DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris News & Rumours => Topic started by: Festival Disney on January 14, 2012, 06:04:32 PM

Title: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Festival Disney on January 14, 2012, 06:04:32 PM
QuoteFrom April 1, 2012, Disneyland Paris invites its guests to celebrate its 20th anniversary, in sparkling and magical style. Throughout this exceptional year, lots of surprises and new features have been imagined, to provide an explosion of magic, lights and colour. Disneyland Park will be hosting "Disney Dreams®!", an amazing night-time show, "Disney Magic on Parade!", a new parade, and "Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train" and "Meet Mickey Mouse" (opening spring 2012), to have magical encounters with their favourite Disney characters.
And to the delight of its visitors, Europe's leading tourist destination will be donning extra special decor to celebrate this landmark anniversary in a fitting manner.
(the blurb from this video)

Guessing that Casey Junior's coming back again!!
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on January 14, 2012, 06:55:16 PM
Nooooo! What a shame. I thought we'd seen the last of him. I hope he gets a decent makeover this time! Something a bit more classy then the last incarnation.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: BadKid on January 14, 2012, 07:06:37 PM
Quote from: "Columbiad"Nooooo! What a shame. I thought we'd seen the last of him. I hope he gets a decent makeover this time! Something a bit more classy then the last incarnation.

I agree. I think he needs a new make-over.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on January 14, 2012, 07:16:46 PM
Truly disappointed with this, move it to the Studios or keep it on the current Dance Express route. It totally ruins the atmosphere on main street when it makes it way to Central Plaza.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Josh on January 15, 2012, 10:48:43 AM
Noooo. This is what they meant by that Main Street event in the brochure, isn't it?
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: BadKid on January 15, 2012, 12:10:18 PM
Quote from: "Meph"Noooo. This is what they meant by that Main Street event in the brochure, isn't it?

Yup, I think it's either gonna be the Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train or Dance Express.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: mattboywonder on January 15, 2012, 07:04:40 PM
Quote from: "Meph"Noooo. This is what they meant by that Main Street event in the brochure, isn't it?

Ha! They can still get some more milage out of this baby!
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on January 15, 2012, 07:40:46 PM
Wow I thought the train would of been gone for good.

I can't imagine what dreadful mix of music they will use this time.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on January 20, 2012, 08:18:41 PM

Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on January 20, 2012, 09:44:34 PM
My goodness, that's an eyesore. I feel nauseous just looking at it. Although it does look like it'll be getting a full make-over, which is better than that patchwork of themes that accumulated over the years.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: peter on January 21, 2012, 12:13:26 AM
Is it just me, or does it look like the designers may have been eating "brownies" ?
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 21, 2012, 10:00:34 AM
And here it is, I was hoping MSUSA would have reverted to it's opening day glory with loads of vehicles running and 3 or 4 musical groups like the dapper same, the keystone jazz group, the piano player at Casey's and the marching band. that is a 20TH Birthday present that would have made me very happy.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: BadKid on January 22, 2012, 01:28:35 PM
Quote from: "Columbiad"(//http://nsm07.casimages.com/img/2012/01/20/1201200647551354989324306.jpg)

It's nice, but there's too much colours. Is there any official colours of the 20th anniversary (if you get what I mean)?
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 22, 2012, 03:41:43 PM
Looks like a Pride Parade....
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Scissorsboi on January 22, 2012, 05:23:03 PM
Nah, I've been to Prides which are far less garish than this!

I hope that it comes out of the Fantasyland parade gates, to the Hub where it loops and then goes back off the way it came. Keeping Main St clean of interruptions for once. It's acceptable to me for a parade to pass through as that was on the original plans, but this is just clutter where it could be the specifically designed Main St designed vehicles instead.

Speaking of travesties on Main Street, I wonder if there'll be a return of AlphaBetYouAre?
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ed-uk on January 22, 2012, 06:58:55 PM
But I can't see much difference between OUADP passing down Main St. on the parade route, and the Celebration Train doing the same, they are both full of Disney characters. The train seems to get a good reaction from people and I still see Main St Vehicles when I go.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: britincgn on January 22, 2012, 07:35:53 PM
They should have just brought back the original train if you ask me...
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on January 22, 2012, 07:58:08 PM
The Once Upon a Dream Parade passes through Main Street once a day, The Celebration Train interrupts the flow 3+ times a day and brings with it absolute chaos to the streets when mobs of people chase after their favourite character once they depart the train. Then 10 minutes later it travels back down Main Street again - blaring it's loud, over-powering music. At least with OUADP, the crowd just sit curb-side for the 20-30 minutes as it makes it way through the park, relatively stress-free.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ed-uk on January 22, 2012, 08:17:24 PM
Or we could walk down the Arcades, thats reletively stress free, that way we should be able to avoid the Celebration Train altogether.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on January 22, 2012, 09:25:16 PM
Hey Badkid, if there are official colours for the 20th, then that train has them all with a vengance!
Why are people so fired up about the train travelling Main Street? I don't see that it causes any inconvenience and is something happening, God DLRP have done away with enough events on Main Street over the years so lets not knock them for having something!
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ed-uk on January 22, 2012, 09:38:57 PM
The Train doesn't cause anymore inconvenience than a Main St. vehicle does, we still have to get out of the way. I guess some people just don't like it, but they can avoid it and walk down the Arcades.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Scissorsboi on January 22, 2012, 10:24:28 PM
It's not the inconvenience, it's the breaking of the Main Street theme. We have one of (if not the most) beautiful Main Streets, and indeed theme park entrances, in the world. So to see a rainbow coloured 5 year old recycled train chugging down it is a detraction from the intricately designed beauty.

