:lol: The title may sound a bit evil, but we all know that no where is perfect. Disneyland Resort Paris is no exception! :D In this thread you can post whatever negative experiences you may have encountered during your stay at DLRP. :o It may turn out that you have never encountered any, and I know I myself have only ever encountered a few.
:P So really, it's just a mini-rant thread. You can rant about anything! Maybe your unpleasant experience was caused like a Cast Member, like mine was, or maybe you were ill when you visited and that's why you didn't have as much fun.
My negative experience occured when me, my mum and my cousin visited Disneyland in April 2005. We all bought Jessica Rabbit lanyards on the 1st day, and ended up buying a bunch of pins for 3 Euros so that we could trade (this is how we all got into Pin Trading). On the last day, we came across a Cast Member in one of the shops on Main Street who's lanyard was full of really lovely pins. We asked if he would like to trade, once he had finished dealing with customers, and he completely ignored us at first! When we asked again, he gave us a really dirty look and said "No! These are mine!" in the most un-called for tone of voice. He was just so rude! I don't mind that Cast Members have their own pins, but I've never come across any other Cast Member who has been so mean about it. I found out later that pretty much every pin on this guy's lanyard was a Cast Member exclusive, which made it even more annoying that he had refused to trade like that, considering Cast Lanyard exclusives are meant for trading with Guests.
:) Thankfully, apart from general rudeness from other guests (particularly French guests with prams who think they deserve a spot on the pavement for the Parades more than I do), that's the only bit of unpleasantness I've ever encountered at DLRP.
Once I was riding Space Mountain. As it launched me and my dad felt water hitting our face. We wondered what it was, and it kept happening throughout the whole ride. Then it came to us that two French teenagers sitting in front of us were spitting, and it's not very pleasant having other peoples spit on your face! When we arrived back at the station the Cast members asked if we wanted to go again. We told them about the people in front of us and they got chucked off the ride!
One time I was waiting to get an autograph from eeyore and this french woman with a big pram totally shoved me out the way so her kid could get to him first! It was dead embarrasing cos I actually fell over! Was not impressed...
The only other thing that annoys me is how people think they can cut in front of you when your queing for rides (especially on space mt and pirates) if anyone tries to get past me they get an elbow in the ribs! :twisted:
My least enjoyable experience at DLRP was when i spent half of my holiday throwing up in our room at Davey Crockett, not good :cry: .
I also totally agree about what others have said about the rudeness of other guests, they can also ruin the holiday.
i also have had people pushing me away from characters ands it really gets on my nerves!!! :twisted:
I agree people who think they can jump a queue really get on my nerves or those that push in for an autograph or picture when you have waited for ages.
But my worst expirience was in the Newport Bay hotel I had paid extra for a lake view room. Not only could you only see the lake if you stuck your head out of the window and craned your neck but the shower did not work, the lamp by the bed was broken and the wallpaper had been peeled of the walls by previous occupants. However neither housekeeping or reception managed to fix any of them or show any interest in fixing them before I left.
However I must point out that all my other previous visits (and there have been a few !?!? ) have always been great and the staff both in the park and hotel are nearly all wonderful.
When we have been to Disneyland this summer I became really sick so that we had to call a doctor....I can't speak French but luckilly a friend of mine...she dmanaged everything....I had big pains,had to take antibiotics but at least I could still walk through the park...It's the worse thing that can happen if you are on holiday...
I have only little things really to moan about, which will come to surprise to some :wink: . My first was one of the character watcher cast members, I asked if I could have my photo taken. Most of these are probably some of the friendliest cm's I have ever seen. I was willing to wait till the end of the set, I was in no hurry. The cast member stood there and said, but what about all the children, really not the nicest thing to get told.
Another was a cast member in la marionette, who believes it is nice manners to answer back. Sure my french was not great, but I at least tried, really getting it thrown back in my face was not pleasant.
Apart from this I do not have a worst moment, I enjoy dlrp so much that most bad moments get ironed out of my experience :) .
My worst moments are as follows:
1. Queue pushing by other DLRP guests
2. The attrocious behaviour of the adults when meeting characters
3. Walking past a restaurant in Fantasyland (one of the restaurants that has the toilets next to it) only to see a mother helping her small child to urinate in the box tree planter.
@ RnRCj - :shock: OMG, that's terrible! :? I don't know how you managed to contain yourself once the ride had stopped, as I would've been straight up in my seat trying to smack both of them over the head!
@ Kirsty - I've kinda gotten used to the pushing and shoving that comes with meeting characters. Parents of children will always think that their kid is more deserving of an autograph and a picture than a teenager pr young adult. Pushing someone to the floor is completely ridiculous though, I hope you gave the woman a good telling-off! :roll: Even if she pretended not to understand you, as I've found many French guests do when you say "excuse me".
@ TBB - :( Aww, getting sick on holiday must be the worst thing ever.
@ moolie - Eek, that's no good. My mum would go nuts if something like that ever happened to us! Like you say though, stuff like that is (hopefully) a rarity.
@ swity - o-o Getting sick on holiday must be scary as well...me and my mum speak NO French, so we would be pretty screwed if either of us were seriously ill.
@ Pat - :o The CMs that accompany the characters always seem kinda grumpy to me, so I've never actually approached one. :P They're the ones that take the characters away without allowing one last photo.
@ Gill - ._. Number 3 is EW.
:!: *General comment* I've never encountered que jumping, so I never even knew it happened at DLRP! :lol: I'm sorry, but if anyone ever tried to jump past me in a que, they would live to regret it.
Hi Masamune, dont mean to be rude... but your comment about the castmembers who accompany the characters (acc's) not letting characters pose for one last photo, when you have hundreds of guests surrounding your character and his set has finished, you can't expect to let him take one last picture as everyother guest will want the same thing, when the set has finished then the character can leave without signing anymore autographs or posing for photos, unless the character chooses too, but usually they're very tired and hot and sometimes frustrated when they have a difficult set!!! im not slating you just thought i'd voice my view seeing as i have first hand experience with accompanying characters! please dont be offended by this comment :D
:) It was a joke comment Bert, hence the ":P" emote.
I'm well aware of the reason why they go when they have to. It's the "you can't give one without the other" thing, meaning you can't make an exception for one person but not the person next to them. :o Saying that though, if there isn't actually that many people left who are wanting an autograph/photo, it would be nice if they did make an exception every now and again.
:D So don't worry dear, no offence taken! I'm sorry if you took what I said the wrong way.
The only bad experiences ive had are the french people, when you try to take a picture in a set or with a character they just walk straight past. I find it very disturbing so i show them a hand gesture to make sure the dont do it again. :)
:lol: That's one way to deal with something like that Owain.
Its works . :) I never seen them for the rest of the trip ! :P
the last trip we went in october, the room stank of smoke,
we were there 5 days and couldnt get rid of it - really horrible!
:( Oh dear, what Hotel were you staying in? Did you complain about it at the front desk?
I suppose I had my least pleasurable experience this weekend, New Year's Eve. It wasn't terrible, I still enjoyed it overall, but waiting around for so long in such a busy park with nowhere to hide from the rain wasn't nice, and then the fireworks were pretty rubbish at the end of it all... I was telling myself I won't go back for a little while now, but I'm missing it already. :roll:
:( Rain ruins most things, it has to be said. *Just read your post in the New Years thread* It sounds OK, but I guess if you had high expectations it was bound to be disappointing. :lol: I don't think any bad experiences could stop us from wanting to go back though.
My bad experiences include rude french guests, having to sit in wee during pirates of the caribbean (presumable after somebodies child had a call of nature and they didnt bother to tell an attendent) and a hotel barman serving french guests before me only to snatch the money out of my hand and throw my drinks and change at me when he finaly decided to served me. You can always depend on the french to make you welcome.
Omg thats dirty for somebody to wet themselves during a ride and not letting attendants no about there accident and then inocent people sitting in it.
:? That is SO disgusting. I wouldn't have even been able to imagine something like that happening if you hadn't told us. Some people will let their kids get away with anything. :evil:
That thing with the waiter is bad as well. 99% of Cast Members are pleasant, but we rarely eat in the Park so I wouldn't know how the employees in the resaurants are. Usually we just go to McDonalds. :lol: I don't mind bad manners there because it's not Disney.
Talking about bad manners,our only bad experience was last year when we wanted to go back to the airport.The busdriver allowed us to put the bags in the hold but when we were ready to get a seat he told us that the bus was full which wasn't the truth.He even wanted to leave with our bags still in the hold,only after a heated discussion we were able to get them back.
We don't have many problems with rude people in ques for example ,my appearance ( 6' 3" -17 St ) and my nickname ' Bouncer ' tell the whole story 8)
:lol: Bus drivers are almost always the same no matter what country you're in.
LOL agreed on! in 2004 this bus driver was taking us to dineyland park at liturally 100 mph! everyone on the bus kept sliding from side to side and i (unfortunatly) ended up on a ladies lap lol
:P I wouldn't mind that so much... :lol: the quicker you get to DLRP, the better! :D
This topic about bus drivers has reminded me of the guy that took us back to the Airport from the Hotel Cheyenne at the end of our visit in October. :shock: He wouldn't let anyone load their own luggage, he wanted to do all of it. There was some people complaining that they would miss their flight if he insisted on loading everyone's luggage himself one at a time, but he didn't care!
Quote from: "Masamune":P I wouldn't mind that so much... :lol: the quicker you get to DLRP, the better! :D
This topic about bus drivers has reminded me of the guy that took us back to the Airport from the Hotel Cheyenne at the end of our visit in October. :shock: He wouldn't let anyone load their own luggage, he wanted to do all of it. There was some people complaining that they would miss their flight if he insisted on loading everyone's luggage himself one at a time, but he didn't care!
Really am I the only member here who has not had a problem with shuttle or vea bus drivers :lol: ?
So this leads me onto my next point I find english the most annoying set of people in the resort :P . So not even realted to dlrp at all my most irritating moment was hearing 2 English people moaning next to me about how the French are annoying. Plus I get so sick of hearing people compare the resort to walt disney world while I'm there. Maybe it's just me since I apparently fit in so well there, I even get people randomly, not even cm's coming up to me asking me stuff in french. But I have never had much of a problem with french people. Now there's something that most English people won't be expecting :wink: . Also another petpeeve has to be the amount of couples who decided they had to kiss next to me on new years eve. Christmas Parade waited for 50 minutes and half that time a couple next to me just needed to kiss each other for what seemed forever. Fantillusion exactly the same. I mean come on get a room :lol: .
Maybe I just visit DLRP too much :lol: .
Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Also another petpeeve has to be the amount of couples who decided they had to kiss next to me on new years eve. Christmas Parade waited for 50 minutes and half that time a couple next to me just needed to kiss each other for what seemed forever. Fantillusion exactly the same. I mean come on get a room :lol: .
Hahaha, now
that I agree with. A kiss for new year, sure... but don't make it last the entire length of the fireworks!! :lol:
Ah come on guys! Be a bit romantic! :lol: :P
Quote from: "PATMAGIC"1. Really am I the only member here who has not had a problem with shuttle or vea bus drivers :lol: ?
So this leads me onto my next point I find english the most annoying set of people in the resort :P . 2. So not even realted to dlrp at all my most irritating moment was hearing 2 English people moaning next to me about how the French are annoying. 3. Plus I get so sick of hearing people compare the resort to walt disney world while I'm there. Maybe it's just me since I apparently fit in so well there, I even get people randomly, not even cm's coming up to me asking me stuff in french. 4. But I have never had much of a problem with french people. Now there's something that most English people won't be expecting :wink: . Also another petpeeve has to be the amount of couples who decided they had to kiss next to me on new years eve. 5. Christmas Parade waited for 50 minutes and half that time a couple next to me just needed to kiss each other for what seemed forever. Fantillusion exactly the same. I mean come on get a room :lol: .
Maybe I just visit DLRP too much :lol: .
1. :P Looks like it.
2. :lol: Me and I mum are guilty of that. It can't be helped though, if you've stood there for over 30 minutes so that you have a good spot for the Parade, only to have a French person ram into the back of your legs with a pram and then stick their kid in front of you on the actual road. I've only ever experienced this sort of rudeness from French people. :o I've never had any problems with other English people, or Dutch/Spanish people, etc.
3. :shock: What's wrong with them comparing?
4. ;) You're very lucky.
5. :lol: Aww...
Quote from: "Masamune"3. :shock: What's wrong with them comparing?
Well it's just when I hear people constantly moaning that it's not walt disney world and that the resort is never as good. Dunno it's just one thing that I get sick of the English obsession with wdw and orlando I suppose. Like I was watching the Christmas Parade and then after my friend's mum came straight back with well that was not christmassy. The wdw parade is so much better, really things like this just annoy me when I'm in dlrp.
Whats wrong with people comparing ? If its there opinion we should just respect that.
And whats wrong with people having a nice snog ? :?
Quote from: "Owain"And whats wrong with people having a nice snog ? :?
Yes nice, erm remember it is disneyland, I personally go to enjoy magic not love magic happening :lol: . A kiss is different, I would rather not have to observe people kissing constantly. I can understand things like new year midnight, but for like 40 minutes, it starts to get annoying. Believe me if I could have moved I would have found a different place to watch the parades and fireworks.
Also comparing, I do not mind people comparing I just find it annoying when people moan constantly. I had to pleasure of on the 30th december 2006 of walking around with a british wdw obsessed family. Everything we did had something to be said about it as to why it is not as good as wdw.
OMG ! :o Im so sorry i didnt no you ment 40 minutes, i thought you ment like 2 minute snog !
We went to DLRP for Christmas this year and we had a brilliant time. As part of our "fun" we compiled a list of national traits that we observed (thi is meant in good humour by the way):
1. French: push in regardless of other people waiting but get really annoyed if someone pushes in front of you or, heaven forbid, if the person you push in front off complains.
2. English: complain about the french people always pushing in. If a teenager, dress in really skimpy clothes (even if it's cold). If you don't speak french, then just shout at the french waiter/ress loudly and slowly and, for advanced rudeness finish your shouting by saying "wossa matter wif you - why don't you speak english?"
3. American: compare with orlando and how cold it is, talk loudly and large groups must walk slowly and strectched out in a line
4. Japenese: you're lovely - no complaints
5. All parents with strollers: use your stroller as an offensive weapon / people plough. Specialist use for ramming your way into the front of the line of people watching a parade.
