http://www.dlrptoday.com/2012/03/29/new ... 00-photos/ (http://www.dlrptoday.com/2012/03/29/new-book-disneyland-paris-20-years-of-dreams-coming-in-april-with-500-photos/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
the book that is mentioned in the above link is of great interest to me and we would like to purchase one of these for my fathers birthday in May - however none of us are visiting DLP untill June.
Does anyone know if i can buy this online?
Has anyone seen this in the park?
Is anyone going soon that could maybe pick one up for me?
Thank you
They are taking orders via their mail order service. Details from DLRP Magic (//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/guidebook/practical/officialcontacts/#4):
Tel: +33 (0) 1 64 74 48 48
Fax: +33 (0) 1 64 74 46 09
Email: dlp.pintrading.mail.order@disney.com (mailto:dlp.pintrading.mail.order@disney.com) for pins
Euro Disney S.C.A.
Service Clientèle Produits (Mail Order)
BP 100
77777 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 4
Thank you
If you were to email them, what would you say? Something along the lines of "I want to order a book" and your payment details?
I sent them an email saying I would like to buy the 20th anniversary book and asked if they could tell me how much the total would be (incl shipping) and provide me with details on how to pay. I did read that you could write them a mail with the items you would like to have and include your creditcard number and it will be taken care of. I would like to get some sort of confirmation first though before I give them my cc number.
No reply just yet, but I only sent it this afternoon. :)
Quote from: "PirateSteve"They are taking orders via their mail order service. Details from DLRP Magic (//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/guidebook/practical/officialcontacts/#4):
Tel: +33 (0) 1 64 74 48 48
Fax: +33 (0) 1 64 74 46 09
Email: dlp.pintrading.mail.order@disney.com (mailto:dlp.pintrading.mail.order@disney.com) for pins
Euro Disney S.C.A.
Service Clientèle Produits (Mail Order)
BP 100
77777 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 4
I tried dialling that telephone number and it came up unobtainable??? Has anyone else been able to reach mail order?? thanks
I've just received an email back from them. I'm paying via Debit Card. If you want to try doing it via email, just tell them the name of the product and they'll send an email back to you explaining the details that they need.
There's a shipping charge of 10.82€, by the way. :(
Quote from: "Josh"I've just received an email back from them. I'm paying via Debit Card. If you want to try doing it via email, just tell them the name of the product and they'll send an email back to you explaining the details that they need.
There's a shipping charge of 10.82€, by the way. :(
That's brilliant - thank you! :thumbs: How long did you have to wait before they e mailed you back?? thanks - so desperate to get my hands on this book! [-o<
Quote from: "aliscrapper"Quote from: "Josh"I've just received an email back from them. I'm paying via Debit Card. If you want to try doing it via email, just tell them the name of the product and they'll send an email back to you explaining the details that they need.
There's a shipping charge of 10.82€, by the way. :(
That's brilliant - thank you! :thumbs: How long did you have to wait before they e mailed you back?? thanks - so desperate to get my hands on this book! [-o<
I e-mailed them yesterday evening and got a reply at 3pm today, so it shouldn't take that long :D
EXCITED to get the book too :D/
I emailed them Sunday evening, so yeah, it should take just a day. :)
Thanks Josh and Forza_United - that's brilliant - off to e mail them! Looks like an amazing book!!! :D/ :D/
They also replied around 2.30pm this afternoon and the order is confirmed! Now let the waiting game begin... shipping will be within 10 days, so just a bit more patience is required! :-"
Got my order confirmed today too! Absolutely can't wait. :mrgreen:
I emailed the Mail Order Service in French but in classic Disneyland Paris style got a reply in English, haha. Here's the reply you'll get:
QuoteGood morning,
Thank you for your e-mail and your interest for Disneyland Paris products.
Regarding your request, 20th anniversary book is available at 49.99€
Should you wish to place a mail order, please send the following information :
- Name
- Delivery address
- Phone number
- Credit card number, expired date and 3 last digits on the back of the card.
