Disney's Christmas Season
Including A Fairytale Christmas at Disneyland Park
11th November 2006 to 7th January 2007
This is now the official topic for discussion and news about the 2006 Disney's Christmas Season.
Joyeux Noël!
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Following 18 posts cut from the Disney's Princess Parade topic.
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Original post by Kinou:
All i see is MORE CUTS! 2006 is the year of all the cuts, the budgets are VERY small because they want to save up for next year. Expect a very light version of Halloween and Christmas this year (for instance: Belle's Medley won't be returning this year!)
Indeed, Belle's Musical won't return, same goes for Kids' Carnival, Easter and Magic Unlimited next year.
ok we trust the blue bird lol
Quote from: "raptor1982"Indeed, Belle's Musical won't return, same goes for Kids' Carnival, Easter and Magic Unlimited next year.
Ok, I've just gone from writing a post praising DLRP to read this... :(
If I'm completely honest though, I'd prefer to miss out on the Carnival, Easter and a bit of Christmas/Halloween if it means we get a truly awesome celebration next year. Belle's Musical Medley wasn't exactly the most brilliant DLRP show, Easter was almost non-existant this year, Magic Unlimited caused problems... the only bad thing about this news is the cutting of the Carnival. Hopefully it'll return again in 2008, but if not I hope they use some of the costumes in the new DLP parade.
Edit: Cutting back on the seasons they've worked so hard to build up over the last few years is interesting though. Does this mean they now know that new attractions are the only surefire way to bring in more guests?
Quote from: "Baloo"Edit: Cutting back on the seasons they've worked so hard to build up over the last few years is interesting though.
Did they really work that hard on those seasonal events...?
QuoteEdit: Cutting back on the seasons they've worked so hard to build up over the last few years is interesting though. Does this mean they now know that new attractions are the only surefire way to bring in more guests?
Karl Holz wants to concentrate (money) on the core values of the resorts like the new attractions, Fantillusion, Halloween, Christmas, ...
Since people come to the resort anyway during the Easter and Kids Carnival seasons.
One of the reasons why Belle's Musical is drooped is because they hired external dancers for this show (most of them also did Kids Carnival and Easter).
Good I'm not going to DLP next year. It sounds very sad to hear that almost everything is cut down. I understand the bad financial situation of DLP, but why must they always cut things which entertain the guests ?! :shock:
No no, you're missing the point... The money that they're saving from the "lost" seasons will now be invested in new things for the 15th Anniversary.
Oh okay, I hope they will do so, but really believing in this can I only when I see what happened. Sorry but DLP has often announced some great things which turned out to be just interesting Wishes for example. :? But we will see. Are there some announcements what they're going to plan for the 15th anniversary ?
Quote from: "raptor1982"Karl Holz wants to concentrate (money) on the core values of the resorts like the new attractions, Fantillusion, Halloween, Christmas, ...
Since people come to the resort anyway during the Easter and Kids Carnival seasons.
Doesn't sound too bad, if I may say so. If they can divert some more money to - as you said - "core values" as well as next year's celebration, it might actually be worth it.
Personally, I'd much more prefer a better performed Fantillusion parade than having Belle's Musical Medley, some odd carnival music and bunny statues...
Yes Experiment, I agree with you. Although I loved Belle's Musical Medley, I'd rather see an improved WDS, new parade, ... :)
ALERT :!: ALERT :!: Alarm bells are ringing here...
If the majority of The Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony cast were those who appeared in Belle's Musical Medley, then what the hell is happening to this show too?! :( Tell me this show is staying the same or getting even better please! It's a massive part of the Christmas celebrations in the park and I really would miss it if it got scaled down again. :roll:
The Ceremony will return. My guess is that they're going to use people from EPC this time.
thank god!!!
the one last year was soo cool
Quote from: "raptor1982"The Ceremony will return.
As much as some of you folks seem to like this show: will we ever get a "Christmas Celebration" again or will it be just pretty much Princesses Weeks from now on during the month of December? :?
I must agree that Princesses are not the best Christmas theme ever, but at least the show had a Christmas element again last year. I will be VERY dissappointed if this show is smaller than last year after all the expense they went to with it!!
I think DLRP seem to be escaping the Christmas concept and going for a Winter celebration instead. Winnie will be a wintry show I guess, Mickey's Winter Wonderland sure is and the Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony is not pure Christmas either. The illuminations are for a fairytale and only the last float in The Christmas Parade has a strong reference to Christmas. Over in the Studios, even Goofy plays Santa.
All this makes me thin it might be a tactical move, although it's a shame in my eyes.
Excuse me dost thou not spy a Christmas Tree next to the Castle, therefore is that not a Christmas element? Victorian carollers though don't know if they will be back? These and more do seem to specify christmas. Also christmas music I think there's enough christmas elements would be nice to have the old tree lighting ceremony back but to me the newer one is still good :) .
Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Excuse me dost thou not spy a Christmas Tree next to the Castle, therefore is that not a Christmas element?
Yeah, but nowadays the whole thing smells like your favourite Disney princess threw up over that poor tree... :?
I just don't like how they seem *not* to celebrate Christmas these days... (compared to previous years...)
Again: I'm not saying that their current show is bad - it's just so not-Christmas that it really annoys me big time.
