DLP Guide Forum - The Disneyland Paris magicforum community

Disneyland Paris => Disneyland Paris Trip Reports => Topic started by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 16, 2013, 01:55:59 PM

Title: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 16, 2013, 01:55:59 PM
Hey everyone! Don't think I'll be able to get going properly with this until later today, but wanted to get it started as soon as possible. You can have a quick look at my pre-trip report here (//http://www.magicforum.eu/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15580) if you're interested but for those who haven't seen or want to stick with this report, I'll do a little recap of the basic information!

WHO: Me (Sophie) and my boyfriend Russell.

WHEN: Monday 10th June til Friday 14th June (the first time either of us have done more than 4 days at DLP!).

WHERE: Hotel Cheyenne (our third trip to the Cheyenne together and my seventh trip overall)

HIGHLIGHTS: Watching the parade and the 20th anniversary celebration train, meeting Duffy again, being waved at by Mickey when he spotted my Mickey tee during the celebration train's trip down Main Street, all of our rides on POTC, the descent of the stairs, Disney Dreams!, generally being back in such a magical place.

LOW POINTS: Guest behaviour and the shabbiness of the parks :( This is always something I try SO hard to ignore when I go to DLP, but this time it really felt obvious for us and it would be hard to skirt around it in my report because it did have quite a big effect on how I felt while I was there. But I'll try not to focus on it too much because we did really enjoy our stay and there were lots of positives to it too!

Right, I'll leave this for now and start properly later on. I'll edit the topic subject every time I add a new day or post  :ears:
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June
Post by: ecila on June 16, 2013, 07:51:33 PM
Glad to hear you had a good time despite the low points :) So excited to read your report :D
Title: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 1 Added*
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 16, 2013, 08:35:00 PM

(I'm sorry if this is a bit text-heavy - we didn't really start to take photos until the Tuesday, so this is mostly writing rather than pictures!)

Day 1 was Monday - we'd prepared by watching Lilo & Stitch and getting our final packing done the night before so we were in very Disney-ish moods! Our flight was at 6.30am so we woke up about 4.30am and left for the airport at 5ish. We originally planned to get a taxi but my mum told us she'd be able to drop us at the airport as it's only 10 minutes from our house which was sweet of her.

I couldn't sleep AT ALL (you know one of those nights where you genuinely feel as if you were awake the whole night and you only actually slept for about 10 minutes?) but I didn't care because I was so excited to go! We arrived at Birmingham Airport at 5.30am and got checked in etc pretty quickly. By the time we got through to the departure lounge everyone was boarding our plane so we grabbed some food and ran over to the boarding gate.

In the queue for boarding we kept spotting people with Minnie ears and DLP hoodies and stuff on, which made me even more excited! I love when you see people who are clearly also really big Disneyland Paris fans, I always want to give them a knowing look but I'm never sure if they will reciprocate so I get scared, haha ;) One of our favourite Disney characters is Squirt from Finding Nemo, and behind us in the queue was a family with a little boy who had a Squirt plush, so that made us smile :D

Once we were on the plane, everything went just as well. We landed slightly earlier than expected I think, and because we landed in Terminal 2E/F it made it even easier than last time to find the VEA Shuttle area. We'd booked the VEA tickets online this year - I think you're meant to get a saving if you do it online. In the end it was only a couple of euros, but it was nice to already have the tickets and not have to worry about paying for something else. As soon as we got to the VEA point we saw there was a coach already there! So on we got and away we went.

As we started to see the signs for Disneyland Paris it started to sink in a bit more that we were ACTUALLY GOING TO BE THERE in a matter of minutes, and I kept looking out for signs of ToT and other tall DLP things that you can see from a distance. I love being on the VEA when they drive round all the hotels - staying at the Cheyenne meant we got to have a look at Newport Bay, Sequoia Lodge and Santa Fe before we arrived at the Cheyenne itself.

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We got off the coach at the Cheyenne and went straight to check in. The first time we stayed at the Cheyenne together we had such a lovely room and I think the trouble with going back to the same hotel is that you do start to compare your visits, so this year we decided to ask if there was any chance of requesting the first year's room. The answer was yes - hooray! I'd called 5 days before when the hotels do the room allocations, and the man I spoke to was really helpful and said it'd be no problem. Sadly when we arrived they told us that actual room was being refurbished, but they offered us the room next door which was absolutely fine with us.

The room wasn't ready yet but we went over to have a look at it anyway  ;)

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We quickly dropped our suitcase off at the luggage area and headed straight into the parks! We walked through Disney Village and on the way to the Disneyland Park we stopped off at World of Disney, as it wasn't open last time we visited. I loved this store so much :') I think my favourites are often the cosier, more themed shops like La Chaumiere des Sept Nains and Sir Mickey's, Constellations, Le Coffre du Capitaine, that kind of thing, but I really did like World of Disney. As soon as we walked in we heard Once Upon a Dream which had me in tears straight away  :oops: We went back a few times throughout the trip - I definitely think it's such a welcome addition to DLP.

After our browse around WoD, we walked to Fantasia Gardens! I was so excited to use my new Daisy ticket and hear "Welcome" when you put the ticket through the turnstile, it always makes me so happy. As soon as we got through the ticket area and into the park itself I started crying and couldn't stop for quite some time, haha :') I'm sure a lot of you guys are the same when you're at DLP - I think for me one of the most special parts of my trip is walking through into Main Street and actually realising I am where I am, if that makes sense. I think it's one of the happiest feelings I've ever had but it's also tinged with lots of other emotions, like sadness that I can't be there all the time, shock that I am actually there after months of planning and pining, and general love for Disney and gratitude to Walt...so I'm a bit all over the place when we first arrive each year - to feel all that at once is quite overwhelming!

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We had a little sit on Main Street and then got an overwhelming urge to go on Pirates so we ran over as fast as we could - although we had to pause to admire the castle! This was hands-down my best ride on POTC ever, I'm really not sure why but it just felt even more special after having been away for a year, and I had really tried hard not to watch any on-ride videos on YouTube so it'd be a bit fresher for me when we went, and it definitely was! The smell of the queue area and the water was just as amazing as ever and I may or may not have shed another tear or two, haha.

After a look around the gift shop, we figured it was getting towards lunchtime so we decided to head over to Annette's for food! I am one of those people who a) likes to plan b) obsesses over things they are very interested in to quite a degree, so I'm not exaggerating when I say we had had this trip to Annette's planned for months ;)

As we came out of Pirates I looked up and saw a load of 13/14 year-old children standing and sitting on some of the tall rocks in Adventureland, smoking :( Sadly this was the start of quite a few similar instances that really brought me out of the magic and back down to earth. Like I said, I don't want to write too much about the negatives of the holiday, because we still had an amazing time, but it's really tough when you've just been a buccaneering pirate and then 5 minutes later you're greeted by something that just kills the magic and the innocence of the place :(

But that aside - off to Annette's!

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Definitely a favourite of ours. It was so nice to be back there! After that, we headed back over to the Disneyland Park for a browse around Main Street USA.

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I got my yearly balloon, which I always manage to accidentally hit people on the head with whilst carrying around, and Russ got his popcorn which again has become a bit of a tradition :D We sat down on Main Street and soaked up the atmosphere, until Russ spotted Mary Poppins and Bert!