I put up with it for the 15th, it was novel and new. But now it's just repetitive and boring, a cheap and lazy entertainment option. It would however be perfect if it travelled through Fantasyland somehow, on theme and the whimsy of Casey Jr would be fitting particularly if it ended next to Dumbo!
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 22, 2012, 11:04:01 PM
If we could still have the main street vehicles (you know, 5 out at the same time) and lots of live theme appropriate musical groups as well, then fine. But that stupid train, just like the Toon Circus clashes with the theme and stops the use of the main street vehicles for protracted times (cannot remember the last time I saw the horseman streetcar operate after 11am)
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Pete's Dragon on January 22, 2012, 11:26:14 PM
On the one hand, the train is a nice treat for the autograph hunters. But it does mess up the theme and the use of the other vehicles. Could they not run it somewhere else, like the around the lake or the Val D'Europe  ;)
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Josh on January 23, 2012, 12:50:57 AM
Quote from: "captain rocket"Hey Badkid, if there are official colours for the 20th, then that train has them all with a vengance!
Why are people so fired up about the train travelling Main Street? I don't see that it causes any inconvenience and is something happening, God DLRP have done away with enough events on Main Street over the years so lets not knock them for having something!
It just ruins the atmosphere. That's why. When I entered the park on the first day of our holiday a few weeks ago, it wasn't nice to be "welcomed" by that music when I was expecting the nostalgia of the Christmas music.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on January 23, 2012, 07:53:03 AM
I wonder if DLRP  have ever considered starting the train from the entrance to IASW down to the hub around the rounabout and back the way it came. This would keep all you Main Street purists happy!
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 23, 2012, 08:18:44 AM
Now that could be better, however only if it did not interfere too much with the ops of the main street vehicles. Though I think I have given up on ever seeing the return of the Dapper Dans :-(
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: peter on January 23, 2012, 05:21:42 PM
Or it could be beefed up a bit and turned into a midday parade. They have two parades at the magic kingdom in WDW, right?
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 23, 2012, 05:31:33 PM
Quote from: "peter"Or it could be beefed up a bit and turned into a midday parade. They have two parades at the magic kingdom in WDW, right?

Not unless you count the MSEP...and we have Fantillusion as it's equal.

DLP used to have 3 parades a day back in it's hey day - the Wonderful World of Disney Parade, a shortened animated feautre based one (Beauty and the Beast, Hunchback, Mulan etc.) and MSEP. But back then there was only one park too.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DutchBrit on January 23, 2012, 05:37:44 PM
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Though I think I have given up on ever seeing the return of the Dapper Dans :-(

Only "think"?  They only lasted a couple of years, so have therefore been gone more than 15 years. I'd say their chances of a comeback are probably on a par with Elvis......
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 23, 2012, 05:40:46 PM
Given they still exist in California, Florida, Tokyo and Hong Kong, I have hopes of a return.....
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: peter on January 23, 2012, 08:35:52 PM
Unfortunately though, the difference is that Paris can't really afford to have them.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: davewasbaloo on January 23, 2012, 08:38:58 PM
Hence my annoyance at spending money on TSPL, a stage that lasts less than 5 years, rubber heads everywhere instead of real entertainment. But then I know I am in the minority.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DutchBrit on January 23, 2012, 10:11:58 PM
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Hence my annoyance at spending money on TSPL, a stage that lasts less than 5 years, rubber heads everywhere instead of real entertainment. But then I know I am in the minority.

"Wayne, it's never going to happen, live in the now!"

I'm not sure that Europeans would really call barber-shop quartets "Entertainment" with a capital E. Twee and a bit creepy may be nearer the mark. Like vocal Morris dancing. Which is probably why they go down well in the far east, who let it not be forgotten are the reason that Duffy is being forced down our old-world throats.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ed-uk on January 25, 2012, 09:58:43 PM
And what language would it be in?  French barber shop quartets I suppose.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on February 01, 2012, 09:10:14 PM
Ideal situation for the train would be for it to run from Small World down to Castle Stage, stop for character meetings there, then turn back past the Bureau Passeport Annuel and out again, completely avoiding Main Street.

