Thought this might be a bit of fun!!! Complete the sentence... Let's see what we can all cone up with!!!
You know you're Disney obsessed when....
...Your family and work colleagues literally beg you to stop talking about Disney
... Nobody asks you what you want for your birthday or Christmas, they just buy you something Disney related and can't go wrong :)
... When you tell people you're going on holiday, they don't feel the need to ask where!! check Disney websites at least once a day for updates, and can sit on a forum for hours reading posts!!
There's some to get started!!!
You buy property near a Disney park
You name your children subtle Disney references
You decorate your house themed after the different lands
You propose in DLP, Honeymoon in WDW, conceive your children at Disney parks, and take your daughter to WDW because that is where you want her first haircut.
I wish these were made up, but I have a problem....
They are brilliant!! Haha I have to ask... What are your children called??
Jessica Rose (Jessica Rabbit/Jessie the Cowgirl - Briar Rose being sleeping beauty, Napa Rose - Disney's signature restaurant in California)
Micheal Sequoia (Mikey after Mickey Mouse/Micheal Eisner/the name of the first Make a Wish friend I had - sequoia, guess where he was another california link)
Being partially native american and having been born in California, I wanted to name the kids of something Californian. Sequoia is the state tree and roses are used in the wineries of Napa and Sonoma to see is there are any diseases/insects affecting the grapes.
That topic will be interesting!!
You know you're Disney obsessed when...
you try to go to DLRP at least once a year.
you buy a lot of Disney movies on DVD or BluRay.
you have nearly all Disney Comics by Carl Barks, Don Rosa, William Van Horn and Daan Jippes.
you have nearly all Disney Imagineering books, books about Disney themeparks around the globe.
you pay over €100 for a D23 membership.
You know you're Disney obsessed when...
you start buying shares - because you'll save more money than they cost with the discount.
have a pin collection spiralling out of control.
you start buying every edition of Disney movies on DVD and Blu-ray so you end up with multiple copies of each film just becuase the special features are different.
you're most listened to CD's are Disney film soundtracks.
Quote from: "Alice@Wonderland"You know you're Disney obsessed when...
you start buying shares - because you'll save more money than they cost with the discount.
That's true. I've forgot to add that on my list.
.... when you realise you're a few posts away from another milestone and get really excited !!
It is very various. Different for everyone. All is ABOUT MONEY!
Someone is very BIG Disney obsessed with one trip to Disneylanmd and one, two toys... and has the Disney deep in the heart! No share holder, no property near Disney, no all Disney DVD, Bluray... etc.
And someone has that everything and felt like the bigest Disney obsessed fan. ...
NO - really big fan has Disney in the heart, no in the property...
(only in my opinion)
Nope, it is not about the money, you are right. I was very poor once (homeless even), but Disney was ironically my motivation to be successful, so I could afford to do more Disney related things.
I am not as obsessed as I used to be though, that is for sure. My APs have lapsed for the first time in 11 years.
...when, after a year, you're sick of not being at a Disney Park.
...when you get excited over just a new sandwich shop in the Disney Village.
...when something trivial has changed in a Disney Park.
...when you're listening to The Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack for probably the 100th time.
I probably need to get a life, but I'm happy with the one I've got. :P
when the kids have to peel you off the tv screen then wipe your tears off it because an advert for disney comes on then
you know you are in trouble - especially if you have just come back and have already booked again to go "home" !
when you actually feel guilty about enjoying another theme park, and smile gormlessly when you see someone else there wearing something with the disneyland paris logo on it. !!
when you spend precious brain power working out that if your oldest has your first grandchild at 27 then you have a good excuse for going to disney to celebrate its first birthday during the 30th anniversary !!!
"When you actually feel guilty about enjoying another theme park."
Yep, I kinda recognize that... :')
If you can't be in the park you love, love the park you're in baby!
... when every animal you own is disney named.
... when you walk into the dvd section of the supermarket and they hand you the latest disney movie in. :oops:
... when people at work are considering a disney holiday they ask you the best way to go instead of the travel agent.
... when everyone in the local disney store knows your name.
... when you have more lithographs and park posters on the walls around the house than family pictures.
... when no one will play disney trivia games with you anymore :(
... when you talk to people about holidays they ask when your going back not where your going
... when everytime you leave the house your wearing something disney.
Quote from: "tinker_fairy"You know you're Disney obsessed when....