(from a Visa, Mastercard/Eurocard, or American Express card)
The delivery delay is 10 days upon confirmation of your order along with the payment.
Shipping and handling charges by DHL to Europe are 10.82€.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any further information
Kind regards,
I presume you could save time and send them all that information in your first email, although if you don't want to email your credit card details you'll need to phone anyway. Note that they only accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express (although that includes Visa Debit luckily).
€10.82 isn't
too bad for shipping, although with our terrible exchange rate and no AP discount that just cost me £49.74. Gulp. Maybe I should have tried to sponge a free review copy for DLRP Today? ;)
I got the same e mail as Anthony this morning and have e mailed payment and delivery details. just waiting for DLP to confirm they have put thru my order for the book. How long did it take for people to get the confirmation e mail that it had been despatched - can't wait to get my hands on it! Thanks :thumbs:
I sent my details late last night and got the order confirmation at 2.30pm today, so they're pretty quick!
They say "The shipment will take place within 15 days by DHL", so it might still be a bit of a wait yet. :-)
Quote from: "Anthony"I sent my details late last night and got the order confirmation at 2.30pm today, so they're pretty quick!
Thanks! Hopefully I should get a confirmation e mail tomorrow! :D/
They say "The shipment will take place within 15 days by DHL", so it might still be a bit of a wait yet. :-)
From what I've seen I'm sure it will be worth the wait! :D Altho I will be at the door every time the postie comes in anticipation! lol!
Quote from: "Anthony"€10.82 isn't too bad for shipping, although with our terrible exchange rate and no AP discount that just cost me £49.74. Gulp. Maybe I should have tried to sponge a free review copy for DLRP Today? ;)
Is this what it's like when you start becoming a serious Disney Parks fan? I think I've spent £150 on three books in this year! I'm not doing that again. xD
Now it's just a race to see which will get here first: this one or "DLP: From Sketch to Reality".
Quote from: "Josh"Quote from: "Anthony"€10.82 isn't too bad for shipping, although with our terrible exchange rate and no AP discount that just cost me £49.74. Gulp. Maybe I should have tried to sponge a free review copy for DLRP Today? ;)
Is this what it's like when you start becoming a serious Disney Parks fan? I think I've spent £150 on three books in this year! I'm not doing that again. xD
Me too! :thumbs:
Now it's just a race to see which will get here first: this one or "DLP: From Sketch to Reality".
I wonder whether we might get both this book and from sketch to reality within a short time of one another?? I've already warned DH that I will have my head in one or both books as soon as they arrive; especially with our impending trip on the 5th June. :D/
I also got a reply really fast, confirming that the book can be ordered! :)
Have not had a shipping confirmation yet though. :(
Just received confirmation of my order for the book:
"Good afternoon,
I acknowledge receipt of your order for:
- 1 20 th anniversary book at 49.99€
Shipping charges: 10.82€
Total of order: 60.81€
The shipment will take place within 15 days by DHL.
Many thanks, have a great day.
Best regards,
Quote from: "Anthony"€10.82 isn't too bad for shipping, although with our terrible exchange rate and no AP discount that just cost me £49.74. Gulp. Maybe I should have tried to sponge a free review copy for DLRP Today? ;)
What do you mean, terrible exchange rate? Changing pounds into euros is
much better these days: terrible is what it is when you've got euros and have to pay for something in pounds, as we've just experienced on a trip back to the UK!
I also got a confirmation today, shipping within 15 days, can't wait! :D
So has anyone seen a copy of the book yet?
I'm also waiting for mine to be delivered, 15 days seems such a long time!!!!