Why isn't Walt Disney Studios shown on the official Christmas website?
http://www.disneymagicalchristmas.com/ (http://www.disneymagicalchristmas.com/)
Is it because the park won't have any specific shows/parades for Christmas, or is it some kind of mistake?
Expect minor decorations and only Christmas Cinéfolies for this Christmas season.
that is wierd because it is exactly the same site - wds. Maybe they cant have the merry xmas WDS parade due to all the building work? but that does not count for the rest of the entertainment.
(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/061006/petitlampadaires04.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/061006/lampadaires04.jpg)
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Already?!!
Bloody Hell, to think I go away for 2 days and come home to that image, excuse me can DLRP ever just leave the collision of two holidays to a certain Tim Burton Movie, I mean the castle is even done already :lol: .
djeeeeeeeeeeeez they just keep doing that....it's just plain annoying!!! and l still hate the lampposts. Bring back the old archways people it was MUCH better!!!!!!!
Totally agree with Tink-the archways were soooo much better, they created a very special atmosphere which, in my opinion, the lamps fail to do.
The arches were so beautiful all lit up at night.....
and nice during the day with the little lights overhead ... lt was much more christmassy...
yea i was looking foward to seeing the lights of winter down main street in 2005 to only find some princess lights :evil:
Especially during the day...juk...not good!!...
Can't we try and persuade disney to bring back the archways???
Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"Can't we try and persuade disney to bring back the archways???
I'm sure they'd start to listen if you agreed to foot the bill for the massive maintenance costs and the huuuuge crane needed to install them.
I can't see them returning, unfortunately. :( I wonder if they still even have them? Must be hard to store... DLRP's seasonal entertainment is such a mystery - where do they keep everything? The giant pumpkin, the paint cableway, the princess chandeliers, castle lights... where?!
l'm sure they'd find enough "idiots" who'd pay their bills. :lol: (wait....we already are in a way)
Where they store things should be visible on the satellite pics, no?
Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"Where they store things should be visible on the satellite pics, no?
Well we know the Euro Disney offices, food warehouse and parade buildings, but... all that stuff!! I honestly haven't a clue where they hide it all.
Shame they haven't invented X-ray google maps yet...
QuoteI wonder if they still even have them?
Blue Bird saw them on a grass field, overgrown by plants.
Lots of Belle's Christmas Village has returned already!
http://joel.at.dlp.online.fr/dlp/20061010/ (http://joel.at.dlp.online.fr/dlp/20061010/)
NOOOO! Christmas is ages away but i guess they have to start somewere 8-[
Just to let you know that rehersals for this years Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony started on Tuesday - the princesses this year will be taken from the EPC cast and not hired seperatly as in previous years.
So the princesses and princes you see in the Christmas parade will reprise their roles for the ceremony - their morning meet and greet times may be adjusted to start at around Noon, but at the moment there is some confusion, as some of this cast will also have to take part in Fantillusion, so it may be seen that the meet and greets are performed by a different set of princesses.
It looks as though the One Man's Dream section will be cut this year, though this is not a final decision yet, the show director will see how the ceremony runs without it - and it may reappear if she decides its helps the show.
I was told I was on the shortlist to form part of the ceremony at some point, but I managed to sprain my ankle on Sunday - so have been forced to take even more time off, missing the rehersals - so sadly not able to be part in this years show, until at least mid-December :cry:
Construction of Belle's village has finished:
http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_chr ... s_851.html (http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_christmas_disneyland_paris_851.html)
looks like there is no major change to the village
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"Just to let you know that rehersals for this years Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony started on Tuesday - the princesses this year will be taken from the EPC cast and not hired seperatly as in previous years.
So the princesses and princes you see in the Christmas parade will reprise their roles for the ceremony - their morning meet and greet times may be adjusted to start at around Noon, but at the moment there is some confusion, as some of this cast will also have to take part in Fantillusion, so it may be seen that the meet and greets are performed by a different set of princesses.
It looks as though the One Man's Dream section will be cut this year, though this is not a final decision yet, the show director will see how the ceremony runs without it - and it may reappear if she decides its helps the show.
Thanks for the info! Does this mean the group of dancers in white will be cut? They were from the same group as Belle's Musical Medley, right?
I really liked that one man's dream segment, even if it has nothing to do with Christmas. :)
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"I was told I was on the shortlist to form part of the ceremony at some point, but I managed to sprain my ankle on Sunday - so have been forced to take even more time off, missing the rehersals - so sadly not able to be part in this years show, until at least mid-December :cry:
Oh, bad luck. :( Let us know if you do get to perform in it though. I'll try and spot you at new year...
Hey There...Hello All!,
Does anyone know yet what the schedule is going to be for the Parade, Fantulission and EFC this year?.
Previous years have seen the Park open to 8pm, which has allowed for the Parade @ 4pm, EFC @ 6pm, and then Fantulission @ 7pm ( I think - from memory).
With the park only open until 7pm on most dates during the Christmas season this year - just wondering how they intend to cramp those 3 - what seem - big productions into the evening.
Quote from: "ICHAPMAN"Hey There...Hello All!,
Does anyone know yet what the schedule is going to be for the Parade, Fantulission and EFC this year?.
Previous years have seen the Park open to 8pm, which has allowed for the Parade @ 4pm, EFC @ 6pm, and then Fantulission @ 7pm ( I think - from memory).
