DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: ford prefect on April 12, 2012, 08:57:01 AM

Title: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: ford prefect on April 12, 2012, 08:57:01 AM
Happy anniversary to my favourite place!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: nicoledlrp on April 12, 2012, 09:19:17 AM
Many happy returns and hope we all have many happy returns too !
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: thebritishfrog on April 12, 2012, 10:04:54 AM
This makes me feel old! I still remember the choreography for the 10 year parade! :oops:
Happy Birthday Disney!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: ford prefect on April 12, 2012, 11:38:14 AM
I was there for the Carnival of Fools for the 5th anniversary, it was the first time we had been!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Rachel84 on April 12, 2012, 02:20:23 PM
Feeling quite emotional watching some of the videos from the ceremony on youtube. I thought the cast member flashmob was a great idea!  :D
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Columbiad on April 12, 2012, 02:29:44 PM
I was four years old when I first visited, during the Festival of Fools for the 5th Anniversary, and now I'm seventeen and still loving everything about the place. It started off as a love of the stories and films, and now its grown into a love of the design and history, and has partially inspired me to study Theatrical Design at University this year. May the next 20 years be even better than the first!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: thebritishfrog on April 12, 2012, 02:33:38 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOv9OK5BBhs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOv9OK5BBhs%22%20onclick=%22window.open(this.href);return%20false;)
There's the castmember's flash mob!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Rachel84 on April 12, 2012, 02:47:00 PM
:lol: I must have watched that about 8 times and it still makes me laugh! Such a good idea. Not sure who those two men are at the front but they are fantastic  =D>
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: thebritishfrog on April 12, 2012, 03:01:15 PM
Quote from: "Rachel84":lol: I must have watched that about 8 times and it still makes me laugh! Such a good idea. Not sure who those two men are at the front but they are fantastic  =D>

Yeah it's a bit cringe worthy... they are the show directors taking the limelight...
Great turn out of castmembers though! ;-)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Rachel84 on April 12, 2012, 03:20:56 PM
Im quite surprised I don't recognise some of them.....I am however disappointed not to see Phillippe Gas leading the pack there though  ;) Looks like he'd be quite a mover
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: bensmum on April 12, 2012, 03:30:06 PM
rest assured you saw far more than I did and I was at the front of the ropes:( looks pretty good its a pity we couldnt actually see it
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Columbiad on April 12, 2012, 04:05:15 PM
The only way that i think that it could've been better, is if all the Cast Members were in their costumes - it would have made a much better distinction between guests and Cast Members in the crowd at the end.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Simba 27 on April 12, 2012, 05:48:22 PM
Happy birthday Disneyland Paris!!!!
20 years of joy and laughters, and may the next ones be even more magical!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: norhel on April 12, 2012, 07:21:24 PM

And, DLP is featured in the Disney Parks Blog:
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: littlemermaid83 on April 12, 2012, 07:36:49 PM
Joyeux Anniversaire Disneyland Paris!!!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: elisje on April 12, 2012, 07:58:18 PM
Joyeux anniversaire...  

I can't believe my parents really tought disney was closing for good after there 5th birthday  :shock: .
I hope in the next 20 years I can show the best place ever to my future kids :D .
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: Hathaway Browne on April 12, 2012, 08:03:12 PM
Joyeux 20e Anniversaire!

At times you've made it seem longer than 20 years, but here's to many many more happy memories at the Happiest Place in Europe.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: DLP-Photos.com on April 12, 2012, 08:56:10 PM
A very happy birthday to Disneyland Paris and everyone associated with it.

This second world within our own has delivered a magic getaway for Europeans and the rest of the world for 20 years and I have enjoyed it for 18 of these. I cannot wait to go celebrate twice this summer!

The more I have seen from the celebrations today, the more I have regrettet not working harder to get to be there today. It would have been a day to remember for the rest of your life.

+ Am I the only one who desperately wants one of these:

Soruce: InsideDLParis twitter (//https://twitter.com/#!/InsideDLParis)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: CafeFantasia on April 12, 2012, 09:16:10 PM
Dear Disneyland Paris. I know you don't read forums, but thanks for bringing 20 years of magic to Europe :-)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: ed-uk on April 12, 2012, 09:24:04 PM
Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris, you changed my life. Thanks for 20 years of magic.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: stecal on April 12, 2012, 10:00:33 PM
Quote from: "ford prefect"I was there for the Carnival of Fools for the 5th anniversary, it was the first time we had been!

me too first of my 3 visits
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland Paris
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on April 12, 2012, 10:14:18 PM
Quote from: "forza_united"A very happy birthday to Disneyland Paris and everyone associated with it.

This second world within our own has delivered a magic getaway for Europeans and the rest of the world for 20 years and I have enjoyed it for 18 of these. I cannot wait to go celebrate twice this summer!

The more I have seen from the celebrations today, the more I have regrettet not working harder to get to be there today. It would have been a day to remember for the rest of your life.

+ Am I the only one who desperately wants one of these:

Soruce: InsideDLParis twitter (//https://twitter.com/#!/InsideDLParis)

I too want one of these!

Happy Birthday DLRP. I cant wait to celebrate with you at christmas! I truly wish i had been there today.