...Your family and work colleagues literally beg you to stop talking about Disney
... Nobody asks you what you want for your birthday or Christmas, they just buy you something Disney related and can't go wrong :)
... When you tell people you're going on holiday, they don't feel the need to ask where!! check Disney websites at least once a day for updates, and can sit on a forum for hours reading posts!!
these are all true for me haha
...when ever I hear someones going to disney I tell them all the best spots to go
...when I see someone on facebook whos has posted photos of them in a disney park and have to look through them all and be jealous lol
...when I go shopping it is a MUST to go the disneystore even tho my mom works there and has already told me there is nothing new to look at
...when you listen to disney music all the time
...when you have more disney movies than 'normal' movies
...when you are known to be the 'disney freak' of the group of friends lol
...when people walk into your house and go 'so you like disney then?'
...whenever you see the disney castle, especially at the start of the movies with the new CGI opening, you go 'I wanna goooo!!!'
i could go on lol
Quote from: "nicoledlrp"when the kids have to peel you off the tv screen then wipe your tears off it because an advert for disney comes on then
you know you are in trouble - especially if you have just come back and have already booked again to go "home" !
when you actually feel guilty about enjoying another theme park, and smile gormlessly when you see someone else there wearing something with the disneyland paris logo on it. !!
when you spend precious brain power working out that if your oldest has your first grandchild at 27 then you have a good excuse for going to disney to celebrate its first birthday during the 30th anniversary !!!
I share this one about the advert - its like a torment. I stop whatever I'm doing and stare at the TV with my hand against my heart.
You know you're Disney obsessed when...
Your most watched dvd is the video you took of your DLRP trip 4 weeks ago.
You have had your boyfriend convert the above video to play on your mobile so you can carry it with you at all times.
You buy Disney DVD's and claim they are for the children....but then watch them while they are out!
You proudly tell everyone that the scaffolding is coming down from the castle,and update on the refurbishment, as if you are talking about your own house
Most of your son's upcoming birthday presents can be bought from the Disney Store.
You find 2 BTM fastpasses in your coat pocket yesterday, and squeal as if you have found gold, show everyone who will look and then protect them and guard them until you get home when you can safely transfer them to your "DLRP 2011" box which is still in the living room, as it is has only been a few weeks and its too soon to put it away!! - This is exactly what happened yesterday!
You could very easily get the word "Disney" into every conversation.
You spend most of your spare time making Disney costumes for conventions. Currently working on Esmeralda!
you carry the room keycard you '''forgot''' to hand in at checkout in your purse at all times.
you still have a crisp bag from your first trip and even although one of the ketchup packets you brought home leaked on it you could never throw it away.
your husband has just had to floor an extra area of loft space because there is no more room for crates of maps, tickets, soaps ,napkins and of course crisp bags !
you indulge yourself on special occassions with the toiletries that you havent stored, then when you have used the last drop of bubble bath you sniff the bottle and wail, then check your bankstatement and the special offers page.
Davewasbaloo, I love how much thought went into your kids names!! That's really lovely :)
Ulak, I also agree about the whole money thing. Disney is an expensive place, obviously when you can go it's magical but it all comes from the heart!!
Great posts everyone :)
When you start seeing hidden Mickeys in everyday life.
...and most of the things that have already been mentioned.
Great. Most of them work for me too.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Best part was, the pets. When all your pet have Disney names.
First thought. No. Not our pets.
Looked at the cat. Baggi (formerly known as Baghira)
Then the gerbils from my daughter (Annie and June after the little Einsteins)
:roll: :shock: :roll: :shock: :roll:
At least our fish have no names.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
When you will spend all day searching for custom made Disney costumes for your child.
When you can't go all day without bringing up something Disney related.
When you have to watch something Disney related everyday
When your ring tone is from a Disney theme park.
When most of your music collection is Disney music.
When you keep watching your Disney videos that you have uploaded to youtube just to relive and get your Disney fix.
The list could go on forever lol.
You try to re-create adventureland in your garden
Quote from: "andrewuk"You try to re-create adventureland in your garden
omg! haha, don't give me ideas!! 8)
when you just arrive back from one trip and you book the next trip straight away
When you spend half the day on the Magic Forum discussing the magic.
Quote from: "Alice@Wonderland"Quote from: "andrewuk"You try to re-create adventureland in your garden
omg! haha, don't give me ideas!! 8)
Sorry! But don't plant a load of bamboo without a vinyl root barrier around it or pretty soon you'll have angry neighbours. We moved house last year, we used to call our old patio the 'Blue Lagoon!' But this garden is a lot bigger, it doesn't resemble adventureland much (yet).
