot of money, the movie would deserve it. We watched it in 3D and I think it is worth to watch it that way.
I saw the movie today and it was amazing! I'm a big fan of Pascale now... ;-)
And it's at number one in a few European countries now! I do think it's been ignored by the European media, though. Did no one inform them? "Burlesque," which is absolutely dreadful, has gotten ten times the buzz, not to mention Harry Potter and Megamind. But then I suppose that sob story about Cher teaching little Christina Aguilera how to act makes for a snazzier story than "Disney makes pretty good movie again."
For those in the UK, the Daily Mail is running free previews of Tangled on Sunday 9th January at certain Odeon cinemas.
See :
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/artic ... unday.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/article-1340171/Free-Screening-Disneys-Tangled-Mail-Sunday.html%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
for details.
You're supposed to buy the paper on Boxing Day for the password, but it seems it's already been revealed as MAXIMUS. May need to still buy paper to take along for entry though.
:) I'm going to a preview showing this Sunday. I can't wait!
I'm pleased to have seen both TV spots and ads on the side of buses so far. Can't remember the last time a Disney animation was advertised this much! The tagline is funny though, something like "Disney will surprise you" - what, by making a good film? Really looking forward to it anyway...
The soundtrack has grown on me, although does still feel a bit like it's only half the soundtrack is could have been.
:P No giant review here, just my feelings on the film summed up in a few sentences.
I saw Tangled today and it was just brilliant. I loved every single one of the characters and I thought the story was fantastic. I laughed a lot, and cried a few times too. :) I thought the CG style was beautiful, and although I still would love to see more classic Disney animation, I wouldn't mind seeing any CG film that's done to as high a standard as Tangled has been done.
woohoo Tangled released officially today, just booked my tickets, going to see it tonight :thumbs:
I saw Tangled yesterday and I loved it, and have to say that it is probably in my top 5 of favourite Disney movies. Probably because Mandy Moore is my favourite Artist and Actress.
We watched it in 3d, I would have perferred to see it in in 2d but it wasnt offered at the cinema. I'm off to buy the soundtrack from somewhere that won't take 2 weeks to deliever.
I haven't seen Tangled yet, but I'm looking forward to. And this time, unlike the way I saw Toy Story and TRON: Legacy, I'm going to see it in 2D.
Quote from: "Alan"I haven't seen Tangled yet, but I'm looking forward to. And this time, unlike the way I saw Toy Story and TRON: Legacy, I'm going to see it in 2D.
I would also have prefered to watch it in 2D, but I have seen it in 3D and I have to say that the effects were great, especially the scene with the flying lights. In my opinion the 3D effects in Tangled are better than in Toy Story 3.
Seen Tangled last night in 2d (as I seen UP in 3D and thought it was a waste of money and the glasses were annoying lol)!
I am really glad to say it totally lived up to how good I thought it would be! I thought the animation was great, the characters were fab and it gave me some great laughs (particularly maximus!) I could imagine it being a Disney classic!
I thought Disney did a brilliant job of updating the classic fairytale with adding the humour and also modernising rapunzel who wasn't a damzel in distress but had a firey, independant side and at times saved the "prince" aka Flin.
At times the mother daughter relationship between mother gothel and rapunzel reminded me of my conflict with needing to separate myself from my mother (of course minus the evil side lol(, so i thought it was told very well.
I won't say anything about the ending but I must admit a tiny disappointment with it but at the same time i thought it also was realistic and modern.
I had never wanted merchandise from a film before I seen it but prior to even seeing tangled I had the plush doll, toddler doll, cushion, pin and i think i'm forgetting something else lol...now I want everything else hehe! It far surpasses the princess and the frog which i found disappointing.
Everyone should see Tangled! :thumbs:
Have just come back from watching Tangled. Again!. Saw it last night with Simon, and I cried. Saw it today with my friend La La and we both cried.
Loved it. Wanna see it again.