However, I suspect the reason they run it down Main Street is that it "sucks" people up as it goes along, pulling them back up to Central Plaza. And as with plonking the stage in the middle of the park, I suspect Entertainment might be under pressure to ensure every guest sees something "new" each year, that every guest feels the park is "fresh".

If they hid the train over in Fantasyland, fewer people would see it and the surveys would suggest people feeling the park becoming stale. Same reason for the many horrible seasonal incarnations of Main Street Station, I guess. Shove it in your face and make sure you see something "fresh", never mind if the quality is questionable.

Because of the lack of money for genuine new attractions, there's some overly-self concious desperation within DLP (you see it most in the brochures) to pretend that the park is "BRAND NEW" each year. Hence the NEW Generation Festival. This was probably at its worst with the Magical Moments Festival, when they came up with a hopeless list of no less than fifteen moments, each more useless than the last, watering down the year into something entirely unremarkable. Luckily they seem to have somewhat learnt a lesson with the 20th in resting all bets on Dreams. I'd like to say that people don't want fluff, they want genuine new attractions and well-maintained classic attractions, but I'm not sure that's true of the wider public.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dazzle_v2003 on February 08, 2012, 06:30:39 PM
Some news has been posted on twitter about the celebration train from a current cast member at DLP. In relation to the look of the train, they say:

QuoteLittle spoiler; not only will the new Characters Express be rainbow coloured, it'll be sparkly and glittery as well!

They also say who will be featured on the train
QuoteAnd guess who'll be featured everyday on the new Train... Mickey, 7 VIP characters and as a newbie; Clarice! All in sorcerers costume.

It's the first time Mickey will be featured on the train and Clarice I think is a nice surprise. I wonder who the other 7 VIP characters will be. I am guessing the fab 5 will be featured which means there are two character spaces left. Any suggestions?
No mention though if Tous en Train will be coming back or if there will be brand new music to accompany its journey down Main Street U.S.A.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: JelleP on February 08, 2012, 11:22:20 PM
Just a quick question...
Who is Clarice? :')
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on February 09, 2012, 12:10:15 AM
Clarice the Chipmuck :) Chip and Dale vied for her affections.


Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dazzle_v2003 on February 09, 2012, 03:33:20 PM
Disneyland Paris must be reading this forum because they have released details in regards to characters and music being used for the train. Tous en Train will not be making a comeback. InsideDLParis confirms new music which is called
Quote'Believe in Magic' and is written by Scott Erickson. He already did the music for serveral shows at Tokyo Disney!
He also did if I remember correctly for DLP, Mickey's Magical Party for that respective theme year.

They also confirm the characters that will feature on the train.
QuoteThe 20th Anniversary Train will feature Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Pluto, Goofy, Chip, Dale and Clarice in their 20th Ann. costumes!
I am guessing their costumes will be the sorcerer's outfits as seen on the promo picture and mentioned in a castmember's tweet.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dagobert on February 09, 2012, 03:42:14 PM
I wonder what does it need to stop that train from returning.

By the way I like the idea of the train only traveling between it's a small world to Cantral Plaza and back.
Title: Re: Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: JelleP on February 09, 2012, 11:12:27 PM
@Columbiad: Ah, thanks! ;-)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Disney-Me on February 25, 2012, 11:26:35 PM
I am very excited about Clarice being in the 20th Anniversary Celebration Train!!! I can't wait to see her in the new 20th Anniversary overdressing :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on February 28, 2012, 03:28:28 PM
I love Clarice but it is pretty random that she is going to be on the train.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on March 09, 2012, 07:00:11 PM
The theme song: "Do You Believe" by Scott Erickson (//http://scott-erickson.com/) and Valerie Vigoda:

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Teacup on March 09, 2012, 07:08:24 PM
I love this! The last few trains have had aweful music, and this already sounds much better. Lil sis would definately dance to this.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 09, 2012, 07:19:25 PM
I think this music is a huge improvement on the awful remixes we have had in the past. I love it.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on March 09, 2012, 07:29:51 PM
I was pretty sceptical at first but I must admit it's very catchy and I'm glad we have a pack of original songs for the 20th and not recycled music from other resorts.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Epcot_Boy on March 09, 2012, 07:37:07 PM
Perhaps a few more listens :?  Hopefully it will grow on me but not quite there for me at the moment :(
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: gldc on March 09, 2012, 07:45:29 PM
I quite liked the previous one but I think it may be the only one...this one has started to catch on though.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 09, 2012, 08:38:15 PM
I prefer this song to Magic Everywhere.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on March 09, 2012, 09:35:11 PM
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"I prefer this song to Magic Everywhere.

Same! This is so much better than "Magic Everywhere!" So much more classic sounding.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 10, 2012, 02:01:43 PM
Quote from: "Columbiad"
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"I prefer this song to Magic Everywhere.

Same! This is so much better than "Magic Everywhere!" So much more classic sounding.

Exactly! I wish they had used this for the Parade instead.