With the park only open until 7pm on most dates during the Christmas season this year - just wondering how they intend to cramp those 3 - what seem - big productions into the evening.
Hi Iain! :)
You've made a good point there, that's a lot of entertainment to fit into an early park closing. I don't know anything definite about the times, and it almost seems like DLRP don't either, since they've not updated their website page (unless they're going to do it when the whole website updates).
In previous years, though, the EFC has been at 5.30pm with Fanti at 7.30pm. I can see Fanti being moved forward to 6.15pm or 6.30pm perhaps... Still very early though, will it be dark enough?
It looks like the park hours have been extended for December - answering the timing issues.
http://international.visit.disneylandpa ... ndex.xhtml (http://international.visit.disneylandparis.com/opening-hours/index.xhtml)
For November - Fantillusion is planned for 6.15pm.
The Park Hours - depends on which DLRP website you look at. The 'old' design site - still the one UK customer are sent to - shows the Park open until 19:00 for most days, where as you highlight the new design shows the Park open until 20:00 most days.
Not overly keen to believe the new site design at the moment - just the December times listed there look 'funny' to me.
From listed page:
09:00-21:00 daily
10:00-20:00 the 08
10:00-20:00 the 22
09:00-22:00 from 23 to 30
09:00-01:00 the 31
Not saying it's wrong, but would just be surprised to see the park open DAILY in December from 9am - 9pm, with the exception of two Friday's - the 8th and 22nd - where it is reduced to 10am - 8pm. Why not reduced hours on Friday 15th?
However, the listings for Dec 23rd - Dec 31st - probably look as to be expected?.
I've seen some other things listed on this new site design for December which I believe are wrong, based on information on the 'old' site design and various other sources - for example the new site did say Space Mountain was closed for the entire of December - this has now been corrected.
Which to believe....
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"It looks like the park hours have been extended for December - answering the timing issues.
http://international.visit.disneylandpa ... ndex.xhtml (http://international.visit.disneylandparis.com/opening-hours/index.xhtml)
For November - Fantillusion is planned for 6.15pm.
Oh yes please please please please pretty please l always have to take the train at 7 pm this way l can see part of the parade again!!!!!
Quote from: "ICHAPMAN"Not overly keen to believe the new site design at the moment - just the December times listed there look 'funny' to me.
Not saying it's wrong, but would just be surprised to see the park open DAILY in December from 9am - 9pm, with the exception of two Friday's - the 8th and 22nd - where it is reduced to 10am - 8pm. Why not reduced hours on Friday 15th?
Yeah, details like those on the new site are very strange. Look at the times for 2007 and they're even more odd - just don't match up to a calendar at all, it's like they picked random days the park should close early.
I think the old website should be trusted for now... :?
will the christmas parade go from main street to small world this year like the last? and the same with fanti
Fantillusion was going from Small World to the Entrance last year, to get the parade watching crowds out of the park by following the parade.
I think, they will do the same this year!
Well, the first bits and pieces of Christmas are back at Disney Studio 1 at least:
http://joel.at.dlp.online.fr/dlp/20061024/ (http://joel.at.dlp.online.fr/dlp/20061024/)
Let's hope the rest of the WDS decorations return too... but not too soon! :wink:
lol yea! as beutiful as allways!
Nothing new, but still very nice. The decorations blend in very well.
Well most wds decor now is up, and every day it gets worse, and all well most is switched on, kinda feels like nightmare before christmas, in one park halloween and the next christmas. Only mickey's coat is missing in frontlot and knowing disney as I type this they will have put it on, it is a freezing cold morning after all :wink: .
I love the ice rink in Hotel New York With the lights And christmas Trees !
<3 :!: :D :) :D :)
Yes thankfully the tree is not there yet, however the rink is :D , now I just need someone to test it out with :lol: :wink: .
Oh no... :?
:lol: :lol: :lol: Now THAT is something I want to see... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Actually I can skate, as compared to some random guy I saw last night with a Bufallo Bil's hat on skate then stare into space and amazingly he zoomed straight into the wall :lol: .
i can just abut scate for like 30cm before i fall down lol :lol:
I am an excellent skater-as long as I'm holding onto the wall..... :lol: :lol:
I'm superb at horizontal skating........I drink some red wine, lie down and wifey just "pushes" me across the ice :D
The Christmas Parade began today! Same as previous years I think, no changes. No walking characters (that I noticed) but lots and lots of dancers.
Town Square's flower beds are white already too.
From DLRP Today (//http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today):
Quote from: "DLRP Today"Breaking news just got in from Anthony who's currently at Disneyland Park. It appears that the Christmas Tree has been installed again on Town Square! Management broke with this tradition 2 years ago by placing it right next to the castle, upsetting almost the complete fan community.
Reason why the tree has returned to its traditional location isn't clear yet, but one reason could be the spreading of the crowds during the Tree Lightning Ceremony.
Be sure to keep an eye out on this article as Anthony will return this evening with photos.
wow i never thought this would happen
Really hope this is true, I always thought the tree was much more effective in town square.....