Love Maximus. Love Flynn.
I so want all the merchandise but now our Disney store has gone...Wah!..Will have to get it online.
The soundtrack is great, can't stop humming the songs.
Saw Tangled last night an d I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Disney needed to freshen up their formula and they certainly have made steps in the right direction. With the action scenes and style of the film, Rapunzel would have been the wrong name for this film. It was refreshing Not having the animals talk. Maximus was funny but Pascal stole the show for me.I want a Chameleon now !
One critism I had was the song in the tavern. It slowed the movie down right as the adventure was beginning. The ruffians weren't primary characters, not even secondary. When has any film featured a tertiary bunch of characters get their own song ??
But the scene where they light the laterns will go down in Disney history - truly stunning even in plain simple 2D. It gave me the same magical wow feeling as when the 3 fairies put the kingdom to sleep in Sleeping Beauty.
Now hopefully they won't ruin it with a Direct to DVD cash-in sequel. (yes I know they put an end to that, but never say never).
Likewise I saw 'Tangled' 2D last night and I found it absolutely fantastic, it definitely was a film that managed to combine a story and characters that fit very much the mould of Disney's previous classics, whilst squeezing in plenty of pop-culture references that add a little zing to the tale, plenty of witty one liners and comedy effect. I can honestly say that the characters all had strong personalities with no character being weak in any shape or form, even the extras.. :mrgreen:
I'm not sure if it's my eyes but this CGI animated film looks even more realistic, it seems to get just better and better in character movements and lighting, really awe inspiring. James Cameron watch out.. :shock: :mrgreen:
Vanessa even said that this film has to be her favourite Disney film of all time, now you don't often here words like those from Vanessa.. :mrgreen:
I loved 'The Princess and the Frog' for it's strong characters and music scores, but this has to be a step higher, a must see for all.. :D/ :D/ :D/
Disney is still the king of fairytales.. =D> =D> =D>
Can we have a 'Tangled 2' in some shape or form, if we can I'm booking my ticket now.. :mrgreen:
I read a review of Tangled in a National paper, and it really does seem as if Disney have gone back to there good old ways with this one.
Everywhere I read stuff they all say its fantastic in everyway, and is exactly how a Disney film should be. I'm really pleased to finally be able to read stuff like that after all the years of guff they churn out.
I hope they get rewarded for all they put into it. The only thing is, until I visited DLP last week, I hadn't really heard that much about it. Haven't seen any TV ads here in the UK....
Saw Tangled last night and wow - the first film I've ever seen where the audience spontaneously applauded at the end! Seriously! OK, it was possibly started by one of the (few) kids in attendance, but everyone followed and I've barely seen a more positive pouring out of people after a film. You can tell when an audience is entranced by a film and this was it - all ages, male and female. Disney just got it so right with this one. The stars finally aligned.
I loved it. Great characters, great story, great animation*. Classic in style but fresh in delivery.
The 3D is worth it too in my opinion, if you see it on a big enough screen. Enough to convince me it's not entirely a gimmick. Seeing a fairytale done this well, in immersive, dimensional 3D, you finally see some progression on from the flat Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, etc. An actual new era. The "Walt Disney Animation Studios 50th Animated Feature" logo at the start gave me goosebumps.
*Except a slightly wooden Mother Gothel, in my opinion. There's still an opening for a CGI villain as vicious and harrowing as any of the old hand-drawn Disney baddies...
Quote from: "Anthony"The "Walt Disney Animation Studios 50th Animated Feature" logo at the start gave me goosebumps.
That was a nice touch. Although they push this '50' number arounda lot. But between Bambi and Cinderella there's 6 releases you could knock right out. And what ever happened to The Wild ??
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"Quote from: "Anthony"The "Walt Disney Animation Studios 50th Animated Feature" logo at the start gave me goosebumps.