Magic Everywhere (and I do like the song) just sounds quite clashy and loud compared to this.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dlrpkris on March 11, 2012, 07:04:21 PM
This track really is a 'grower'. Taken a few days listening to it on the way to work to let me enjoy it, but I guess it will be on repeat as the train pases several times a day, so it's ideal. Nice lyrics to start the day with too. Magic Everywhere is way more celebrational and tells you about everything you've done during your day, but this teases you with what you could encounter.

No idea how to explain this in musical-speak, but I like how at several points the rhythm does resemble that of a train beating down the track. Only slightly, but nice :) Best character train theme yet, although I didn't say that a few days ago!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Martin B on March 16, 2012, 04:47:18 PM
I don't think Mickey will appear on the train as earlier suggested.

He isn't in the visual and he isn't mentioned on the official DLRP 20th website. They mention Minnie and some of the others.. Here is the official synopsis..

Throughout the day, the festive Birthday Train will be pulling in to Disneyland® Park's Central Plaza. It's bringing the all-time Disney favourites like Minnie, Chip and Dale, Donald, Daisy and Pluto to Sleeping Beauty Castle, where they'll take their places to meet with their fans and friends!

Martin  :thumbs:
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on March 16, 2012, 07:52:31 PM
Quote from: "Martin  B"He isn't in the visual and he isn't mentioned on the official DLRP 20th website.
I'd be far more inclined to believe Cast Member whispers than either of those!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Glstitch on March 16, 2012, 09:53:20 PM
I agree with Anthony , the visuals aslo don't mention Clarice. But I also don't think Mickey will be on the train , he will soon have is own (day-long) meet'n'greet , there are rumours that he would go to Woody's Roundup or get a tent. So the chances are small that he will be on the train.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Martin B on March 17, 2012, 07:13:23 PM
Can you imagine Disney spending all that money on the meet and greet area only to send him out in to the park umpteen times per day on the celebration train. They need the meet and greet area to increase guest holding capacity. Therefore meeting Mickey should only happen in one specific area of the park.
Then they also have the problem that guests will have just met Mickey in the meet and great at fantasy stage and then the same guests will see him on the celebration train minutes later.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Martin B on March 17, 2012, 07:14:03 PM
Then again he could appear on the train until the Meet and Greet is complete and then hop off it when it is completed.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dreamdisney on March 24, 2012, 12:53:54 PM
New picture of the train !


Source: Le Figaro
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 24, 2012, 01:42:24 PM
Mickey is not going to be on the train, it would defeat the object of his new meet and greet. Plus he has never been on the train before.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 11:54:03 AM
The Celebration Train is out for a soft run today.  

Photo: DisneylandParis Fans


The colour scheme looks like a bunch of kids threw up rainbows and glitter and sunshine on it.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dagobert on March 26, 2012, 12:11:00 PM
That's one ugly thing. Until now this is the worst version of the character train. Who is responsible for this?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 12:15:28 PM
Quote from: "dagobert"That's one ugly thing. Until now this is the worst version of the character train. Who is responsible for this?

Someone high on LSD or some sort of drug I think.

The only good thing I can think about this is that it matches the colour scheme of my daughters sunglasses lol.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: dagobert on March 26, 2012, 12:17:04 PM
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"The only good thing I can think about this is that it matches the colour scheme of my daughters sunglasses lol.

At least you could find something positive about it  :D .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 12:18:58 PM
Quote from: "dagobert"
Quote from: "littlemermaid83"The only good thing I can think about this is that it matches the colour scheme of my daughters sunglasses lol.

At least you could find something positive about it  :D .

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on March 26, 2012, 12:59:32 PM
How garish! It would have been 10x better if they'd have went along with the same colour scheme as Main Street Celebrates - Gold & White.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Glstitch on March 26, 2012, 01:22:10 PM
A rainbow has trow up on him , poor train ...
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DGRavenswood on March 26, 2012, 01:50:58 PM
Apart from the garish color scheme inflicted on it this year, something that has always bothered me about the various versions is that the front is still visibly a face with eyes, nose and hat that looks like it was blinded. Couldn't they just keep it as the representation of Casey Junior it's always been and simply add some sensible decoration (little flags, bunting, signs, whatever) on top of that?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on March 26, 2012, 01:59:40 PM
The only way this hideous rainbow decor could be saved is if it was covered in the same LEDs as the station. The matt rainbow finish looks atrocious.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: JelleP on March 26, 2012, 02:59:46 PM
I really hope this won't be the final version! It's awful! And he has no eyes, which is kind of scary...
(From @InsideDLParis)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on March 26, 2012, 03:05:10 PM
I like it, its bright and colourful and will look brilliant on a cold and grey rainy day! For those who don't like it, it will only appear three or four times a day for the next year! Then it will be repainted in another colour scheme for everyone to moan about!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Josh on March 26, 2012, 03:57:25 PM
That really is the worst one! Why can't they change it back to Casey Jr?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Robert97 on March 26, 2012, 04:03:51 PM
Source: Disneyland Paris - Fans

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Columbiad on March 26, 2012, 04:07:40 PM
I admire the concept, but in execution I think it looks poor. The colour look matte, and flat, and even the twenties on the side are a pale shadow of the one at the park entrance.