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We're not huuuuugely fussed about the characters (I prefer fur characters for some reason) so we didn't rush to meet her but it was still really nice to see her and Bert :') We had a little walk around the park just having a look at everything, and then went to collect our luggage and check in to the hotel. After that we both got showered and unpacked, then went for a look around the Cheyenne. We were both exhausted, so we decided to get an early night and be ready for a full day in the parks on Tuesday!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 16, 2013, 08:39:32 PM
Quote from: "ecila"Glad to hear you had a good time despite the low points :) So excited to read your report :D

Aw, thank you! :')
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June
Post by: Shannon on June 16, 2013, 09:04:53 PM
I get really emotional too when I'm there - it's like all of my emotions are heightened and I just can't help it! I'm liking your photographs and it sounds like you had a nice relaxing first day :) when we go our first day is usually busy because my sister wants to go on everything! Can't wait to read the rest! :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 1 Adde
Post by: tubbsy on June 16, 2013, 10:16:11 PM
We dont go very often to DLP so I dont notice so much, but if we went to Legoland-BOY can I point out what needs doing!
And there are people smoking there too. Drives me mad!

I'm getting emotional reading your report! :) Glad you had  a good time.
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 1 Adde
Post by: babe ruth on June 16, 2013, 11:41:05 PM
Your report is truly a pleasure to read through, such a vivid account of your special holiday  :thumbs: I can't wait to read the rest and I am saddened to hear some things brought your special time down  :oops:
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 17, 2013, 10:23:49 AM
Quote from: "babe ruth"Your report is truly a pleasure to read through, such a vivid account of your special holiday  :thumbs: I can't wait to read the rest and I am saddened to hear some things brought your special time down  :oops:

Aww, thank you so much babe ruth! I still had a wonderful time despite the negatives, it's a very special place for me  :ears:  

Quote from: "tubbsy"We dont go very often to DLP so I dont notice so much, but if we went to Legoland-BOY can I point out what needs doing!
And there are people smoking there too. Drives me mad!

I'm getting emotional reading your report! :) Glad you had  a good time.

Thanks Tubbsy! I completely agree, I think when you go somewhere fairly frequently it's easy to pick up on things like that :( So glad you're enjoying the report, thanks for reading!

Quote from: "Shannon"I get really emotional too when I'm there - it's like all of my emotions are heightened and I just can't help it! I'm liking your photographs and it sounds like you had a nice relaxing first day :) when we go our first day is usually busy because my sister wants to go on everything! Can't wait to read the rest! :)

I am exactly the same :') Thanks so much, I'll hopefully be able to get going with the rest soon (just got to wait for my photos to upload which I always forget to do until I actually need to write the report haha) :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 1 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 17, 2013, 12:16:59 PM
So...onto Day 2!

We woke up very excited for our first full day in the parks! But first - breakfast at the Chuck Wagon. This is definitely one of my favourite parts of being in DLP, I know sometimes the queues for food and the hunts for tables can get a little manic, but the food is always so lovely and as someone who never eats much breakfast it is always really nice to enjoy endless amounts of food when we're in Disneyland :D

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After that we got our things together and headed in the direction of the Disneyland Park!

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One of my favourite rides at DLP is Phantom Manor, so we decided to walk to Frontierland. We spent quite a bit of time in Frontierland over the course of our trip and both commented on how we missed Big Thunder Mountain - even just the sounds that come from it are so magical, and without it Thunder Mesa seemed a little lifeless. But still...can't complain about refurbs if you're also the one complaining about the state of the park, so even though we missed it we were still very glad it was getting some TLC :)

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Phantom Manor was amazing. Seeing as we are such seasoned DLP-goers now, we always make sure to stand on the side where the door opens in each room, and if we spot anyone else doing the same thing I have noticed that an unspoken competition begins to see who gets onto a doom buggy first, haha ;)

As we were going round I felt like the ride was a lot darker than this time last year and Russ said the same a few seconds later. I quite liked it though, it definitely gave it an even spookier kind of feel! I got a bit tearful again on the way round, the ballroom scene made me so happy, and when we got to the singing busts and heard Grim Grinning Ghosts I was even more emotional.

After we came out we took a few photos and had a look at the gravestones (I always think it's so cool how they've done this, the whole backstory behind PM and Thunder Mesa never fails to impress me and the fact that they've gone so far as to add the gravestones etc always makes me feel so proud to be a Disneyland Paris fan!).

Now...over to the teacups! This is another of our favourites and the queue was only 5 minutes so we were sitting in a teacup before we knew it.

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I'd never been over to the wishing well by the castle and really wanted to see it up close, so after some pre-trip help from my DLP friends about where to find it (it's one of those things I've always known existed but had no idea how to get to, for some reason?) we made our way over to there. It's a really sweet little addition to the castle grounds and I liked it a lot. Of course, we both made a wish :')

After that Russ suggested we see what the queue for the Railroad was like, as this is something we've always wanted to do together but have never got around to doing. I went on it when I was 6, on my first trip to DLP, and I remember me and my brother absolutely loved it and learned the spiel off by heart (//http://ilovedisneylandparis.tumblr.com/post/49518051719/euro-disney-railroad-announcement-disneyland). I wish they still played it!

We were probably waiting about 10/15 minutes before we got onto the train. I was a bit silly and accidentally selected seats that meant we were going backwards but we actually still had a really good view of everything. I really liked how almost every worker on the Railroad was a woman - all the train drivers were women and 90% of the other CMs were women, too. Just a nice thing to see is all :')

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We enjoyed the Railroad a lot, it was lovely to travel round the park at that pace and have a little look at everything. I know this is quite commonly advised but I would definitely reiterate that Frontierland Station seems to be the quietest and Fantasyland Station the second quietest, whereas Main Street USA is where everyone seems to get on! So if you're looking to get on quickly or for a fast ride from one land to another, I'd definitely recommend Frontierland Station :)

I think the only negative of the Railroad was that you are almost 'behind the magic' and are likely to see aspects of the park that you might not necessarily want to be exposed to. Russ took to saying "Ooh, look at that!" and pointing in the opposite direction whenever he saw something that he thought might upset me, haha, so I was mostly distracted from it :')

I don't know if it's just me that gets like this, do you guys find you are the same? Whilst walking down Discovery Arcade we would see CMs come out from backstage and stand having a conversation with each other whilst holding the door open and when you see backstage it's sad :( It's not like it's all messy and disgusting or anything, there's nothing wrong with it, but it's just that it shatters the illusion and all of a sudden you think "Oh...I'm not actually where I just thought I was". I know from working at the Disney Store that there is 'onstage' and 'backstage' (there was a sign on our door that said "Smile! You're about to go onstage!") so I do wish that kind of thing would happen less, I feel like if I was a CM I would squeeze out the door and leave the smallest amount of backstage visible as possible :(

Other things stood out to me, like a massive metal structure above Town Square Photography (//https://twitter.com/DLPRehabs/status/346388156565819394/photo/1) and similar stuff on-show whilst surveying Fantasland from the castle balcony.

After our trip around the park on the train, we decided to grab some lunch and walked over to Au Chalet de la Marionnette, which is one of our favourite fast food restaurants in the resort. I had chicken nuggets and Russ had the burger :)

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In a photo a while back I'd spotted a Medieval Minnie plush (her in an all-pink version of her Ye Olden Days outfit and hat!) which I'd fallen in love with, so we set off to explore Fantasyland and see if we could find her. Sadly they don't seem to sell her anymore, as we checked literally everywhere, but I'm not sure how old the photo was - I'll have to search for her on eBay :') We had a lovely time looking round the stores though, all of the cosy Fantasyland shops are so beautiful and intricate.