6. Spanish: turn up late and then complain about how busy it is.
This is meant in good humour... please take it so :lol: :wink:
Lol :D
And what about the Germans?? :P
@ Pat - :? Ah, I see what you mean. That's not so much comparing, but more like moaning. :) I've never been to WDW yet, so I wouldn't know... :lol: but I would think that it would be obvious to everyone that there will be some differences at DLRP.
:P *Finds the snogging thing amusing* ;) Maybe they were going for a world record?
@ Gill - :lol: That's funny. Especially the one about Americans. :D They do go around in large groups and they do talk loudly. :) Americans are very pleasant though I've found. Like I said earlier, the only people I've ever had direct problems with are the French. I know it's their country, but that doesn't give them the right to treat non-French speaking people rudely. :roll: And I know how English people can be as well, I've just never seen it at DLRP.
It's strange why the french behave like that in DLRP, Jayna62 and myself have been going to France for about 16 years and never ever had a problem with a french national......until very recently at DLRP, maybe some think "hey, the park is in my country so i'll behave how I want". The spanish are the worst offenders in my book - extremely arrogant and push in far more than the french. I agree completely about the americans, and yes the english seem to think that anyone that doesn't speak english is deaf and that if they speak loudly enough and make enough hand gestures that people will understand (also goes for americans). I've never ever had a problem with dutch, belgians, japanese (who are waaaaaayyyy too polite btw) OR germans :).
When we were at DLRP at christmas, we went to the Magical World of Tinkerbell show and were fortunate enough to be seated at the same table as a dutch family, we all got on like a house on fire and had a cracking night except for the disgusting meal they served us, in fact every table within our earshot said how bad the food was - considering that the show and meal cost something in the region of 350€ for 2 adults and 1 child and the meal consisted of quite literally a desert spoon of prawns for the starter, main course was described as "glazed lamb on a bed of mashed potato with wild mushroom sauce" - it turned out to be an upside down cottage pie (shredded lamb on potato), it looked very much like they were a frozen, pre made dish because every one that came out looked identical, third course was "cheese platter" - this was 2 tiny triangles of goats cheese and roquefort, followed by some little square pastry things. Bearing in mind this was meant to be our christmas dinner extravaganza - it has to be our worse experience at DLRP.
That and our daughter getting food poisoning from the Blue Lagoon from the kids fish nugget things, we ended up cleaning her bed off at gone midnight which was swimming with sick, then staying awake all night for toilet duty.
Oops! - just realised, my long winded reply has kinda spanned 2 different topics - sorreeeee! :D
:P Dutch people are great. :D In April 2005, I saw a group of Dutch lads (who all looked in their early 20's) get really excited about seeing Mickey Mouse! :lol: They all ran across Main Street like lunatics to get in the que to see him.
:shock: Shame about that dinner, especially considering how much it cost. Are you going to make a formal complaint about it and try and get a refund?
Already have, not that I expect any kind of preferential treatment but, we've been to DLRP so many times and we calculated that we've spent well in excess of 5000€ with them in 2006 it makes you reluctant to spend "as much" when you're being fed rubbish.
As I pointed out in my email, I cannot hand on heart recommend the Tinkerbell show to anybody, the show itself was great but I can pretty much guarantee that most people in that dining room that night would have rather had a chinese takeaway.
:? If you're a regular at DLRP, they should definatly comp you somehow. :shock: After telling my mum all this, she says there's no way we'll go to DLRP at Christmas, since that show was what she would've liked to have seen more than anything. :( It's such a shame.
patmagic- i know what you mean when its something you really love/like and someone keeps constantly saying its not as good as something else, it's quite annoying especially when they know you love it so much! :(
Gillburt,any complaints about the Irish ? :P :D/
Quote from: "Masamune":P Dutch people are great. :D In April 2005, I saw a group of Dutch lads (who all looked in their early 20's) get really excited about seeing Mickey Mouse! :lol: They all ran across Main Street like lunatics to get in the que to see him.
:shock: Shame about that dinner, especially considering how much it cost. Are you going to make a formal complaint about it and try and get a refund?
Hmmm....sounds just like me and my friends :P
We went that year in April to see DJ Tiësto perform live @ Disney WDS!!! 8)
:P Do you have any pics of you and your mates? *May recognise you*
Don't know for sure, we do have video....but well...that's for private us. It includes some guys going crazy @ Tiesto, totally crazy :lol:
:lol: Erm...OK.
*Back on Topic* :o Has anyone ever got into an argument with anyone at DLRP? Like a random person, or one of the people you're on holiday with?
Some woman pushed my 8 yr old daughter aside-roughly. Well I wasn't having any of that! Went into 'overprotective mother' mode and went after her and gave her a right tellling off. Argued for a good few minutes and I did get pretty angry :oops: (At 5'10 & in full flow I can be pretty scary! :lol: )
I wouldn't normally mind, I try to stay above all the queue jumping, but as a fully grown woman you dont shove an 8 year old out of your way! :shock:
Nice one girl, I was seconds away from knocking a spanish parent out who shoved my daughter to the ground while waiting for a character autograph, I dont usually get angry except if things happen to my daughter, then I get involved, I growled at the parent "grab your kids and F*** off while you can", he muttered something but after I glared at him they left.
Once again, it shouldn't happen and parents wouldn't get angry if some people learned to be civilized.
Thats absolutely disgusting! Grown people pushing children over. So ignorant! !!
Last time i was at the park there were 2 couples having a massive row and a fight. It was at the entrance between Disney Village and the DL park. Two women started a fight and they were pulling each others hair, then the 2 guys started punching each other, and then one of the women started trying to grab one of the other couples little girl and pulling her hair. It was sickening. Luckily security got there and escorted them out of the park. Its just not something you need to see, especially in a place like Disneyland
:? It's just amazing that there's grown adults out there who dare to lay a hand on other people's children. You wouldn't expect that sort of behavior anywhere, especially not at a Disney park.
I've seen a few random arguments between families. Usually it's about where they should go next, or what should they eat (in the case of English families). :lol: People should try and leave the domestics at home.
Badly behaved and ignorant queue pushers esp French ones !
Maybe it is because Brits are used to queues all the time in the UK ?
Staff seemed alot more friendlier this year !!
My worst experience was for watching wishes last year. We'd been standing for over two hours at the cord that closed off the castle bridge to get a good view, but when everyone turned a group of youngsters just pushed and shoved us out of the way. l just ended up using my elbows as well as the rest cause l wasn't planning on going to the third row back for them.
And parents shoving you out of the way to make sure their kids can watch properly. lf someone asks me if their kid can stand/sit in front of me l never say no and l've offered my first row spot to little kids plenty of times (l can watch over them anyway) but just shoving and pulling....no thanks then l'll stand my ground.... Firmly :wink:
But saying that, the good experiences are far more numerous than the bad ones. Including guests that is, last time we had a father who was watching the christmas parade with his four year old daughter who was sound asleep throughout the whole thing :lol:
And we encountered her again in Phantom Manor a bit later and she wasn't one bit scared!! She was so cute :D
@ lofty - :P Maybe. We English are indeed used to queing, and queing politely. :lol: Maybe the French don't have ques anywhere other than DLRP?
I always seem to encounter at least a few rude French people every time I visit DLRP. I just want to say though that not all French guests are rude, it's just an unpleasant minority. :D *Just saying this incase there's any French people on the Forum*
@ Tink - :o I'd be happy to let kids stand in front of me if the parents just asked. :roll: Words say a lot more than ramming your pram into the back of someone's legs. I hope you still got a good view of Wishes!
oh yeah masamune, l stuck to my spot on first row :wink: got plenty of good pics too :D
:P Great! :lol: I doubt any Brits would allow themselves to be bullied out of their spot by teenagers.
I dunno about anyone else, but aernt people getting sick of all this stupid nationality blaming. Also as far as this british person likes, it ain't queueing, really believe me, if there is one thing I hate it's queueing :lol: . Also can tell you after spending a long time yesterday at the Irn Bru carnival in Glasgow, believe me there are many british people who do not know what it is to queue :wink: .
Pat, i agree, but for my part I would never bash any other nationality and I dont think anyone replying to this thread are either. The thread is to express ones least pleasurable experiences in DLRP, and as it stands at the moment, it seems to be queue jumping by whatever nationalty that is the #1 annoyance. I really hope and believe that the majority of the users in this forum are fair minded but just voicing an opinion.
:P Like I said in the post before my previous post, it's only a unpleasant minority. :lol: It's not like a full Nationality of people being rude, no one's ever implied that. As far as problems like rudeness in regards to Parade spots, I've only ever had that problem from French people, but that's not to say they're the only ones that cause such problems. Like Sam said though, the main problem seems to be que jumping.
:o I've never experienced que jumping!
Where in the Park does que jumping tend to occur? Like, what rides?
Quote from: "Masamune"Where in the Park does que jumping tend to occur? Like, what rides?
The only place someone has tried it with me was HISTA. We let them through... :lol: :lol:
You know what my absolute #1 annoyance is? I only just remembered it - when you're queueing in line but every time you move the person behind you steps *right* up to you, so they're touching you. So the next time you move, you step a bit further forward, to allow for it, but then they move even closer! So the next time, you don't move as much, and they practically walk into you. This happens 99% of the time, am I just not queueing properly? :lol:
Quote from: "Masamune"Where in the Park does que jumping tend to occur? Like, what rides?
Its happened to me on BTM, Space Mountain, Pirates and Indiana Jones. It happens to me quite a lot whenever I go, I must be an easy target! :?
Well I have had people queue jump all the time, I don't seem to care lately, though, always too busy taking photos :lol: . Autopia was the last time I can remember last trip when some people left the queue, so the people behind them decided to just walk in front of me while I was taking a photo. Sneaky move :lol: .
Quote from: "Baloo"You know what my absolute #1 annoyance is? I only just remembered it - when you're queueing in line but every time you move the person behind you steps *right* up to you, so they're touching you. So the next time you move, you step a bit further forward, to allow for it, but then they move even closer! So the next time, you don't move as much, and they practically walk into you. This happens 99% of the time, am I just not queueing properly? :lol:
LOL, yeh, thats wierd how that happens, u feel like turning round and saying "look, if u really like me that much, call me!" :D
I think Big Thunder Mountain is a big hotspot for the queue jumpers, just because it's so popular and everyone is trying to get on as quickly as possible, as I found that queue area to be extremely chlaustrophobic. I remember a particular instance where an english person (I guess they assumed we were foreign) muttered something about us pushing in, even though I was only trying to keep up with my friends and i was before them originally! It's things like that, when people can't be patient and wait their turn that really gets my goat!!
I don't think I have ever experienced queue jumping at DLRP (Apart from when I did it myself because somebody was filming in the queue line for so long I just pushed right past them :P).
Maybe it's because I usually queue with my Dad, and he is quite big... :lol:
@ Baloo - ;) Maybe people just want to get close to you? :lol:
@ Pixie - BTM probably has the biggest que in the whole park, so there's bound to be some people who simply have to try and get ahead. :(
@ Pat - :P You should start taking pictures of que jumpers in the act!
@ Disney - Exactly! Last time we visited, we went in the Fast Pass BTM que, and even that was insane. I don't see what pushing past just 1 or 2 people is supposed to accomplish though.
Quote from: "Masamune"@ Baloo - ;) Maybe people just want to get close to you? :lol:
knew someone would say that! :lol: But hey, who could blame them, eh? [/sarcasm]
I must have the same people following me throughout the parks then... :?
:P Sorry, but it had to be said.
:lol: The idea of being stalked around DLRP makes me laugh.
Bad experiences...Hmm...not to many. Good thing about being Dutch is our language, a perfect weapon when people are not behaving very nicely.
Picture this: 1995 Walt Disneyland California...doing the peaceful Small World tour...my friend and I are both in front enjoying the ride...but after few seconds a group of youngsters are starting to talk very loud, swearing a bit and hanging overboard and catching water in their hands and making their own water ballet...One of them even steps out of the boat for a few seconds to step into one of the decors!
The other guests in the boat seemed to be a bit frightened by this group, no one said a word. (very understandable)
At the point when their water ballet game started to make me wet, I was at the point of no return...I stood up, turned around facing them, began to talk very loud in Dutch, using words with many R's and G's in it...These guys were all speaking English off course (as we were in the US), so not understanding that strange language, but it worked! They immediately shut up....I sat down expecting a knife in my back any second :lol:
But for the rest of the ride they behaved like Petite Enfants....
I was so proud of what I did, but at the same time I was thinking; oh my god what if they were not intimated by my little performance? They could easily have thrown me overboard!
So, for those who speak Dutch...use your language....no matter what you say just remember to use a lot of R's en G's in what you say, these do sound very hard and intimidating :)
For DLRP, oh well, I had my share of bad behaving through the last 15 years, but you have to come from a very good planet to ruin my day....The magic always wins from the bad vibes. :wink:
:D Good for you, standing up to them like that! Considering no one else would, that's very brave of you. :roll: If you would've told them to stop in English, they probably would've laughed in your face. If English youngsters are anything to go by, they don't like being told what to do by strangers. I'm not sure if American youngsters are the same.
Quote from: "Masamune":D Good for you, standing up to them like that! Considering no one else would, that's very brave of you.
At the time I wasn't sure of that...things could've ended very differently...and wet... :lol:
Quote from: "Masamune"If you would've told them to stop in English, they probably would've laughed in your face.
I'm 100% sure of that, it was purely because of the suprise effect of me talking a language they didn't understand. :lol: :lol:
GJ :)
Well done actiontoyboy!!
Wow, i didn't know our language (Dutch) could have such an influence. I'll remember it! :wink:
:o Some people are so silly. They could've got their hands caught on something and got pulled into the water and then crushed by the next boat. :shock:
People who are so boring that they can't just sit down and enjoy a ride should find something else to do with their lives...