Some images can be found on this Blog:
http://www.titash.net/blog/disneyland-p ... of-dreams/ (http://www.titash.net/blog/disneyland-paris-20-years-of-dreams/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Quote from: "Herc Fan"Some images can be found on this Blog:
http://www.titash.net/blog/disneyland-p ... of-dreams/ (http://www.titash.net/blog/disneyland-paris-20-years-of-dreams/%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
Oh wow! Thanks for the link! :thumbs: Can't wait til mine is delivered! :D
Wow, it takes them 15 days now? Last week it was 'only' 10. Could that be because the book/20th anniversary merch in general is popular or some other reason?
Quote from: "DutchBrit"What do you mean, terrible exchange rate? Changing pounds into euros is much better these days: terrible is what it is when you've got euros and have to pay for something in pounds, as we've just experienced on a trip back to the UK!
I'm pretty sure it still works out far worse for us compared to how the two historically matched. At €49.99, this book should really have a value closer to £32.99 or less (similar to the 192-page Walt Disney Imagineering book), but in fact I'll be paying at least £40.67.
Got mine this weekend. Disapointed I could not use my annual pass discount. The book was NOT displayed in any of the stores I looked. I asked in the Emporium and was directed to the Storybook Store where again I had to ask and they had them behind the cashdesk, not actually on display.
It worked out just over £40 - expensive but it is a lovely book and I don't personally buy a lot of merchandise usually
Quote from: "Anthony"I'm pretty sure it still works out far worse for us compared to how the two historically matched. At €49.99, this book should really have a value closer to £32.99 or less (similar to the 192-page Walt Disney Imagineering book), but in fact I'll be paying at least £40.67.
But the pound is currently higher than it's been for at least a couple of years against the euro, if not ever. So I'm not sure you would
ever have got a 50 euro book for much less than you are paying now and at certain times, it would have been much nearer to 50 pounds. It was almost 1 pound= 1 euro a couple of christmases back, I remember.
What is true is that prices are rising faster in the eurozone, but that doesn't have anything to do with the exchange rate per se.
I'm still undecided as to whether I want one. Well, I obviously want one, but the price is very high for a book. I'm a little disappointed that they seem to have used marketing images for the 2012 pages and I'm hoping that's just because it was written before the 20th Anniversary and not indicative of the book as a whole. Also, being in French and English there is not going to be a great deal to read. While photos are nice, I'd like a good chunk of text to go with it, like From Sketch to Reality.
I'll be there in 4 days, and knowing me I will end up buying a copy. I had intended to order a copy via mail order but have been having second thoughts!
Got paid Monday so I quickly sent an email off to mail order, got a reply 8am this morning so I've sent off my details now. Just waiting for a confirmation! I agree Steve, it is quite a lot of money especially with the shipping, but think of it this way; give it a few years and you could probably flog it on ebay for twice what you bought it :P
Just a quick note for Dutchbrit, several years ago the pound bought over 1.3 nearly, 1.4 Euros! so we have a way to go before we reach the best exchange rate ever!
Quote from: "captain rocket"Just a quick note for Dutchbrit, several years ago the pound bought over 1.3 nearly, 1.4 Euros! so we have a way to go before we reach the best exchange rate ever!
Definitely! I went in 2002 and it was 1.5 Euro to a pound!
Quote from: "aliscrapper"Quote from: "captain rocket"Just a quick note for Dutchbrit, several years ago the pound bought over 1.3 nearly, 1.4 Euros! so we have a way to go before we reach the best exchange rate ever!
Definitely! I went in 2002 and it was 1.5 Euro to a pound!
Uh-huh. And so, when the rate was at it's best, 10 years ago, a 50 euro book would still have cost over 35 pounds. A couple of years ago a 50 euro book would have cost you about 48 pounds. And now it will cost about 40. So I can't see how the current exchange rate can be considered "terrible".
Well it's certainly a lot less terrible, but not as good as it should be.
Quote from: "Josh"Well it's certainly a lot less terrible, but not as good as it should be.
I wasn't aware that there is any "should" when it comes to exchange rates. High is good in some ways, bad in others.