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Later on we walked back down Main Street and checked some of the stores there. Still no luck but a lot of fun anyway!

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When we were on Main Street, Russ spotted my favourite bear, Duffy! So we joined the queue to meet him :D

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Time for another go on Pirates, which was a walk-on! After this I have a feeling we went on Buzz but I can't remember exactly (I really need to start writing down exactly what we do on each day, as it happens!) :oops: We spent some more time in the park and then went over to the Rainforest Cafe for tea/dinner!

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We were by one of the elephants, which happened the first year as well! I think it might be an English-speaking section, as a lot of other UK or English-speaking guests I know have also been seated there before. The food was really good and came out so quickly, as it always seems to do, I would definitely recommend TRC for when you're looking for a quick turnaround but don't fancy the counter service restaurants! I got one of those flashing glasses which I have always secretly longed for but been too scared to ask for, but this year I decided to go for it ;) I bought it afterwards and am looking forward to drinking my juice out of my flashing cup in the future, haha.

Poor Russ was wearing new shoes which had rubbed his feet really badly and he was starting to struggle with all the walking :( We had a look around the DLP shops for some replacements but they were all made of quite hard material and were very expensive so he was unsure. I remembered the Val d'Europe shopping centre from when I stayed at the Hotel l'Elysee Val d'Europe in 2006 with my mum and dad, so we went over to the train station and caught a train to Val d'Europe. The centre closes at 9pm (apart from the hypermarket) and it was 8.30ish so we were in a bit of a rush and I couldn't remember which train to get etc but it worked out well in the end as we spoke to a helpful member of staff who told us that all the trains from Marne la Vallee stop there :)

There was graffiti all over the bridges on the way to Val d'Europe which made me sad :( Is this Disney property? I'm guessing it is but I'm not sure. I just kept thinking that if I was a first-time visitor getting the train to DLP and this is what I was greeted with just before arriving at the parks, I'd be a little disheartened :( I noticed graffiti a lot around the resort in general - on the signposts around Disney Village, all over the queue for Peter Pan's Flight, in three different areas in our hotel room(!). The Peter Pan's Flight graffiti and etchings were all there last year so I don't understand why it hasn't been removed, you know? :'(

I don't want to sound like someone who just complains about everything, because I really don't - in fact often quite the opposite with DLP - but so much this year just stood out for me and made me feel as if my favourite place in the world isn't being properly taken care of! I think that's what it is - it's somewhere that means so much to me that I worry about it, and when I see things like empty drinks bottles and a baby's sandal drifting around in It's a Small World (every day we were there so I guess they'd been there a while) I just want to cry.

I do appreciate that DLP is open 365 days a year, so without a doubt things can't always be pristine. But that's the thing - I always stick up for DLP and I really don't expect perfection. But I don't think it's too much to ask that graffiti and carvings be removed from one of the most popular rides in the Disneyland Park, especially when they have been there for at least a year?! And I don't think it's much to ask that a CM rides IASW or similar rides at the end of every day and checks for water bottles and that kind of thing :( Obviously I have never worked at DLP and can't really comment on what 'should' or 'must' be done, because I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. But... :(

Moving on - we arrived at Val d'Europe! We didn't have much time and we thought it'd be best to stick to what we knew, so we headed to H&M and Russ found some cheap canvas pumps which were a lot comfier, phew! We got the train back over to Marne la Vallee and had another browse around World of Disney, before heading back to the hotel room for a bit.

We left the room at about 10.15pm and got the bus over to watch our first 2013 showing of Dreams! Eek :D We didn't have the best view but it was still so magical and we both absolutely loved it. I think we both missed The Jungle Book section, but the new Brave and The Lion King segments were AMAZING, I think the Brave part is actually one of my favourites despite it not being my favourite film, I loved it :') And we are big Timon & Pumba fans so TLK was very well-received. I think it's times like this where you can really feel the Disney magic. Even though there were people smoking around me and people standing on flowerbeds etc I was able to completely ignore them on this occasion and just enjoy what was going on around me. Watching it makes me feel so proud of DLP!

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After Dreams! we walked back over to the Cheyenne and got ready for bed. Breakfast the next day was at 7.45am so we needed a good night's sleep ready for Extra Magic Hours!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: ecila on June 17, 2013, 02:28:51 PM
Really enjoying your trip report so far! I completely agree about how horrible it is to see things 'backstage' as you said. For me, one of the main reasons I love dlp so much is because you feel like you're in a different world but when the illusion of that is shattered it really upsets me haha. For instance, I refuse to go on the toy story parachute drop because I'm scared I'll be able to see over and out of the parks and it'll make me realise that I'm not in my own little world :')
 I also agree that they need to do something about the graffiti on Peter Pan's Flight, the only thing that upsets me more than the fact that they haven't fixed it is that someone chose to do it in the first place, in the queue for one of the loveliest rides :(
But it seems like you're having a lovely time anyway, can't wait to read more! :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: Aurora1 on June 17, 2013, 04:25:51 PM
Thank you for posting a TR! And you have great pictures!
One question, on the possibility of sounding stupid, where is the wishing well by the castle you mentioned? I never heard of  it!?
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 17, 2013, 05:32:41 PM
Quote from: "ecila"Really enjoying your trip report so far! I completely agree about how horrible it is to see things 'backstage' as you said. For me, one of the main reasons I love dlp so much is because you feel like you're in a different world but when the illusion of that is shattered it really upsets me haha. For instance, I refuse to go on the toy story parachute drop because I'm scared I'll be able to see over and out of the parks and it'll make me realise that I'm not in my own little world :')

 I also agree that they need to do something about the graffiti on Peter Pan's Flight, the only thing that upsets me more than the fact that they haven't fixed it is that someone chose to do it in the first place, in the queue for one of the loveliest rides :(
But it seems like you're having a lovely time anyway, can't wait to read more! :)

Yess I am exactly the same! So glad it's not just me :') That is such a good point about the parachute drop - I never went on because I'm a bit of a ride wimp but even if I wasn't I think I'd feel the same as you! Same with Panoramagique haha, anything that could take me out of the magic is a big no-no ;)

And I completely agree about Peter Pan's Flight :( I genuinely have no idea why someone would choose to do something like that, especially somewhere as magical as DLP where it's obvious how much effort has been put into everything!

Thanks so much for your reply, I love talking to other DLP fans! I'll be posting Day 3 tomorrow at some stage :')

Quote from: "Aurora1"Thank you for posting a TR! And you have great pictures!
One question, on the possibility of sounding stupid, where is the wishing well by the castle you mentioned? I never heard of  it!?

Thank you Aurora! That's lovely of you. Aw no you don't sound stupid at all, it's very easy to miss I think! It's on the right hand side of the castle as you look at it from Main Street - if you walk past the castle stage towards Fantasyland, it'll be on your left, down a little walkway :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: never2old on June 18, 2013, 04:08:43 PM
I am LOVING your TR!!! Lovely pictures and above all, a great read! I know just how you feel, lots of emotions when we go to DLP!!  :D

The graffiti in the Peter Pan queue is terrible. I have seen them cleaning it though, and it always comes back :( I remember one year we went in October and it had just been cleaned, when we went back a month later it was all covered in graffiti again  :(  It was very upsetting, why can't people show a bit of respect?!?