Well done actiontoyboy! I must say, I'm actually quite proud of you :P
Quote from: "Samninetysix"Quote from: "Baloo"You know what my absolute #1 annoyance is? I only just remembered it - when you're queueing in line but every time you move the person behind you steps *right* up to you, so they're touching you. So the next time you move, you step a bit further forward, to allow for it, but then they move even closer! So the next time, you don't move as much, and they practically walk into you. This happens 99% of the time, am I just not queueing properly? :lol:
LOL, yeh, thats wierd how that happens, u feel like turning round and saying "look, if u really like me that much, call me!" :D
I'm so going to say that if it happens when i'm there next :D
having to come home :cry:
i dont let anyting bother me when i am there just let it all pass by!
oh i forgot getting blisters and sore feet ha ha :P
Smoking. Everytime I go to the parks, I am disgusted with the amount and frequency with which the European's smoke. I was waiting in line for Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast and a man in front of me sparked up and the smoke he was blowing out went right into a child's face who was sat on her parents shoulders. It's nasty. Just because you smoke doesn't mean I do.
Also, I was watching the Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony at Christmas just gone, and we were all stood squashed together and the guy next to me whips out a cigarette and puffs away. Idiot. It would be impossible to make the park non-smoking I know, but to have some understanding and common courtesy should be a given, you know? x
hi Martha, just read your comments and i got to say that i smoke not alot but enough but whenever we go out for a meal we sit in the no-smoking areas, i never smoke with people in my car and at home i only smoke outside the house, my view is that yes i do smoke (even though i'm going to try and quit for my brithday) i dont believe in making other people who dont suffer, in the past when we have gone to dlrp i only smoked outside, tryed to stay away from other people and have never throw a fag end on the floor (aways used the bins proved)
(must learn to spell, lol)
Quote from: "Martha86"It would be impossible to make the park non-smoking I know, but to have some understanding and common courtesy should be a given, you know? x
Here in Wales at the start of april are banning smoking in all public areas, and thats a country. So you never no what the future could bring. A Smoke Free Disneyland Paris . :D
@ shell - Coming home is the worst! :P
@ Martha - :( Yeah, it sucks that some people just can't go without smoking for a day. Hopefully most will at least try, for the sake of the younger guests. Standing next to someone who's smoking in a que isn't fun.
As we always drive to DLRP it's even harder coming home than flying or Eurostar, with those u get on and thats it, u have no control, ur on the way home but when u drive (or when we drive home), we are so depressed we look for excuses to stop....."do we need to take money out the cashpoint??, do we need to pop into Compiegne for a snack?....." - anything to delay the inevitable drive home
The only thing I really hate is when I am sitting ready for over 2 hours to see a parade.... there are always people who try to stand in front of you while they have just arrived... I always am fighting of those people.. what do they think??
I didn't think smoking was anywhere near as bad this year as last, so maybe the anti-smoking laws are making a difference.
As to people pushing in at the parade, yeah, it is annoying when you've been waiting. I tend to sit on the kerb until they make the announcement about 5 or 10 minutes before the parade is due to start, then stand up.
It might annoy people who come up behind you, but what do they expect, you've been waiting all that time, and you're hardly going to sit on the floor and miss things when the parade starts.
People need to bear in mind that they need to get ready for a decent place early. They can't expect those who've been queuing for an hour or more to just sit back and let others push them out of the way.
There are parks in America and in UK that have designated smoking areas. In fact, was at a park with Rob on Thursday and a member of staff went up to a guest and asked them to either put the cigarette out or move to a designated smoking area.... How well would this go down in DLRP?
Last year a gang of us (Spanish, Brits n French) were all sat waiting for the parade, when a family tried to push their kids to the front. (English, so they understood me!) We banded together and made it clear that if you wanted to watch the parade clearly then you should have got here earlier! We'd all been sat for half an hour, taking each other family photos and daughter doing some improptu pin trading!
The shoving and the smoking bugs me so much! :evil:
Oh and whilst I'm bad mouthing people from my own country. I hate it when I hear British people moaning cos a lot of stuff is in French..... DUH! :?
I never really notice the French stuff that much. It kind of bugs me a little bit that some of the merchandise has French names. Like Little Mermaid is La Petite Sirene, and Snow White is Blanche Neige. I'd have thought the US names would take prominence on things. But as my favourite character is Belle, and her name is French anyway, a lot of the stuff I buy wouldn't be affected.
But it never really bothers me that much about signage being in French, or parts of attraction soundtracks. I think just as much of it is in English, and with a lot of the shows - like The Lion King - English versions seem to take precedence.
I dont notice really, but when I went with another family, they seemed to notice it a lot! I dont know, maybe cos I can, with a lot of patience on behalf of a French speaker, make myself understood.
We're on holiday in France, therefore people will speak French and signs will be in French and there is a lot of stuff in English! The family we were with just seemed to pick up on announcements and ride names and the fact that cast members spoke French!. :roll:
I think a tip for me is never go with another family! :lol:
Thing is, the vast majority of the castmembers do speak english, and if you don't speak much french, you're still not going to have much difficulty. I've always found that the hotel staff in Sequoia Lodge speak excellent english, and most of the castmembers in shops and on attractions speak english once they realise that you're english. I tend to forget that I'm in France to be honest when I'm at Disneyland.
I'm not a fan of smoking, but it isn't something that I really notice around DLRP. It would only bother me if someone was smoking in an enclosed space, like in a que.
:x People who try to push in like 5 minutes before the Parade starts are so annoying and rude. If they actually asked me politely, I'd happily allow their kids to stand in front of me throughout the Parade. But since they insist on trying to shove their kids there, there's no way I'll stand for it. :lol: I'm not above telling people from any country to go elsewhere.
:) And the Franch stuff doesn't bother me at all. :P It's their country, so I think we're lucky that they have pretty much all their Cast Members speaking English when needed. ;) Also, I love that Donald is the English-speaker in Animagique.
Exactly Masamune-How many parks do we have in the UK where staff can speak at least two languages? Its just that this family kept moaning about the whole French thing! Ho hum! :D I was beginning to rant earlier on. Sorry :oops:
But they are only annoying little things and at the end of the day, those that push-I usually smile sweetly at (unless provoked!) n the smoking thing. I can walk away (unless stuck in a queue)-and as I walk away I cough loudly so they think, who is that crazy woman?
I love being at DLRP
My biggest moan? I cant get there as often as I want to be there. Like right now! :cry:
Tommorow is the start of the no smoking in public places in wales. :)
So hows that gonna work? Not that I care cos I dont smoke. But if you go to a park will they have designated smoking areas, or isit a clear ban?
I would like to see smoking areas put in DLRP. I just think it'd be great not having someone elses smoke blown in your face, making sure your kids faces arent near anyone walking with a fag in their hand at their face level n the occasional fag butt dropped on the ground....although its quickly cleaned up. It wouldnt be any other way there.
:lol: The idea of staff at Blackpool speaking French or German makes me giggle. :P I have to say, I've never even heard of theme park employees in this country having to know a language other than English.
:) So yes, I'm very grateful that DLRP have thought to employ so many English-speaking people. :D Good English too. I've rarely encountered any sort of language barrier with any of the staff.
Can you imagine their accents too? I have friends who are French and German and I make them cry with laughter when I try my BAD French and German on them! I am sooo grateful for their support! But I think I cheer them up when they hear how I mutilate their mother tongue. :lol:
"I am feeling depressed today, I know lets get Sam with her Essex accent to speak French. That will cheer me up so much!" :lol: :P
Have you tried to speak French in DLRP? They are so patient and helpful and will jump in so readilly speaking English when they see the pain on my face and they dont laugh at me either! :lol:
(//http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9724/1003196lh4.th.jpg) (//http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1003196lh4.jpg)
So this photo combines two of my worst experiences. I'd gone to the Park for a day (OK, an afternoon) one Saturday last December. My first and definitely last visit on a weekend! I guess it was naive of me next to have expected such huge queues but I've never seen anything like it. So, no rides for me although I still came home satisfied as I managed to take a good couple of hundred photos!
But if you look at the photo - yep, despite people barely being able to breathe, the crowds were so big, there's a woman in the middle with her cigarette. Smoking's a bit hate of mine anyway, but seriously - when everyone's wedged up against each other does it seem even vaguely sensible to smoke?
As there was no chance of getting on a ride, I took myself over to wait for the Parade in good time. But sure enough, with minutes to go before it started a family arrived behind me and shooed the children through to the front to practically sit on my feet. Now I get that children are small (although so I am :P ) so it's tough for them to see a row or two back. But you know what? If you want to get a view, make an effort and get there early.
OK, rant(s) over!
@ tubbsy - :P It doesn't even bear thinking about.
:o I know what you mean about the staff being very understanding. I always make an effort to learn a bit of French before we go, but like you say, our accents don't help much. :lol: Mine's Mancunian, so I don't know which is worse out of us two.
@ fray - :shock: That picture is like something out of a horror movie.
"Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Long Que"
Masamune :cheshire_bounce: I can see it now, you n me, in a shop, in DLRP, using our French. OUCH thats soooo painful! :P
I went in August and didnt see queues like that. :shock: But we did go mid week. Some people have a serious problem if they can t wait to have a cigarette.
If I didnt think I'd get in HUGE trouble for doing it I'd snatch the fag out of anyone who blew smoke near me n stamp on it then spray air freshener at them!
Or I could bottle the smell of Eau De Teenager and spray that around a bit. That'd REALLY upset smokers! :P
Quote from: "Masamune"
@ fray - :shock: That picture is like something out of a horror movie.
"Pirates of the Caribbean; The Curse of the Long Que"
I love DLRP (goes without saying!) but I have to admit that day was nearly enough to put me off! And the whole Park was like that.
So never again on a Saturday for me. Never :P
@ tubbsy - :lol: I'm sure we could manage it as a team.
@ fray - :o I would've hid in the Studios. :) Even on weekends, I doubt it's as busy there.
Yeah, going home on the train I heard someone say the Studios were quiet (mind you, this was the day after it was evacuated!). Sadly I only had a one Park pass and so had to give it a miss.
Will make up for it this summer although no doubt in July I'll still be battling through the crowds! (and cigarettes)
fray - that is shocking I go in August and it's not that bad!
The worst experiences I've had was taking my sister to studios as she can't que and she is pretty much bling and she couldn't do anything in that park!
Getting all the was to POTC and then being told we needed a pass type thing for my sister to skip the ques. I mean someone at the hotel could have told us or they could have told us to go get one after we'd been on the ride. I know it sounds fussy but you have no idea how difficult it is with my sister.
Also people just standing still and not moving when we are trying to get passed with a wheelchair. My advice is move or get hit. I will politely ask a few time bu ater that watch your ankle.
The thing the really irks me is people hiring wheelchairs and pretending to be disabled! I mean you see people swapping around in the wheelchairs. If you don't have a disablilty don't wish for one!
Overall very few people this time when rang up to book the hotel was very helpful in making sure we could use the fridge to store her food and get to the pool easily!
I love DLRP and we usually have a lovely time there with very few probs.
However, this July we had a few problems with people pushing my children out of the way while we were waiting for parades etc.
We also had a horrible experience with the street sellers who stand outside the Parks, on our way to the busses - a few of the blokes began to have a big argument and then began fighting, amongst loads of guests leaving the parks, including children who became very scared. About 7 or 8 men were shouting and pushing each other around and threw punches without any regard for all the families who were walking past at the time. My own 8 year old son became very upset and it put a damper on the evening.
I wish that those sellers could be moved on as they are not very 'Disney' and seem a bit intimidating really.
Quote from: "Masamune":lol: The idea of staff at Blackpool speaking French or German makes me giggle. :P I have to say, I've never even heard of theme park employees in this country having to know a language other than English.
:) So yes, I'm very grateful that DLRP have thought to employ so many English-speaking people. :D Good English too. I've rarely encountered any sort of language barrier with any of the staff.
Lol, i guess Oakwood speak english and welsh. Even though its not the most popular language.
worst one was when we stayed in Davy Crockett Ranch and i was pretty ill for the last 3 days of the trip,
it was really boring being at disney in bed ill :P
@ Wendy - :shock: I've always wondered why Disney allows those sellers to stay there. I guess it's a public space, but like you say, they can be quite intimidating if they get right up in your face to try and sell you something.
Quote from: "Masamune"@ Wendy - :shock: I've always wondered why Disney allows those sellers to stay there. I guess it's a public space, but like you say, they can be quite intimidating if they get right up in your face to try and sell you something.
that circle they stand in isn't owned by Disney, the circle is government property so they can sell there all they like and disney cant get rid of them
:lol: Can't the Government tell them to move then?
well if they cause trouble then they can, but if they are sitting there making about 2 sales a day maximum thats not against the law sadly :(
it really does spoil the magic
Considering what happened when Wendy was there, maybe they should consider having some police around. :o I know there's police in the train station, but I rarely see police actually keeping an eye on these selling people.
something pretty freaky happened to me with one of those people stood there actualy but i had half forgoten about it untill now.
When i went last october there were about 10 men stood around with clipboards and they said they were collecting money for charity, now im all for charity if its going through the right channels but there blokes were asking for a minimum donaton of 50 euro and they were pestering everyone, then the money was going into their pockets, not even charity collection boxes, anyway one of them was trying to get money out of me and my sister and mum carried on walking ahead so i have him 20 euro to shut him up and get him off my case!
then another one of them came up either behind me or next to me and grabded hold of my wrist and he wouldnt let me go. He was saying ridiculous things like he loved me and would i marry him but he would not let me go and it was bloody hurting!! I wasnt excatly scared because there were so many people around but nobody else seemed to care. I had to literaly drag myself away from him and there was a red mark left round my wrist from where he had hold so tight!
I didnt let it bother me at the time but thinking about it now its pretty bad really
Quote from: "Nicholas-c"that circle they stand in isn't owned by Disney, the circle is government property so they can sell there all they like and disney cant get rid of them
Cant they buy the circle ?
i hate que jumping, last time i was there it happend 3 times to me. once in the que for sm - a big group of french lads was behind me and my brother, they kept standing on my feet etc - and pushing my brother who is only 9, i wouldnt let they past me and put up with it, and kept saying thigs like 'some people are so rude' - even thought they prob didnt understand me.
and in the que for buzz - me and my family were in the que and the ride broke down, we decided to stay in the que even though a lot of peopel left, so we enderd up near the front, before you go in to the building, and as the ride re opened a family of indians tried to get in front of us, so my dad told them to f off as we were there first then as we started moving forward they got in front of my mum, so my dad had to tell them to move and let her through.