It IS true. :D
Much more tomorrow! (well, later today...) :wink:
that looks so cool there
Well there's the proof! I NEVER take anything for sure until I've seen it with my own eyes :wink:
Many thanks for that photo-I'll be returning to Disney happier now I know the tree is back where it belongs! :lol:
just found this website, and this is my first mail to you all, i have been to disneyland a couple of times over the years and going back for the 15th brithday in november 2007, just like to say how lovely it is to see the christmas tree up again but its a shame about the archways being took down, counting the months till we go again.
welcome miss disney fan! i also loved the arches and think they should come back as they looked much more magical but i suppose the princess lights fit much better with EFC
More photos now available here: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2006/11/ ... treet.html (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2006/11/christmas-returns-to-main-street.html)
I didn't like the fairytale lights last year much, but with the Christmas tree back where it belongs they look much better. There's something very symmetrical and balanced about the street now, and when you're stood in the middle between the tall tree and castle it feels much more cosy and complete.
Also, having the tree there is better for the EFC since sometimes not everyone can fit on Central Plaza, and so they previously couldn't see it. Now, there's two different icons to watch.
Btw, some Christmas entertainment times are now online: //http://www.disneylandparis.com/uk/disneyland_park/parades_and_shows/parade_schedule.htm
Walt Disney Studios will only have Christmas Ciné Folies and the Edelweiss music performances this year, unless something will appear mid-December like Winnie at DLP.
I don't know why, but I love it so much more in that position, it looks much nicer and gives a focal point at each end of Main Street, as compared to walking into the park and seeing nothing then seeing the castle dwarfing the tree, was never a nice effect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is try to get there this year to see the thing in person, also the lights do seem rather nice now the trees up by viewing the photos, though still does not make any sense as to why they had to be up during Halloween.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
those screens hide the tree very effectively don't they??? :wink:
Wow, it looks so good at Town Square. I guess we were all right in the end, huh? Central Plaza felt like an unnatural place for the tree, so I am glad it returned to it's rightful place. Although I still dislike the ugly lamposts, I have to admit it looks less out of place now. Way to go Disney! 8)
You know what I only just realised? I was watching the Christmas bit of the new DLRP DVD, and I realised there's NO father christmas in The Christmas Parade this year. At least not during this week... maybe he's too busy sorting out the toys until the weekend?
We shall see... :?
Santa will appear from Saturday.
This is due to casting issues, because Santa is taken from outside the EPC as offically he should to be able to speak a larger number of languages and able to do sign lanuage etc.
Ah cool, thanks. :)
I never realised what the implications of having Santa in the park were, but you made a good point - he must be one talented guy to be able to speak with every child.
A little information on the Chandeliers.
They will be illuminated in a different and improved way this year, with an even more heart-warming magical effect.
Also the colour has been changed slightly to make them a little warmer then the ice blue of last year.
All will be revealed on Saturday or at the full show rehearsals over tomorrow and Friday night — if you want to sneak in somehow.
They're doing a better job this year. l saw some pics of the banisters in Main Street and it looks much better, less "empty"
l can't post those pics here though because the person doesn't want them to be taken save to be put on one forum :roll: talk about childish....
just wondered if anyone can help me out with something, on the main disney site for the uk is got closing times at 6pm but when you look at the Fantillusion parade its at 7pm???????? :?
The earliest the park closes during Christmas is 7pm, there aren't any 6pm closures I can see (except for January but Fanti won't be running then).
It'll probably be like Wishes in the Summer, with all the attractions closing and then everyone ushered to the parade route. I wouldn't be surprised if the CMs in the Main Street shops are scheduled to work to 8pm or 9pm on these nights too.
Does anyone have any pictires of how the tree looked last year? I just can't seem to visualise it...
i have some pics of the tree from 2003 if thats any help, but dont no how to add then on here
Quote from: "DisneyBud"Does anyone have any pictires of how the tree looked last year? I just can't seem to visualise it...
Did you ever notice the "photosmagiques.com" in the URL of this board? :wink:
http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2005 (http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2005)
Less than a month now until my first visit to the Park in three years! Am only going for a day (well, will actually only be about 4 hours :( ) but at least I'll be able to take in all the Christmas decorations.
Just wondering, I'll have to leave about 6pm - will the EFC have taken place by then? Will be sad if I miss the castle turning all sparkly!
Wow that's so cool, the enchanted fairytale ceremony this year is taking place at 5:30pm, as far as I know, so you may be able to catch it.
Hey! Wow it's been ages since we "spoke" (it's too depressing being on Disney sites when you have no trips planned!).
Anyway, here's hoping that it is 5.30 - that would be perfect! Just can't wait to go again and take loads of photos :D
Quote from: "raptor1982"Quote from: "DisneyBud"Does anyone have any pictires of how the tree looked last year? I just can't seem to visualise it...
Did you ever notice the "photosmagiques.com" in the URL of this board? :wink:
http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2005 (http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2005)
haha, yes I know, I was just feeling too lazy to be bothered to search, will have a look now.
I've just uploaded some photos and a video of the first performance of The Christmas Parade if anyone's interested.
Photos: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2006/11/ ... -2006.html (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2006/11/christmas-parade-2006.html)
Video: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/video/the_chri ... e_2006.wmv (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/video/the_christmas_parade_2006.wmv)
In case you're wondering, I didn't hold both a camera and video camera at the same time, I ran from it's a small world to Town Square. :lol: Made it with ages to spare, too!
I edited the video very quickly, and there's a section just as the first float goes past where frames kept being dropped, sorry. I'm sure you can forgive me. :?