That was a nice touch. Although they push this '50' number arounda lot. But between Bambi and Cinderella there's 6 releases you could knock right out. And what ever happened to The Wild ??
The Wild wasn't produced by WDAS, so it doesn't count. CORE Feature Animation produced it and the movie was distributed by Disney.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wild (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wild%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"That was a nice touch. Although they push this '50' number arounda lot. But between Bambi and Cinderella there's 6 releases you could knock right out. And what ever happened to The Wild ??
I agree, never quite understood how they class the war time shorts like make mine music as a feature animation as they do the rest....
Weird, The Wild does have a classics number on the dvd here in Belgium...
Also while we all seemed to be in the 'Tangled' mood, why not take your memories from the film and start collecting for the latest sticker album.. :mrgreen:
Quote from: "Javey74"Also while we all seemed to be in the 'Tangled' mood, why not take your memories from the film and start collecting for the latest sticker album.. :mrgreen:
i got that too although i canot believe its 50p for 1 packet of 5 stickers! long gone are the days they were 30 or 40p! lol
Quote from: "svenneke1"Weird, The Wild does have a classics number on the dvd here in Belgium...
I saw it on a list of Classics over here just after it was released as well. SO glad they reversed that decision...
Quote from: "Aveen2008"Quote from: "Javey74"Also while we all seemed to be in the 'Tangled' mood, why not take your memories from the film and start collecting for the latest sticker album.. :mrgreen:
i got that too although i canot believe its 50p for 1 packet of 5 stickers! long gone are the days they were 30 or 40p! lol
Yeah, very true fact Aveen.. :shock:
Now that I've seen Tangled myself, I can finally give my opinion of it. One word...
I loved it. Everything about it was perfect: the animation, the characters, the environments, the songs, the emotion, the humour. It really is a film that's got everything in it, and a film that should appeal to everyone.
And I really feel that Tangled is much better than any Pixar film, again in terms of the characters, animation, the quality of the rendering, the score, the fact that it has proper songs, etc.
It's so good to see the Walt Disney Animation Studios back on top again, after all this time, kicking the ass of every other animation studio out there. Disney animation was always the best. Disney animation always stood for perfection, the best quality. Well now they really are the best again.
I just hope Disney don't dilute the Tangled brand by making a sequel. Walt Disney never did sequels. There was never a Snow White 2 or a Mary Poppins 2: Dreams Come True. So Disney, please just leave it as a classic; a very special one-off.
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you, but in my opinion Pixar's Wall-E, Ratatouille and Toy Story 3 are still better. I loved Tangled, it's definately one of the best Disney movies in recent years, but the Pixar movies I have mentioned have more depth than Tangled.
But Tangled is a lot better than any DreamWorks movie.
Well, a lot of these things are subjective. But I personally enjoyed and appreciated Tangled a lot more than Toy Story 3 and WALL-E too. I think Tangled had tons of depth, it just wasn't as sad/depressing as some of the more recent Pixar films.
Alan, you made a point with the sad/depressing mood of recent Pixar movies. That's the reason why I liked them better, for me these movies are more adult oriented than Tangled, but Tangled was funnier. That's the kind of movies I expect from Disney. WDAS was always at its best when producing musical movies with great songs.
At least we agree that if Disney continues this way, the studio will be back where it belongs!
I knew this already from reading a review of the US disc weeks ago, but the Tangled blu-ray is a bit disappointing, isn't it? They didn't even put the animation studios lipdub on there, let alone any mention of the 10 year development process. The "making of" featurette is only made great because of Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore being so adorable.
Is this the home entertainment division still treating Walt Disney Animation films as second-class compared to Pixar, or has the age of exhaustive bonus features come to an end?
I LOVE this movie!! Everything about it! I really hope they do NOT make a Tangled 2! I will not be impressed at all! They push it enough with Cinderella 2 and 3, Little Mermaid 2 and 3 etc etc. The ONLY thing I didn't like was the end! If I was Rapunzel I would've gone mad! lol Not sure if everyone reading this has seen it so not going to say what happens!