I agree it'll look great on a grey day - but even still, its more garish than magic.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 04:54:10 PM
Casey Junior looks utterly miserable hidden behind the rainbow sickness :(
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: andlorna on March 26, 2012, 05:27:53 PM
I dont believe how cheap disney has made the train look, i agree on a dull day it will stand out...
But surely who ever decided that this type of effect is good needs to go to specsavers.
Surely this type of effect is doing more harm than making it good, it looks very cheap. sorry to be negative but surely im not the only person to think its cheap and nasty looking
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: andlorna on March 26, 2012, 05:36:58 PM
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: andlorna on March 26, 2012, 05:44:47 PM
The more i look at it the more garish it looks, i wonder do disney contract these type of major changes out then pick the cheapest contractor because i could of done a better job and design myself.
Even my children who are huge disney freaks think he looks stupid and wheres his face there response not mine
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Josh on March 26, 2012, 06:28:39 PM
Why do we even need this train, other than to gather people up to watch this sporadic show? All they need is the castle stage. They can do it on there!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: scampbunny on March 26, 2012, 07:26:18 PM
well...... u cant miss it...... (how ever hard u might try  :mrgreen: )
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: lauralouisemidwinter on March 26, 2012, 07:59:11 PM
Am I the only one who likes it ?
I guess so, I think the only thing that is missing is his eyes :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Handy Andy on March 26, 2012, 08:00:53 PM
It's OK. The kids will love it.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ford prefect on March 26, 2012, 08:31:44 PM
My 2 kids both exclaimed "wow, he is so cool".
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: MissDisneyisMagical on March 26, 2012, 08:55:21 PM
Its definately an acquired taste for that train. I would personally prefer it more simple colours.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 08:59:57 PM
Does anyone have a video of this yet, I need a laugh after watching the parade.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Daniel on March 26, 2012, 09:29:22 PM
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 26, 2012, 09:41:29 PM
Thankyou Daniel :D
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: andlorna on March 26, 2012, 10:00:52 PM
Well after watching the video link of the 20th Celebration train, i feel as i stated in an earlier post.
Have Disney lost there desire for quality that you would normally expect with all their production shows, i actually feel sad and upset that disney thinks a bit of colour on poor old Casey adds magic.
They havent even been bothered with his face obviously disney must have spent up big time on this years Anniversary celebrations.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: GrantR on March 26, 2012, 11:00:06 PM
This could be pulled off SO well. As someone stated before, the all TOO sleek, matte finish of the train lets it down, that is the eyes too...oh and the AWFUL 20 signs. However, I think the full attraction song is actually really good and fits the train well! The opening is sweet!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DopeyDad on March 26, 2012, 11:04:02 PM

it was fairly bleh before and it's bleh now imho.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ford prefect on March 27, 2012, 07:45:38 AM
Thankyou for posting that video.  I enjoyed that, looking forward to seeing the real thing
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 27, 2012, 10:12:58 AM
The meet and greet part for this is a area that is roped off, where you wait behind a rope to get a autograph. I personally think the whole rope thing is dangerous and I can see a few kids getting crushed. I know the old free for all way wasn't perfect but I'd prefer that then this.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Glstitch on March 27, 2012, 03:04:15 PM
Now after seeing it a couple of times it isn't that bad , I prefer this to Minnie's Party Train ! But please Disney relpace that awful looking Tink (do they want to have kids with trauma's ?). I thought that fenced off area only was to film the characters ? otherwise it would be a shame if you could only meet some of them...
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: littlemermaid83 on March 27, 2012, 03:33:54 PM
Quote from: "Glstitch"Now after seeing it a couple of times it isn't that bad , I prefer this to Minnie's Party Train ! But please Disney relpace that awful looking Tink (do they want to have kids with trauma's ?). I thought that fenced off area only was to film the characters ? otherwise it would be a shame if you could only meet some of them...

Oh was it! Hopefully it will go back to a free for all then lol. (Never thought I'd hear myself say that haha)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: scampbunny on March 27, 2012, 09:00:53 PM
i too hope that ur not limited to a roped area, at least in the 'scrums' u can move about, if ur roped in then ur really stuck.... also when they all went to their own 'areas' u cud choose who u wanted, to be roped in together wud surely limit the amount of ppl who can see characters as ull get those ppl who take over and prevent others getting a look in.....

bring back the free for all lol
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: britincgn on March 27, 2012, 11:53:45 PM
I just don't understand this ....its the 20th ,its important .
Im sure Dreams is going to be amazing but why not look back at the original train ,by far the best version.
Bring back MSEP.