...when you include hidden mickeys in your tattoos, and have a dedicated Walt tattoo featuring his portrait, the castle and one of his famous quotes.
I'm a Cub Scout leader and I'm named after Bagheera (from the Jungle Book) also Disney mad and used to be a cast member at the Disney Store in the UK!! Still love Disney even though I'm now 57, I just got 'Tangled' on dvd and can't wait to see Johnny Depp in the latest Pirates movie (he's just soooooo gorgeous). Sheila
Just saw Johnny Depp last sasturday. My husband is absolutly Pirates-crazy! Think he can tell the movies by heart by now. :roll:
I liked the last one too, time went by quickly. Johnny was brilliant. :thumbs:
Disney obsessed....
....when you think about the next trip on the train home.
....when you get to your computer the minute your home(or the next morning)and hope for a %-offer.
Speaking of which, aren't the prices for the winter season coming out tomorrow?
...When your parents mention going away somewhere your first thought is to go to disneyland...
... you are always checking to see what the latest deals are....
.... you know when the best time to visit disneyland is and usually whats happening around that time... are always looking to disneyfy something...
... you own more than one disney related plush toy...
... you are always looking for more disney dvds you dont have yet...
... you have what you have deemed 'the disney wall' where only photographs/drawings/posters that are disney related are put....
... you where very happy when a disney store opened in your town/city...
i think theres more but im not sure...
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Nope, it is not about the money, you are right. I was very poor once (homeless even), but Disney was ironically my motivation to be successful, so I could afford to do more Disney related things.
This really struck a chord with me. I had had a really awful year which had resulted in me moving back in with my parents with my little 3 year old daughter tucked into my arm. Two months after I had moved home, as part of cashback site I was offered money to deposit money in a Bingo account, so basically for depositing ten quid I was going to get twenty quid back. I was pretty broke at that point too, I had outstanding debts from splitting with my little girl's dad and things were pretty dire so for a tenna I thought I was well in. Anyway, I ended up winning 1200 quid. It was all very quick, very random. I sat for a while and bizarrely I decided I was going to go to Disneyland Paris. I have no idea why, don't get me wrong I love Disney now but I'd been pretty apathetic before then, although I have always loved what Disney stood for. So, by the next week I had booked a week's stay in Cheyenne, I had just enough money to pay off my remaining debts and book my holiday.
That week in Disney changed my life - no exaggeration. I came back completely different and have never gone back to that dark place. Call it what you want, I know I sound ridiculous but it changed everything for me so I completely get what you're saying daveasbaloo :D
I just wanted to add that whatever you believe, winning that money was fate/sent from Uncle Walt or a message from God and I am so thankful for it! By the way, I withdrew my money and closed the account - gambling doesn't pay.
So in response to the original question....
You know you're obsessed with Disney when you
truly believe Disney saved your life <3
Quote from: "kate&phoo"Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Nope, it is not about the money, you are right. I was very poor once (homeless even), but Disney was ironically my motivation to be successful, so I could afford to do more Disney related things.
This really struck a chord with me. I had had a really awful year which had resulted in me moving back in with my parents with my little 3 year old daughter tucked into my arm. Two months after I had moved home, as part of cashback site I was offered money to deposit money in a Bingo account, so basically for depositing ten quid I was going to get twenty quid back. I was pretty broke at that point too, I had outstanding debts from splitting with my little girl's dad and things were pretty dire so for a tenna I thought I was well in. Anyway, I ended up winning 1200 quid. It was all very quick, very random. I sat for a while and bizarrely I decided I was going to go to Disneyland Paris. I have no idea why, don't get me wrong I love Disney now but I'd been pretty apathetic before then, although I have always loved what Disney stood for. So, by the next week I had booked a week's stay in Cheyenne, I had just enough money to pay off my remaining debts and book my holiday.
That week in Disney changed my life - no exaggeration. I came back completely different and have never gone back to that dark place. Call it what you want, I know I sound ridiculous but it changed everything for me so I completely get what you're saying daveasbaloo :D
I just wanted to add that whatever you believe, winning that money was fate/sent from Uncle Walt or a message from God and I am so thankful for it! By the way, I withdrew my money and closed the account - gambling doesn't pay.
So in response to the original question....
You know you're obsessed with Disney when you truly believe Disney saved your life <3
Great stories to hear!
On topic:
... When you spend the evening thinking about and discussing DLP advertisement strategies... (Guilty :oops: ;) )
Quote from: "Vegitabeta"When you start seeing hidden Mickeys in everyday life.
...and most of the things that have already been mentioned.
Haha, I do that too.. Others are..
- I can't stop talking about Disney.. Disneyland, Disney World, Disney movies, you name it..
- Most of my music collection of Disney music like someone wrote earlier..
- I watch Disney videos at Youtube almost everyday..
- I actually have a webcam on my phone to Disneyland, California.. (Downloaded from App Store ^^)
- I draw alot of Disney drawings.. :P
Quote from: "nicoledlrp"you carry the room keycard you '''forgot''' to hand in at checkout in your purse at all times.
YES this is me!! A Santa fe keycard and park entry ticket from 2008 has not left my purse since. ;) makes me smile every single time I see it :D
...when you go on a 6 month trip around the world, but spend your entire time excited to get home to start your job at the local Disney store.
...when you visit another Disney store you put stray things back in their right place because you want it to be perfect and magical for everyone.
...when 97% of you and your friends conversations are about Disney, a Disney park, Disney rumors, Disney movies etcetcetc
...when you get a stupid grin on your face and your eyes glaze over when you see an advert for a disney park on television.
Oh the list could go on...
DISNEY <3 ;)
Well, almost everything has allready been said for me... :P
...when you're staring for hours to the maps of DLP just hoping to go there again some day.
btw davewasbaloo
Propose at DLP then taking a honeymoon to WDW...
that's what I hope to be my future. :P
I love you all ... you make me sound quite normal now :D :lol:
And as for inspirational stories ... they don't come any better ... thank you, thank you, thank you ...
I don't care that some folks laugh at me ... I know what Disney does for me ... and it's all good.
Take care and keep it Disney ... Lynne =D>
If there was a like button on the forum, I would like your comment Lynne haha :D have a magical day and welcome home! ;)
thank you ... it's good to be with like-minded folks ... the world would be a different place, I have NO DOUBT about this ... if we were all a little more 'disney' minded ... I don't mean the company/shareholder zealots ... I mean you get out what you put in ... keep it disney :D/ =D>
... You've packed you suitcase a week early. And, you've only packed 5 tops for a 7 days trip because you know you're gonna buy 2 when you get there :thumbs:
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"... You've packed you suitcase a week early. And, you've only packed 5 tops for a 7 days trip because you know you're gonna buy 2 when you get there :thumbs:
DH said that sounds like me too! I've only packed one hoodie as I know I'm going to bring back at least one new hoodie as long as I let DH buy lots of sweeties!! :D
....when you have a trip booked for next March but can't resist the 40% sale and book for January too.
....when the walk to school conversations are entirely about Disney.
....when the scrapbooks of previous trips are permanently kept on bedside locker.
....when, thanks to this website, January's budget trip meals are already planned and priced.
....when logging into Disney websites is as frequent as checking emails and facebook.
After a month in your new job you get the nickname Disney :)
You get a private registration plate ... L9 WDW ... yep, that 'LOVE ... WALT DISNEY WORLD' ... :D
...your friends just call you disney.
...your teachers come to you asking for advice about a DLP-trip.'ve got a house where you almost can't see the colour of the wall because of the Disney wall-decorations. go to your travel agent and his only question is : when ? are 14 years old , had 27 trips and are more nervous for going to DLP then a math exam.
...have a blog with 100+ daily readers.
everytime I see a video of disneyland paris, look at photos or when I walk into the park I feel my eyes fill up with tears of joy lol!
Your children do the 'Disney Dance' when anything Disney related is on TV.
Even your husband refers to Disneyland Paris as 'our' park when comparing it to other parks.
You would rather watch Youtube videos of Disney rides and shows than normal TV.
When you have everything listed and planned, and are thinking about getting the suitcases out 5 weeks before you go :oops:
When your husband tells the friends you're going to DLRP with that she isn't to spend too much time getting herself and her kids ready each morning of the trip because you'll be outside their room at 7:00am with a clip board, an itnerary and a rolecall.
Quote from: "gingajen"When your husband tells the friends you're going to DLRP with that she isn't to spend too much time getting herself and her kids ready each morning of the trip because you'll be outside their room at 7:00am with a clip board, an itnerary and a rolecall.
i like this one....
you have bought disneyland paris merch off the disney store website