Anyway, you in the UK had your turn to moan about exchange rates a couple of years ago: it's us in the eurozone's turn now.
Quote from: "pinkboxers"I sent them an email saying I would like to buy the 20th anniversary book and asked if they could tell me how much the total would be (incl shipping) and provide me with details on how to pay. I did read that you could write them a mail with the items you would like to have and include your creditcard number and it will be taken care of. I would like to get some sort of confirmation first though before I give them my cc number.
No reply just yet, but I only sent it this afternoon. :)
I emailed Disney regardiing the book and received an email following day with details of payment and shipping.
below is the email received from Disney.
DLP.MAIL.ORDER@disney.com27 Apr (6 days agos)
Good morning,
Thank you for your e-mail and your interest for Disneyland Paris products.
Regarding your request, 20th anniversary book is available at 49.99€
Should you wish to place a mail order, please send the following information :
- Name
- Delivery address
- Phone number
- Credit card number, expired date and 3 last digits on the back of the card.
(from a Visa, Mastercard/Eurocard, or American Express card)
The delivery delay is 10 days upon confirmation of your order along with the payment.
Shipping and handling charges by DHL to Europe are 10.82€.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any further information
Kind regards,
Disneyland Paris. Mail order service
Bâtiment Merlin BP 100 - Marne La Vallée
77777 Cedex 04 - France
Quote from: "DutchBrit"Quote from: "Josh"Well it's certainly a lot less terrible, but not as good as it should be.
I wasn't aware that there is any "should" when it comes to exchange rates. High is good in some ways, bad in others.
Anyway, you in the UK had your turn to moan about exchange rates a couple of years ago: it's us in the eurozone's turn now.
Sorry, I must have missed that memo!
But just to point out, if this had been a "15 Years of Dreams" book and I'd bought it in April 2007 it would have cost £34.14 (check the historical rates on XE.com), so I think £40.60 isn't great. As Josh says, a lot less terrible than it has been, though perhaps you took my original "terrible" a bit too strongly anyway.
If we're being pedantic, your own comment "terrible is what it is when you've got euros and have to pay for something in pounds" doesn't stack up at all, as you're still getting a pretty good deal when you look at the real value of things. Not as good a deal as just after the crash, when the UK became like a discount outlet mall to anyone with a Euro bank account, but still better than we've ever had. I agree there's no definite way exchange rates
must be matched, but looking at the relative pricing of things it's still clear that €1
should equal around £0.66 and not upwards of £0.81. It's precisely this reason that the percentage of visitors at DLP coming from the UK has fallen to an all-time low.
Anyway, I think the money finally left my bank account today (that or I was massively overcharged for a tub of Ben & Jerry's), so hopefully the mail orders are on their way!
If you really want to purchase the book then why moan about price and exchange rates.
Quote from: "mickeyspal"If you really want to purchase the book then why moan about price and exchange rates.
Because we like to have a moan, in this forum. xD
But it's the same reason why we go to DLP, even though the exchange rate isn't great and everything is overpriced. It's our second home, and we're mad enough to buy whatever it throws at us, no matter how much we complain.
Quote from: "mickeyspal"If you really want to purchase the book then why moan about price and exchange rates.
Sigh... my original post was actually a light-hearted comment on the price:
Quote from: "Anthony"€10.82 isn't too bad for shipping, although with our terrible exchange rate and no AP discount that just cost me £49.74. Gulp. Maybe I should have tried to sponge a free review copy for DLRP Today? ;)
Don't blame me that someone spun a throwaway comment into a discussion about exchange rates!
In other news: ordered on April 23, confirmed on April 24, arrived JUST NOW!
Received my book today via DHL - chuffed to bits with it and money well worth spent! :D/
Have'nt received my copy yet, but the money has gone out of my account 68.81 euros exchange rate 1.201779 £50.60 debitted and I don't care about all the conversations on exchange rates etc and agree with Anthony that the rate has been very poor in the UK and has affected the amount I spend at Disney, but not the frequency of my visits! Whatever way you spin it, £50 is a lot of money so the book had better be worth it!!