Well at least it can be used for the Gay Days LOL
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on March 28, 2012, 01:14:39 AM
Quote from: "britincgn"Well at least it can be used for the Gay Days LOL
I desperately wanted to write on DLRP Today, "it's always good to see Mickey and friends teaching children gay rights/the dangers of drug use". But I, err, didn't. And certainly didn't here either! ;)

I do have to stick up for this version of the train though and say it's nice to see it given a more complete "look", with the full repainting, the costumes and the new music. It actually feels successfully refreshed, rather than just chopped and changed. Even if its "garish", I'd almost prefer they went big on garish than tried to match the quality of the park and potentially fail, which sometimes looks worse.

Now I'll just sit and wait for DLP to bring us something worthwhile like Minnie's Fly Girls (//http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1S9FbUQRXo). :-"
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DGRavenswood on March 28, 2012, 10:12:38 AM
Quote from: "Anthony"Even if its "garish", I'd almost prefer they went big on garish than tried to match the quality of the park and potentially fail, which sometimes looks worse.

We'll never know until they'll actually try! The thing is, it doesn't cost more to do it right as you imply on DLRPToday, it's mostly a question of accepting to make your work part of a whole rather than have it stand out at all costs. The design philosophy of Disneyland was exactly that, to eliminate contradictions and create a harmonious environment where elements don't compete for attention.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Auroura86 on March 28, 2012, 03:36:37 PM
I think it looks nothing like the promo pic, but you know what? I like it :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Javey74 on March 29, 2012, 10:31:28 PM
Here's some photos from my DLP trip Tuesday 27th March..  :D

Theme Tune: "Do You Believe"..  :-"


Enjoy..  :D














Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Epcot_Boy on April 01, 2012, 04:04:15 PM
We must have been standing very close to each other J74, very close. I was the handsome one :lol:

Here's mine plus video Which is coming  :thumbs:


















Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Epcot_Boy on April 01, 2012, 05:03:39 PM
Here's the video......


 :D/  :D/  :D/  :D/
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Javey74 on April 01, 2012, 11:55:57 PM
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"We must have been standing very close to each other J74, very close. I was the handsome one :lol:
Mmmmm, what day and roughly what time were those shots taken, I can narrow it down..  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Epcot_Boy on April 02, 2012, 02:02:47 PM
Quote from: "Javey74"
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"We must have been standing very close to each other J74, very close. I was the handsome one :lol:
Mmmmm, what day and roughly what time were those shots taken, I can narrow it down..  :mrgreen:

Tuesday 27th at exactly 12.36 :) Or was it 13.36, can't remember if I put the clock forward on my camera :oops:

That was actually the only day I saw the parade, I looked out for it on other days but didn't come across it again. Was it on other days? I thought that one was only a trial run :o
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Javey74 on April 02, 2012, 06:39:51 PM
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"
Quote from: "Javey74"
Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"We must have been standing very close to each other J74, very close. I was the handsome one :lol:
Mmmmm, what day and roughly what time were those shots taken, I can narrow it down..  :mrgreen:

Tuesday 27th at exactly 12.36 :) Or was it 13.36, can't remember if I put the clock forward on my camera :oops:

That was actually the only day I saw the parade, I looked out for it on other days but didn't come across it again. Was it on other days? I thought that one was only a trial run :o
Yeah, 12.39 on Tuesday was when mine were taken, must have been rubbing shoulders and not realising..  :lol:  :mrgreen:

As for other day's I didn't see it either, I know it was out twice that I saw on the Tuesday. By the way Epcot Boy what camera are you using, your sensor and mega pixels look high end range.. :-k
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Epcot_Boy on April 03, 2012, 02:21:24 PM
Quote from: "Javey74"By the way Epcot Boy what camera are you using, your sensor and mega pixels look high end range.. :-k

I've just started using the Sony Nex 5n which has the same sensor as the Nikon D7000 and in certain circumstances produces even better images. However it's not really a match for the Nikon, but as image quality is all that I'm really interested in it's absolutely fine for me. As far as CSC's go it's probably the best at the moment for IQ, well that's what I've read :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on April 05, 2012, 05:21:38 AM
Video of the premiere arrival, guided along by Mickey Mouse:

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on April 05, 2012, 07:20:05 AM
Anyone else share my sense of irony that there appears to have been a temporary stage built in central plaza for this event filmed by Anthony?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: 15MagicalYears on April 05, 2012, 12:54:37 PM
Quote from: "captain rocket"Anyone else share my sense of irony that there appears to have been a temporary stage built in central plaza for this event filmed by Anthony?