@ leota - :shock: OMG that's terrible! o-o Did you get your hotel to ring the police or anything like that? :( Gosh, I would've been really scared. :lol: But then, I think my mum would kill any stranger that grabbed me like that, so I wouldn't be scared for long.
@ ukool - :x I can't stand people who try and push in front by separating you from whoever you're with. Or worse, people who send their kids forward in the que then follow after them pretending that their kid just got away. :roll:
When we arrived at the Disneyland Hotel once, a staff member said he would take our bags to our room. But when we got up to our room our bags weren't there!
So we waited for about half an hour and they still didn't turn up. We started to get suspicious so we contacted someone at the reception. They said they would search for the luggage but after about another half an hour, they hadn't found anything.
By this time my mum was getting a little angry, so we were let down into the basement where all the luggage is kept. We had to look through thousands of suitcases but still didn't find anything.
So we went back up to reception, my mum getting pretty angry now, and they told us to sit down and wait. So we turned round and guess what??? Our luggage was sitting there in the middle of the lobby :oops: We still don't have a clue what happened.
Quote from: "RnRCj"When we arrived at the Disneyland Hotel once, a staff member said he would take our bags to our room. But when we got up to our room our bags weren't there!
So we waited for about half an hour and they still didn't turn up. We started to get suspicious so we contacted someone at the reception. They said they would search for the luggage but after about another half an hour, they hadn't found anything.
By this time my mum was getting a little angry, so we were let down into the basement where all the luggage is kept. We had to look through thousands of suitcases but still didn't find anything.
So we went back up to reception, my mum getting pretty angry now, and they told us to sit down and wait. So we turned round and guess what??? Our luggage was sitting there in the middle of the lobby :oops: We still don't have a clue what happened.
how, stange, strange indeed
the main reason is why didn't the staff notice bags being there for an hour +
Quote from: "Masamune"@ leota - :evil:
@ RnRCj - o-o; Eek, that's so weird.
@ leota - :) It's good that you didn't let it ruin your day.
:lol: And that's the main thing I don't get about que jumping. The max amount of time you'll gain from doing that is about 5 minutes, so what's the point in risking getting grief off other guests?
when we were in the Studios Park in June, a group of 3 French teenagers tried to push through the RNRC queue. The ran past us on the ramp outside the building and squeezed past a couple more inside the building. They then tried to push past an Italian guy who was quite well built - wearing a vest type top and was obviously into body building. The Italian guy just put his hand on one of the kids chest, said "no" and shook his finger. The French teenager had a look of abject terror on his face and must have thought he was about to get a punch. They didn't try to push past anyone else.
Quote from: "bikemonkey"when we were in the Studios Park in June, a group of 3 French teenagers tried to push through the RNRC queue. The ran past us on the ramp outside the building and squeezed past a couple more inside the building. They then tried to push past an Italian guy who was quite well built - wearing a vest type top and was obviously into body building. The Italian guy just put his hand on one of the kids chest, said "no" and shook his finger. The French teenager had a look of abject terror on his face and must have thought he was about to get a punch. They didn't try to push past anyone else.
hehe!! :lol: thats brilliant! well done to the guy that stopted them!!
Ooh, I have just remembered a very odd experience when we were there, it started off with a few Indian kids gradually pushing their way forward in the queue for Buzz Lightyear and the adults who were with them pushed past people to 'catch-up' to their kids. Then the strangest thing, a man with a large suitcase on wheels came through the crowd saying "exscuse me, exscuse me" as if he was meant to be pushing through but when he caught up with this family he stopped with them, then they pushed forward again, until they were out of sight.. anyway, I wondered at the time what he was going to do with the suitcase on the ride (it was really big and had a top box cooler type thing on top of it). As we approached the loading station this bloke came back through the crowd, on his own, without the suitcase - where did it go?!? I was a bit worried to be honest, as you never know with the threat of terrorism etc. but it was strange, dont you think or am I missing something :o
We've been pretty lucky at DLRP - apart from one year when we checked into our hotel (Disneyland) and went happily up to our room to find that a Middle Easten family of about 24 were barricading the room, pratically holding it hostage and refused point blank to leave, even when the bellman tried to deliver our bags. :shock:
We got another room but it was a pretty funny start to the hol! I wonder how they managed to evade the check out time!?
Otherwise, have to say the most annoying thing is in the height of summer and people sweating all over the place. Particularly when you stood inches away from a really smelly guest. Littering and yobs writing things on queue walls is a major pet hate too. Why spoil such a beautiful place?
we have been pushed, shoved, leaned on, stood on, smoked on, spilled on,had our luggage misplaced in the left luggage at the cheyenne,had our booking lost at the cheyenne, got no breakfast at the holiday inn because three bus tours of japanese ate almost everything, got a room next to a drunken divorcing couple at the explorers hotel who locked their kids out so they could fight, got stuck in a flooded car park at the newport bay club,got the car bashed at the davey crockett car park, lost a park pass at the disneyland hotel, lost a purse at the sequoia lodge,had to be rescued from peter pans flight, got snowed in at the movenpick dream castle and over run by ants at the davey crockett but we luv dlrp we just cant help going back again and again and again, especially to the new york because nothing bad ever happened to us there.
@ Wendy - :lol: That's very weird indeed.
@ Minnie - :) Thankfully, littering seems to be quite a rarity at DLRP. A few times I've seen kids throw stuff on the floor, but their parents tend to pick it up straight after.
@ nicole: :shock: Ouch, you seem to be very unlucky at DLRP! :D It's good to hear that you don't let that stop you from going though.
Quote from: "Masamune"@ Minnie - :) Thankfully, littering seems to be quite a rarity at DLRP. A few times I've seen kids throw stuff on the floor, but their parents tend to pick it up straight after.
used to be quite a rarity... I remembered the park as being very tidy. However, on my last trip well over a week ago, there was litter
everywhere... I was amazed, especially by the fact that the parents never seemed to care! "Oh, our daughter is throwing her plastic bottles out onto the theming surrounding the Big Thunder Mountain queue area, let's look away now and ignore her..." I swear that's an example of what they must have thought, if they gave it any second thought at all. :wink:
I wouldn't dream of degrading Disney property. But apparently there are enough people who don't care about ruining the magical experience. :(
Had a bit of the same experience last visit. People are so easy in throwing stuff around....i hate it! Sometimes it looks as if i'm working as a CM picking up all that stuff and throwing it in a garbage can. It isn't that hard to find one is it?
when we were there the Lake around Big Thunder Mountain was horrible due to the litter..
little one here just turned for this month but when he has something he wants to get rid of.. he just gives it to me.. as he knows already that he cannot throw it on the ground.... it is just something you teach them when they are little I think.. respect for otherman's property and respect for nature :)
Its even better when your little one shouts
"Look Mummy, they have just thrown litter on the floor. Arent they naughty? And theres a bin over there!"
Robs done it a few times in town and its funny watching the guilty adult scuttle back and pick the piece fo rubbish up and pop it in the bin. :lol:
When I first went, back in 94, there were people wandering around the park all the time picking litter up, and it was very clean.
I thought standards had dropped when I went back in March 06, but I thought they were back to old standards this year - in March 07.
The whole park seemed to be getting a makeover in anticipation of the 15th anniversary.
I suppose you've got to appreciate the size of the park and the number of visitors, and they can't always clear up all the litter immediately. But people should take more care - sadly, many don't care as much as us - it's just another day out for alot of visitors there - not the magical place it is for all of us Disney fans.
my worst time at disneyland was when i got food poisioning from rainforest cafe, apart from that we have been really lucky when we go
:cheshire_bounce: :stitch_bounce: :cheshire_bounce: :stitch_bounce: :cheshire_bounce:
Just back from trip and it was fantastic. tho have to admit the que jumping does annoy you. After days of being pushed and shoved you certainly have had enough. Is a shame as it does dampen the whole experience. No one wants to que but it is a matter of course at theme parks. We were lucky and didn't face long ques but the pushing was still very annoying. It angers me that people think that they should not have to que and think it perfectly acceptable to push past you and shove you.
Our worst experience was one German family who nearly pushed my mum out of her seat in Animagic! Just plain rude.
Quote from: "tubbsy"Its even better when your little one shouts
"Look Mummy, they have just thrown litter on the floor. Arent they naughty? And theres a bin over there!"
Robs done it a few times in town and its funny watching the guilty adult scuttle back and pick the piece fo rubbish up and pop it in the bin. :lol:
ha ha i have a 2 yr old and a 6 yr old and the older one says that...i mena even my 2 yr old gives me his rubbish and doesnt drop it.
We've just got back from our holiday in Disneyland Paris (I arrived back home in the early hours of this morning and have had little sleep, so apologises if I don't make sense here :wink: ), and it was an enjoyable experience as always apart from 2 incidents.
The first one occured in the Disneyland Park itself. When we went in May, we managed to see the Candlebration show 2 times, and thoroughly enjoyed it, so decided that when the Magic Hours were on, we would stop back and see the show again. We got up to the Town Square in plenty of time and went to the side of the stage thinking that was were the disabled space would be (I am currently in a wheelchair), but when we got there, there was no space roped off. By the time the show was about to start, a fair number of people had pushed in front of me, and suddenly, I couldn't see the show. We also noticed a several number of other people in wheelchairs who where nearer Casey's Corner and Frontierland entrance then the stage. When we asked at City Hall if there was a section disabled for the Candlebration show, we were told 'Sorry, we can't put a section for disabled, as we don't have enough staff to man it'. Now I've noticed that at Parades, they have 1, maybe 2 Castmembers at the disabled section, so surely they would have the same for Candlebration?
The second incident took place in the Walt Disney Studios. We went to the Toon Studios section, and went to have a photo took with Emile from Ratatouille. When we went towards the queue, the photographer noticed us, and motioned for us to go to the exit so we could go for a photo. The Castmember with Emile came over, and my Dad asked if she spoke English (we can speak French, but not a lot!), to which she shook her head to say no. She then turned round in perfect English and ask 'Do you have the Blue Pass?', which we showed her right away. She then asked if we had any more proof I was disabled, and when we asked what more proof she would need, she proceeded to yell at us in Spanish. She was yelling louder and louder, flapping her arms about, and even had a go at the photographer (who stepped in to try and calm her down). When we said we didn't like the way we were treated and were going to report her, she replied 'I don't care'. I think it was pretty shabby treatment to give to any person.
Despite these 2 incidents, we still had a wonderful time, and can't wait to go back soon. I will post some photos up from it soon. :D
@ goofy - :shock: I'm shocked by the first incident, but I'm completely bowled over by the second one! :roll: People like that should be fired.
I didnt really had a really bad experience, the only thing I tought was bad was when they brought the characters that were not one of the main characters the cast members didnt form a queue.
I know I am considered a little old to want autographs (I personally dont think so) but it was horrible, all the kids were pushing me out of the way and I couldnt get near! Never mind get a decent photo :(
Ive said this before, but when you go to get autographs, you can get pushed around my mothers trying to make sure that their child gets an autograph first.
I love getting pictures and autographs, but the thought does cross my mind that I'm too old for it when I see all these children wanting the same thing :oops: , and the mothers look at you as if they are thinking the same thing as well!
But still, If I see a character, I will always go and ask for pics etc. Sometimes, even though its DisneyLand, you have to be a little forceful !
I only went to get one photo with Eeyore during my whole trip and nearly didn't get one. I would have been third in line but there were always children (and teenagers) pushing in front of me and mothers shoving their children past me to get autographs. I already allowed a lot of children to get a photo before me because I'm nice like that, but I also wanted one. I guess I never would have gotten a pic, but Eeyore must have seen me standing there forever never being allowed to get a photo with him and at one point he just came to me and posed for a photo with me. :)
It is great when the character notice that you have been waiting a long time. I think some of the appreciate that some of us older 'kids' want to join in the fun too!
Unfortunatly Europeans are not known for their queuing skills (sorry all you europeans out there!) They should do as in th US parks and get the cast members to enforce a queue. I didnt mind waiting since I knew I would get quality time alone with them!
:lol: If I see a character I'm desperate to meet, I don't care who gets in my way. I'm not rude or anything, I happily wait for my turn... :roll: but at the same time, I won't allow myself to be pushed aside or pushed back. :P Once I've planted myself, I ain't moving until I've either got a pic/autograph or if the character has to leave. :)
Because I like characters to and like to get autographs.... I always book me and little one a character meal or breakfast (last time even 4 times) so we get all the attention and autographs and changes to taken our picture with... No pushing what so ever....
We do that too, but I always find people hanging round your table trying to butt in to get their kids an autograph and photo. :roll: I just want to shout "Sit down people , they will come around to you!"
We always do the first sitting at breakfast as people dont like getting up early in the morning. Lat time there were seven families to seven characters! :D
I think the best way to see characters is the meet and greets, because then you at least get a couple of minutes alone with the characters. You might have to queue and wait for a while, but if it is that 'special' character (like Belle 8) ), it's worth it.
Although even doing that, there are some rude people. I was queuing to see Belle the other week, had been waiting ages, and then when it got to my turn, the family behind let their kids run out in front of me and they all pushed in.
I turned around to them and said, what do you think I'd been waiting for, and they just turned around and said they didn't realise I was on my own queuing. Don't know what they thought I was doing there - okay, you might not get many men on their own queuing to meet the princesses, but is there an age limit on being a Disney fan and wanting to meet characters? It was obvious I wasn't with anyone else, and I'd been stuck in the queue in front of them all the time.
I just told them to go in front of me at that point, you can't expect them to pull their kids back, but people should be a bit more restrained. They are all going to meet them in the end.
A similar thing happened on the Friday, I was queuing to meet Aurora, and they swapped her with Belle (but it was the Belle I'd already met on Thursday), so I asked the castmember if I could wait for Aurora to come back, and they said it was fine.
So I sat to one side for awhile, and then when they did changeover, the castmember said to people who were waiting something along the lines that 'this gentleman has been waiting to see Aurora so he's first', but a family still rushed in and pushed in front of me.
Neither of them really spoiled things for me, the Princesses were very nice when I did meet them and were very obliging in posing for a number of photo's, but I just wish people would be a bit more patient at times at Disney.
I think the problem with the characters is that they ones I met when I visited at DLRP I only met because they were wandering around the park, I wasnt actually searching the park for them, they just happened to be there and I turned up.