I agree. Tangled is a great film, but I really hope Disney resist the urge to make a sequel. If you look at the list of 50 Disney theatrical animated features, only one of them is a sequel: The Rescuers Down Under.
Tangled is a great film, Disney's best for years I think. Normally I prefer hand drawn, but not this time. It's beautiful. The CGI looks more realistic than ever. I like it better than the Little Mermaid and even Beauty And The Beast. Maybe the music not as memorable for me on first viewing as the others, but I liked what I heard and I'll be seeing it again soon. I wish Disney had called the film Rapunzel, I don't like Tangled as much. I'd like to see a stage production if Disney Theatricals could do it, probably with some new songs added.
I was quite surprised by how good Tangled was. As a rule I hate the girly Disney movies with the exception of Beauty and the Beast and Mulan (love those). Tangled was ok. I still think Dreamworks are now better than Disney in the enjoyment factor, but it was pretty, especially in 3D. My daughter has watched it 4 times since it came into the house, so clearly it is a winner for her. Personally I do not care if I ever see it again though thanks to her.
That's probably why Disney called the film Tangled and not Rapunzel. The Studio was worried that Rapunzel would sound too girly and put the boys off. Disney didn't have to worry about things like that in the days of Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland and The Little Mermaid. Infact some of Disney's greatest and most enduring animation classics have been fairy tales. I've never thought of films like Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty as girly, they stand out as works of art to me. And the popularity of the films never fades.
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I was quite surprised by how good Tangled was. As a rule I hate the girly Disney movies with the exception of Beauty and the Beast and Mulan (love those). Tangled was ok. I still think Dreamworks are now better than Disney in the enjoyment factor, but it was pretty, especially in 3D. My daughter has watched it 4 times since it came into the house, so clearly it is a winner for her. Personally I do not care if I ever see it again though thanks to her.
Hi Dave, you know i always respect your honest opinion, but which movies are so more of "enjoyment" from Dreamworks?
I can 't name one which was overall rated as better then TS3 the last couple of years, the only movie i can think of, which was fantastic, is "How to train your dragon"?
All the other movies i can think of were at par on rated opinions, Tangled vs. Panda for example....
Its's all a matter of taste, can't argue there, but overall scores aren't that different.
I agree on the fact that Disney is not (yet) back at there "lonely" spot at the top, but Dreamworks isn't there either.
Look at Rango? Third party creators can do great stuff these days. The world just changed and Disney has to adapt with that some more :)
My personal wish is that Disney/Pixar get back to the old days of magical tales & splendor and i see that step-by-step in Disney's last attempts :oops:
And well....maybe i 'm just a little Disney fanboy...hihi :oops:
I might be a bit late with this, but what the heck right? :P
I just bought and watched Tangled...
After seeing so many pictures on here of the new characters in DLP, I thought: ''Why not.''
Funny thing was, I bought it together with an cd from AC/DC... and the shopkeer asked me: ''Is that a gift?'' I said: ''No, it's just me loving all kinds of things." :P
But anyway, I watched it.
and I loved it... simply one of the best movies I've seen in years actually.
Now, I'm a tough guy... (atleast I think so :lol: )
But the scene with the floating lanterns almost had me =D>
Great movie!
Can't say anything else then that :D
One of the best films ever. I especially like Pascal!
Quote from: "BadKid"One of the best films ever. I especially like Pascal!
Me too i also like maximus i have not laughed so much at two characters since TPATF ray and i defo laughed more at Tangled!
Quote from: "MissDisneyisMagical"Quote from: "BadKid"One of the best films ever. I especially like Pascal!
Me too i also like maximus i have not laughed so much at two characters since TPATF ray and i defo laughed more at Tangled!
Hahah, I think its funny the way Maximus treats Flynn in the first part of the movie!