I just got mine, too! Looks like most people who ordered early have one, now.
And it seems great! I'm surprised there's even a foreword by Tom Staggs, as well. It's in a similar style to the book WDI published recently, titled "Walt Disney Imagineering".
An "extremely urgent" delivery here too! I should think so!
(//http://p.twimg.com/AsD_eAnCAAAaevv.jpg:medium) (//http://p.twimg.com/AsD_eAnCAAAaevv.jpg:large)
(//http://p.twimg.com/AsECPWcCAAAG1Qd.jpg:medium) (//http://p.twimg.com/AsECPWcCAAAG1Qd.jpg:large)
(//http://p.twimg.com/AsEEzX4CAAEB9rw.jpg:medium) (//http://p.twimg.com/AsEEzX4CAAEB9rw.jpg:large)
(//http://p.twimg.com/AsEFxr1CAAAv_jR.jpg:medium) (//http://p.twimg.com/AsEFxr1CAAAv_jR.jpg:large)
(//http://p.twimg.com/AsEHY71CEAEEUtq.jpg:medium) (//http://p.twimg.com/AsEHY71CEAEEUtq.jpg:large)
Fantastic book, well worth the price for any fan. Very much the "what happened next" after From Sketch to Reality and incredibly comprehensive, covering all aspects and areas of the resort from parks to hotels, Disney Village, Val d'Europe, partner hotels and even a few pages on Villages Nature at the end. By fans, for fans.
So glad you like it, Anthony!
What I love about it is that it's so honest. It's not saying that everything has gone perfectly, but it still gets across all the great things that have happened in the past 20 years.
That's exactly what we wanted to do. Thanks, Josh!
I would love a copy of this book!
Does anyone know if copies are still available? Is it worth me dropping them an email?
Quote from: "Philharmagic"That's exactly what we wanted to do. Thanks, Josh!
Thanks. :)
Quote from: "kittywomble"Does anyone know if copies are still available? Is it worth me dropping them an email?
There'll be enough copies to last over a year. It's definitely worth getting. :D
Thank you for the quick reply. I've emailed and am ready to part with my cash!
I always go to DLP with my sister - I can't wait to see her face when I tell her about it!
Quote from: "Anthony"Fantastic book, well worth the price for any fan. Very much the "what happened next" after From Sketch to Reality and incredibly comprehensive, covering all aspects and areas of the resort from parks to hotels, Disney Village, Val d'Europe, partner hotels and even a few pages on Villages Nature at the end. By fans, for fans.
Thanks! :oops:
I've worked on this book with Jérémie and you'll be happy to learn that Eurosouvenirland.com has been a great resource to help us shape the graphic design of each year! ;)
Just got my copy and am very impressed with the contents. Only gripe I have, its overpriced! My opinion is that it should be at least 10 euros cheaper. Will settle down to enjoy it now I have got that off my chest!
I have also received my copy, and I love it!
Great book, every Disneyland fan should own this. :thumbs:
Quote from: "Grandmath"Quote from: "Anthony"Fantastic book, well worth the price for any fan. Very much the "what happened next" after From Sketch to Reality and incredibly comprehensive, covering all aspects and areas of the resort from parks to hotels, Disney Village, Val d'Europe, partner hotels and even a few pages on Villages Nature at the end. By fans, for fans.
Thanks! :oops:
I've worked on this book with Jérémie and you'll be happy to learn that Eurosouvenirland.com has been a great resource to help us shape the graphic design of each year! ;)
Wow, really! I was actually already planning to write a review of the book as one of the first posts on the upcoming Euro Souvenirland blog, so that's a guarantee now. ;)
But what I wouldn't give for the access to the archives you must have had for this project! As the Parcorama blog review (//http://parcorama.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/review-new-disneyland-paris-book-20-years-of-dreams/) says, it's impressive how many unseen things there are in the book. It's feels genuinely new.