Looking forward to more :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: Shannon on June 18, 2013, 04:33:34 PM
Quote from: "never2old"The graffiti in the Peter Pan queue is terrible. I have seen them cleaning it though, and it always comes back :( I remember one year we went in October and it had just been cleaned, when we went back a month later it was all covered in graffiti again  :(  It was very upsetting, why can't people show a bit of respect?!?

It's good to hear that they do actually clean it - I wasn't sure if they just left it as it's been there each time I've visited :( it is so frustrating to see it in that state!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: Macchiato on June 18, 2013, 05:01:20 PM
Nice report! We stayed at the Cheyenne a week before you.  :) I think we even sat at the exact same table in the Rainforest Cafe as you.

Gosh, I hate the graffiti in the Peter Pan queue. It definitely get's cleaned though. Between September 2011 and August 2013 I went to DLP 4 times and I could swear it was different etchings and stuff every time. One time there was even no vandalism at all.  :thumbs:

I swear if I ever see someone actually doing it while standing in the queue I'll go all Queen of Hearts on them (even though I'm a guy.)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: littlebitofpixiedust on June 18, 2013, 05:54:52 PM
Loved reading your report :) and sadly I have to agree with some points especially the Peter pans flight grafetti it's ghastly! Makes me so mad that anyone would do this at Disney...? It ruins it for everyone! Sadly your always going to have some people go there and act with total disrespect for the place and other people.

We're going to go to the rainforest cafe on our next visit in September it's really nice in there we also went to inventions last time as we stayed in the hotel but even though next time were at sequioa were still going to book!
Stayed at the cheyenne many, many times but on our last visit it was a little run down and tired. I'm hoping they our going to refurb it soon as they have the Santa fe and the sequioa. I just love the theming of the Cheyenne :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: littlebitofpixiedust on June 18, 2013, 05:55:17 PM
Loved reading your report :) and sadly I have to agree with some points especially the Peter pans flight grafetti it's ghastly! Makes me so mad that anyone would do this at Disney...? It ruins it for everyone! Sadly your always going to have some people go there and act with total disrespect for the place and other people.

We're going to go to the rainforest cafe on our next visit in September it's really nice in there we also went to inventions last time as we stayed in the hotel but even though next time were at sequioa were still going to book!
Stayed at the cheyenne many, many times but on our last visit it was a little run down and tired. I'm hoping they our going to refurb it soon as they have the Santa fe and the sequioa. I just love the theming of the Cheyenne :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 18, 2013, 09:06:01 PM
Quote from: "littlebitofpixiedust"Loved reading your report :) and sadly I have to agree with some points especially the Peter pans flight grafetti it's ghastly! Makes me so mad that anyone would do this at Disney...? It ruins it for everyone! Sadly your always going to have some people go there and act with total disrespect for the place and other people.

We're going to go to the rainforest cafe on our next visit in September it's really nice in there we also went to inventions last time as we stayed in the hotel but even though next time were at sequioa were still going to book!
Stayed at the cheyenne many, many times but on our last visit it was a little run down and tired. I'm hoping they our going to refurb it soon as they have the Santa fe and the sequioa. I just love the theming of the Cheyenne :D

Thanks so much! :D I totally know what you mean, I never understand why people would want to do that to such a special place :(

Our hotel room was next to another room that was apparently undergoing a refurb - I'm not sure if that means they are refurbing all the rooms or not, but definitely a good sign I think! I hope it's all done soon so you can go back, I love the theming so much at the Cheyenne too! :')

Quote from: "Macchiato"Nice report! We stayed at the Cheyenne a week before you.  :) I think we even sat at the exact same table in the Rainforest Cafe as you.

Gosh, I hate the graffiti in the Peter Pan queue. It definitely get's cleaned though. Between September 2011 and August 2013 I went to DLP 4 times and I could swear it was different etchings and stuff every time. One time there was even no vandalism at all.  :thumbs:

I swear if I ever see someone actually doing it while standing in the queue I'll go all Queen of Hearts on them (even though I'm a guy.)

Thank you :D And no way! Definitely a popular table haha, everyone seems to be put next to the elephant :')

It's been so interesting reading everyone's comments today about the cleaning - like Shannon said, it's so good to know it does actually get cleaned off! I feel bad for DLP if they are always having to clean it off but it just comes back :( Sadly I think it's one of those things where maybe if there wasn't any there, no-one would consider doing it, but when it's already covered people just add their own? Although like we've all said...why would anyone want to do that?! :( Haha, I would definitely be the same! I get very protective of DLP and would go CRAZY if I saw anyone actually do it!

Quote from: "never2old"I am LOVING your TR!!! Lovely pictures and above all, a great read! I know just how you feel, lots of emotions when we go to DLP!!  :D

The graffiti in the Peter Pan queue is terrible. I have seen them cleaning it though, and it always comes back :( I remember one year we went in October and it had just been cleaned, when we went back a month later it was all covered in graffiti again  :(  It was very upsetting, why can't people show a bit of respect?!?

Looking forward to more :)

Thanks so much n2o! :D Definitely, it's such an emotional place isn't it, certain things I see/hear/smell when I'm there give me shivers :')

Oh wow, that's so interesting to know that it has been cleaned! What a shame that it always comes back :( I know exactly what you mean, I wish people would show a bit more respect to the resort!

Quote from: "Shannon"
Quote from: "never2old"The graffiti in the Peter Pan queue is terrible. I have seen them cleaning it though, and it always comes back :( I remember one year we went in October and it had just been cleaned, when we went back a month later it was all covered in graffiti again  :(  It was very upsetting, why can't people show a bit of respect?!?

It's good to hear that they do actually clean it - I wasn't sure if they just left it as it's been there each time I've visited :( it is so frustrating to see it in that state!

I am so glad to know they do clean it! :') I thought the exact same, I just thought it was something they'd given up on, it's good to know they at least try to keep it looking clean :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 2 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 18, 2013, 10:05:18 PM
Onto Day 3!

(Before I start, I just want to say sorry for any photos that come up as 'Image' instead of an actual photo - Photobucket keeps doing it for some reason, but if I just wait a few hours they are fine?!)

We had a nice early morning on Wednesday - a 7.45am breakfast! For some reason we both couldn't sleep at all (we got too hot with the window shut but with it open we got woken up by people going past and just slept really lightly - not sure why because we've slept really well on other occasions!) so we woke up feeling exhausted and not as rested as we'd have wanted for our day in the parks. But still, when you're somewhere as magical as DLP, the second you're actually up and about, you get the energy from somewhere :D

I have a feeling we did Star Tours first thing, but as we didn't take any photos I can't remember exactly, whoops! I am 80% sure that we did Buzz and Star Tours, though!

After that, we walked over to the Galerie in the Chateau, which is one of our favourite places in the park. On the way over we had a look in some of the shops and popped back again after. I really love these two stores, and the dragon of course! Sleeping Beauty is a really special film to me and I adore the soundtrack, so hearing songs like A Cottage In The Woods and Magical House Cleaning made me so happy!

