Just watched Tarzan for the first time with my kids on disney cinimagic. (I bawled through most of it, :lol: ) But I noticed that they'd cut out the bit at the end where you see Claytons shadow after hes hung himself. Granted I did think it was one of the darker Disney deaths, but was surprised they'd cut it out as was a U when released. Makes me wonder if it would be a different rating if it came out now.
I also noticed on my daughters 'read along' Tangled cd, mother gothel turns to dust when Repunzels hair is cut, unlike falling out the window in the movie.
Anybody else noticed anything like this?
Yes! In the case of Tarzan. It's shown every now and then on the danish Disney Channel, and unless Im totally wrong they have cut out Claytons shadow too. Very odd. I was about 7 when the movie came out, and it was never something that affected me in any way- I mean he was the bad guy. Actually the opening scene with the baby-monkey getting murdered is something I had a much harder time grasping.
I know it may be an american trend to cover children up like they were fine china, but children likes a little danger and suspense in movies, books and fairytales. Just look at all the classic grimm fairytales and the british childrenbooks.
Clayton hung himself?! I really don't remember that! Need to re-watch I think.
Quote from: "Vegitabeta"Clayton hung himself?! I really don't remember that! Need to re-watch I think.
haha no he didnt- He gets caught up in a bunch of vines- while trying to cut himself loose he accidentally cuts off all except the one around his neck.
Here's another one I spotted in a live-action Disney film.
[/color][/size]In the scene going by the name "Fate Strikes" where the famous Outlaw Kissin' Kate Barlow is caught by Trout Walker and is made to give up the location of here buried loot. In the Original Version, Kate spots a Yellow Spotted Lizard (which are known to give a slow and painful death) crawling out from underneath her lover's boat, Sam The Onion Man (who tragically died when the Owner of Green Lake's Lake shot him when he realised he had a relationship with Kate and got jealous), she grabs the Lizard and places it near her arm, the Lizard bites her arm and she dies laughing, knowing she neve gave away the location. But, in the censored version (which had sound issues by the way), which was aired on Disney XD, it completely skips the scene where the lizard bites her and where she has died laughing and just skips to where she is lying in her 'dead' state in a zoomed out shot. From what I remember the biting scene had no resemblance of blood on it.
I would like to see Song of The South released on DVD but apparently the whole film has been censored. I have it on VHS but it hasn't made it on to DVD.
I have found the DVD on amazon for £35, not paying that. I missed it in the shops.
To me the scariest Disney movie is also the first. Snow White is so dark and scary yet it's seen as a child's movie. I know at the same time a lot of the worse bits in the BRothers Grim story was cut out. But it's still dark
I really hate how they have cut the opening song out of Petes Dragon. You know the song about how they are are going to abuse him when they catch him again. Oh and also the big beer barrel dance in the "I Saw a Dragon" number.
Quote from: geeky-spice on February 09, 2014, 06:24:06 PM
I really hate how they have cut the opening song out of Petes Dragon. You know the song about how they are are going to abuse him when they catch him again. Oh and also the big beer barrel dance in the "I Saw a Dragon" number.
really they have cut that out? i have the movie on dvd and neither of those two parts are cut out on my copy...
Quote from: SwipatronSparks on March 11, 2014, 07:40:40 PM
Quote from: geeky-spice on February 09, 2014, 06:24:06 PM
I really hate how they have cut the opening song out of Petes Dragon. You know the song about how they are are going to abuse him when they catch him again. Oh and also the big beer barrel dance in the "I Saw a Dragon" number.
really they have cut that out? i have the movie on dvd and neither of those two parts are cut out on my copy...
My DVD runs at 124 minutes. The new remastered version for blu ray only runs at 106. I don't know what they have cut for the new home release of the film but I have noticed the version on UK amazon video and tv showings of the film recently have cut both scences I mentioned.
Don't forget that Gurgi basicly kills himself in "The Black Couldron". You have to keep watching the movie, to know he's still alive, but he does jump into infinty.
They've also changed 1 line in the song "Arabian nights" (and many other languages did the same thing when it was released again).
I didn't remember that Clayton killed himself, but I can't remember much about Tarzan anyway :P
It does sound a little gruesome. I mean, all Disney films have some death in it, but there are many ways of killing a character... And yes, Snow White is really scary for kids. I used to feel terrified when the Evil Queen runs up those rocks under the rain. I had to stop the movie there and I didn't watch the ending until some years later.
