it's coming up to 6 years since my first visit to DLP and the Christmas Parade - Chante C'est Noel was amazing! We went back the followin Christmas and enjoyed it just as much.
Does anyone miss it as much as i do? And, does anyone know how many years it ran for and if they are likely to ever bring it back?
If I'm not too mistaken the Christmas parade featuring the full "Chante C'est Noel" song ran for four years from 2003 through 2006. It was replaced by a slightly Christmas-ized Once Upon A Dream Parade for DLP's 15th anniversary in 2007.
They played the full Chante C'est Noel (spine-tingling stuff) for Christmas Candleabration in front of the castle (this included the castle-lighting ceremony) in 2007, the 15th anniversary year.
Now its still played, but not the full version, on the last part of the daily Once Upon a Dream parade throughout the Christmas season at DLP, when Duffy and Santa appear with their dancers.
The Composer got a 10 year contract for that song, (starting 2003) so there will be a version of it in some shape or form for at least the next couple of years too! :-)
Great! Thank you! It was truely the best and it would be great to see it come back in it's full glory!