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There didn't seem to be a huge amount of Christmas decorations this year - lots of glittery and feathery ones but no 'classic' sort of ones like Mickey and Minnie, so in the end I didn't buy anything, but Russ got me some lovely Mickey and the gang baubles for Christmas last year so I'm excited to use those this Christmas :')

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I love the dragon! I especially love that we are the only Disney park to have one, it makes me very proud. There are always children looking at the dragon a little anxiously as if they're not sure whether he's real or not, and obviously I'd never want children to be frightened but I do think that there's something very special and exciting about the possibility that he could be, and I think that means they did an amazing job with the animatronics :')

We came out and had a little look around Fantasyland:

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After that I'm fairly sure we had another go on IASW, another of our favourites :') It was never more than a 5-minute wait while we were there which meant we were on it all the time! The clock ticking noise that plays outside is one of my favourite noises in the whole world  :oops:

We had planned to go to Plaza Gardens for lunch but as it was only 12.30ish we decided to head over to the Studios and explore there. We're not huge on the Studios so never spend a lot of time there but they're still fun to visit and I think the shops are lovely! After an hour or so in the Studios, we worked our way over to Plaza Gardens and asked for a table for 2.

We really liked it here :) It's expensive and the food isn't amaaaaazing in the same way as Walt's or somewhere, but it was very nice and for the amount you're getting it's definitely worth the money, especially if you're looking for somewhere to fill up! I would definitely recommend it, but I'd suggest making sure you go when you are REALLY hungry, so you can make the most of all the food ;)

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Hidden Mickey in Plaza Gardens! ;) I was on the lookout for these all holiday, I wish I'd taken more photos of them! I love the one made of the barrels in POTC.

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Where else in the world would you see such beautiful signs for a toilet?! :') After Plaza Gardens we were feeling very full and sluggish so we walked to Discovery Arcade for a rest:

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Hi again Mickey :D

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I really do love the arcades. I think they often get overlooked, because people take the Main Street route, or just use the arcades as a way to get somewhere quicker or as a shelter from the rain, but I think they are both so beautiful! They just always look so classy and perfect, and I also think they smell really nice! Not sure if that's just me haha  :lol:

Time for another trip on IASW and then POTC...

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I really didn't take many photos of Adventureland this year which I regret! We spent a lot of time exploring but not much time photographing, maybe because we took so many last year? I'm not sure, but I'll definitely take more next time :)

We walked back over to Main Street and heard the familiar "Maaaagiiic....maaaaaaagiiiic!". EEK :D No matter how many times this played per day I could never get bored of it, we always found ourselves running over to see the train!

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Mickey spotted my Mickey tee and pointed at it, then did this! How cute :D That was one of my favourite parts of the holiday, I always feel so included by the characters. I often expect them to ignore me because I'm not with children but they are so lovely and always wave or point which makes my day. The first day we were there this year, we saw the train go past and Minnie waved at me and I burst into tears, haha :')

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At this point I started to feel really unwell with stomach pains and cramps :( We went back to the hotel room for a bit, got showered and watched a bit of Disney Channel and Top 10 Things To Know Before You Go (you can't stay in a Disney hotel and not watch that, Sophie from the English-speaking version is a vital part of our holiday, haha!). I have got to admit that I really enjoyed watching the Disney Channel shows when we were at DLP. I know everyone says they're terrible and not a patch on the old Disney Channel shows, which is probably true, but if you're like me and don't have Disney Channel at home, it's nice to make the most of it while you can :') By the time we came home, we were well versed in Jessie, Good Luck Charlie and Austin & Ally, haha ;)

We headed back out later for the parade! I was still feeling rough and couldn't work out why :( Sadly this continued right through til Sunday (two days after we got home!) - we're still not sure what caused it but seeing as it started after Plaza Gardens, I would guess I ate something cold that had got hot, or something hot that had got cold or been left out for too long. Then I suppose because you're eating constant junk food on top of a poorly stomach, it doesn't really have chance to get better! :(

(Sorry about the quality of these - we both took them on our phones, and the zooms don't work too well!)

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We both loved the parade again. I think like Dreams!, the train, and the meet 'n' greets, the parade has so much Disney magic in it that no-one could fail to enjoy it :')

After this it was about 7.30ish I think, so we decided it was time to grab some food. I really wasn't feeling hungry thanks to my stomach but decided it was silly to eat nothing at all, so I had a plain salad and some fruit from the Market House Deli and Russ had the Croque Monsieur. After Plaza Gardens he wasn't too hungry either so it worked out quite well, and it was lovely and quiet at the Deli so we had a great time :)

We decided to go back to the hotel room and try and get an early night after our bad night's sleep on Tuesday, and to try and help my tummy. We always take card games with us when we go to DLP (Disney-themed, of course ;) ) which makes us both laugh cos I don't think we would ever play cards with anyone else but put us together and we are card/board game enthusiasts, haha ;) So we had a quick game of Toy Story cards and then played a new Happy Families game we'd bought in the Hotel Cheyenne store, which has become our new favourite! A bit more Disney Channel and we were ready for bed  :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: never2old on June 19, 2013, 08:53:18 AM
Sorry to hear about your stomach aches, it's terrible feeling ill when you're in Disneyland :(

Another great read with excellent pictures, I particularly like all the little details!!

I think my favourite bit of visiting the Castle is listening to the beautiful music!! (in fact when I listen to the film's soundtrack, I always picture the Castle, not the film!!) Oh, and I love the tick tock tick tock outside IASW!! :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 19, 2013, 06:03:17 PM
Quote from: "never2old"Sorry to hear about your stomach aches, it's terrible feeling ill when you're in Disneyland :(

Another great read with excellent pictures, I particularly like all the little details!!

I think my favourite bit of visiting the Castle is listening to the beautiful music!! (in fact when I listen to the film's soundtrack, I always picture the Castle, not the film!!) Oh, and I love the tick tock tick tock outside IASW!! :D

It is :( I hardly ever get ill which is very lucky I suppose, but then to get ill in Disneyland of all places was a bit sad!

I completely agree about the castle - I am the same now when I watch Sleeping Beauty! Definitely one of my favourite soundtracks, and even more so thanks to DLP :D Thanks so much for your lovely comments :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: BlackPearl on June 19, 2013, 09:20:22 PM
Thanks for sharing this great report and the beautiful pictures  =D>
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 19, 2013, 09:50:28 PM
Quote from: "BlackPearl"Thanks for sharing this great report and the beautiful pictures  =D>

Thanks so much BlackPearl! Glad you're enjoying it :D Will hopefully be able to get Day 4 up tonight or tomorrow AM!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 19, 2013, 11:04:50 PM
Onto Day 4!

It felt very odd but very good waking up on Thursday and knowing we didn't have to leave later on - we have always done Monday to Thursday in the past, but when we saw the extra night's deal when we booked, we decided to go for Monday to Friday :)

An 8am breakfast today, but we were up early and made sure we were there for 7.45am. I always feel a little guilty for turning up to breakfast a bit early or a bit late, but the CMs are always really nice about it and never seem to bat an eyelid, whether you are 30 mins early or an hour late! I guess they are used to working around families who have children to get ready and can't always guarantee to be on time, so I always take the time on the breakfast card as more of a guideline (like Barbossa and his code ;) ).

Before breakfast, here's a quick look at some of the merch I'd bought up til now:

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I fell in love with so many pins while we were there! The new attraction-themed ones are so beautiful. Russ loves the dragon so he had the La Taniere du Dragon pin, too :D

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Then off to breakfast!