That wasn't a temporary stage, it was a platform for press to take photos/videos from.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: gingajen on April 05, 2012, 05:35:31 PM
Well I'm going to say it....I love it!
It certainly a celebration, I love the music, the costumes, the Characters taking part, all of it. It looked quite a cloudy day on the video and the train could be seen VERY clearly so it can't be missed. I admit I don't recall the original celebration train, so those who prefer the orginal design may be justified in their reasoning. But as somone looking at the train for the first time, I think it does exactly what it says on the tin. It's a celebration!
 Also, Captain Rocket, I was thinking the same about the temporary stage ;)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Anthony on April 06, 2012, 02:55:21 PM
Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train... now with Mickey Mouse on-board (although standing on the wrong side, but he's there, ready and waiting to get mobbed on Central Plaza):

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Auroura86 on April 10, 2012, 02:48:51 PM
i took my son to a steam railway centre yesterday, and he bought a 'paint you own locomotive'. How did he choose to paint it? Like this. Even said "look now its the one from Disneyland"
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on April 14, 2012, 04:29:27 PM
Now I have seen the train "in the flesh" I think it is brilliant, decorated just as something like that at Disney should be!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Aurora1 on April 15, 2012, 06:35:48 PM
I have to say, that I really like the new costums, the characters have!! =D>
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Daniel on April 15, 2012, 11:13:38 PM
Does anyone have the full version of this song please, as the one that has been posted is not the full version?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: MagicDreams! on May 21, 2012, 10:46:22 AM
I would love to have the full version of The Do You Believe song and the instrumental part, doen anyone know there's a CD coming out?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: gldc on May 22, 2012, 10:30:10 PM
Love the train, and love the song! Guests love the character interaction too! Brilliant move by DLP to keep it.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ulak on May 28, 2012, 10:43:59 PM
Love the train and song. I see version of 2008 and this is little different and good.

Interaction with character was great! I give some little gifts to Chip and Dale and they having fun- very happy and great times for me!! Thank you!!!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Thaliel on May 29, 2012, 12:55:31 AM
The train is really pretty and the characters getting off on Central Plaza is a nice idea. Only problem is they did not consider people in wheelchairs when planning. Having someone in a wheelchair among the crowd gathering around the characters ois not a pleasant experience, as this person is always in danger if being hit in the face by backpacks, shoulder bags or being hurt by unattentive people stumbling over/onto the wheelchair
Also, I still miss "Tous en train", I loved that song when it was still playing during the time it was the 15th anniversary character express
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: mdw on June 01, 2012, 11:02:58 PM
Train looks great! Soooo it stops and the characters come off and get bundled by pushy guests or are they one side of a rope or? How does it work?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Reiana on June 10, 2012, 10:14:51 AM
The characters are leaving the train and every character has it's own place for a meet and greet. Goofy for example is near the Adventrueland entrance. Mickey almost in front of the castle. Chip and Dale near the popcorn booth.
And then it's like always. The characters get stalked by people depending on how famous they are.

We never did this meet and greet during our trip last week. We only walked by.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: mdw on June 10, 2012, 06:06:28 PM
Ohh ok thanx
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Twinkleybelle on August 30, 2012, 11:06:33 AM
How often does the train go by in a day? Is it best to get a spot early or not? How long does it last and are the ques for the character greetings afterwards very long? We are gouing at the start of October.

Thank you
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Thaliel on September 01, 2012, 02:08:10 AM
I think the train goes by 2 or 3 times per day, it just takes a few minutes driving down mainstreet, then stops at Central Plaza for a while to have the characters get off. The qeues for the meetups are rather bulks of people instead of a clear queue. Depending on character, the waiting time dioffers, but you should be able to meet your fav character after like 10 minutes waiting time. If you do not manage to meet everyone in one go, just try the next time the train stops by
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: ulak on September 21, 2012, 12:16:37 AM
Please, i want to find instrumental version of 20th Anniversary Celebration Train. This music is playing when train is in front of the caste and characters are in the air... :)
Where can i hear this wonderful music, please? Thank you!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: MagicDreams! on January 15, 2013, 03:38:23 PM
I really, really want to have the instrumental part too... Hopefully they will release it someday! It's beautiful!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Aurora1 on March 29, 2013, 01:34:18 PM
Has anyone heard what`s going to happen to the Celebration Train after September 30th? (says on DLRP Magic, it ends) Are they maybe keep it running?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Jens on March 29, 2013, 01:47:03 PM
The train will not be running after September 30th. It was part of the 20th anniversary theme (now 20th anniversary extended) and thus will end together with this themed "season". Focus will be put on the upcoming Halloween season entertainment :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on June 07, 2013, 05:16:10 PM
I don't think you should suffer from withdrawal symptons! The train was originally part of the daily parade and has had several incarnations since! I have photographed it as the 15th anniversary train (blue and white colour scheme) Minnies party train (polka dot) and this one even had a pin set made of it. All star express, then dance express with the same red and white colour scheme and of course the 20th anni train!
This train is an easy and good way to have several characters out in the park at the same time, I think we will be seeing it again in the future.
During the 15th anniversary I had a look in the cabin and the key had a fob with "train Dumbo" still on it!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DisneyG83 on June 08, 2013, 09:09:08 PM
Do they still do the meet and greet when they get off the train at central plaza? I'd really like to meet Minnie and Daisy and wondered if anyone knew where they went location wise?
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: captain rocket on June 08, 2013, 09:24:49 PM
Yes they still do the meet and greet. The characters fan out fom the train so you just have to be in central plaza when the train is scheduled. When I was there three weeks ago the train appeared three times during the afternoon. Enjoy the battle to meet the characters!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DisneyG83 on June 08, 2013, 09:41:24 PM
3 chances to hopefully be lucky enough to meet them! Thanks :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: gemmasteele84 on June 08, 2013, 10:18:36 PM
find a cm beforehand and ask where abouts the characters go when they get off, then you know what way to run lol
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DisneyG83 on June 08, 2013, 10:19:29 PM
Quote from: "gemmasteele84"find a cm beforehand and ask where abouts the characters go when they get off, then you know what way to run lol