Edit: Btw, watch how wide the first float takes the corner - I thought I was going to get my legs chopped off!!
"If anyone's interested..." :P
Photos are beautiful. Just waiting for the video to download.
Nice video and photos :) , two things bug me there's no hats on the Arabian dancers :? , and also the Chimney Sweep choreography seems even more simple than it did in previous years, apart from that what a nice parade, if not a bit boring in parts :lol: . Wow that float did come rather close, remember in the Villain Parade I stood around there and the floats started turning way before the turn. Oh yes how on earth was the park that dead, there seems to be noone around the parade route, when just 4 days earlier people could hardly move.
Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"A little information on the Chandeliers.
They will be illuminated in a different and improved way this year, with an even more heart-warming magical effect.
Also the colour has been changed slightly to make them a little warmer then the ice blue of last year.
(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/petitceremonie06.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/ceremonie06.jpg)(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/petitceremonie07.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/ceremonie07.jpg)(//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/petitceremonie37.jpg) (//http://www.dlrp.fr/news/upload/dlp/noel/ceremonie/ceremonie37.jpg)
More pics of the decorations and the enchanted fairytale ceremony can be found here (//http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_christmas_disneyland_paris_873.html) and here. (//http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_christmas_disneyland_paris_872.html)
Source: dlrp.fr
Blimey, they look gorgeous!!! :shock:
Soooo much better than last year! I wonder how they manage that effect of purple in the middle? It's very clever. I'm beginning to accept these as a worthy replacement for the Lights of Winter...
Well spank me gently and call me Susan - they DO look great. Can't wait to see em
great video, shame i got to wait till next year to see it for real (cant wait) :?
Wow! They look so... magical!
These are like a million times better than last year. Although still "cold" colours, the dark blue and purple really make the lights way more dramatic. So much more magical too! I assume the "pole" section is lit up all the time now and not just for the ceremony? There's a real atmosphere created by the new colours, although I had hoped for some ligting changes with the tree though.
Hmmm. Is it me, or are some of the decorations on the tree new too? I can't find a decent pic from last year, but 2004 and 2006 decorations look quite different to me. What do you think?
They actually look the same to me. :-k Are the decorations kept on the tree even when it's in storage do you think? They must be, unless they decorated it backstage which I doubt. They're probably the same each year then.
You're right it's a shame the tree's lights are still the same, but with the weirdly modern fairytale lamps it's probably good to keep something old-fashioned.
Lots more photos here by Kyoto: http://www.disneymagicinteractive.com/f ... c&start=15 (http://www.disneymagicinteractive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2505&postorder=asc&start=15)
I'm so glad they returned a more pinky-purple colour to the castle at night, last year's white castle didn't look good. The lamps looks stunning during Fanti, as does Town Square at night, just perfect. Also WDS CinéFolies look as funny as ever. :lol: I wonder if they get paid extra when they have to wear stupid costumes?
It's a shame the monster truck in Backlot never returned this year, I loved that.
WOW WOW WOW! this is great!!! :D the lighting looks so much better compared to last year and also last year on november 5th half of the Chandeliers didnt work
Sooo...now we are offically into the Christmas Season - are we any cleared on what the situation is regards to the timing of Fantulission and Park Closing.
If you recall in the majority of days during November and December both are scheduled to occur at the same time.
Good news for Fantillusion fans: the parade is using its old route again: running from Main Street towards Fantasyland. 8)
Quote from: "PATMAGIC"Nice video and photos :) , two things bug me there's no hats on the Arabian dancers :? , and also the Chimney Sweep choreography seems even more simple than it did in previous years.
Those hats are now back - they were being padded out more! And yes that choreography is embarrassing - so easy and just looks rubbish.
The Christmas Parade is better than ever this year though - with cast elevated to about 85 per parade - full complete-looking dance sections, great cast and new character section in front of Santa's float- with some of the best-loved characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Abu, Scrooge McDuck and Genie.
And its going the right way down Main Street this year!
Don't get me wrong I think the lamposts look amazing! Really atmospheric, but am I being blind, or are they being lit the same way as last year just without the dangly bits coming down lit up? I can't see nething else different?
Quote from: "DisneyBud"Don't get me wrong I think the lamposts look amazing! Really atmospheric, but am I being blind, or are they being lit the same way as last year just without the dangly bits coming down lit up? I can't see nething else different?
The posts are now lit up all the time at opposed to last year where it was just during the lighting ceremony and at several times during the evening when it also snowed.
pics from joel and dlrp.fr
They DO look a lot better....hurray for Disney getting proper sense this is way waaay better!!!
So the castle looks different again now??
EDIT: l think it's better with the christmas tree in Town Square, otherwise when you left the park you turned you back on the castle and the rest of Main Street there was "nothing there"
l found that bothered me last year.
Oh my God--the Christmas Season looks just so magical and pretty. I've planned to visit a Christmas DLRP in 2008, but now I can't wait ;)
Os it usual that the christmas tree is covered up with walls or was it just not finished?
Oh that was just back when it was not Christmas Season that the tree was covered with construction walls, now it's all open and looking nice.