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We'd got all ready and were good to go, so as soon as we finished our breakfast we headed over to the Disneyland Park. Eek! We knew we probably wouldn't be able to make much use of the EMH on Friday because of packing and checking out, so we wanted to get lots done in these two hours.

First stop - Peter Pan's Flight! Like I mentioned earlier, the graffiti in the queue area for this ride really made us sad :( But I am glad to know it is cleaned regularly - it's such a shame it keeps being redone! Especially on such a beautiful ride. Russ wasn't too keen on PPF last time, but when we came off this time around he said he'd really enjoyed it, hooray! :') The bit where you fly over London makes me get tears in my eyes every time. It was a bit faster than I remembered but not in a bad way! Russ hasn't seen Peter Pan (or at least not for a long time) so we agreed we will watch it together soon so the ride will make a bit more sense for him :)

Feeling happy from PPF, we ran over to Discoveryland and saw that Buzz was a 5 minute wait! However, when we walked in there wasn't a wait AT ALL and we were seated instantly. Don't you love when that happens? :') Before this trip I would have counted Buzz in my top 5 rides but wouldn't have necessarily classed it as a favourite, but this time it definitely became a favourite of mine. The part at the end where the aliens say "Yes, we will return Zurg to the store...he is a bad toy!" always makes me laugh so much, and I just love the whole ride - the music, the concept...everything! Russ loves it too as he often likes the rides where you can do a bit more and aren't just sitting down (e.g. the teacups) so it was perfect for us. I am so excited to go on Buzz again next year, I don't think I could ever get bored of it!

Time for a look around Constellations:

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I can never get enough of this store, either. The lighting and theming are amazing and it's got such a lovely feel to it. Definitely a favourite of mine :D

Over to Fantasyland, where we spotted Pascal and had a little look around.

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We paused at IASW for a couple of photos, but decided that the queue is always so short there that it would make more sense to get some slower-loading rides done first and return to IASW later in the day, or at least after we'd got some others done first. So over to the carrousel! It said it was a 5-minute wait and again, we were right on. We chose two horses next to each other which apparently were children's-size rather than the adult ones but they still felt pretty high up to me! What a wimp ;) The music they play on the carrousel is lovely and we did really enjoy it for the experience (I'd not been on since I was 6 and Russ had never been on, I don't think) but it was a little slow and didn't really have enough to it for us to be desperate to go back on. But still - definitely a perfect ride for younger ones, and we were still really glad we'd given it a go :)

Another go on the teacups...

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We popped back over to IASW before checking the time and realising it was 9.55am. We decided we'd like to go on Phantom Manor again so headed over to Frontierland ready for the rope drop. It was already very busy there, but when the rope dropped we walked straight in and were some of the first people into Phantom Manor that day!

There were some girls on a school trip (I presume) who were being really silly and kept screaming really loudly in the stretching room, which got on my nerves  :evil: Then when we were actually in the doom buggies, they kept holding their cameras out and taking photos of themselves (with the flash on!) which was just too much, haha. They even used the mirrors at the end to take some more selfies, by which point I was ready to scream ;) We had fun but sadly they definitely ruined the magic for me a little on that particular go. Still no Phantom at the end appearing over the doom buggies - does anyone know why? We've not seen him since our trip in 2011 now, he is sorely missed!

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We were glad we'd got so much done in the morning, because it started to rain quite heavily after PM and didn't really stop for most of the day! Obviously this meant big queues for the sheltered rides and we weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves. Russ checked our list (we always make a list of things we'd like to look at/go on/do before DLP) and pointed out that we still hadn't taken our annual Disneyland Hotel tour! So over to the pink hotel we went :D

I dream of one day staying here, I really do. As soon as you walk in it's just so lovely and relaxing :') Having said that, EVERY time we go we end up walking around the corridors searching for something and wind up lost, I would really struggle staying here in that respect because I would have no idea how to find the spa (we've tried three times!) ;)

We popped into Galerie Mickey but it was a lot busier than when we went last year and didn't have much different stuff in terms of merch so we didn't hang around for too long. How are you guys feeling about the merch situation these days? I was pleased to see the Phantom Manor tees in Frontierland and Disney Village, and there were a few plushes that weren't so widely available (e.g. Pumbaa in Adventureland and Disney Village only) but as a general rule I still do find that you could visit one shop and have pretty much seen everything, which is a shame :( I never understand why DLP do that, because surely if you have different things in each store, guests are more likely to visit more stores, and therefore will spend more money?! But maybe that's just me, I'm sure they have their reasons for doing things the way they do! I did find a really nice sweatshirt which was only available in one shop in Frontierland, which was a surprise :')

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Don't you think they always have such beautiful window displays in DLP? I swear I spend more time fawning over the visual merchandising than anything else!

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We came out of the Disneyland Hotel and it was still raining :( It was about 12.30 by this point so we walked over to Hakuna Matata and had some lunch. We both love it there, those chicken strips and spicy fries are amazing! We sat in the Pumbaa section in a quiet little side room and it was a lot of fun, I love how they play the music from the film in the restaurant. For some reason one of the songs always makes me really sad, you know the one from when Mufasa appears in the clouds?! I don't even know if it's because I know which part of the film it's from or whether it just makes me sad for no real reason? So I kept hoping we'd finish our meal before that one came on, haha  :oops:

We had a quick look around some of the Disney Village shops after lunch, as we'd not spent much time in them apart from WoD, and then after that we headed back to the hotel room as we both had really achey feet and there wasn't much we could do while it was tipping it down with rain. We both had a shower and took a few photos of the room :)

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After that we walked back to the parks (the rain had finally stopped!) and returned to Adventureland for Pirates! I really couldn't get enough of POTC this trip, we only went on it once last year because it was closed a few times when we went over to ride it, and I really regretted not spending more time on it, so I wanted to make the most of it while we could!

We went back to Disney Village for some more shopping and then had some food at Annette's (Russ's favourite!) which was yummy as always:

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After that, we had a quick look around the Disney Gallery!

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It was nice to see all the snowglobes and collectables that had come in since last year. I don't know about you, but I always enjoy seeing new merchandise at DLP, especially when I've not come across it before. I have a love/hate relationship with the Disneyland Paris Twitter pages, because part of me loves to keep up with the latest news on DLP and see which merch is coming into the parks, etc. But part of me really misses the days where you didn't have access to that sort of thing and would only see it when you actually went to DLP! For instance the new 2013 range - it wasn't a surprise for me because I'd already seen it all online. In a way I love the fact that I can stay up to date, but I do miss appreciating the new merchandise in the stores  :oops:

We went back to the hotel room to get some packing done...sigh :( 5 days in DLP and the time still went as fast as ever! We got our packing over and done with fairly quickly, had another look around the Hotel Cheyenne store, and played another game of Happy Families ;) After that, it was time to walk back to the Disneyland Park, for Disney Dreams!

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We've always been fairly far back for Dreams!, so I was eager to find a spot at the front and see the show from a different angle.  We made our way to the front and were literally one person back from the rope! I really enjoyed the show again, but having seen it from a distance and from the front now, I would definitely recommend to be at least a few rows back - if you're too close to the front, it's great to see little details you miss from a distance, but you don't quite get the whole experience, a little like sitting on the front row in a cinema!