And it really is great to see the very strong, unique, original graphic design being rediscovered like this in the pages of the book. Hopefully as the resort ages more, it'll be celebrated even more in the same way Disneyland celebrates its 1950s designs (in the refurbished Disneyland Hotel for example).
Are there French and English versions of the book? Or just one version with both languages?
Also I'm going to DLP in December do you think there will still be copies available?
Quote from: "spicy"Are there French and English versions of the book? Or just one version with both languages?
Book is one version with both English and French.
Also I'm going to DLP in December do you think there will still be copies available?
Not sure. I bought my copy thru DLP Mail Order as I knew I would be dissappointed if I could not get a copy when I'm there at the beginning of next month.
Quote from: "spicy"Also I'm going to DLP in December do you think there will still be copies available?
It depends on how popular it is. If I was in your position, I'd get it now, but it's up to you. :)
Quote from: "Josh"Quote from: "spicy"Also I'm going to DLP in December do you think there will still be copies available?
It depends on how popular it is. If I was in your position, I'd get it now, but it's up to you. :)
I second that motion
My book has just arrived, quick look through and it looks great; some photos have brought back memories of earlier visits to DLP. Looking forward to going home from work so I can have a proper read of it.:D/
Out of curiosity what are the book dimensions and thickness.. :?: Also how many pages.. :?:
It's about 2.5 cm and has 196 pages (if you also count the front and back covers).
Quote from: "Josh"It's about 2.5 cm and has 196 pages (if you also count the front and back covers).
Thanks for that Josh, could you tell me what the books height and width is aswell.. :)
Quote from: "Javey74"Quote from: "Josh"It's about 2.5 cm and has 196 pages (if you also count the front and back covers).
Thanks for that Josh, could you tell me what is the books height and width.. :)
Lol. Sorry. I forgot about that. XD I'll check tomorrow (if no one beats me to it), but it's about 1.5 times the size of an A4 piece of paper.
EDIT: 33 cm x 21 cm
I bought mine in the Storybook Store last Sunday and left it sealed until yesterday, when I made a video of me opening it and what's it like inside:
Thanks for posting. Wow, I'm going to buy the 20th book, like the retro merchandise.
Brilliant you tube Steve - thanks for posting it up - even DH was looking at all the yummy merchandise you brought back and he's not as into DLP as I am. Just sent you an e mail with a query over where you found the 20th anniversary pins (like the chip and dale one you got) and DH is after a canvas and wondered the best shop to find them and whether there were any other designs?? Thanks
Just nosticed you spent your honeymoon at the Sequoia Lodge - we spent our honeymoon there 2 years back - hoping for a flash sale soon to make a stay there more affordable!
Was going to reply to your email but I'll reply here in case the answers help anyone else :)
The 20th Anniversary pins, the ones featuring either Mickey, Minnie, Chip/Dale or Tinkerbell were everywhere, even the hotel shops. The standard 20th Anniversary logo pin was also everywhere and plentiful.
I saw the Canvas in the Walt Disney Studios Store in the Front Lot of Walt Disney Studios. It was 70€ and was absolutely gorgeous. I only saw that one design and if I'd been driving I'd have bought it. Just no way I could have taken it back on the Eurostar.
The merchandise was a two story tale - some of it looked like junk but some of it looked really nice and very classy. The quality of my t-shirt from the Signature range was far better than previous t-shirts I have bought and is really nice and soft.
I loved the Retro range but would need a car to take home a lot of the stuff I wanted.
Was the music from the new parade for sale, I guess it was? i collect.
No it wasn't, in fact all CDs have been taken out of the Storybook Store today. Latest rumour for the new CD I have been told is summer, but that could be more speculation than fact.
