Sometimes I wonder if there is any planning at DLRP.
I am visiting on the 7/9 Feb and during this time the following are closed.
Casey Junior, Le pays comtes etc, mad Hatters Tea Cups,Peter pan Alices Curious Labyrinth and Studio Tram Tour. All thess attractions are closed 1/10 Feb. Additionally The Riverboat landing is closed all month and Autopia and Space Mountain are closed 7/9 Feb.
I am now in my 20th year of visiting and have visited over 30 times so I am fairly laid back over closures, but If I was making my first visit, encouraged by the TV advertising for the first three months of this year I would feel fairly upset that all these closures are programmed for the same time. What do the rest of you think? Bad planning or what?
The TV adverts nearly sucked me in. But then I remembered the amount of ride closures and closed the web browser. Even 50% off wouldn't make it worth it. They really should have a policy were no more than 2 rides per Park are closed at any one time.
They're rushing to get all of the refurbs done before the anniversary begins. Most theme parks do the majority of their refurbs at this time of the year anyway.
I absolutely understand that refurbs have to happen, but 10 attractions closed at the same time is patently absurd and extremely unfair on the people who visit at that time! To say that they are rushing to get refurbs done before the 20th just shows a lack of organisation in the phasing of these refurbs!
In general it is always better to go at the end of a month. I am visiting after the 20th of february and there almost no closures.
That's a fair comment, but what I am stressing is that DLRP are advertising heavily three special months and if I was conned into booking for my first trip at the time I am going 7/9 Feb and found something like 40% of the main attractions closed then my opinion of Disney would be fairly negative to say the least! The fact that several of the attractions will be up and running at the end of February would just rub salt into the wound!
Yes I agree about the closures, Casey and the fairy tale ride never seem to be open, at any time. But then I would never go if a main attraction was closed. I guess you have to invest a bit of time before booking, but for the casual visitor it sucks.
were going 27-29th feb, will there be all rides closed?
Oh great! We`re taking our three children on Friday 3rd Feb for 4 nights , just before my eldest turns 12. Until I started reading posts throughout this forum we were all very excited to be going as it is a first for my children although I went Disney Los Angeles about 18 yrs ago. Now I`m just feeling very down - sounds like half the park will be closed and it`s still a considerable amount of money to spend despite the discounts. I don`t know how I was suppossed to find out that everything would be closed as the official site only lists closures week by week. Will there be an evening show to see? I just remember the big firework spectacular at the L.A park. :cry:
Don't get to depressed, there is still a lot to do and enjoy although I have never visited at a time with so many closures! Whilst you are there at least Space Mountain and Autopia will be open and Casey Junior and Comte de pays is usually closed at this time of the year but I understand your diapointment and the only way to find out what is closed is on sites like which lists closures up to three months in advance. Unfortunately there are no shows on whilst you are there as the hub stage has been dismantled and the train,which carried dancers, is being "done up" for the 20th anni celebrations. I hope you still enjoy your visit and have a mgic time!
You'll still have a good time, though. I guess it's just more of a reason to come back. :)
I'm sure we'll still have a good time, the kids have earmarked the buzz lightyear laser ride, thunder mountain, space mountain, and the cars show so hopefully they'll all be open. Thanks!
If you are staying in A Disney hotel you wull be able to enjoy early magic hours and Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear are usually open (I usually do Buzz 4 or 5 times first thing!) Take your time and enjoy the atmosphere and don't forget the Dragon under the castle, its a real gem that gets missed by a lot of people.
As a follow up, I am just back and the good news is Mad hatters Tea Cups was not closed,but Dumbo was for all three days I was there! No reason given! The parks were so quiet that you could virtually walk on any thing, but some people I spoke to were really unhappy with the closures and one asked me what the Magic Moments Festival was, I was unable to tell her a single special item that is still running. She felt that the adverts for it shoulod have been taken down and I agree with her.
Welcome back! ;)
At least the parks being quiet was some compensation for what was closed.
I completely agree about the Magical Moments Festival, they should have let it die at the start of January and just reverted to three months of generic Disneyland Paris. Let the resort come up for air, so the launch of the 20th has more impact.
I may even write to Disney and ask them what they supplied for the magic moments festival whilst I was there! The parks sure were quiet and very very cold! by the end of the Once Upon a Dream Parade yesterday my hands did'nt thaw out until i was on the TGV back to CDG!! (I was taking photos)