There was a family in front of us and the dad put the little boy on his shoulders which really infuriated me! His son genuinely had one of THE best views of any child in the park - not one person in front of him - and yet he still did that?! Grr! His mum kept moving over to talk to them, then moving back, then moving over again, then back, so me and Russ did a LOT of moving around too in order to make sure we could see. Still a magical experience, but definitely not so magical this time around, which was such a shame seeing as that may be the last time we ever see Dreams! :( Oh well. Fingers crossed it will continue after September (pleeeease!  [-o< )

After that we walked back to the hotel. I was a little sad on our way out because of what had happened while we were watching Dreams! :( I think that, plus feeling poorly, plus knowing we had to leave tomorrow, had got me down a little. But still! Our flight on Friday wasn't til 8.45pm so we still had almost a full day to make the most of  :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 3 Adde
Post by: Shannon on June 19, 2013, 11:22:33 PM
I'm really enjoying your report and I'm looking forwards to the last day! I'd really like to explore the Disneyland Hotel next time as I've only been in the lobby :(
No one can get enough of PoTC - on our last trip it was my sister's first time and she adored it, so we ended up going on it 10 times I think! :) It never gets old!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 4 Adde
Post by: never2old on June 20, 2013, 01:45:42 PM
If I remember it rightly, when you're in the first floor of the DLH, coming from the reception side you continue walking past the shop, past the restaurants, keep going and keep going straight, until you get to another lift at the end, then it's one floor down for the pool and spa....

Another great day!! Buzz is one of our top rides, it's usually on the top of our list during EMH because we love being able to go on it a few times without any queuing...

Lovely pictures once more :D

I too am feeling sad that your trip is coming to an end...
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *Day 4 Adde
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 22, 2013, 07:22:43 PM
Onto Day 5...waa :(

We'd done most of our packing the night before to avoid any morning rushes today! Our wake-up call from Mickey ("Have a great day!" I miss that so much) was set for 7.15am and breakfast was at 8am. We decided to head over to breakfast at 8am and pop back to the room after, just so we weren't too worried about being hurried and forgetting something. Plus it's nice to say a proper goodbye to the room and that sort of thing  :oops:

Our final breakfast in the Cheyenne:

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I can't tell you how hungry looking at that photo makes me, I would eat this breakfast at any time of day! SO yummy :D

We went back to our hotel block, ready to check out :( But first, some last-minute photos of the room and some last-minute enjoyment of The Top 10 Things To Know Before You Go!

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Bye bye room  :cry: This is always a very sad moment for me, as it feels like the beginning of the end of our holiday! We took our suitcase over to the luggage area and dropped it off, before getting the bus to the parks for our last day of magic.

First stop (we'd missed EMH by this point) was Alice's Curious Labyrinth!

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We had a lot of fun looking around, and I am a big fan of the animated film so I absolutely loved it in general, but we were sad to see how tired it was all looking. The paint on the little kerbs was all peeling off and a lot of it looked like it could do with a refurb. Hopefully soon!

After that, over to Discoveryland for a final trip on Buzz :D

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Like I said before, I really can't get enough of Buzz. SUCH a fun ride, and definitely one of the ones I miss the most since coming home. I have a feeling that after that we dropped over to IASW but I really should've written all this down because sometimes when you get home it does start to blur a little!

Following that, we walked over to Casey Jr, just to see if it was open and what the queue was like, if so. I don't think I have ever been on Casey (unless I just don't remember it?) and the one day it was open last year, the queue was 50 minutes, so we didn't get chance. We walked over this year and saw...5 minutes! EEK :D In the end, it was even less than 5 - we were more or less straight on.

We both really enjoyed it, and loved how his song plays while you're going round. It was also really nice to see everything from Le Pays des Contes de Fees from a different angle, and it made me so happy how when Casey went past people on the boats, we all waved at each other. Brought a tear to my eye  :oops:  I love how cute people are to each other at Disneyland, if I was back home and waved to someone from a train window they would just look at me weirdly, but in DLP it's just completely acceptable and I love it :')

I was still feeling pretty unwell but was desperate for a donut for some reason. You know how before you go to DLP, you spend SO long poring over all the photos of the amazing food and snacks and think "I'm gonna get one of them", "Ooh they look nice, I'll definitely try one of those!" but when you're actually there you're constantly so full you don't quite appreciate the food you're eating? I always regret that when I come home, and I had been obsessing over the Cable Car donuts for quite some time so I knew this was my last chance to try one ;) CCB was shut but the cart outside The Gibson Girl was open so I got a donut and Russ had a cookie :D

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Frontierland was our next stop, to buy a sweater I'd seen and loved but had been unsure about because of the price. I decided to get it - I hardly ever buy clothes during the year because I'm so focused on saving for DLP so I thought it was nice to treat myself, and I knew I'd regret it if I didn't get it!

Heading over to Fantasyland, we had one last turn on the teacups and then spent some time exploring all the shops we hadn't been into. After that we walked over to Discoveryland and had some lunch in Hyperion. I still really wasn't feeling well, and after lunch I felt even worse :(

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We made our way over to the Studios, as we'd not spent much time there. I'm really not a big WDS fan; I always find that I get such a feeling of magic and wonder when I'm in the Disneyland Park, whereas in WDS I don't feel that at all. That, added to my and Russ's dislike of 'thrill' rides, means we don't have too much reason to visit WDS. However, we will make an exception for some things ;) Like Stitch Live, for example!

We got to Stitch and the wait time was 20 minutes for the next English show. Hooray! We had a little walk around exploring and then had a sit, as Russ's feet were still hurting and my stomach wasn't much better.

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Stitch Live is so sweet, it really does make me laugh. As an adult you're sort-of aware of how it's done (although I'm still not 100% sure!) but I think if I'd seen that when I was a kid, I'd have absolutely loved it, and not even tried to work out how it was done because it would've just been real to me. Definite Disney magic :')

Time for some photos of the Disneyland Hotel! It had turned into a really nice day by this point, which was lovely. Although we'd had fairly good weather (only one day of rain), the sky had been incredibly cloudy every day. It wasn't really a problem for us (I'd rather clouds than rain!) but obviously it doesn't make for very nice photos, so we were glad of a blue sky:

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Something that had been on my DLP To-Do List for a while was the Descent of the Stairs! So 4pm Friday had been something we were both excited about. We made our way over to the Disneyland Hotel and stood amongst about 30 other people, waiting for the characters to come down the stairs. It started bang on 4pm - Magic Everywhere began playing, and out came Pinocchio! He was soon followed by Tigger, then Goofy and Eeyore, and finally Mickey & Minnie!

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I thought the Descent was so sweet. I really liked how it was a mixture of characters and it was such a lovely environment. Plus, because there are so few people there for it, it does make it a lot easier to meet Mickey/Minnie or anyone else who is there. I guess you don't get the guarantee of who will be out that day, but I think that's part of the fun!

Time for some much-needed Disneyland Hotel photos:

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After that, we knew it was time to think about getting the bus back over to the Cheyenne to begin the trip home :( We said goodbye to the parks (between my tears) and slowly started to walk out of Fantasia Gardens, past Disney Village and over to the bus stops.

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It was such a lovely warm day by now and we still had a bit of time to spare, so we went for one last walk around the Cheyenne.

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We collected our suitcase and sat outside the reception waiting for the VEA shuttle to arrive  :cry: It was right on time, so we loaded our luggage on and sat down ready to leave. We always wave at the Cheyenne when we drive off and this time it made me extra sad, I can never believe another year at DLP is over already!