Quote from: "PirateSteve"Was going to reply to your email but I'll reply here in case the answers help anyone else :)
The 20th Anniversary pins, the ones featuring either Mickey, Minnie, Chip/Dale or Tinkerbell were everywhere, even the hotel shops. The standard 20th Anniversary logo pin was also everywhere and plentiful.
I saw the Canvas in the Walt Disney Studios Store in the Front Lot of Walt Disney Studios. It was 70€ and was absolutely gorgeous. I only saw that one design and if I'd been driving I'd have bought it. Just no way I could have taken it back on the Eurostar.
The merchandise was a two story tale - some of it looked like junk but some of it looked really nice and very classy. The quality of my t-shirt from the Signature range was far better than previous t-shirts I have bought and is really nice and soft.
I loved the Retro range but would need a car to take home a lot of the stuff I wanted.
That's brilliant! Thanks Steve! :thumbs: I bought a couple of the 20th anniversary pins recently on e bay and wanted to buy the two of the collection I haven't managed to get yet. :D
We're going by Eurostar unfortunately as neither of us drive; but if DH sees one he likes; maybe we can pick a canvas up on our way out and have plenty of bubble wrap on us to put around it. I'm so sad but I have a bag of bubble wrap that I collect over the year purely for the purpose of getting stuff home from DLP on the Eurostar!
I've noticed that with DLP merchandise - some of it is great but some of it lacking in quality. I think I might definitely buy the signature t shirt you bought as I love the classic design of it!
Quote from: "PirateSteve"No it wasn't, in fact all CDs have been taken out of the Storybook Store today. Latest rumour for the new CD I have been told is summer, but that could be more speculation than fact.
Oh no!!! Hope it'll be there by the time we go at the beginning of June - I so want to have "Magic Everywhere" on my MP3 - that way DH will get some respite from me playing it thru my computer! :D/
@ PirateSteve.
Thanks. I hope the CD will be there in tiime for my visit.
Quote from: "Josh"Quote from: "Javey74"Quote from: "Josh"It's about 2.5 cm and has 196 pages (if you also count the front and back covers).
Thanks for that Josh, could you tell me what is the books height and width.. :)
Lol. Sorry. I forgot about that. XD I'll check tomorrow (if no one beats me to it), but it's about 1.5 times the size of an A4 piece of paper.
EDIT: 33 cm x 21 cm
Thanks for that Josh.. ;) :D
Quote from: "PirateSteve"I bought mine in the Storybook Store last Sunday and left it sealed until yesterday, when I made a video of me opening it and what's it like inside:
Great info video PirateSteve, now I know what it like inside. Seeing that I'm definitely going to purchase it.. :D
I sent an email on the 22nd April to DLP Mail-Order just after it was released to ask the price at the time which we know is 49.99 Euros, plus shipping of 10.82 Euros. It's all ready just to put my credit card details in. I'll have to make a move on it now. I hope they pack it well.. [-o<
For those who have the book in the Uk and ordered via mail order, how long did delivery take for you personally? I know they say 10 days...
Quote from: "gldc"For those who have the book in the Uk and ordered via mail order, how long did delivery take for you personally? I know they say 10 days...
I think I received mine in just under the 10 days. :thumbs:
Quote from: "aliscrapper"Quote from: "gldc"For those who have the book in the Uk and ordered via mail order, how long did delivery take for you personally? I know they say 10 days...
I think I received mine in just under the 10 days. :thumbs:
Hi, I ordered mine 27/4/12, arrived 11/5/12 :D
my goodness im gonna need so much spending money for my june trip :lol: i love the idea in the comments on steves video - to get the characters to sign the book!!
Just ordered...good job because now:
"The shipment will take place within 15 days by DHL."
I was at Disneyland Paris last weekend, and I didn't see this book out or displayed in any of the shops. I'm sure they had it in stock, but they were making no effort to "sell" it.
Sorry, but how did you know they didn't have it in stock, did you ask for a copy? You say they were making no effort to sell it. I was hoping to buy it in July, I hope it hasn't already sold out.