And Grimm's fairy tales being worse than a Tarantino movie is no excuse. Those were, first of all, a collection of German folk tales, not intended as reading material for little kids, but more as a philological study. It was even critized at the time for having "children's tales" in the title, as they didn't think they were suitable for kids.
And those tales were created to scare the hell out of kids, teens and adults, and to teach them moral lessons that way. For example, Red Riding Hood is supposed to teach young girls not to have sex, as charming as the man might be, because he'll just take advantage of you. Sleeping Beauty is raped by the prince and wakes up when she gives birth to twins, Rapunzel has sex with the prince and she becomes pregnant, yet she doesn't know what is happening to her (she asks why her dress is getting tighter). Parents giving up their kids to strangers... Folk tales were really, really creepy.
Sorry to bump such an old topic - but it was still on the first page... evidently people don't look at this section much ::)
Just had to add for the record that the DVDs of "Song of the South" that someone mentioned above and you occasionally see on Amazon and eBay are not official, they are illegal VHS rips from the old PAL VHS. The VHS is the highest quality official release, don't bother with the eastern Laserdisc one, its again ripped from the VHS, not a source print. It was originally thought that the film would be released on DVD/Bluray in 2009, then 2012, but each time they change their minds. I think it's highly unlikely to ever get an official release, though presumably it will become public domain at some point.
Also had to post because I saw Black Cauldron being mentioned... one of my favourite Disney movies, but has the unique (and very sad) position of being censored even before its original release - Michael Eisner insisted that it was too adult/scary and around 20 minutes of full complete classic Disney animation was removed and destroyed. The end result was a strangely inbalanced film with some plot holes, and many can't forgive these shortcomings, so it gets a bad rep. I'd give almost anything for a release of the original, uncut version...
There's apparently a lot of blood being censored too.
According to a friend of mine, in the original movie (I remember that) there was quite a bit of blood involved when Bambi's mother died, but in the remastered version she apparently just lies there (I've not seen the remastered so I'll just believe my friends word on it).
And in some versions of Tangled you don't see any blood when Flynn is stabbed but in the original ones you do apparently.
To be honest I think it's ridiculous that there is so much censorship in Disney movies, especially consider the kind of utter tripe (overly violent and overly sexualised) that is thrown at kids left right and center as it is.
I thought that about the blood in Tangled. Watched it in the cinema when it came out then more recently on Sky movies. I thought I'd imagined it lol
Not strictly in line with the original question, but Disney did make a famously controversial film about lemmings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Wilderness_(film)
And "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" was at one point going to have the killer of Bambi's mother as the villain
Yeah the Lemmings thing beggar's belief... there are many things in Disney's past which people over-react about or mis-represent. But that's one of the few that actually bothers me... killing innocent animals, and miseducating many people around the world in the process! There are still many people who think that Lemmings jump off cliffs! :o :(
Though I have heard many people speak about how they think that the scene with Bambi's mother has been censored, I can find no evidence that it has. I'm strongly enclined to believe that this is actually people's emotional reaction to the scene meaning that they imagined it to be more gory than it actually was, especially when going by memories of childhood. I have seen many animators and historians explaining that one of the reasons the scene is so tragic is that it concentrates on Bambi's horrified reaction, not on the shock factor. For similar reasons, many people remember Watership Down to be more graphic than it is (though that itself has more blood than Bambi, obviously). According to IMDb, "Bambi was originally supposed to go back to his mother after she was shot and find her in a pool of blood. This idea was scrapped." - so in other words, this was never animated.
I didn't know about the censoring of Tangled, but it doesn't surprise me. I thought it was unusual for a Disney film when I first saw it. However, personally I find the over-reaction to showing blood to kids a little strange. Surely all kids will have fallen over and scrapped their knees, and be aware that blood means that you are hurt... hardly going to cause any nightmares! :-\
Whilst mentioning Roger Rabbit, of course there is the famous matter that for a few frames in the theatrical cut, Jessica Rabbit is not wearing underwear. For VHS and DVD releases where people can "freeze-frame", of course, this was "fixed". It was likely just the animators playing around, its not on screen long enough for anyone to see when playing at full speed. The same thing happened with "The Rescuers" where a topless woman was inserted for a few frames, then removed for home video, once it was noticed by the bosses. There is no conspiracy or subliminal messaging involved in these cases, just simply bored animators having a joke that (at the time, before home video players with "frame by frame" features were commonplace) they though no-one would ever notice ::)