We had a really easy check-in at CDG for the flight home and arrived back at BHX at about 9.10pm, where Russ's dad picked us up :) It felt very odd being back - I always go to say "Bonjour!" to people and then realise I don't need to anymore!

All in all, a magical time at Disneyland Paris :') I definitely had some worries/issues with the resort this time around, which I've told them about in the post-visit questionnaire they sometimes send you. I do think that there are certain things that really let DLP down, e.g. the graffiti in Peter Pan's Flight. I think even though lots of people refer to it as a 'theme park', it's actually a lot more than that, and people go there every year relying on it to bring them that safe, magical, perfect world that they can't get anywhere else. I genuinely think of DLP as my Neverland, and when I hear "Think of all the joy you'll find, when you leave the world behind, and bid your cares goodbye" in Dreams!, I can't help but tear up because that IS Disneyland to me, it's somewhere I can leave my troubles behind and somewhere I can forget about the real world and the fact that bad things happen, you know? I just know that DLP makes me feel that way every time I visit, yet this time there were a couple of things that brought me out of the magic and out of that bubble, and I really wish there wasn't anything like that.

That said, we did enjoy ourselves SO much. My turns on POTC were the best I've ever had, we did more than we've ever done before and ticked so much off our list, every ride we went on was completely magical and I am so excited to go back I can't even tell you. I have been home for eight days and it feels like eight months!  :oops:

I got some photos developed the other day, so I thought I'd sum up this report with some of those, and a couple of photos of what we bought :D Thanks so much to everyone who read this, I hope you enjoyed it! See you next year  :ears:

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Thank you for reading :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: ecila on June 22, 2013, 09:45:20 PM
I loved reading your report, so sad it's come to an end! :( Looks like you had a really lovely time and it's made me so excited to go back in a few months! I can relate to how you feel about the lyrics in Dreams, when The Second Star to the Right plays in the finale I get  so emotional, especially where it says "Each time we say Goodnight", this made me so upset on the last night we saw Dreams cos it was like we were saying goodnight to our last night in Disney if that makes sense :') It was so nice reading your report and agreeing to pretty much all of your opinions on things haha :')
Also, I really like your developed photos, they've got a really nice vintage-y feel to them :D Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: norhel on June 23, 2013, 07:08:58 AM
Nice report :)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: tubbsy on June 23, 2013, 08:17:03 AM
Lovely report. It has got me excited for my trip
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: Aurora1 on June 23, 2013, 11:25:58 AM
thank you for posting your TR! Very intersting to read! I can`t wait to go!!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: BlackPearl on June 23, 2013, 10:13:09 PM
I really enjoyed reading your trip report.  =D>
I know the feeling you decribed: when in Disneyland it's like being in a sort of Neverland.
You can shut out the real world for some days. And that's what I like so much about it.
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on June 24, 2013, 09:59:46 AM
Quote from: "ecila"I loved reading your report, so sad it's come to an end! :( Looks like you had a really lovely time and it's made me so excited to go back in a few months! I can relate to how you feel about the lyrics in Dreams, when The Second Star to the Right plays in the finale I get  so emotional, especially where it says "Each time we say Goodnight", this made me so upset on the last night we saw Dreams cos it was like we were saying goodnight to our last night in Disney if that makes sense :') It was so nice reading your report and agreeing to pretty much all of your opinions on things haha :')
Also, I really like your developed photos, they've got a really nice vintage-y feel to them :D Thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much :') I'm so sad too, I loved writing it - it felt a little bit like I was still there in a way haha  :oops: I'm so excited for you! Where will you be staying? Awww I completely understand, I love that bit of Dreams too! I always wave back when Peter waves haha :') Thank you! I really like the developed photos too, we always try and take a disposable camera or two with us, I think they remind me of the photos from when I was younger at DLP so it makes me happy :D  

Quote from: "norhel"Nice report :)

Thanks Norhel!  :thumbs:

Quote from: "tubbsy"Lovely report. It has got me excited for my trip

Thank you! I'm so glad it's got you excited for your trip, looking forward to your report  :D

Quote from: "Aurora1"thank you for posting your TR! Very intersting to read! I can`t wait to go!!

Thanks Aurora1! Glad you enjoyed it and that you get to go back soon :')

Quote from: "BlackPearl"I really enjoyed reading your trip report.  =D>
I know the feeling you decribed: when in Disneyland it's like being in a sort of Neverland.
You can shut out the real world for some days. And that's what I like so much about it.

Thanks so much :) I'm so happy you guys know what I mean, it's like being in a completely different world! Nowhere else would you get to be a pirate and a space ranger and a cowboy and a princess all in one day, you know? :') I miss it so much!

For anyone who has/uses Tumblr - my blog is www.ilovedisneylandparis.tumblr.com (http://www.ilovedisneylandparis.tumblr.com"%20target="_blank"%20rel="nofollow) and I update every day with photos, area music, that sort of thing from DLP :) So might see you on there! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it :D
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: ecila on June 24, 2013, 12:09:15 PM
Quote from: "geekyjo"Thanks so much :') I'm so sad too, I loved writing it - it felt a little bit like I was still there in a way haha  :oops: I'm so excited for you! Where will you be staying? Awww I completely understand, I love that bit of Dreams too! I always wave back when Peter waves haha :') Thank you! I really like the developed photos too, we always try and take a disposable camera or two with us, I think they remind me of the photos from when I was younger at DLP so it makes me happy :D

Aww yeah thats the nice thing about writing trip reports I guess haha :) We're staying at the Santa Fe this year, I really wanted to try the Cheyenne but I wasn't sure if you could get a room with two double beds rather than one with bunkbeds?  :? Since there's 4 of us sharing a room, but I love bunkbeds so I wouldn't have minded probably haha :') Ahhhh I love that bit, I remember the first time I saw it and I was like ahh!!! :') Yeah that's so true, I have loads of blurry photos of the 10th anniversary parade that I took when I was about 7 :') I love your blog by the way! I might have to make a tumblr account just so I can follow it  :lol:
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: mickeymouse on August 12, 2013, 12:44:43 PM
Thanks for your honest report and images, what a pleasure to read!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: Ravenseye on August 12, 2013, 06:05:20 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! for such a fantasic report.  :thumbs:
I'm sooo glad i'm not the only adult that cries upon entering the Park (and during my visit!) and also upon leaving to go home  :cry: I totally understand why you get so emotional about the place I also call 'home'.
Your photos made me even more excited for our upcoming trip.
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: missoverexcited on August 21, 2013, 04:49:50 PM
Loved your report! When I read the part about your emotions when you first enter the park I thought "Yes!!!" That's just how I feel - though I've not actually been to DLP yet, just WDW. I'm so excited to see it all!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: mickeymouse on August 21, 2013, 05:33:33 PM
Lovely report, many thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: Fluffymilly on August 22, 2013, 12:40:09 AM
well done! lovely report. Maybe I'll be brave enough to try and write a report this time (only 77 days to wait!)
Title: Re: TRIP REPORT - Hotel Cheyenne, 10th-14th June *COMPLETE!*
Post by: ilovedisneylandparis on September 06, 2013, 03:30:11 PM
Thanks so much for your replies, guys! Sorry my response is so late, I haven't been on here for a while...makes me too homesick for Disneyland in a way :$ Thank you so much to everyone who read my report and enjoyed it!