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World of Disney => Disney & Co. => Topic started by: Sulley on April 15, 2012, 12:42:51 PM

Title: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: Sulley on April 15, 2012, 12:42:51 PM
Do you think Disney will release movies like dinosaur, chicken little, bolt etc on blu ray again but only with the classic no. on the side, as I really want to pick them up but I want to wait in case they get numbered artwork soon.

Title: Re: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on April 15, 2012, 05:11:35 PM
Chicken little is available with the numbers classic on the side however its rare!
bolt 3d bluray is also available with classic number on side this isnt as rare, but i havent seen any recently.
Dinosaur is a hard one to answer. As its only part of the classic for the US i think (we have The wild) i think it may only be numbered if the US release it with a classic number however all the US blurays i have arent numbered.

I hope that helps
Title: Re: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: Sulley on April 15, 2012, 05:50:46 PM
thanks :)

I must keep my eyes peeled for those then,

how come the wild/dinosaur is a disney animated classic depending where you live, I'm confused.com lol
Title: Re: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on April 15, 2012, 10:39:23 PM
aren't we all! i cant say for definate as it confused me a little, from what i understand its where its distrubuted from as in which type of disney studio.

I think this may help:

Dinosaur is a 2000 American computer-animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures.

The Wild is a 2006[2] computer-animated film directed by Steve "Spaz" Williams, produced by Clint Goldman, assistant produced by Jim Burton and C.O.R.E. Feature Animation, and was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures on April 14, 2006, in the United States.

This is from Wikipedia. Might be of some explanation!
Title: Re: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: Sulley on April 15, 2012, 10:58:16 PM
But isn't the idea of the 50 to be releases from disney animated studios so it must be dinosaur then  :?

Has the disney uk disbuters erver released the list they are going by?
Title: Re: Disney blu ray classics numbers question
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on April 16, 2012, 11:24:24 PM
In some Disney blurays there is a list the most recent one I have is from Lady and the Tramp and it states classic number 46 is the wild dinosaur is nowhere to be seen. It still confuses me but I know it is something about either the making or distribution. I also thought they had to be from Disney animation studios.