It seems sad that people push people out of the way when people have waited for so long, I also feel sorry for the poor characters who come out and are suddenly flooded by hundreds of kids shoving books in their faces!
I never really understood the appeal in getting 'autographs'. Meeting characters and having a photograph is one thing, but getting their autograph is a bit strange. Although I suppose to the kids, it really is that character they're meeting.
Although having said that, some of the girls who play the Princesses are very good and in character. Just thinking about the Belle I met on the Wednesday and the Cinderella I met, and when they struck some poses for me to take their photo's, and they were right out of Disney Princess merchandising materials.
So I guess in a way, I really did meet Belle and Cinders. :)
I'm just wondering, all these bad experiences of que jumping and not being able to get autographs/photo's etc. have you all experienced these during quieter periods?
I've only been to DLRP 3 times and I've never had a single bad experience what so ever but the 3 times I have been have been quiet (no school holidays or important dates etc)
My next trip is during a school holiday so I'm really hoping that it's not as bad as some of you have said!! :?
Yes, all during quiet periods.
Quote from: "Dark_Prince"Yes, all during quiet periods.
Oh Dear.
well hopefully I won't have any issues with pushing and que jumping just like all the other times I've been
*fingers crossed*
Don't get me wrong, it's not that bad, but there are almost always a few incidents with impatient people, whether it's queuing in a shop, waiting to meet a character or queuing for a ride. Best of it is, when it's quiet, there really isn't any need for people to be rude and impatient.
I was waiting in line to meet n greet Belle and a disabled person arrived at the gate so obviously they went to spend some time with them so they went down to greet them. They got swarmed by all the Spanish people coming out of the line, it was so rude an so unfair, so another English woman and myself moved forward as they moved out of the line... next thing I knew I was being pushed and shoved as they thought they could go back to their place. The other womans young daughter got knocked down and bumped her head against the wall of the stage. I've never witnessed anything like it it was shocking, there was a CM there and they did nothing, didn't even bat an eyelid.
The same thing happened in Halloween land with Daisy Duck a severly disabled child came to see Daisy, whilst she was doing her best to give him attention there were Spanish children pushing in the way and parents pushing their children in the way. I think she got a bit fed up and refused to sign anything and pose for pics so the cast member took her away.
I know some Europeans values vary from others but I'm sure they realise when people deserve some attention more than others. It's the height of bad manners what they did.
I really do not have anything against other nations, countries etc. But I can only agree with you, clarabella, because there were also very much Spanish families in the resort during our last trip (let me be wrong, but it was surely about 80, 90% at the hotel?!) - and I also had situations like these, not that bad though, but they also always pushed other people away to get more forward while waiting for meet&greet a character.
I recognized that the Spanish temperament is very different from others, they often seemed to be pretty impatient and didn't think of other people around them. I wondered there were so much Spanish people because they didn't have school holidays when we went there, but they had also school kids with them... I guess in the future there will really be much more Spanish visitors than before! Let's hope they learn to wait properly in queues, at least the ones who don't know how to behave in queues at the moment :roll:
My least pleasurable experience from my last trip was when I got off Cars - I walked past one of the other cars to get to the exit and this boy kicked his leg out right into my *Family Forum* :lol: What really annoyed me was when his mum didn't tell him off but she just gave me a really evil stare as if I'd done it to the boy!
I have to say, and please, don't anyone take offence at this, but of all the visitors to the Resort, the one nation which really stands out as being loud and impatient are the Spanish.
Quote from: "RnRCj"My least pleasurable experience from my last trip was when I got off Cars - I walked past one of the other cars to get to the exit and this boy kicked his leg out right into my *Family Forum* :lol: What really annoyed me was when his mum didn't tell him off but she just gave me a really evil stare as if I'd done it to the boy!
:o :x :shock: Ouch! :wink: :lol:
New Years Eve 2006/07.
It was raining nearly the whole evening and night.
Although attractions were open till 1 a.m., alot of restaurants closed at 21.pm. i think. So you can imagine what happened in other restaurants. Waited about 40 minutes for a pizza at outpost. At Hyperion people were sitting everywhere stairs, walls, floor.....
really bad organisation, I didn't expect from Disney before.
Anyway we had a great night and it was really fun watchin two men fighting for their table :) .
@ RnRCj - :lol: Your poor "Family Forum".
:o Hm, I've never had those kinds of problems with the Spanish. From my experiences, it's mainly the French that seem to go out of their way to be rude and obnoxious. I guess they feel like they have a right to be that way, because it's their country. Obviously not all French people at DLRP are like that (:) French Cast Members are wonderful I think), but French guests just always seem to be the source of any problems I have at DLRP.
Quote from: "Masamune"Hm, I've never had those kinds of problems with the Spanish. From my experiences, it's mainly the French that seem to go out of their way to be rude and obnoxious.
Coincidence or not, my experience with a very obnoxious person on my last trip was with a French guy. ;) He was filming with a very brightly lit viewscreen and taking pictures with flash in Peter Pan - so bright it blinded my mom and I in the back seat.... I tapped him on the shoulder to say it blinded us and that it was forbidden too (in English and French), but he just made a point of doing it even more obviously. :?
:roll: See, that's just completely rude behavior for no reason. Not only was he breaking the rules, he was ruining the ride for you and your mum and he doesn't care either way. :(
QuotePosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:19 pm Post subject:
I have to say, and please, don't anyone take offence at this, but of all the visitors to the Resort, the one nation which really stands out as being loud and impatient are the Spanish.
We were there the same time as you and found exactly the same thing, I also found that they had little respect for anything for example when candlebration was on me and mypartner waited patiently by the stage and all the spanish parents picked their children up put them over the railings and let them run all over the flower beds so they were closer.
I've noticed it on all 3 of my trips to DLRP over the last couple of years. :?
Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I never really understood the appeal in getting 'autographs'. Meeting characters and having a photograph is one thing, but getting their autograph is a bit strange. Although I suppose to the kids, it really is that character they're meeting.
Your telling me that the Mickey mouse that wished me a happy birthday and the Tigger who also wished me a happy birthday, and Meeko who made me smile in the Parade arent Real?????? :shock:
I feel cheated I want my autograph book money back :cry:
Quote from: "PetiteSirene"Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I never really understood the appeal in getting 'autographs'. Meeting characters and having a photograph is one thing, but getting their autograph is a bit strange. Although I suppose to the kids, it really is that character they're meeting.
Your telling me that the Mickey mouse that wished me a happy birthday and the Tigger who also wished me a happy birthday, and Meeko who made me smile in the Parade arent Real?????? :shock:
Well, they might not be, but obviously the Princesses are real!
Haha :)
To tell the truth I love getting autographs (but only when you get one on one time with the characters) When I am in the park I disband reality, who cares if its just someone dressed up as a character? For those few hours I can truely believe it IS mickey mouse and the they are real... After all... Isnt that what Disney is about? Dreams and Imagination?
I think next time I go I will plan carefully to be there when there are minimal kids about. Screaming kids and parents who dont control them are one of my pet peeves...
little one for sure thinks they are for real... so he want those autographs... and I like them in my scrapbook so double fun... we always have 2 signature books with us.... and no one ever looked strange about that.... they only look weird at little one because he always orders himself a diet coke... :wink:
I know these arent actually in Disney itself but I have two bad experiences with traveling home from DLRP No.1 is when we were getting Eurostar back to Ashford and when we wnt in lift down to the station it stopped half way down and we were stuck for like 10 mins we nearly missed the train!. No.2 We were going from Charles De Gaulle airport after taking the bus from the hotel. We got into the airport to find that loads and loads of flights had been cancelled including ours. This was because of French air traffic control strikes :?. We were annoyed that the bus driver didn't tell us about the strikes because we could've spent extra hours in the park!!!!!! :x
The thing that annoys me the most is the kids that push there way through the queues for the rides.
we were half way to star tours and three boys were going past people like they were not there until they came to me and my family we spread our selves out so they could'nt get past even though they were foreign i could tell they were not pleased they could'nt get passed.
People pushing really annoy me, though I must admit that people who meander down the queue leaving huge gaps really annoy me as well, especially when there are no queues and they are holding everyone up... I admit I can get a little too excited about getting onto a ride... :oops:
The only thing that annoys me is people pushing to meet and great characters. I have 2 young children and on many occasions they have been knocked over by adults. We always go to cafe mickeys so the children can meet the characters without any pushing or shoving or we queue for the characters were there is an organised line set out. The only probelm being the characters you dont usually get in cafe mickeys or organised queses are the ones the children really want to meet. We seen sully outside the studios one day, we were about second to approach him we waited for the first family to have thier picture taken and by our turn there was a mass of people and me and my children were pushed out of the way this was very dissapointing as my oldest loved watching monsters Inc at that time and it was his favourite character. I leave this to my husband now he doesnt mind standing his ground with the children but I am to polite and soft, unfotunaly though its the children that miss out. I could not fault WDW florida for this as every character has a cast member who has everyone organised in line and if anyone tries to push in they get told where to go, the back!!
If I'm honest, this ones simple
Going Home :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
My worst experience...
I bought a minnie mouse pen, that was like a snowglobe, and when you write with it, minnie lit up! The next day after I bought it, Minnie stopped lighting up, and when I went to get the REAL Minnie Mouse's autograph when she came round at lunch, the nib of the pen went right up inside it. The guy that was with minnie just said "Oh go to the gift shop, explain what happened, and you'll get a new one!"
The woman in the gift shop said "No, we can't just give you a new one if you've broken it!" But I wasn't the one who broke it, it just happened!
I got a flashing one at Christmas though! I still kept the snowglobe pen, cause I like it, but I got a flashing minnie one from Santa! I use it for school!
@ disney dreams - :lol: I'm like your husband in that I'll happily stand my ground. People seem to think that because I'm not a child (I'm 20), I have absolutely no right to have my pic taken with a character, and therefore their kids should be allowed to go in front of me. :o I'm very polite and patiant as well, but I won't allow others to push me around.
@ javey - :P This one is just obvious.
@ Minnie - :( Aww, that's such a shame. And it sounds like the Cast Member you dealt with was very rude to you, which isn't good at all.
It wasn't the cast member, it was the shopkeeper! She took it off me, had a look, and then gave it back shaking her head and saying "Nope, you've broken it!"
This is a bad experience too:
We were in the line to see Goofy dressed as father christmas in the sleigh, and the kid in front of us got to the que, and his pen ran out. They spent so long to find a pen he could borrow from someone else, and getting his photo taken, that by the time it was me and martin's turn, the guy standing with goofy said "OK! GOOFY WILL BE BACK IN 30 MINUTES!" We were all like "WAH? WE STOOD HERE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR!"
It was even worse when we went to see mickey! We stood in that que for AAAAGES and little kids kept running past us, and this woman with a double pram rammed into the back of my legs and said "Ugh! Watch where you're going!!!"
In the end we got so sick we missed out on Mickey, and went for hot chocolate and a good spot for the parade! Which reminds me, when you're watching the parade, does it seem as if people with video camers always say to you "Can you bend down a bit?" or "Can you move this way just a tad?" and then end up shoving you half way through so they can see? And parents at the back always say to their kids "Go and squeeze between them at the front. Yes, just knock that little girl flying!"
:( Other guests can be so ignorant. :lol: You should read through the rest of this thread, as I think all of us have mentioned bad experiences with other guests.
I have been sooo lucky with my vistits to Disneyland it seems! ... up until recently anyway.
After months of scrimping and saving to pay for me and my boyfriend to go to Disneyland, the day came to pay off the rest of the bill (about £700 outstanding for hotel etc) and my card kept being declined by a VERY impatiant Disney employee, dispite the bank telling me it was not them stopping the transaction and must be whoever was actioning it! I thought I was going to loose my holiday!! :-(
finally the payment was accepted (spread over my card, my mums card and my boyfriends!).
Then when we finally arrived at CDG airport, we missed the fist shuttle bus, the second didn't turn up, we weren;t too bothered as it was low season and thought they must have cut some buses because they just weren't needed. When one finally turned up, the bus driver had a very short temper, tryed to tell us something in French (my French isn't good at the best of times, let alone underpressure) before making a gesture as if to say "f" off (sorry for any offence). the next one turned up about three hours after our plane landed and was again the short tempered bus driver! this time he let us on thankfully!!!!
My biggest pet peeve is with shows and parades, i stake out a good pitch every time only to have (like mentioned before) people puch infront of you with buggies or push thier kids through (I don't mind the children 1. its the parents not them. 2. disney is for kids (and big kids too!) 3. they attract characters for me to film/take photos of) its just I find this incredibly rude that they think that they can turn up at the last minute. the worst thing i find is when trying to watch and someone puts their kid on their shoulders!!! WHY?!?!?! i'm sorry but as i mention DISNEY IS FOR BIG KIDS TOO!!! lol and i'm certanly one of those. I actually cried when people kept doing this to me during Candelabration!! especially when the kid in question had REFLECTIVE coat on, so all my flash on my camera did was bounce back off the kid :-(
The only other bad experience I've ever had was when me and my boyfiend came to dlrp for the week before Christmas, due to fly back on the 23rd of Dec to be home for Christmas day.... and our flight was cancelled due to the fog in England. we got put on another flight, which as soon as we got to the front of check in ... was again cancelled. we had to stay one night in the Ibis at CDG (not very pleasurable when you are used to the Disneyland hotels!) and spent all of Christmas eve waiting for a seat to become free on a plane:-( being told constantly families and children come first (had it been a couple of months earlier we would have been "children" none of this was Disney's fault, but i't would have been nice to have got an extra day in Disneyland!!
:shock: What a nightmare! :( It would totally freak me out if someone started having a go at me in a language I don't understand, especially if they were making nasty gestures as well.
In regards to kids and the parades/shows, I'm happy to have kids stand in front of me. ;) Like you say, they draw the attention of characters. What I don't understand is why a lot of people can't just politely ask if their child can stand in front, rather than just shoving them between people's legs.
it wasnt as bad as it sounds! and we didnt let it get us down after all its disneyland!! and we had spent too much on this holiday to let it be ruined by someone we didnt know, although at the time i was facing redundancy at work and didnt know if i would have a job to come home to, luckily we stayed open!!
and i got some of the best shots EVER of characters on my last trip, thanks to the children i allowed to stand infront of me lol. and to see their faces light up is magical (i'm not allowed any of my own yet :-( )
:P The great thing about DLRP is that it's very difficult for your holiday to be ruined, even if you have one of these negative experiences.