Just got 2 nights in the Kyriad @ Disney tagged onto the front of our christmas holiday - so nw we got 21-22 Dec in Kyriad, then a massive 2 minute drive over to the NPBC for 23-27 Dec (1 night extra in NPBC was £204 - 2 nights in Kyriad was £143)
This years christmas photolocations are:
The princesses by the castle
Santa in town square
Goofy dressed as santa in front lot
Belle in Belle's christmas village
Mickey at casey's corner
And Minnie at the storybook store
http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_chr ... s_882.html (http://www.dlrp.fr/actu_disney_noel_christmas_disneyland_paris_882.html)
WOW I never would have seen that coming :lol: , the only bit of a surprise is the new christmas / old Princess throne that was one summer placed in the castle for people to get photos with Aurora, apart from that looking rather randomly placed amongst the Christmas Trees, the others are generic ones that have been used time and time again. Still nice to see Santa is on Town Square, I'm sure that will help guest flow around the area amazingly :roll: . Also I take it this means no return of the Beast posing for photos :( , I still need a photo.
The beast alternates with Belle every 30 minutes thoughout her set.
Which is, as the others photolocations in DLRP (Incredibles, Chicken Littlez...), very STUPID. I want to see the couple together not split up! In california or florida we can see Beauty and her BEast at the same time, Mr and Ms Incredible PLUS Frozone, Sully AND Mike....
F.cking budget !
Quote from: "Kinou"Which is, as the others photolocations in DLRP (Incredibles, Chicken Littlez...), very STUPID. I want to see the couple together not split up! In california or florida we can see Beauty and her BEast at the same time, Mr and Ms Incredible PLUS Frozone, Sully AND Mike....
True it is a shame!
And even worse - The Incredibles and Chicken Little Photo Locations are now lying empty and not featuring any characters at the moment. :(
wow you would hardly reconise that the princess by the castle photo location was once whinne the pooh!
Great locations!!! l've never seen that throne before
I really like all the photo locations (well with maybe the exception of Goofy, nothing overly interesting), but the princess one is really fetive - nice job!
The throne has been used by Aurora before
was the casy corner one there last year?
l can't remember it being there, l've just browsed my pics but l have no specific pics of that area so l don't think it was there.
Otherwise l'm sure l'd have a pic of it. And l know which one l want now, me on that throne it's great!!
Yea the Casey Corner location is there 365 days per year.
Mickey was there last year, and they years before this area was occupied by Santa's Sleigh - which is now on Town Square.
The reason for not having the Aladdin hats in the first few christmas parades 2006 was because they only had two hats that fit the dancers, so they had to wait for the nex order.
Quote from: "thebatman_1"The reason for not having the Aladdin hats in the first few christmas parades 2006 was because they only had two hats that fit the dancers, so they had to wait for the nex order.
LOL!!! - I love the insider info!! :D
great xmas parade video.
the last we all went (Nov 04) Father Christmas and real reindeers were in the parade...
has that all stopped now ??
seemed a lot shorter than previous.
were back there next week w/c 27th Nov 06 can' flipin wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: "nijopo"BALOO
great xmas parade video.
the last we all went (Nov 04) Father Christmas and real reindeers were in the parade...
has that all stopped now ??
seemed a lot shorter than previous.
were back there next week w/c 27th Nov 06 can' flipin wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes that's not the full parade, more the lazy we don't want to put on the princess parade for about a week during the time between Halloween and Christmas season so let's put on a shortened christmas parade, so yes Santa is now back in it in his sleigh with real reindeer, or at least I believe they are, suppose it would be hard to get a pony and stick on antlers :lol: .
LOL I had a email once of a picture of a donkey with antlers
Hi there
I am going to visit Disneyland Paris with my wife and 2,5 years old daughter during Christmas. We made a reservation for Character Breakfast on Christmas morning. Does anyone knows what does it includes? What is happening there? Is there a professional photographer who takes pictures? What else should I know so as to prepare my little daughter?
Quote from: "geomelin"Hi there
I am going to visit Disneyland Paris with my wife and 2,5 years old daughter during Christmas. We made a reservation for Character Breakfast on Christmas morning. Does anyone knows what does it includes? What is happening there? Is there a professional photographer who takes pictures? What else should I know so as to prepare my little daughter?
Hi George, we'll be there on Christmas morning but we're having breakfast in our room so can't help you but take a camera and enjoy yourself :D
Where are you having character breakfast? Cafe Mickey is the best. Unfortunately though you'll get Mickey, Minnie and a couple other VIPs, you'll most likely end up getting a few minor characters as well like Prince John and Friar Tuck because EPC love sending them out, costs less money. I'm not sure how the hotel breakfast go because EPC isn't responsible for the characters there. There should be a professional photographer at Plaza Gardens but I was told that characters would no longer do breakfasts there, though if its christmas day it might be different. You had best take your own camera though just incase.
Quote from: "thebatman_1"Where are you having character breakfast? Cafe Mickey is the best. Unfortunately though you'll get Mickey, Minnie and a couple other VIPs, you'll most likely end up getting a few minor characters as well like Prince John and Friar Tuck because EPC love sending them out, costs less money. I'm not sure how the hotel breakfast go because EPC isn't responsible for the characters there. There should be a professional photographer at Plaza Gardens but I was told that characters would no longer do breakfasts there, though if its christmas day it might be different. You had best take your own camera though just incase.
Hmm, not sure if you work in the EPC, but all character appearences throughout the resort are the responsibility and planned by the EPC dept.
Hotel characters are a different department, the disneyland hotel characters are usually in EPC but the rest of the hotel characters are seperate?? or am I wrong?