It was out on display in The Disney Gallery in Disney Village and was also on display on the counter in both the Storybook Store in Disneyland Park and the Walt Disney Studios Store in WDS when we were there from 6th - 10th May. I can understand it not being on general display as its a high priced item that will get easily damaged if left unmonitored.
I've often noticed in the Storybook Store they usually have an old copy of a book out on display for people to thumb through.
MIne arrived today, spot on 10 days for delivery.. :D
Cannot wait to start reading it.. :D/
Got the book today. Very impressive, lovely pictures, nice info (Same franglais in there unfortunately) but a tad pricey!
However, it just makes me even more hopeful about what they can achieve in the next twenty years, as they say...this is only the start!
Number 1 priority on my buying list when I visit DLRP in September! :D
It will still be available then right?
This book looks great, and all of these reviews are certainly positive. I'm considering a purchse, but my shipping cost is 31 euros. Does that seem really high to anyone, or is that what I should expect with this? Thanks!
Where do you live? The shipping cost for my copy (UK) was 10.82 euros.
I'm in North Carolina, USA.
Then the price does seem excessive to me, the problem being that Disney don't use the mail service, they use DHL I think and this is obviously more expensive than normal postage. At least you know it will arrive with a courier! My personal opinion is that the book is overpriced in the first instance and although it is good enough it isn't a book that I can't put down unlike From Dream to Reality which is a cracking read! Hope you enjoy it if you go ahead with the purchase!
Bought my copy on my trip last week - I saw it on display in the Storybook store on the Wed but not the Friday - Saw it in the Gallery Store in WDS and also in the Gallery shop and general Disney Store in the Village.
I didn't know I couldn't get even Dream discount so I had to pay the full price but it is worth it! I cannot wait to read through and learn more about the park - but yeah, it is pricey - but the quality is perfect.
I think every avid Disneyland go-er should have a copy. :thumbs:
Im hoping to buy one on my next trip in December and being an autograph collector of many many years (celebrities not just Disney characters lol) Im planning on getting the book signed by the characters at the various meets and greets with any luck.
Quote from: "jonathan"Im hoping to buy one on my next trip in December and being an autograph collector of many many years (celebrities not just Disney characters lol) Im planning on getting the book signed by the characters at the various meets and greets with any luck.
Lets hope your book still ends up in one piece after that.. :o
My daughters autograph book got torn between Captain Hook and Smee on our trip earlier this year.. :shock:
I would probably do it in a more controlled environment like the Meet Mickey Mouse attraction or the Character breakfast in the Empire State Loung, Character Dinner in Inventions etc rather than the free for alls when they appear in the park but thanks for your good wishes! lol I still have my autograph book from WDW in 1992 intact so I hope I can keep it safe
Quote from: "jonathan"I would probably do it in a more controlled environment like the Meet Mickey Mouse attraction or the Character breakfast in the Empire State Loung, Character Dinner in Inventions etc rather than the free for alls when they appear in the park but thanks for your good wishes! lol I still have my autograph book from WDW in 1992 intact so I hope I can keep it safe
Yeah, it makes sense for a controlled enviroment, good luck.. :D
Being the author of 20 Years of Dreams, I'm glad to invite you all for a Meeting and Book Signing Friday, July 13th at the 1st floor of Restaurant en Coulisse (Studio 1, Walt Disney Studios Park) at 5:15pm.
Mathias Dugoujon, the head of project, should be also present.
I look forward to meeting you there!
I wish I could have gone. It would have been great to get it signed. :)
Awesome. :D So what was your favourite thing that you discovered in the archives?
Many different things, actually. For instance, some of Michael Eisner's professional correspondence. Dozens of letters from the late 80s about the construction details of the Park. Many photos of events and places from the early days. Many internal documents on the attractions, mainly storylines, with every detail treated like I had never read before. Amazing documents!