Sounds like a good plan! Thanks :D
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Aurora1 on June 09, 2013, 05:59:41 PM
Or just wait infront of the wagon your preferrred character is in. Then follow. Sometimes they notice you and do some fun stuff. And if you react, sometimes that helps.
Have a great trip!
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DisneyG83 on June 09, 2013, 06:06:11 PM
Quote from: "Aurora1"Or just wait infront of the wagon your preferrred character is in. Then follow. Sometimes they notice you and do some fun stuff. And if you react, sometimes that helps.
Have a great trip!

Oh I'll definitely react haha! Thank you :D
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: MagicDreams! on July 16, 2013, 03:56:46 PM
I just had a call with the Disneyland booking line in the Netherlands and I had to wait on the line. And... I heard the a differ ten version of Magic Everywhere! The "Magic everywhere..." was the same but the part at the beginning was differ ten from the version played in the Park. I think this is the new version... Sounds great! :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Ravenseye on September 23, 2013, 10:54:15 PM
Although we thought the train was abit garish, :-\ the characters were cute and spread out to three points once the train came to a halt so guests could get a chance to interact.
On the third outing of the day I sat on a bench with my long haired, bearded fiance whilst my son went to get Mickeys pic and Chip approached me (maybe because I was wearing my pin laden lanyard) and gave me a hug, he then turned to my fiance and made a cheeky gesture at him! I found it funny, my fiance was non plussed. It was good to see them abit more animated.  :D
Does anyone else find Chip and Dale's female friend a little inappropriate? She has been 'made' to have an hourglass figure and on a few occasions she kissed and cuddled up to Chip in a very over the top way. I (kinda) joked to my son at one point: come on let's go, this is getting abit non Disney now!!  :-[
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: Aurora1 on October 02, 2013, 07:47:43 PM
Does anyone know, now that the train is gone, if more characters will be out walking?

Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 18, 2014, 01:12:28 AM
Is this still happening .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on January 18, 2014, 01:16:25 AM
Quote from: hawian rollercoaster on January 18, 2014, 01:12:28 AM
Is this still happening .
It's gone :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 18, 2014, 06:51:26 PM
Is there replacement like the main street cars .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on January 18, 2014, 09:48:42 PM
Quote from: hawian rollercoaster on January 18, 2014, 06:51:26 PM
Is there replacement like the main street cars .

The main street cars are there, but I believe they always have been.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: pialykke on January 19, 2014, 10:15:14 PM
Is that like in 2012, when the characters came out in the main street cars, and went to the central plaza for meet and greets? It's not on the programme, so I doub't it... But yes, the cars still go up and down main street - but don't think that is what she meant...  ;)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:14:56 PM
Hi guys i did mean like the good morning main st mini parade when the characters rode on the main st cars .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on January 19, 2014, 11:18:34 PM
Nope, not that I've seen lately.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:27:32 PM
Thats disappointing there isnt much on the daily schedules at the moment .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on January 19, 2014, 11:34:41 PM
Quote from: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:27:32 PM
Thats disappointing there isnt much on the daily schedules at the moment .

There's a fair bit they're not exactly promoting. Right now DLP has somewhat of a character boom, decent of the stairs, two parades, Dreams nightly, a fountain show (unadvertised), main street cars regularly.
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:45:44 PM
Im glad to hear there is a character boom are there any new character ? We are going again very soon do you know what the plans are for valentines ? last year was good but i suspect that was due to the vip visitor who was around the parks for four days .
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: DLRP Roundup! on January 19, 2014, 11:51:50 PM
Quote from: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:45:44 PM
Im glad to hear there is a character boom are there any new character ? We are going again very soon do you know what the plans are for valentines ? last year was good but i suspect that was due to the vip visitor who was around the parks for four days .

Nothing announced. As for who's out, not really a clue, sorry! :)
Title: Re: 20th | Disney's 20th Anniversary Celebration Train
Post by: hawian rollercoaster on January 19, 2014, 11:57:45 PM
Guess we will just have to wait and see. In the past i have really enjoyed the volume of characters which you could find around its a small world gates and colonels hatis but the last coulple of years this has been sadly lacking  .