I'm under the impression it is all under the EPC. Hotels have a say and pay - but the costumes and staff come from the EPC.
Anyway the Disneyland Hotel is the only hotel with character breakfast, so they are definaitly planned by the EPC. :lol:
Right back to Christmas!
EPC lend Disneyland Hotel characters in the morning, which if you work at EPC you would see a planning at 7:15 and 7:45. Both teams do three sets and then after lunch do three sets in Lucky Nuggets. I know for a fact that EPC is not responisble for the hotels, hence why at EPC there is not a 'Max' character, because the management do not want to buy him, but one hotel as him because there little character department did buy him. The hotels and the parks are seperate, apart from them three sets EPC staff have nothing to do with the characters there and the hotels carry there own staff and costumes.Oh the breakfast you mentioned there, if you have done it recently you would find yes the characters are there in the morning, but they spend there time outside the restuarant, if your lucky you might get taken up to the VIP breakfast which is takes 5 minute max so its not like a Cafe Mickey breakfast.
Here you go, our Christmas Season photos:
:arrow: http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2006 (http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_2006)
:arrow: http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/c ... _parade_06 (http://www.photosmagiques.com/gallery/christmas_parade_06)
I know I have said this before, but my god those are amazing photos, really capture the season. As for the studio 1 not having lights switched on, that's strange considering it's Christmas, think maybe they have thought October was Christmas season not now :lol: .
I have read in dlrpmagic.com that the Christmas Parade will take place at 17:30 from 23rd of December. Do you know if it is dark by that time or does it still have light?
Should be just starting to get dark by then, if it's really cloudy it'll probably already be dark.
Well it gets dark bout 4.30 in the UK at the moment and France is an hour ahead, so i guess by December 23rd I would definitely say it will be dark enough.
oh, and brilliant photos of the xmas season Raptor, I'm determined to visit an xmas season some time!!
:o Has anyone spotted Gaston in Belle's Christmas Village?
Quote from: "Masamune":o Has anyone spotted Gaston in Belle's Christmas Village?
No, the only characters that are supposed to make appearances are Belle and the Beast near the Maze.
l asked them yesterday and they said Gaston wasn't coming...
:( Well that sucks! So glad I didn't go for Christmas instead of Halloween... :shock: the whole point of our trip in October was to see Gaston!
Hello everyone!
Let me introduce myself to you.
I'm a French teacher and journalist, fan of Disney (I was a contributor specialized in Disney for the first European film music magazine).
I created my blog, http://www.media-magic.blogspot.com (http://www.media-magic.blogspot.com) which is devoted to Disney news, told by the creators themselves.
One of the numerous topics I treat is of course Disneyland Resort Paris, and now is the time to talk about Christmas. I've already published several interviews with Disneyland people, among them Vasile Sirli, composer of the music of the park. Many interviews are to follow soon, notably with show directors for the Christmas Parade, the Enchanted Fairytal Ceremony, the WDS and Mickey's Winter Wonderland.
If you read French or if you can use Google's translation tools, please, feel free to visit my site.
This is no advertising since it's not my job. Just a labor of love, in order to share my passion with others, Disney fans just like you!
So, hope to see you soon on Media Magic!
Thanks for reading and visiting!
Welcome Philharmagic, feel free to introduce your site in the Weblinks board. :D
Sorry for being a pain guys, but does anyone have the cést noél disney parade music? If so, could someone please PM me and send it over?
Would be greatly appreciated!
i have got the music for the christmas parade and the fantillusion, but dont know how to send it this way, will be happy to send it to your email address if you let me no
Nath - if you go to the home page for www dlrpmagic.com in the top right hand corner you can select 'cd archives' and choose the whole of the 6 track Christmas disc. I think that should work.....
Quote from: "raptor1982"Welcome Philharmagic, feel free to introduce your site in the Weblinks board. :D
I'll do that soon!
Holiday information for all of the Disney Resorts can be found on the homepage at //http://www.disneyreporter.net.ms.
Disneyreporter, please use your topic in the weblinks board to promote your website. Thanks!
Please, feel free to go to this link now, to discover all the novelties of Media Magic when they're published, like today, with a new interview of Emmanuel Lenormand, show director in charge of Christmas at the WDS and of Mickey's Winter Wonderland show!
viewtopic.php?t=1213 (https://forum.dlpguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=1213)
See you soon on Media Magic!
Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"l asked them yesterday and they said Gaston wasn't coming...
What's so special about Gaston?
Tink wants him - she's almost at the point of stalking :D
Can anyone tell me what time the Enchanted Fairytale Ceremony ends? I have to leave the Park by about 6 pm and figure it should have finished by then, but would like to know for sure - would hate to miss the Castle lit up.
Up to the 22nd december the show is at 5.30pm. From the 23rd december the show times change to 7pm and last for about 20-25 minutes. Hope you will be able to see it.
Thanks - I was there on Saturday and did indeed get to see it :D . In fact, you can see a video of it at the link below.
Does anyone have any info about The Winnie the Pooh show?
Quote from: "Samninetysix"Tink wants him - she's almost at the point of stalking :D
:P No, I do... :lol: you all should stalk him for me...