My worst Trip is back in june 2007!
it was the arrival day, a rainy day and my birth day, me and my (ex boyfriend)
got to DLRP for 3 days befor he got back to the usa.
we was at the hotel very late so we just want to go at first to the studios, on this day i was very angry and upset because it was my birthday and i want to go first do the disneyland park, but he didn´t want. so on this day this girl dies on Rnrc so this day was over for me.
he was happy about it because we went back to the hotel and he can sleep...
on the second day we got to the main park, and here begins the trouble. at first i got to the emporium to buy something for my friends at home, but i didn´t find my money, i was looking around and he was nomore on my side, later on that day he gave me my money and told me he don´t wannt that i spend money there.
the next is every slow ride we didn´t ride it because he dont like it, the parades i cant watch he dont wanna see it and this goes the whole day. at 4 o´clock he was driving alone to paris, at this time i did what he don´t want to do, at this time i was so happy.
on the last day he told me that i have to pay a bill for his trip to paris and for some stuff at the hotel, i didn´t know anything about it. i was so upset with him that i went alone to the parks and let him alone.
so the funniest thing at all is he did the same crap at WDW in november 2006, at this time i asked him why he did it, and he told that he was so often at WDW for him it is boring. but he wanna go to DLRP because its new for him. but the end of the song is he did the same again.
my next visit is with friends they are all disney fans!!
:shock: I hope you don't mind me saying, but your ex sounds very childish.
and selfish :?
like so many i too get fed up with the people pushing in. it's time they assigned a cast member to every character, and not just the ones with the photographer.
i would say my worse experiance was on the way there and back. on our last visit 3 years ago we were unfortunate enough to be sat next to the most annoying woman. we'd got all the way to france peacefully and came across this woman and her family on the bus that would take us to cheyenne. she had a teenage boy, a son about 6 or 7 and a husband. there was another couple who had 2 girls around the same age as the younger one. the husband appeared to be asleep the entire trip, the teenager couldn't do a thing right and the other boy was apparently an angel. his halo seemed to be missing to those of us that live in the real world. she apparently wanted to go to greece and reminded her friend at every opportunity, it became apparent that it was her turn to pick. we pulled up at the sequoia and she again informed her friend that if she had booked this holiday she would of pick this hotel and the cheyenne was a dump. she hadn't even seen it! she even got a bag of sweets out and offered everyone a sweet but the teenager! she was just so cruel to him and her friend. i think that's why she annoyed me so much. when we got to or room we discovered those nice people at disney had put her in the next room to us. everyone knew when she arrived at breakfast. apart from that we rarely saw her. we saw her boys though who always seemed to be on their own. they always smiled and said hello and the teenager was very kind to my daughter when she dropped her stuff. i don't think he was the devil she believed.
didn't let her ruin my holiday though :D i was in disneyland after all
Quoteso on this day this girl dies on Rnrc
Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"Quoteso on this day this girl dies on Rnrc
Yes :(
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2571&start=0 (https://forum.dlpguide.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2571&start=0)
Oh dear... I never fancied that ride much, and I know its not disney's fault or anything, but thats put me off it even more...
When my auntie, uncle and cousin caitlin went to typhoon lagoon in florida, a girl had drowned in the wave pool! She went past the red rope,(which is meant to say "GO NO FURTHER!") and the wave got too big, and sadly, she couldn't get to the surface again...
They didn't find out til about midday, when her parents were looking for her, and someone reported an unconscious girl floating in the water. So, they closed typhoon lagoon, and my auntie, uncle and cousin all had to leave the park.
The sad thing is, it was one of their last days there too! :(
Anyway... I know this is a least pleasurable experience, but can we get back to the slightly "happier" talk of things?
:o I'm pretty sure there's a "what is your best DLRP experience?" thread somewhere.
Oh yeah, this stupid little kid kept screaming all the way throug Animagique, and then he fell on my head!!! :evil:
My least pleasurable experience ( only one so far!!! ) was in the Plaza Gardens restaurant 27th December 2007 :evil:
It was in Plaza Gardens Restaurant ( which was the pits....and we are not fussy whatsoever...we enjoy everything )
It was a scrum to get in....we had pre-booked so we joined the correct queue....but there was some 'foreigners' who decided my and my family were queuing for no apparant reason and an obese woman ( I am too so I am not being obesist :wink: ) crushed my baby in his pushchair with her huge derriere....his face was smothered :shock:
As it happens before I could rugby tackle her a 'foreign' woman tapped her on the shoulder and told her to shift....
Anyway we fought our way through and were astounded by the beautiful decorations and were really pleased we decided to eat here....BUT....
It was overbooked and overcrowded.... I had heard about the 'foreigners' not queueing...and we live in Spain so we are well practiced in the art of pushing and shoving and queue jumping...
but even so I am British and I have kept my manners....
Three times I attempted to get my food from the buffet before I went back to our table to summon up all the strength I could to go back....
Me and my eldest daughter ( she had not succeeded either...my other 4 children had...) went back and we queued as there seemed to be an orderly line at last....
Well it all went smoothly and we reached the food...
I got my chicken...
My daughter got some steak...
I reached for the chips....
Well....that was it...I was having none of it... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
There was an almighty fight over the chips....they were flying here there and everywhere....
She was shouting at me in french....I was shouting at her in Spanglish ( I hoped she would understand some English and Spanish swearwords because I didn't know any French :lol: )
We argued over the carrots....we argued over the croquettes....
Eventually both of us had reached the end of the line with full plates of food neither of us wanted....I think we had a few desserts floating in our gravy aswell....!!!
As I walked away I recieved a little round of =D> from the very obviously British folks in the queue.... :lol:
It spoilt my meal though....but apart from the silly woman I was appalled at the complete lack of organisation of the Plaza Gardens....
Just a small niggle....which nearly made is lose our Christmas Day reservation at Walt's restaurant was there only being 3 gates open in the late afternoons to get into Disneyland Park....
Everyone queued relatively well....but it was swarming and there was trouble with 2 of the gates....yet they never opened more....
It took us about 20 minutes to get through....( it happened on other afternoons aswell )
and we did think it could have been better organised.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
was this woman so hungry she had to resort to food rage ?!?!?
i've never tried this restaurant and i don't think i'll be bothering.
have you noticed that most of our complaints are about people barging in :?
Last week, I had a fast pass for TOT and we went and joined the Q behind these 2 french teens. They took out and lit cigarettes, right next to a no smoking sign and started puffing away, blowing their smoke all over the 20 odd people Qing around them. No-one said anything which annoyed me. If they were English I would've had a right go lol.
The Q all around us was moving forward, apart from these 2 idiots who just stood smoking in front of us, so obviously the usual people who like to Q jump did so. I was getting really really annoyed at these 2 daft idiots who seemed to be half asleep. Then one of them dropped his cigarette on my foot, which made me even angrier, and I think he realised, so the 2 of them moved to the front of the Q, where they then held up the Q even more because they didn't even have fast passes. Some people are complete idiots!!!
Most of my unpleasant experiences at DLRP are to do with Q-jumpers as well. DLRP need to invest in some anti-Q jumping signs like the ones at Thorpe Park lol
oh my... this has to be the most relieving thread i've ever seen in a disney forum...
most of the experiences i see posted here are similar to the ones i've had at DLRP, i don't feel alone now!
i see some of you had bad experiences with spaniards, i'm not from Spain but i live in Seville since last year. It's true that spanish people is very loud, specially those from the south of the country... but the worst experiences i've had with people at DLRP were with french and foreigners from other countries (europeans!).
queue-skipping, shoving and putting kids on shoulders so that no one else can see shows are among the most common thing we've seen at the DLRP parks
i've been to US parks more than once and i know very well that this is something you only see in the french parks
also flash photography (which is prohibited in US parks), ruining people's photographs (specially those in front of the castle) by stepping in, and many other things that were sooo rude!
another very rude and common one was... flatulence!!! we found (and smelled) flatulence every now and then absolutely every day during our stay... we don't know if it came from kids or adults (except one particular time while we were in line for Peter Pan), nor we know if it came from french or other foreign countries but it was there! it seems that it's a common thing in France (or in some european countries) to just let the flatulence out, no matter if there's people behind you or near you... . Ok, kids might not be taught enough to avoid farts, but at least the parents could have offered an apology!
Pirates of the Caribbean is the mecca of queue-skipping, that we learned after 10 minutes of queuing...
One time we were waiting for two seats to become available at casey's corner, with our meals in our hands, and there was this group drinking beer and having a chat in the table next to us, the chat went on for about 20 minutes, they had already finished the beers and kept on chatting and smoking (this happened last year)... we were waiting and waiting patiently with our meals already cold, and the group left (without taking the garbage with them!) but one of the guys was still there finishing his cigarette. He didn't leave until the cigarette was almost burning his finger... and he was giving us a look every now and then as if he was saying "oh... too bad you're waiting for having lunch... you'll have to wait.. because i say so!" ...
he finally left but come on!
also, a lot of people took places in tables without their meals! that's so inconsiderate!
and character photographs are impossible to have if you're an adult (or you have kids but shoving people isn't in your nature)
i haven't experienced much language-related bad experiences, most french people were willing to try to understand your practically non-existent french and willing to try to understend your English or Spanish,... but i had so many rude experiences with so many tourists!!!
we felt so "good-mannered" and polite! (if that's a word)
PS: sorry for my English!
We qued for POTC for an HOUR!
My brother was so desperate to get on this ride because its his favourite! Anyway, the sign said 10 minutes wait time from here, so we thought "Ok, so not very long!" but the machine broke down or something, so we stood outside for a while, then we got to the inside and thought "we're almost there!"
HOW LONG IS THE QUEING AREA? Its just rows back and forth! Plus, we stood next to this little kid, who had a buzz lightyear laser blaster toy, and kept pointing it at everyone yelling "DIE!!!" over and over! Ok, he's just a kid, but seriously, didn't his parents get sick of hearing "DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" over and over...
Then there was this woman stood behind us with a pram, and everytime there was a teeny tiny gap she'd ram it into our legs and say "Move along!" then she'd whisper (well, not so much whisper!) to her husband "I wish these people would move along! There's plenty of room! They're just holding us all up!" etc. etc.
We were so happy to finally get on the ride (even thought I almost lost my mickey mouse hat on the drop... :( )
Perhaps one of my worst experiences was on the last day of our last trip. We got to the parks early and used the advantage of EMH to get to the Studios a bit quicker. When we were let in the park, we headed straight for Crush, waited until 10 when the rides around us started, but no sign of Crush working. It was about 10 or 15 minutes later until we found out that there was a "Technical Error" (in 2 out of 3 queues for the ride during that trip, Crush broke down). so we had waisted our EMH. :evil:
In the afternoon when we were in the Disneyland Park, we headed for POTC. We queue for about 10 minutes when we got to the loading bit, and the boats stopped moving. A couple of minutes later a group of teenage boys stormed out from ride (behind the exit side of the loading are) and a Cast member just looked at them amazed and just said "you got out of the boat!" :o . This slowed down the whole ride (they must have performed an emergency stop) and waisted another 10 minutes of our final day. Later in the ride, in the fire scene before the final drop, we saw two cast members with a torch (looking for something or damage?) which was weird and quite out off place with all of the drunken pirates.
We then we to do Casey Jr which was broken down. So we decided to go on the boats next to it. When we came off they had started working Casey again, but when got into the queue, guess what, it broke down again!!! We then spent 10 minutes waiting to see if it would be fixed before leaving, which it didn't. :?
We then decide to do Buzz as our last ride (we had booked a character tea for an hour or so later to end our trip). We got into the queue and everything seemed fine, but then it slowed down quite a lot (which remained for the rest of the queue, even fastpass had a queue), and a lot of people came out of the fire exits of the building. They hadn't said about any problems with the ride, and didn't stop letting people in, so we continued to queue. When we finally got into the building, we realized that there no sound at all, nothing, no green aliens, no mission status, nothing. We then entered the next room with Buzz, again silent. This bit was the worst memory of ever going on the ride for me, because seeing Buzz fully functioning, without any voice just completely ruins the magic of it :( . As we got a bit further, we started to here some of the rides audio, it was working in only the final section of the queue (which was still moving unusually slow :x ) We did finally get onto the ride though, which was as fantastic as ever (still one of my favorites :mrgreen: )
Other than that though, everything was perfect :)
I got a PM from a member regarding Tinkerbelle's post, so I'd like to respond with my opinion.
Quotequeue-skipping, shoving and putting kids on shoulders so that no one else can see shows are among the most common thing we've seen at the DLRP parks
i've been to US parks more than once and i know very well that this is something you only see in the french parks.
also flash photography (which is prohibited in US parks), ruining people's photographs (specially those in front of the castle) by stepping in, and many other things that were sooo rude!
That is not true! I've been last week for 10 days in Disneyland California and I can tell you guests do that there as well. Balloons and kids on shoulders during fireworks, running into pictures (ask the numerous photo pass CM's I've taken pictures with).
And don't get me started about getting run over by overweight people at Walt Disney World in their personal "people movers"...
Don't forget this message board is European with many many members from all over Europe and the world, and not strictly friends from the UK. You might insult people by saying "but the worst experiences i've had with people at DLRP were with french and foreigners from other countries (europeans!)."
oh no! i had written a long post and my connection got lost... :evil:
as I was saying, I didn't mean to offend anyone by pointing out that my worst experience was with europeans- i just wanted to point out that i didn't mean southamericans or asians, since guests coming from any of those parts of the world seem to belong to the group of the "top ten most annoying nationalities" in the american disney parks-related forums/boards. Sorry if anyone felt offended, that of course wasn't my intention! but then i have to say that those who wrote that the worst group are the Spanish guests would have offended us, since my husband is spanish and he's a complete darling ;D
i think nobody here is trying to offend anyone, so let's take everyone's comments as what they are... just mere remarks :)
My husband is european, and my ancestors are europeans too, so of course offending wasn't in my plans while posting :) and of course i know most people here are europeans (as well as most of DLRP visitors)
i must have been very lucky while being at the US parks! i had so many good experiences there, with CMs as well as with park guests! we of course had a few bad moments with some people but it was nothing compared to what we've seen at DLRP. It definitely takes out a lot of the magic, but we still LOVE DLRP and can't wait to go back!
since i hate comparisons and going back to the topic, it has to be horrible to witness a death at a disney park! I know a girl whose friend suffered a miscarriage after riding TOT (i think) at WDW. She was of course, unaware of her pregnancy... it was very sad.
Every visitor to a theme park should be aware for once that they should be well informed about their medical conditions and health situation before riding stuff...
PS: my apology to the member who PM raptor!
My grandad was going to come on BTM, but we read the leaflet thing, and it said "No pregnant women, or people with heart and back problems" and since my grandad just had an operation on his heart last year to put a pace maker in, we thought it'd be best not to!
Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"OH NO! MORE DEATHS!
I think this comment is a little inappropriate considering what happened less than a year ago.
Innapropriate? How?
But everyone has stories about people dying on rides! Well...only 3 as far as I know, but still... Its very sad! :(
We all didn't talk about it much/at all when it happened, its not exactly a nice topic for a family friendly DLRP forum? I agree it was very sad but it doesn't mean we have to dwell on it in topics, thats why the original topic was closed out of respect.
let's not forget that death is an important topic, even in disney movies. i don't see why it's not appropiate, i mean, of course it isn't appropiate to dig in the topic too far or take it to sensationalism, but as far as it is treated with all of its deserved respect i don't see why we can't even express how concerned and sad we are about it.
for as long as the forum is open to new members i'm afraid the topic will come up every now and then
too bad to hear that previous discussions had led to thread-closures in the past! :cry:
...Yeah... It is in Disney Movies a lot, but in most those characters usually "come back to life" like snow white, beauty and the beast, etc.
ANYHOO, back to worst experiences.
THIS RIDICULOUS KID FELL ON MY HEAD IN ANIMAGIQUE! Its my favourite show in the studios, and he kept screaming "I'M SCARED!" and jumping up and down waving his arms yelling "ITS THE LITTLE MERMAID! ITS THE LION KING!" Then, he leaned too far forward in his seat, fell off, and both his hands smacked right on the top of my head! :evil:
Also, when we were standing in the que to get into the Winnie The Pooh show, this woman rammed her pram into me and my dads legs, then said "Oh, sorry!!" in a very harsh tone, so my dad leaned over to me and said "Well maybe she should watch where she's going!" and the woman yelled back "Maybe you shouldn't stand in the way!"
We didn't get into that show anyway, because my dad and this woman started arguing, and then my brother was complaining he was feeling sick, so we just went shopping in main street.
I've had a couple of bad experiences but they're always related to guests. At Christmas I was in the Phantom Manor ride. I had been looking so much forward to it and was all gitty. But two stupid teenage girls ruined the ride by screaming and laughing and making fun of it. That really pissed me off after waiting 20 min to get in.
Other than that, I've had problems with queue jumpers and french parents with their uncontrollable kids pushing and shoving at the parade line.
The week before last week a female CM named Charline at Space Mountain was giving out Fast Passes to selected guests after the attraction broke down. We were watching her doing so after she talked to people in line to our right. As we later came down and passed her by we asked whether we could also have Fast Passes like the other guests. Well, she just said no and ignored our following request kinda pretending that she does not understand enough english and saying the she did not have any Fast Passes at all which was a provable lie.
She was obviously only giving it to french speaking peeps. We complained about that the same day at City Hall and received a litte compensation. Thanks for that ... but after that experience a little bitter taste stayed as CMs like that take so much of the wonderful experience you are supposed to have at a Disney Theme Park.
There were some more bad experiences I made in that past - but those were all guest related.
Meeting someone who worked there and finding out what a liar two face person they was :lol: Thankfully he has now left his job and moved on to terroise new people elsewhere :evil: .
In Sequoia Lodge a staff member was really nasty when we were asked how to get to the restaurants. She just pointed and shouted in a loud, nasty voice: 'THAT WAY'. Some people should have some manners! ](*,) [-X 8-[
Quote from: "MagicMaster"In Sequoia Lodge a staff member was really nasty when we were asked how to get to the restaurants. She just pointed and shouted in a loud, nasty voice: 'THAT WAY'. Some people should have some manners! ](*,) [-X 8-[
Oh no!! hope you found the restaurant.
I'm just about to book that hotel!! :( Hope they're not all like that,
Quote from: "Clarebelle"Quote from: "MagicMaster"In Sequoia Lodge a staff member was really nasty when we were asked how to get to the restaurants. She just pointed and shouted in a loud, nasty voice: 'THAT WAY'. Some people should have some manners! ](*,) [-X 8-[
Oh no!! hope you found the restaurant.
I'm just about to book that hotel!! :( Hope they're not all like that,
Good news! They're not all like that! In fact, all the others were really nice, especially when you walk into/ out of the restaurants. :D
QuoteOh no!! hope you found the restaurant.
I'm just about to book that hotel!! :( Hope they're not all like that
Their not :D :) :lol:
Epcot_Boy :ears:
good, I'm all booked up now so can't change it, some people just spoil it for everyone don't they?
Seeing children doing things in the bushes with the restrooms just feet away.
Sitting outside the Cowboy Cookout BBQ and having parents changing nappies on the table next to me......and this has not happend just once. :x
Quote from: "britincgn"Seeing children doing things in the bushes with the restrooms just feet away.
Sitting outside the Cowboy Cookout BBQ and having parents changing nappies on the table next to me......and this has not happend just once. :x
Thats disgusting! how to parents do this? and justify it?
theres no justifaction for it. i am mum, my son used to mess his nappy just like any other, but im sorry if you dont like the smell, i dont either but he will be changes as soon as i find a changing area, theres is no excuse being in a dirty nappy a few minutes longer will not kill them
It has to be the bus ride to/from the Val de France hotels. Absolutely packed to the roof in the evenings it is. Last Xmas an English couple decided to moan about how rude everyone was, but didn't really make any effort to communicate that they needed people to move so that they could get their stuff off the bus, beyond talking in English. :(
although i havent had an unpleasurable DLRP experience... i didnt like this one lol
i was in one of the stores down Main Street with a basket full of shopping and i went to pay, and all the tills down the right side of the street had gone down =[
i had to go but all my shopping back haha to only have to find it again later one =]
haha its not bad but still, i was worried incase i couldnt find the stuff again...haha
Hi there!
I love DLRP and have booked for 09...been 06, 07 and 08...Now I'm hoping its a coincidence but EVERY time we go we (2 adults and 2 kids) get violently ill....sickness and the other.....I am 99% the place is disease ridden but I'm hoping on the 1% of it being coincidence...we keep holding out that it is because we trully love the place!..We take alot of medication with us now...in 07 it was that bad the doctor didn't want me to fly but I did....it was horrific and when we arrived at the hotel (SF) we saw a man lying down on reception seating with a blanket looking really bad too :cry: ......
ps we never get ill like that at home..the most we have is the cold!.....so coincidence or not???????
i think it may be a bad coinsedence, ive been there 6 times and i havent been sick at all
I hope so!! :D
In 07 there was 3 people on different occasions being sick over railings...??? Maybe its the time of year I go or something????
It puts a dampner on the holiday cause we wait to get ill!!! :lol: :lol: oh in January there was 3 people in our party (arrived different times and different hotel room) and they got really bad and it spoilt their holiday, we didn't see them the whole 6 days :cry: In all cases its been like food poisoning.
If we get ill next time then Im complaining cause thats taking the Mickey!!...see what I did there? :lol: ok I'm outta here!!
i just got back from disney and it was awwwsome! =]
other than the first night, something went really wrong, and either our travel company or the hotel made a mistake and the coach hadnt been given rooms!!
we weren't booked in anywhere
its was horrible i didnt know what was happening where we were going to be staying or anything.
and everyone else on the coach felt the same.
but an hour later [so around 12:30 ish] we were able to squeeze in spare rooms at the Dream Castle instead of the Kyriad, but this was only for the one night as those rooms were to be taken the next day.
so then we didnt know where we were going to be able to stay afterwards.. :shock:
but were lucky enough to be able to get into the Kyriad for the remainder of the holiday.
so it wasnt that good an experience but i got to stay in a new hotel haha which was fun =D
and everything worked out great.
We waited for a great seat for the Fantillusion parade last year. We were sat on the concrete benches near the Fantasyland stage and when the Fantillusion parade finished they barred off the area where we were sitting for the fireworks (health & safety I guess), and when we tried to move out of the way the staff member kept jamming the rope into me and my sister's back. We were trying to move out the way but there was no room and she just kept pushing us into people. i even fell into a woman with a pushchair and she was not happy!
Won't be sitting there this year thats for sure!
Quote from: "nathan.jackson"We waited for a great seat for the Fantillusion parade last year. We were sat on the concrete benches near the Fantasyland stage and when the Fantillusion parade finished they barred off the area where we were sitting for the fireworks (health & safety I guess), and when we tried to move out of the way the staff member kept jamming the rope into me and my sister's back. We were trying to move out the way but there was no room and she just kept pushing us into people. i even fell into a woman with a pushchair and she was not happy!
Won't be sitting there this year thats for sure!
Oh, I was going to try and get a place over there for the parade & fireworks!! So it's all closed :( ? They should have warned you before, really!
Yeah everyone else was annoyed. It's only open for the Fantillusion parade!
My worst experience was the trip there one year. My wife is Italian, and her passport only shows her maiden name, and of course I booked her seat using her married name. The girl at the check-in wasn't going to let her on the flight and told us she would have to buy another seat on the plane ( £150 ) or produce a marriage certificate ( yeah, like I walk around with it in my pocket ! ). So, I got straight on the phone to my mum and told her she had 45mins to get up the motorway with the certificate. I went back to the check-in to explain what was happening, but the girl had gone home ( this was at 1pm, and she must have been working since early in the morning, hence her grumpy,uninterested attitude ). I told the new girl the situation, and that my mum was on her way. The girl looked at my wife, then her passport, tutted and shook her head, typed something into the computer and told us to go on . Rang my mum back and told her the panic was over.
When we about to get board, a message came over the tanoy that the flight was delayed because the battery was flat and they were having trouble tracking another one down. After 30mins they found one and it was off the CDG. But that wasn't the end of our troubles.
By the time we reached Disneyland everyone was tried and just wanted to get into our room. I got the keycard and was told our room was 11. When I got to the room, the card wouldnt work, so back to the reception. They swiped it throu the computer and said it should work now. It worked all right, but there was someone elses luggage already in there so back to the reception. The girl at the desk apologised and said our room was 111, not 11. So went to 111 and the card wouldnt work, SO BACK TO THE RECEPTION. This time she gave me 3 swipecards, and double-checked the worked. And yes, finally we got sorted.
Oh, and to top it all off, the next morning, there was torrential rain until 12pm. Exactly 24 hours since we arrived at the airport. But the rest of the holiday was amazing.It was my sons first time and he loved it, and we're all going back in September ( and I remembered to book my wife under her maiden name )
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"My worst experience was the trip there one year. My wife is Italian, and her passport only shows her maiden name, and of course I booked her seat using her married name. The girl at the check-in wasn't going to let her on the flight and told us she would have to buy another seat on the plane ( £150 ) or produce a marriage certificate ( yeah, like I walk around with it in my pocket ! ). So, I got straight on the phone to my mum and told her she had 45mins to get up the motorway with the certificate. I went back to the check-in to explain what was happening, but the girl had gone home ( this was at 1pm, and she must have been working since early in the morning, hence her grumpy,uninterested attitude ). I told the new girl the situation, and that my mum was on her way. The girl looked at my wife, then her passport, tutted and shook her head, typed something into the computer and told us to go on . Rang my mum back and told her the panic was over.
When we about to get board, a message came over the tanoy that the flight was delayed because the battery was flat and they were having trouble tracking another one down. After 30mins they found one and it was off the CDG. But that wasn't the end of our troubles.
By the time we reached Disneyland everyone was tried and just wanted to get into our room. I got the keycard and was told our room was 11. When I got to the room, the card wouldnt work, so back to the reception. They swiped it throu the computer and said it should work now. It worked all right, but there was someone elses luggage already in there so back to the reception. The girl at the desk apologised and said our room was 111, not 11. So went to 111 and the card wouldnt work, SO BACK TO THE RECEPTION. This time she gave me 3 swipecards, and double-checked the worked. And yes, finally we got sorted.
Oh, and to top it all off, the next morning, there was torrential rain until 12pm. Exactly 24 hours since we arrived at the airport. But the rest of the holiday was amazing.It was my sons first time and he loved it, and we're all going back in September ( and I remembered to book my wife under her maiden name )
Wow. :shock: Isn't it strange how things always seem to go wrong together? There's never just one problem - always lots of problems! :P Hope your next trip goes a bit more smoothly.
Thanks, I hope so too. The only thing I'm worried about is that my daughter wont go on any of the rides. It's her first time
How old is she PetesDragon?? Most of the Fantasyland rides should be OK for her.
I didn't have any really bad experiences when I was at DLRP last year, other than when I nearly got knocked over in a character scrum for Eeyore!... I'm anticipating something going wrong at the end of the month though!! :lol:
Nearly getting hit with a falling tile off the castle in March. It was when the gales struck on the 10th March. It literally landed a few cm's from me, and the castle was quickly roped off after that.
Some suggested that I should have kept it as a souvenir, but I didn't really think about that at the time, I was more disappointed that the Princess meet and greet was cancelled. :lol:
when i went to DLP in 2005, it was my last day and my family and I decided to take one good last look at the park and went on Disneyland Railroad, however we decided to get off at Frontierland and go on Phantom Manor for the last time.....as i got off the train i smashed my head on the carriage door and had subsequently got concussion. i fainted and then was sick and bad and had too spend the rest of my time in the Discovery Arcade!!
but i still love the Disney RailRoad even if i did cause a rather large bump and bruise!
From my 2008 trip report:
QuoteAfter that we headed back over to Disneyland Park where we decided to go on Phantom Manor and here is the story of it in full.
We first of all we were in the queue line, just at the side of the manor with a slightly big queue behind us as well, when about 6 English youths around my age (14-16 my guess) just ran up the bank of Phantom Manor, jumped over the wooden fence and skipped everyone :x Then at the doors they started banging the door that was closed because there was another bunch of people in there for the stretch room but that didn't bother them. When we entered the manor they were talking and shouting non stop, even when the CM told them to be quiet, when we entered to stretch room things didn't improve, they we still shouting away, then when the CM told us to move to the center in french, they started saying "What she on about? What does that mean?", they were also told various by the CM to keep quiet by would they? No. They didn't actually shut up until the CM walked up to them and said "do you want to be put out?", but that still didn't stop them talking throughout the scene. Know if you think that is bad just wait until you here this. When we actually got on to the ride part they completely ruined it for everyone, shouting, spitting, yes spitting! I saw one of them spitting at the first aimatronic of Melanie and at one stage one of them was holding on to our doombuggy :x :x I was soo close to just hitting his hand to get him off, put i didn't, i knew that behind the scenes you are always watched. I couldn't stop think that all the time, effort and money WDI spent making PM this great was being ruined because of a few youths, now i know there are members around my age who was around the age of them, and i think they would agree with them when i say it is good to have a laugh with friends but there is a line not to cross, and they crossed it big time. Anyway back to the story. Towards the end of the ride where you exit the doombuggy via the
moving walkway, we were getting off the buggy but the walkway wasn't moving, the doombuggys were not moving and there was no CM standing by the controls, which was beeping with a big, flashing red light on it, we started walking out of the manor, filled with rage over them youths when we could hear one of them, "Get off of me!!" he was shouting, the CM at the end of the ride was dragging him back into the ride by the back of his neck, along with the rest of him, at first we thought that they pressed a button on the control panel, thus stopping the whole ride but then it clicked, security must of been watching them since the stretch room and then contacted the CM to stop them and probably ban them from going on PM again. When we left PM we headed over to the seating area beside the Mark Twain enterance because that's where my dad was (he didn't want to go on PM), just after telling him the story we seen the lot of them walking past us and not a sound from them, what ever the CM said to him i thank him so much for doing so.
We've had very few problems at the Park.
I have a son with a disability and, when he decided it was time to sleep (and we had forgotten our stroller and not bothered to hire one as he was getting older), we asked if we could hire one to take him back to the hotel. They explained that they couldn't leave the park and payed for a taxi for us!
That's service.
The two worst things that have happened was getting a Coke from Casey's which tasted rather funny and gave me a lot of tummy problems through the night (I think one of the salespersons had added "something of his own making" to it. Maybe he didn't like my face!).
The other annoying thing was a week ago at the Toad Hall Restaurant where we arrived an hour before closing.
They ran out of fish!
About half an hour later (only two people got served in that time), they ran out of fishburgers as well.
Eventually we had to shout "don't tell us what you haven't got, tell us what you HAVE got" and a very red-faced manageress said "chicken burgers only".
Everyone walked out.
We went to the Marionette instead and had Mickey burgers and chips.
Other problems have been trivial (like getting separated and ending up on opposite sides of the street during the parades).
Wish they'd decide which restaurant is open on what day though. All too often you get there and they say "closed at 4 today" when they were open at 6 the day before.
Well I've got one really horrible experience to tell and I apologise in advance for the yukkyness of the content...
On our first day in the park my hubby was messing around with the boys on the way back to the hotel and we were all taking different paths out of the park in front of DLH, he and my youngest son went for the far right hand path which winds around the pretty gardens, when we met up at the gate (next to where the bag check is) he told me that he had seen a big pile of poo on the path :shock: I didnt believe him but he was adamant that it was not mud or chocolate icecream etc.
We soon forgot about the moment but when we were leaving the park a few days later, once again we were racing and being silly about which path to take so I took the far right path and he said "ooh look out for the poo!" of course I thought he was being silly as it was bound to be cleared up, but when I walked up the path, sure enough there was a big turd on the edge of the path, with two or three wet wipes thrown onto the nearby flower borders :shock:
My worries are 1. Who on earth would do this? There are toilets just inside and just outside the park turnstyles, just going to the loo on the side of the path, even if it was a child, is disgusting! and 2. Why had it not been cleaned up since my husband first noticed it days earlier? :cry:
I dread to think how horrid it would be if a child had stepped in it etc. Yeuk!! :x some people have no respect for others! :evil:
Ewww that's terrible!!
I can't believe they hadn't cleaned it up!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
That is really gross! Not something I'd expect real human beings to do. I bet it was Mickey!
Well, it is rather disgusting. If you happend to take a pic you should probably send it to Disney. They must have very lazy maintainance staff.
Quote from: "MizzRabbit"That is really gross! Not something I'd expect real human beings to do. I bet it was Mickey!
Well, it is rather disgusting. If you happend to take a pic you should probably send it to Disney. They must have very lazy maintainance staff.
Maybe Mickey forgot to bring a bag with him when he took Pluto for a walk :wink:
If you thinks that's bad, the one and only time I stayed at Butlins, someone had pooed in the wardrobe !!! :?
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"If you thinks that's bad, the one and only time I stayed at Butlins, someone had pooed in the wardrobe !!! :?
Ooo that's sick!
But I couldn't help but laugh!
Why the wardrobe? lol
Surely there was a toilet within about 10steps away! lol
Its just terrible!
Quote from: "burntsienna"Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"If you thinks that's bad, the one and only time I stayed at Butlins, someone had pooed in the wardrobe !!! :?
Ooo that's sick!
But I couldn't help but laugh!
Why the wardrobe? lol
Surely there was a toilet within about 10steps away! lol
Its just terrible!
Hahaha! Reminds me of a camping trip I had last year! There were rumours going around that someone lived in the forest, so me and a group of kids went on a little expedition! We walked right round in this forest! We saw squirrels, an owl and a couple of bats, and one girl even found a snake (At which point I ran abck to my tent until she had gotton rid of it! XD) and we came across human poo... Loads of it, so we were convinced someone lived in the forest!
Then later while everyone was in the playground, this little girl yells "WHO WANTS TO SEE SOME POO?" and runs into the forest, and this guy that was pushing a kid on a baby swing goes "What, is she gonna go and do one?"
It was hilarious!!! But at the same time, disgusting!
But that is true, you shouldn't be doing that in the wardrobe! If that was me I'd have refused to go back in the room!
Hey peeps,
so my badest DLRP trip is the upcoming trip i can´t go...
my best friend promised me we can go and i can book, so
i did, now i paid everything and she just say i have to break it up and
give her the money back money back. This is the end of
a trip in DLRP for now :cry: :cry:
what a good friend hmmm???
Oh no, that is horrible :shock: !!!
Really sorry for you, lil-shawn!!!
Are you able to cancel it?? Have you called Disney yet? Because I know from a friend (who had to cancel because her son was ill) it was quite difficult... Of course she did cancel very last minute...
I hope your friend has a good reason, I would be really really upset if someone did that to me [-( !
Once again, really sorry for your bad news :(
QuoteOh no, that is horrible !!!
Really sorry for you, lil-shawn!!!
Are you able to cancel it?? Have you called Disney yet? Because I know from a friend (who had to cancel because her son was ill) it was quite difficult... Of course she did cancel very last minute...
I hope your friend has a good reason, I would be really really upset if someone did that to me !
Once again, really sorry for your bad news
Thank u, yeah it´s really horrible...
i did canceld it today without any problems... i had a travel insurance...
hmm i don´t know if its a good reason she have, the thing is i gave her to her birthday 200 euros, so she had to give me 180 for the rest but what she did is to buy a lot of new stuff
for the appartment ect. now she dont have any money anymore and i don´t give her any cent for this trip.... i´m really upset with her and she feel it, i don´t talk to her and dont write her...
So i have a lil light on this dark tunnel, maybe my family will go with me on December :D/
all my disney trips have been good. No real majour bad things. The only thing that really has ticked me off a bit every now and then.
People who let their Kids run SCREAMING AND JUMPING along the corridor of the hotels late at night, after comig back from the restuarants and village etc.
...Now sometimes this isn't kids and just noisey adults People need to learn respect. Their are people in the rooms potentially sleeping and the last thing you want is 'Mr. I think i'll knock on all the doors as i go along the corridor' Waking everyone up. Heck When i go along the corridors i just walk and talk quietly. I know little kids can get exicted but adults need to tell them to shut up...as for the adults well they just need a slap in the face..
The one that makes me sooo angry is the queue jumping, especially, as mention earlier on Pirates and Space Mountain. :evil:
It's partly down to bad design and partly just plain rude people! There is a point in the Space Mountain queue where you could fit at least eight people side to side. Theres only two of us so it makes it really difficult to stop people jumping.
Once a couple of French teenagers had gone past my fiance so he put his arm up on the wall to stop them. We they just started pushing my back so I shot them my best evils :evil: and stood firm. A couple of minutes later I turn round to see that I've been pushed completely away from my fiance. I tried to get back to him but this one girl (who was the main pusher) had the cheek to not let me pass and blocked my way. I checked there were no kids around before telling her in no uncertain terms where to go and I'm half ashamed/half proud to say I elbowed her in the ribs really hard. I'd just simply had enough of people pushing me through the whole trip and I wasn't going to take it anymore. It doesn't help that I'm a bit claustrophobic, especially in big crowds, but normally I'm ok in Disneyland.
We then reached the turnstile, which is another bad fault, having such a wide queue path that funnels down to one at a time and often I've seen people crushed. As we were trying to get through some of the group tried getting ahead of us again but the girl stopped them so I think I must have got her pretty hard.
I was so angry during the last part of the queue that I thought my legs would give way, I was shaking like a leaf. I've never been remotely violent before and I am ashamed of what I did.
It also makes you have to stand uncomfortably close to the person in front of just to make sure no one dives in the gap!
Quote from: "RnRCj"Once I was riding Space Mountain. As it launched me and my dad felt water hitting our face. We wondered what it was, and it kept happening throughout the whole ride. Then it came to us that two French teenagers sitting in front of us were spitting, and it's not very pleasant having other peoples spit on your face! When we arrived back at the station the Cast members asked if we wanted to go again. We told them about the people in front of us and they got chucked off the ride!
That is just extremely disgusting I can't believe hoe rude people can be
My least pleasurable experience at DLRP was probably the end of Animagique when Mickey starts singing "la la, la la" in a really girly, out-of-character way. That was very upsetting :-)
One trip I remember from my last trip was during the queue for ToT.
Very bad.
A couple of Frence lads, maybe in their early 20's, were smoking alot in the queue line. To make it worse, the queue line wasn't moving and by the time it did the whole area I was in was covered in smoke. Their was no wind aswell to blow the smoke away!!!
Many other people felt the same way as I did. Is their no ban of smoking in public places ban in France?
I've only had one bad experience during our trip last year, which was the Breakfast at the Cheyenne Hotel.
At 7:30 in the Morning, I am not at all awake enough to fight with other people for food! :D
The Place was packed, not one free seat and everybody in Panic that they weren't gonna get enough food, even though the Buffet was stacked! I was being pushed and shoved even though I had a tray in my hand, people leaning over me to get milk for their cereal and spilling half of it on me... some lady leaned over my tray to get orange jucie (it was actually "my turn", I had been q-ing nicely... :wink: ) and then spilled all of it over my breakfast before pushing me out of the way to fill about 8 Glasses with Juice (they sat next to us afterwards. She drank about 2 Glasses, her Friend had one, the rest was left on the table).
It was unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. People were acting like they weren't gonna get anything to eat anymore for the next 5 Days!
Thank God, the next Day we had Breakfast at the Park.
Other than that I had no Problems ever in the Parks. I haven't been shoved or pushed or experienced q-jumping or any Problems at the Parades. After reading this Thread, I guess I must be pretty lucky!
The only other thing that really bothers me is to see how rude and poorly mannered Children behave towards the Characters. I would have never expected that.
Quote from: "Catalina"I've only had one bad experience during our trip last year, which was the Breakfast at the Cheyenne Hotel.
At 7:30 in the Morning, I am not at all awake enough to fight with other people for food! :D
The Place was packed, not one free seat and everybody in Panic that they weren't gonna get enough food, even though the Buffet was stacked! I was being pushed and shoved even though I had a tray in my hand, people leaning over me to get milk for their cereal and spilling half of it on me... some lady leaned over my tray to get orange jucie (it was actually "my turn", I had been q-ing nicely... :wink: ) and then spilled all of it over my breakfast before pushing me out of the way to fill about 8 Glasses with Juice (they sat next to us afterwards. She drank about 2 Glasses, her Friend had one, the rest was left on the table).
It was unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. People were acting like they weren't gonna get anything to eat anymore for the next 5 Days!
Thank God, the next Day we had Breakfast at the Park.
Other than that I had no Problems ever in the Parks. I haven't been shoved or pushed or experienced q-jumping or any Problems at the Parades. After reading this Thread, I guess I must be pretty lucky!
The only other thing that really bothers me is to see how rude and poorly mannered Children behave towards the Characters. I would have never expected that.
You should of thrown your food at that women when she was siting next to you x
People have no patience nowadays . YOU were first in line and its their loss x
recently i was staying at the DLH castle club and the person cleaning the room knocked my laptop over and the screen got broken when we complained they said they ll pay for the fixing even though they had no proof it wasn't broken before
i remember my sister was with me she had just graduated from a hotel management college and she insisted that complaining wouldn't do me any good but would certainly land me in the black list
Fortunately during the night i had a feeling that i should ignore her advice and complain so i did when i got back to our room she had woken up she was like you did it right?
My worst experience in DLP was when I was like 6 years old. I was there with my mom. I was a little child and I really wanted to go in Le Carrousel de Lancelot. So we waited for some time and I had already picked out which horse I wanted to ride. So we rushed over to that horse and while my mother was putting me on the horse, an other lady (in mid 30's/40's) pushed me off the horse and climbed on it! I mean, you're freaking 30/40 years old! I thought that was really rude.
I also really hate like schooltrips. While we were waiting for the Phantom Manor there was like a schooltrip from I don't know which country. But they were annoying as hell. They were singing and clapping, and they pushed you because they were just jumping around.
I also had one time we were waiting in a queue for a character meeting, and we already waited an hour. When we finally were one of the first in line, the characters took a break! I know people need breaks, but when you are waiting for so long... And they said you could come back in an hour... We practically wasted an hour.
But apart from that, we really enjoy our stays in DLP