When we were leaving the park on Saturday evening (at 8pm) there were lots of people coming in with special passes around their necks. Staff just said it was a 'special evening'. Then, at midnight there was a fireworks display that must have been amazing because it woke us up all the way at Sequoia!! Does anyone have any idea what was going on? I'm intrigued!!!! :lol:
Me too, wonder what it was???? - POPPY!! - spill the beans :D
Samninetysix - were you there on Saturday? Wasn't it heaving!!!!!! Poppy - do you work at DLP
Forget that Poppy - just looked at your profile. Clearly you do work at DLP. :oops: Can you tell it's Friday and i'm really not concentrating on anything apart from getting out of work!!!!! :lol:
LOL! - no I wasn't there, we go next Thursday for 6 days - come home on 27th - and the wait is killing me :shock:
Of course, sorry! :oops: I really am not concentrating am i? and making myself look stupid in the process!! I thought you meant 'me too' it woke you up not 'me too' that you were intrigued!!!!! I'll go back to sleep now! No-one else in the office so really quiet and dull here!!!! :?
Do you know if there will be any fireworks during Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
I sincerely hope so!!
This sort of thing should be in trip planning :wink: , however I do not believe there will be any fireworks any night apart New years Eve (night I'm there :)).
Quote from: "Kt"When we were leaving the park on Saturday evening (at 8pm) there were lots of people coming in with special passes around their necks. Staff just said it was a 'special evening'. Then, at midnight there was a fireworks display that must have been amazing because it woke us up all the way at Sequoia!! Does anyone have any idea what was going on? I'm intrigued!!!! :lol:
I heard there was a special party for employees of Air France?!
Quote from: "Bambi"Quote from: "Kt"When we were leaving the park on Saturday evening (at 8pm) there were lots of people coming in with special passes around their necks. Staff just said it was a 'special evening'. Then, at midnight there was a fireworks display that must have been amazing because it woke us up all the way at Sequoia!! Does anyone have any idea what was going on? I'm intrigued!!!! :lol:
I heard there was a special party for employees of Air France?!
And for employees from Peugot. But a friend of me could also get into the parks whit his Passport Annuel Dream after 8pm.
That explains it then! The fireworks must have been amazing - they looked pretty impressive from where we were!!! I've never seen 'Disney fireworks' so maybe that should be our next trip, Wishes?...
l was stalking for masamune indeed... l'd rather go after Jack Sparrow myself :lol:
LOL!!! - my bad ;)
Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"l was stalking for masamune indeed... l'd rather go after Jack Sparrow myself :lol:
Now THAT is good taste...mmm, wouldn't mind a bit of Jack Sparrow myself :lol: :lol:
Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"l was stalking for masamune indeed... l'd rather go after Jack Sparrow myself :lol:
:P Aww, thank you!
:lol: You can all fight over Jack Sparrow while I cuddle Gaston all day...
:o So how's the weather at DLRP right now?
Quote from: "Masamune":o So how's the weather at DLRP right now?[/color]
http://weather.cnn.com/weather/forecast ... cCode=LFPO (http://weather.cnn.com/weather/forecast.jsp?locCode=LFPO)
Great to see the tree back to its orginal position.
Also although I love the arches Im glad to see they are gone,I always thought that so many people are visiting DLP for the first time and I still remember my first view of the castle back in 1992 ,it was breathtaking.
My idea would be to take them over to the studios (especially after the tower opens)if they would eventually open a good restaurant there it would enhance the atmosphere at night.
The Christmas Parade had 2 special guests yesterday - the 2007 ambassadors of DLRP. I thought it was a nice touch for the start of the year, but everyone else was like "who the heck are they?!"
Btw, when did they stop the snowfall on Main Street? I didn't see it at all - cancelled for 2006 or was it because of bad weather?
It snowed in MSUSA every day we were there (21-28) - was introduced with a festive twinkling sound :D
Quote from: "Samninetysix"It snowed in MSUSA every day we were there (21-28) - was introduced with a festive twinkling sound :D
Thanks for the reply, it's still the same as 2004 then - I suppose either the wind meant they didn't bother this weekend or I just didn't spend enough time on Main Street.
No they did bother this weekend, I got a lot of snow hitting my glasses all the time, and getting strange looks when I walked off Central Plaza looking like I had soap suds all over me :lol: . It was very short the time they seemed to make it snow, but I did catch it a few times :D . I now am sick of hearing carols :lol: .
i think that is very nice having the ambassadors to lead the parade
I finally uploaded a video of the first 2007 parade: http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2007/01/ ... ecial.html (http://www.dlrpmagic.com/today/2007/01/nighttime-christmas-parade-with-special.html)
It's not the best, but you can see the ambassadors enjoying it. I had some funny people behind me holding their camera right next to either side of my head and practically in front of many face, desperately trying to get photos, so I couldn't concentrate. I was annoyed since we'd waited a long time, but then I remembered I've done that before. :lol:
And now, "that's it for another year!" - Christmas is over. Topic de-stickied.
Did everyone enjoy Disney's Christmas Season 2006? Any closing comments? Better/worse than previous years, favourite moments? Share them now. :)
:cry: It came and went oh so quickly!!! It will be back before we know it, but first, bring on the big 1 5!!!!
great video ant!!
That's a very nice video!!!! Thanks for sharing it! :D
I seriously loved the new lantern lights in Mainstreet!! Ans also the dancing castle lights with new years eve was magical!!! :lol: